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Bulanon, Jan Ralph P.

BSA 1-23

Epitome of Good Life

21st century, human home of complex life, modernization and technology. The world is
changing and people surpass different history, experiences, and past that forge them on
becoming who they are today. Living is easy but to live with good life is something you
need to train. According to Socrates the ethics of life can achieve if you are aware of
these three; know thyself, virtue is knowledge, and virtue is happiness.
Knowing oneself completely, conscious and unconscious makes power, self control and
success. According to Socrates man faces difficulties because he does not knew
himself-limitation, abilities, motives and all of personalities. He must be aware not only
of his society but of his self. Virtue is Knowledge; according to Socrates that anyone
who knew the right will do so because he believes that those who commit wrong deeds
were ignorant. Not only virtue is knowledge but also happiness because if a man did the
right thing which is doing for his own good will result to happiness.
Today as I say people are living in a complex life where in there are troubles and issues
that needs solution. Society grows faster and we are know globally in nature where as
individuals must cope up with change. Socrates ethics of life is your first step to live
without having troubles. But not only that because human is not living with himself only
but rather living with his friends, foes and other individuals. No man is an island is a
great quote really because man needs each other to fulfill certain mission in life.
According to Josiah Royce loyalty is the greatest good of life, man must epitomize
loyalty. Loyalty definition of Royce is the willing and practical through going devotion of
a person to a cause, even though the cause is evil individual must not cut their loyalty.

Bulanon, Jan Ralph P.

BSA 1-23

People value friendship just like how they give importance to family. Being loyal to them
is something necessity for us, even if their doings is wrong we are still loyal to the cause
and that is the spirit of loyalty which is good. The loyalty to loyalty is something we must
not give up for it is the greatest good of life. Imagine if all people are loyal to each and
everyone maybe the word betray would never exist.
In the timeline of human existence there is only one thing constant, it is the Supreme
Being God. People tend to live with higher being guiding their life to what we call the
good life. This belief to God is something similar to the naturalistic principle of Friedrich
Nietzschie the Superman. For me it is true that God guided us to be good and moral.
He is neither a human nor contingent. God is a supreme non- contingent being who
serve as our shepherd to the right path. But it is not necessary to offer all yourself to the
Supreme Being because it can cause slavery blind of your own fate.
What is really a good life? For me a good life is gestalt wherein it is sum of the parts. I
believe that good life can achieve not only by a single blow but with full effort. Even
though human is morally good in nature, Individual tend to oppose the goodness in
himself. Good life for me is not just helping marginalize people, saving someones life or
doing heroic act but it is doing all those things with willingness in you. No man is living
fully with good life for he has flaws and wrong doings but every man can have a good
life because I believe that if someone has faith with god, not forced by nature and acting
for the greater good, the whole that is the good life.

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