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Mosab ben ummir

Mosab ben ummir (RA) was a companion of Mohammed (PBUH) who

excepted Islam in the earlier days in mica (Almokaramah) when he
was still in his teens. He was the wealthiest home in mica a young
boy they say when you look at him you would be able to see from
his face that hes from a very wealthy background and if had to
shake his hand that it was so soft that defiantly came from the
luxury living. At the same he could smalt before hes seen. If smell
the sent you would that Mosab (RA) is around the corner. This was
man whos his parents loved dearly. He was who wears the best
clothing of Quraysh of his age group of Quraysh. So when he heard
about the message that Mohammed (PBUH) came with so he
decided to lesson to know what that message all about and he
found that this message was something unique. One night he
decided to go tip toeing to al arqam ibn al arqam (RA) so they
welcomed him in the sahaba and Mohammed were happy (PBUH). So
the rasool (PBUH) didnt cut his speech and at evening the topic was
about jhanm and the hell fire and he also heard some verses that
touched his hart and declared his shahada in the al araqam ibn al
araqam (RA). So Mosab (RA) learned so much so he became a
person who knew about Quran more than anyone else. One of the
nights Othman ibn talha saw Mosab (RA) going to the house al
arquam ibn al arquam more than once. Othman also noticed Mosab
praying different than what Quraysh use to pray like. So Othman
went to Mosabs mum and said You know what your son is now
following Mohammed (PBUH). So Mosabs mum knew that Mosab is
now Muslim. She took all his wealth, warped him with chain and
mistreated him at the point that some people of Quraysh use to
toucher him too. So when the Muslims went for ahad war he was the
flag holder. So one of the omshrekine decapitated his right hand so
he held it with left hand and the same thing to the other hand so he
held it with his neck and shoulder than they chop his head off and
he went as shahid.

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