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Higher Education

Midterms Exam

English 2

NAME: ____________________________________
YEAR & COURSE: __________________________



Multiple Choice Test

Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number.

1. When does the writing process begin?

a. The night before the assignment is due
b. When you begin writing
c. The minute you get a writing assignment
d. The day before the assignment is due
2. The writing process involves the mental and physical activities from
choosing a subject to
a. Writing an outline
b. Thinking about the subject
c. Turning in a final draft
d. Writing a rough draft
3. Which of the following is not a part of prewriting?
a. Checking for errors in spelling
b. Expanding the best ideas
c.. Writing a first draft
d. Organizing your thoughts
4. Rethinking your content and organization are done in what stage?
a. Writing
b. Revising
c. Prewriting
d. Editing
5. Main ideas should be supported with?
a. a rough draft
b. words
c. details and examples
d. examples only

6. Which of the following is not checked in the editing phase of the writing
a. spelling
b. pagination
c. grammar
d. word choice
7. Which of the following is considered in the editing phase of the writing
a. audience
b. purpose
c. adding details
d. organizing ideas
8. Writing is actually a ________ process.
a. straight line
b. cyclical
c. lockstep
d. none of the above
9. What are the two parts of prewriting?
a. expanding ideas and adding examples
b. organizing thoughts and writing a first draft
c. checking grammar and adding details
d. thinking and planning

10. Which of the following is not a part of the writing stage of the writing
a. developing
b. writing the topic sentence
c. checking mechanics
d. drafting


Identify the Authors Purpose suggested by each of the following paragraphs.

Write P for Persuade, I for Inform, and E for Entertain

11.Jim was unable to get to sleep. When he went to bed he cried. Tomorrow is
his birthday party and it is going to be ruined. How can we go sledding with
no snow? The next morning, when Jim got out of bed and ran to the window,
he shouted with glee, "The snow has fallen and we can go sledding!" Jim was
happy because now he can have his birthday sledding party.
12.Everyone should have a pet. Pets are very loving and affectionate. They help
children learn responsibility. Pets give you unconditional love. Having a pet
is a wonderful experience.
13.There are three lights on a traffic light. The top light is red and that means
stop. The middle light is yellow and that means caution. The bottom light is
green and that means go.
14.If you want to become a better reader you need to read often. Research
supports that children need to read frequently to be able to read fluently and
to be able read high frequency words. All students will benefit by reading at
least 20 - 30 minutes per day. Make it a point and read more often!
15.In naval aviation, the AWACS (Airborne Early Warning Command and Control
System) plane, or Hawkeye, serves as an air traffic controller, monitoring the
airspace around a carrier fleet. It is responsible for surveillance of enemy
aircraft and ships as well as directing helicopters to survivors and guarding
against air collisions. In addition to servicing the Navy, Hawkeye planes have
been used in rescue operations of civilians during hurricane evacuations.
16.There once was a writer named Fitzgerald
On the rich and famous he'd herald.
When the story was told
Poor Gatsby, though bold,
Lost his dear Daisy, though well-appareled.
17.If teachers would learn to recognize students' learning styles, they could
tailor their teaching strategies to accommodate those in their classes.
Although most people in the Western culture are visual, most lectures are
geared toward the auditory learner. A good teacher should take note and
provide pictures, graphs, and diagrams to enhance the lecture. Also, although
some people actively process information well in groups, reflective learners
need time to ponder new material. Instructors should provide collaborative
opportunities from time to time and also recognize that some students need
guidance and encouragement when working in groups.
18.If you are interested in sharing your ideas with like-minded people who can
comment on your writing, you may want to try blogging. Blogging is short
for "Web logging," logging on to a Web site where you can upload your
writing and ask other "bloggers" to post their comments.
19.Joe had been fishing for over two hours without a single bite. Suddenly there
was a nibble at the end of his fishing line. He stood up on the boat and
leaned out too far. Just then there was a sharp yank on the line. Joe fell
overboard and landed head first into the water. Joe and his friends laughed
and laughed.
20.The giant panda is a bearlike animal that has thick white fur with black
markings on its ears, limbs, shoulders, and around its eyes. The giant panda
feeds on bamboo forests at high altitudes in western China. It also eats bulbs,
roots, eggs, and some small mammals. The cubs are born in late winter. The

giant panda is an endangered species and is protected by the Chinese



Identify the topic sentence and in a separate line, identify the unnecessary

The language my Hispanic co-workers speak is more than the Spanish
language. When I walk into their offices, I see flavors of their culture sprinkled
everywhere. One flavor is the small, round purple, pink, red Mexican toy sitting on
the desk beckoning to be played with. Another flavor is a purple, pink, red and white
colored shawl with white fringe dangling from its edges that is draped over a chair.
And yet another is a pencil drawn picture of a small Mexican village hanging on the
wall. I love these things and treasure them as much as my co-workers do. At office
potlucks, I love eating and learning how to cook tortillas filled with meat, refried
beans, and melted cheeses. No matter how I try to cook the same meal, it just
doesnt taste the same. I love that Latin flavor
Topic Sentence:
Unnecessary Sentence(s):

Among the residents of Coalinga are different generations from infants to
elderly citizens. Because this community is so small there is a low crime rate. This
makes Coalinga a safe place to raise children or to retire. Perhaps the largest
portion of the population is young families with children in the local schools.
Children are seen playing while parents work hard in the yard, and the retired can
be found enjoying a day at the senior center.
Topic Sentence:
Unnecessary Sentence(s):

Pulling together the residents of Coalinga, no matter what their race, religion,
or age, are the community events. Every year during Memorial Day weekend, the
Chamber of Commerce holds the Coalinga Annual Horned Toad Derby. (A horned
toad is a lizard with horns, or some call them spikes, across its back. It is also the
high school mascot.) The Derby lasts 5 days, Thursday through Monday, and is set
up at Olsen Park. Each day is assigned a theme or designated for a cultural group;
for example; Sunday is Hispanic culture day and Spanish bands sing and play. The
reason it is called a Derby (like horse racing) is because every day they hold horned
toad races. Even though the horned toad is an endangered species, some residents
of Coalinga raise them to race at the Derby each year. Its quite amusing actually!
The Derby is basically a carnival with rides, booths, and a place for everyone to
have a good time. Every night there is live music and dancing.
Topic Sentence:
Unnecessary Sentence(s):


Choose at least five topics inside the box. Assign a topic in every prewriting
technique. Note: Topics should NOT be repeated.
La Salle



Outlining (5 pnts)
Journalistic Technique (3 pnts)
Mapping (5 pnts)
Brainstorming (2 pnts)
Freewriting (5 pnts)


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