Guide Questions. MARKET PLAN

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Please see the instructions on the technical writing format and parts or

components of the marketing plan at the bottom-most portion of this document

A process of analyzing the market situation and deciding on the right
product, price, methods and needs to ensure sales and target profit.
Involves evaluation of available resources or capacity to produce the
products or services needed and affordable by the market.
Marketing Aspect
Product Description
Target Market
Current Market Trends
Demand and Supply Gap
Price and Pricing Strategy
Promotional Strategy
Channel of Distribution
Projected Sales
The Product
General description of the product
It refers to the behavior of people with regard to their willingness and
ability to buy products at given prices.
Basic questions that needs to be answered;
Is there a potential demand for the product? Or
Are there buyers or consumers of the products?
Questions about demand
What is the size or the demand of the product?
What was the annual volume of demand for the past years?
Is there a possibility of increasing the demand of my product?
Is the demand for my product seasonal?
Could I possibly create a demand (such as from promotion and
advertising) of my product?
Questions about customers and buyers
What are the characteristics or socio-economic status of my customers in
terms of:
Age group (kids, youth, young adult, adult, senior citizen)
Income status or social bracket
Who are the major consumers of the product?

Who are the current consumers of the product

Who are the current potential buyers and where are they located?
What is my customers buying behavior?
What are the available choices for my customer?

Conducting the demand study

1. Identify the consumer;
2. Gather information on total demand;
3. Evaluate the historical demand pattern;
4. Forecast future demand; and
5. Evaluate the projection of future demand.
It refers to the behavior of suppliers (or producers) on their willingness and
ability to make products available at given prices.
Primary marketing questions:
Are there existing suppliers of the proposed product?
How many sellers are in the market similar to my product?
Is there sufficient supply or quantity being sold in the market similar
to my product?
Questions about competition
Who are my competitors?
Where are my competitors?
How many competitors do I have?
Who are their customers?
What are the quantity of the product being sold?
What is the size of their market? Where are they?
Where do they collect their raw materials?
What types of equipment do they use?
What kind of media do they use in advertising?
Where do they channel their products
Conducting the Supply Study
1. Identify who and where are the competitors;
2. Gather information on total goods produced by competitors;
3. Evaluate the historical supply pattern;
4. Forecast the supply and
5. Evaluate the projection of future supply.
Demand and Supply Gap
The difference between Supply and Demand
The number of buyers versus the number of existing supplier of the said
product, usually presented in tabular form.
Determine market share based on demand and supply gap.
Marketing Program
In what forms or packaging is your company using? Competitors?
What are the promotional or advertising schemes presently used?
What are the marketing problems encountered?
What are the present marketing practices of competitors?
Sales force?
Channel of distribution?

Location of sales outlets?

Transportation and storing facilities?
Price/Pricing Strategy
The prevailing prices of the product.
What is the pricing method adopted (cost plus pricing, discount pricing,
psychological pricing etc.)
How much customers are willing to pay?
Is the price of my product seasonal? What months are the price high and
months that the price are low?
Terms of sales
Channel of Distribution
Projected Sales
Detailed computation of forecasted sales for 5 yrs of operation.
Volume of production/mo./yr
Selling price

A survey is usually done to establish the demand aspect of the marketing

plan. It takes time. In order for you to establish the demand, search for
secondary data from credible sources (ex. the website of the Philippine
Statistics Authority). You can access to statistical data online. You may also
estimate the value as long as there is a basis (do not forget to cite the
source or the reference)
There could be items in the guide that are not applicable in your proposed
enterprise. You can simply skip to the next item.
The format of the title page and content and other instructions will be
given on Oct. 15, Saturday

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Other instructions:
- Short bond paper
- Computerized
- 1-inch margin on all sides, justify
- Font size: 12 black
- Font style: Times New Roman
- 1.5 line spacing
- Insert page numbers
- With Title page and Bibliography
Title Page Format:

JMJ Marist Brothers

Notre Dame of Marbel University
The Graduate School

A Market Plan on .

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in BA 256

(Marketing Management)

Presented to
Sheila M. Bayquin, DBA
Presented by
(Name of the Student)
(Date of Submission)

Parts of the Marketing Plan:



Product Description
Target Market
Current Market Trends
A. Demand
B. Supply
C. Demand and Supply Gap
Price and Pricing Strategy
Promotional Strategy
Channel of Distribution
Projected Sales

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