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Mentor College Teacher Assessment Report First observation B.

Ed Teaching Practice

Name of the student: Nahla Ali

Name of the School: Al Qasemeyah
Grade level: 5
MCT: Hamda

Semester 1

Date of the observations: 1st Nov 2016
MCT Name: Alya Alzaabi

A- Commitment to the Profession

- i liked that you and Badreyah work differently in the lesson even so its the same lesson.

B - Planning for Learning

- the leaning objective is not clear.
- need more details for your lesson plan.

C - Managing Learning
- start with good engagement activity with the postman mail.
- use transitions for more classroom management.

D - Implementing Learning
- Some times when you explain examples the students lose attention.
- working in pairs is more effective than working in big groups.

E- Assessment
- you have every good assessment strategies, but you it did not fit the lesson objectives.

F- Reflection on Practice
- You have every good activities planned for the lesson, However the effective classroom
management will help display this creative activities and your teaching skills. Next time let your MST
help in controlling the class.

Students reflection on the feedback (to Be Completed By Student)

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