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Motivation theories and its application in the real world

A thesis submitted to Sarhad University

Sufyan Tariq Butt
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of BBA
Faculty of Business
Dissertation Supervisor
The Sarhad University

The title of the research will be Motivational theories and its application in the real world
This project has been undertaken for the degree completion of Bachelor in Business
Administration. My thesis will be about Motivation theories and its application in the real
world and how much importance it gets in an organization.
Motivation is essential to almost any aspect of life. Nature has an intrinsic motivation; it does
what it does in and out of itself, without further reflection. What difference with human
activity! There are few humans on this planet that dont question or reflect on their motivation
for certain tasks every day?
As a research question, the research seeks to answer what role motivation plays in enhancing
performance in organization. This will be possible through analysis of information gathered
from students and office job people. Hence this thesis is mainly quantitative. For outshining,
every organization sets an ultimate goal which is productivity. The employees are the root of
productivity for any organization, they have to be productive as well as goal oriented lest it
would fail to excel. For being productive, motivation is essential that compels employees to
strive for the goals of the organization with willingness.
The main objective of this study is to find out the uses of motivation in practical life. How it
can be used to motivate oneself or an employee or worker. All this is done to increase the
performance of an individual or a group of individuals in an organization. Which results in
better results and performances on the larger scale? All the motivational theories that will be
discussed will help organizations to motivate their employees and themselves for a better
performance throughout.
The objectives of the research study are as under:
1. To evaluate the applicability of some important theories in an organizations.
2. To evaluate the extent to which leadership behavior affects employee motivation.
3. To explore the impact of financial and non-financial motivators on employee motivation.
4. To determine the relation between Motivation and personal effectiveness.
5. To compare the motivational patterns in organizations.


In todays time, there are many organizations where competition is high, innovative technology
are replacing labor tasks and same time globalization has totally changed the dynamics and
ways organization works. To remain competitive one has to be very flexible and ready for ongoing change and the same time demand high attention and hours. The issue which
organization faces in todays time is very complex/ hence is also changing the ways how
employees work. We can see the economies of the world are changing, organizations are lying
off staff in order to service which is building more pressure on employees. With all those issues
on one side to keep employees motivated is crucial. Hence the significance of motivation is of
great value. Likewise the scope of study is mainly large organizations and
Following are the alternate hypotheses generated from the objectives of the study:

H1: Some of the western motivation theories are not applicable for other

H2: Leadership behavior affects employee motivation.

H3: Financial and non-financial motivators have direct impact on employee


H4: There is a relation between Motivation and personal effectiveness.

H5: Motivation is a force (energy) to achieve any objective a person sets for himself
or for the motivator without questioning the motive behind the objective assigned to
him because of bonding created between him and the motivator


Study Design:
The study will be descriptive in nature as it will explain the importance given to
motivation and its effects on managers, employees and organization itself.

Limitation of the study:

It is obvious while conducting a research one might face many constraints such as

Excessive information already available on the topic.

Budgetary constraints in order to conduct research.

Sampling issues such as selection of sample and what kind of individuals to be

The next issue is to be able to reach to the people targets as a sample.
Scheduling issues such as getting appointments with right people and asking for their
time in order to record their answers and views.

In my thesis, I will face all of the above issues and the sample was taken from organizations
where target respondents were available to give their valuable time. Participating employees
were from telecommunication and insurance sector.
Hence keeping in mind the above, the conclusion could have been varied if the sample would
have been bigger in size and from different segment of the business. Hereby, the result
concluded not to be used/replicate for other purpose and is solely conducted for preparing the
c. Duration of study:
The overall study estimation time will be three month till 15-11-2016.
d. Sample size: The sample size will consists of total of 30 respondents.
e. Sampling technique:
The sample used in this thesis will be collected from people working in different organizations,
such as retailers, banks, markets, , construction companies and insurance companies etc.


Both primary and secondary sources will be utilized to collect data and get better
understandings of the research and to gain comprehensive results. I will gain data from
different employees of different companies as to how much motivation helps them in their line
of work. How can they perform better if motivated? Primary data will be collected through
questionnaire to the managers and employees of different organizations.


In order to make the data more convenient and easy to understand I will use employed charts,
tables, graphs and smart arts. All the materials will be presented in simple yet effective manner.
This will help give a better understanding of the motivation theories and how it can help in
improving the performance of an organization or an individual to create better results. I shall
also be providing the advantages and disadvantage of motivating the employees and ourselves
to increase ones performance.

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