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Question Structure


Joseph Turner

Watching and analysing a variety of films where graphic

design has a notable role will support any research that
is made in reading academic sources and researching the
industry. It will also be constructive to find interviews from
practicing professionals as well as interviewing them myself
alongside students studying film.

Film makers, writers and directors who create films, more

often than not will want to make their film as realistic as
possible. They are in need of a realistic design of props or sets
that will give their film a realistic feeling.

Culture Film Prop and Set Design

There is a strong relationship with graphic design and film.
Many parts of film theory including pastiche and parody,
have notable impact on prop design. This is touching
on Jamesons idea of nostalgia film, the idea that film
encapsulates a romantic image of the past.
This is demonstrated in cinema, in both cult and
commercial, and studying them closely allows analysis of
the idea. Online articles, such as Creative Review and
Its Nice That, discuss the idea further and look into the
role of production design. Other media such as blogs also
communicate this idea and look into theory and the design.
There are several academic sources discussing prop and set
design that will come in useful when researching this
idea at depth.

Many films capture a romanticised image of graphic design.

Often the more commercial designs will have been ignored
and not represent the most accurate image. Although it
is good to celebrate positive design in film, there will be
examples of bad design and it should be demonstrated in
film to create a more realistic image of the past and present.

The audience of the film is not the only audience of the

design work. The actor is also an audience. It is important
for the actor and extras to feel a part of the world the film is
capturing. A film is most immersive when it feels real world.
A piece of prop design will be produced looking into
commercial aspects of design from an example of a film
script or a novel that can be adapted into a film that
hasnt already.


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