Teamwork Report BR

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(4LAL 0908N)

Prepared By:

SCSJ-0007348 (DIBA)


SCSJ-0007123 (DIBA)
Table of Contents






Literature Review




Findings and Discussion










Purpose This paper main objective is to study the importance of having an Effective
Design/methodology/approach The sample amount of respondents which was taken are 50
students in Unisel Shah Alam. The data were collected through questionnaires which were
designed to assess respondents teamwork effectiveness. The survey form was consisting of
open-ended questions.
Findings - The outcome gained was derived from a survey which was done among 50
Originality/Value There was many types of supporting evidence which was taken from a
secondary data sources which is known as online journals which was taken from Emerald and
Google based on the topic of teamwork among students, effective teamwork, team behavioral
among students, teamwork performances and etc. Based on this research the application of
theories that are use is the applied research and it will be conducted among students in Segi
college Subang Jaya so that students can work as a team effectively.
Keywords Team Behavioural , Effective teamwork , Commitments , Task , Team Goals ,
Teamwork Skills , Team Performances , Knowledge of Intensive challenges , SelfKnowledge , Trust .
Paper type Research paper.

Over the years, there are a number of researchers who has been doing research about
teamwork, but it is still getting attention of numerous of individual because teamwork can be
found in various types of sectors from schools to working organization. The topic of
teamwork is broadly applicable. Additionally, the result gained from teamwork produces huge
benefits towards individual in the team. For example, when we are working as a team, the
members in the group will separate their workload where every each team member can work
on it quickly, and there would also be less pressure on the particular person, where they can
combined their skills, talents experience of several individual where it can help to inspire
team members to have greater achievement and lastly there will also have development of
new ideas.
A team is known as a group of individual who works together in a supportive atmosphere
to achieve common team goals by sharing their knowledge and skills (Pina Tarricone & Joe
Luca, 2002). In a teamwork there must be a good cooperation and willingness to work
together to accomplish their task. Numerous of people have realized how important it is to
work in a team as it enables them to have an effective outcome to be gained at the end of the
day. On the other hand, not all the time there will be a successful outcome which will be
benefit gained from teamwork. One of the reason is because, teams who are unsuccessful in
working in a team where they may lead to failure in doing their tasks which is given to them
to complete it which has been undertaken by that teams. Whereby when a group of people
who has gathered in a team, there can be various factors that may influence the level of
teamwork amongst team members in that particular team. So, the questions arising from this
research is regarding about the factors that will help students to have an effective teamwork.
The objective of this research is to study the importance of having an effective teamwork
where it helps to accomplish common goals and objective. Likewise, it is a widely understood

perception, that united we stand and divided we fall. So therefore, there is certain task that
cannot be completed alone, but can be easily accomplished by working in a team. On other
hand, it also helps to increase individual learning. When team members work together as a
team, they are able to learn new skills and capabilities of each other and gain advance
knowledge. Continuously, there is one dependent variable and two independents variable
which stands alone.
The first out of the dependent variable which is known as team behavioral which can be
described as a persons attitude where they must be responsible to accomplish a common goal,
where every member in the team must have high level of commitments and they must be
knowledgeable and have a unique skills. Teams behavioral are the individual attitudes of
every each member in the team are required to put effort so that the team can have an
effective and efficient teamwork. Therefore, inside team behavioral has included commitment
and skills. Commitment can be defined as it is an agreement where every each member in the
team agree to work together to achieve their common goals and objective. Commitment plays
a very important role because without it the progress of outcome they going to carry out
cannot be succeed where it means every individual in the team must put their effort towards
the goals , then the team will confront and resolve the problem. Skills can be described as
capabilities and abilities of individual trait and skill can also be known as a basic part of
individual trait, because teams seldom succeed without members personal talents (Richard E.
Boyatzis&David A. Kolb).
Secondly, task, an independent variable, task is the smallest identifiable and essential portion
of a job that serves as a unit of work, and as a means of differentiating between the various
range of components of a project. Therefore, when a team who works together in a group,
they usually split the task into small separate pieces where every each member in the group
then will work on their own small piece and the end of the day the separated pieces will be
attached together (Terry Maris , 2004). For an example , the task of work that will be given
out to them to select the right team member , evaluate the team function , decide the team
roles , keeping the records , have team meetings , make the right decision making and lastly
dissolve disputes.
Lastly, to have an effective teamwork there must be a strong foundation of trust among team
members because trust plays a major role. If there is no sufficient trust in between the team
members they will intend to spend too much time in checking, and inspecting each anothers

work. Trust implies the common perception that individuals in the team will carry out
particular actions which is important to its members. For an example, if there is trust among
members in the group, team members are willing to contribute information generously and
feel secure to do so (Nelson &Cooprider, 1996).

The focus will basically come from the teamwork among students in Segi CollegeSubang
Jaya.This research method as adopted as applied research as the findings and conclusion made
can be applied to the problem. The findings throughout the research would be supportive so
that students can work as a team effectively. Hence, at the end of the day when the research is
completed it will be useful to assist the team member who wants to have an effective
teamwork. Additionally, it is also known as causal business research carried out as it intends
to classify the cause and outcome relation between the variables. Whereby, at this point the
researcher tries to identify the factors that have influence on the teamwork and the researcher
also attempts to recognize how these factors may influence to have an effective teamwork.
Since this research is to study the importance of having an Effective teamwork in Segi
College Subang Jaya, our target population will be students. The sample size selected to
represent this population is 50 students. Therefore an assumption is made, the students that
who is going to represent they would have had experience working as a team by doing their
The data collection tool that would be collected in this research is the primary and secondary
data. The primary data which will be use is the questionnaires through a survey. Survey is
chosen here because it is a systematic method for gathering information from a large sample
of group. Information is collected or received direct from the students itself such as asking
them questions and records their answers or gets them to fill up the questionnaire form. The
questionnaires will be distributed by us at Segi College, Subang Jaya. Continuously, another
research method that will used is obtaining and analyzing secondary data such as journals and
online as the support material for this particular research.The end of the outcome results will
be than recorded and tabulate into a graph form.
The findings will be beneficial to the students. This is assumed because when the results is
found, students should take those results into consideration and make improvement in order to
have an effective teamwork when they are doing their assessment. When Segi College
students improve their team behavioral and trust, the students will be pleased to work together

in a team. Therefore they will know the importance of working as a team where they
combined skills, talents experience of several individual which inspires members to greater
achievement and it also helps to generates ideas.

Literature Review
Teamwork can be defined as a supportive procedure which allows ordinary individual to
attain extraordinary outcome (Scarnati, 2001 cited in PinaTarrricone et al., 2002).According
to (Harris&Harris, 1996) teamwork also can be defined as to achieve a common goal or
purpose where every each team members must be able to develop effectiveness and must have
a mutual relationship to attain team goals. Teamwork replies ahead with individuals who are
working together in supportive surroundings to attain common team goals by sharing
information, knowledge and skills.
Teams are also an essential part of numerous of organizations and it supposed to be
incorporated as part of the delivery of tertiary units. If there is a successful teamwork it will
rely ahead with a synergism accessible connecting with all the team members by creating an
environment where they are willing to contribute and take part in order to have effective team
environment. Team members must also be flexible enough to get used to cooperative working
environments where goals are achieved through collaboration (Joe Luca &PinaTarricone,
Teams can also be known as a group of individuals who has same skills and they are usually
committed to a common purpose and hold themselves mutually responsible for its attainment.
Similarly, they also develop a different uniqueness and work together to coordinate to fulfill
their goal or purpose. The common goals are expected to be achieved when they work
together. Whereby, successful teams can be characterized through a team spirit where there
must be a strong foundation of trust among team members, respect and lastly cooperation.
Merely bringing individual to work together does not essentially ensure they will function
successfully as a team or make fitting decisions (Gerry Armstrong, 2004).
Teamwork also can be can definite as a small number of group members who has
complementary skills, committed to a familiar idea and performance goals (MacNeil, 2004).
Stated by (Hensey, 2001) that a team is a group of members who has diverse skills, who work
together toward a common task, service or objective with a meshing of their functions and
with mutual support. Teamwork typically involves groups of mutually supporting staff who
work considerately to attain group outcomes (Griffin et al, 2001).

Team Behavioral
Team behavioral can also be described as structure where a team or group work is built
ahead. Team behavioral can also define as individual characteristic where they must be
responsible to accomplish a common goal, where every member in the team must have high
level of commitments and they must be knowledgeable and have unique skills. Teams
behavioral are the individual characteristic of every each of them in the team are require to
contribute the team to have an effective and efficient teamwork (Bianey C. Ruiz Ulloa and
Stephanie G. Adams).
In team behavioral, every each team members must know how to manage and split the work
to each team members. Therefore, team members also needs to know the right way to manage
their task which they going to split it with one another where it will be mainly concerned
with performing their required behaviors and accomplishing their teams goals (Le Pine et al ,
1997 cited in Frederick P.Morgeson et al.,2005). Besides that, to have a success in a team
there must consist of cooperative behavior. As stated by (Le Pine and Van Dyne, 2001) found
out that when work is mutually supporting and it will require a smooth interpersonal
relationships, reliable individuals where they will engage in better cooperative behavior.
Team behavioral can also be formed when individual who are working in a team they have to
complete their goals which has been provided to them to achieve it. To have an effective
teamwork, commitment plays an important for completing its goal by using the team's
resources. Therefore, it does not mean that as individuals or people who make up the team
share the same point of view or are all in agreement on what is best for the group. Whereby, it
means that when the team is presented with a goal, they can work together in a single unit to
complete the task (Arnold Anderson, 2013).
Commitments are the first independent variable under team behavioral. Commitment is
known as Self-knowledge and ability to trust one another to build blocks of commitment.
Commitment is a combined set of team goals and principles which provides the right track of
direction and motivation for team members. (Goleman, 1998 cited in Sharon Mickan and
Sylvia Rodger ,2003) also emphasizes that individual who is fully committed in doing their
group work they are usually willingly to sacrifice by believing that they can generate a better
accomplishment at the end of the day. Plus, if there is higher levels of commitment it will

enable group members to succeed along with challenges and pressures that may be perceived
as stressful. If group members who are seriously committed doing their part of work as a team
they are willingly to put in their effort so that they can contribute their decision making and
value the balance of interdependence and group effort (Bassoff, 1983).
Team members who are committed by working together as a team they can even work faster
compare by doing it individually where it will consume more time and effort. Therefore, by
working in a team they can work quickly, there will also be a creative and innovative work
which will be a great success at the end of the day (Katz and Kahn, 1978). Committed team
members are usually more likely to be essentially content and they tend to have a good
positive relationship with their team members to work together and share their skills and
informations (Mathieu and Zajac, 1990).
Commitment also helps to achieve the team goals where it is commonly understood it will
help the team members at the end of the day to be successful (Weldon &Weingart, 1993).
Precisely, commitment is a task of the expectancy that goal accomplishment is possible and
the value can be positioned on reaching out the team members goals. Theoretically,
individuals who are extremely committed to achieve their goal direction their perceptive and
behavioral resources toward attaining the goal, whereas individuals with low-goal
commitment may be unfocused from the assigned goal and may put efforts into unrelated
activities because they have not internalized the goal (Renn, 2003 cited in Caroline Aube and
Vincent Rousseau, 2005).
Skills are the second independent variable under team behavioral. A skill is a knowledge that
must be able to learn and practiced to stay feasible. In teamwork skills can include the
combination of interactive, interpersonal, problem solving and communication skills needed
by a group of people working on a common task, in complementary roles, towards a common
goal whose outcomes are greater than those possible by any one person working
independently (Crebert.G et al ., 2011).
There are a various types of skills which can be formed to have an effective teamwork. As
stated by (Oakley et al, 2004) recommend that team members who wants to have an effective
team they must regularly work together by supporting one another. Therefore, it will help to
ensure that each of them in a team will be responsible (Watson, 2002). Skills can be classify
such as time management, evidence keeping, planning and setting their goal as well as the

talent to lead, make decisions and communicate where all this is an important skill which
needs to have an effective teamwork. Additionally, (Watson, 2002 cited in Linda Riebe et al.,
2013) also recommend that considerate practices such as a realization of interpersonal
strengths and weaknesses, as well as the capability to examine the teams performance which
can help to have a great result.
Skills are partly important as well to have an excellent team setting because by working in a
team it will help to increase the interdependence among team members, where every each
team member will share their workload and skill demands than work will be performed
together (Campion, Medsker, et al., 1993 cited in Frederick P.Morgeson et al., 2005).
Furthermore, if there is a good skill it will help every individual to enable them to manage
conflicts, coordinate their work and they will even be more cooperative in doing their work.
Lastly, another method where teamwork can improve their potential productivity is through
creating an atmosphere which will be more favorable by learning new skills. Hence, this
might help team members to be more organized on a multi- functional rather than a highly
specialized basis, so that the coordination of work in teamwork itself will involve an
extension of the variety types of tasks where individuals will be more competent. Individuals
might also be further motivated by learning in a collaborative work context and a team
atmosphere where it may be more supportive to have a good development of skills, by
providing more constructive feedback and advice (Duncan Gallie, et al 2009).

Keywords: Team Behavioral, Effective teamwork, commitment, task, team goals and
teamwork skills.
Hypotheses 1: The higher the Team Behavioral by Segi College Subang Jaya students, the
higher to have an effective Teamwork.

Task is the independent variable in this research which stands alone. Tasks can be defined as
a performance of every each individual who will split their work and work on it. Whereby, the
task which is given to them is partly important to determine the various structurally valued
outcomes (Hui et al, 2010 cited in Tejinder K. Billing et al., 2013).Team members who works

in a group are required to divide their task in a small piece to be given out to each of members
and that will make a tangible contribution. Therefore, it will also be a consistent with the
teams determination, abilities and attitudes. Tasks need to be sufficiently inspiring for each of
them in a team to share their responsibility and liability for attainment (Sundstrom et al., 1990
cited in Sharon Mickan and Sylvia Rodeger, 2000).
Task also speaks out towards the bunch of several activities and roles which is a particular
job incumbent where it will perform and it will be the prominent characteristics of jobs
(Langfred and Moye, 2004). Where there is a highly organized jobs which is collected equal
standard and routine duties and activities that will fill the complete the whole work cycle in a
given time , day , week, or month. Besides that, jobs that are fundamentally unstructured are
non-routine in character and present a considerable number of events and activities that are
not easily estimate. In other hand, task is being concerned with the level which the workrelated duties and responsibilities performed are clearly defined. To the level that the
necessities of a given job preserve some uncertainties and lack of clarity in the relationship
between performance and goals to that amount, at least, the job is unstructured. In addition, if
the goals of the work remain largely uncertain, undetermined, or unclear, to that extent, again,
the job is unstructured.
A team task is known as an assortment of knowledge of intensive challenges to team
members (McIntyre and Salas et al, 2003).Therefore, there is a few types of perceptions in a
task where it also can be complexity. Additionally, prior research has indicated that there are
many task characteristics which can be complexity, repetitiveness, analyzability, a priori
determinability, the number of alternative paths of task performance, outcome novelty,
number of goals and conflicting dependencies among them, uncertainties between
performance and goals, number of inputs, cognitive and skill requirements, as well as the
time-varying circumstances of task performance (Campbell et al, 1984).
Keywords: Task, Team performance and Knowledge of intensive challenges.
Hypotheses 2: If Segi College Subang Jaya students are delegated with challenging Task, a
higher form of attainment can be accomplished.


Trust is an independent variable which stands alone. Trust is a word which implies that
individuals will keep their promises, speak honestly, keep their word and act ethically.
Therefore, trust is also been assumed that individuals are willingly to share their common
value. The word of trust is a fragile word as it is constantly a subject to unfaithfulness
(Kahane, 2006).
When a new team forms, characteristically the level of trust amongst all team members will
be low. Therefore, they will be self-justifying and the interaction between them will be formal
character positions. Where they will start to observe one anothers characteristic by, forming
norms of acceptable performance, with the goal to have secure feelings in their interpersonal
relations. Perhaps, the leader who will tends to be more supervisory. As the team develops,
trust will definitely rise up, with a consistent increase in openness, in confrontation of
subjects, and in the practice of inspiration skills (Gleen M. Parker, 2008).
The word of trust is form from self-knowledge and competence. Trust must be slowly
develop up between team a member who has dissimilar competencies, expectations and
priorities, by emerging confidence in one anothers competence and reliability. To have a trust
among team members individuals must be willingly to share their information and skills
without being frighten of being weakened or exploited. There must have a frequent increase
of capacity for individual learning (Bassoff, 1983). Whereby, the word of trust can be form if
team members recognize and appreciate the exclusive skills (Snyder, 1981 cited in Sharon
Mickan and Sylvia Rodger, 2000).
Trust also can be define as one parties willingness to be vulnerable to another party based on
trust that the concluding part is competent, open, concerned, and reliable (Mishra,
1996).Besides that, trust can also be define as a determination to see other team members
superficial ability, integrity, and compassion and as of the members own tendency to trust
(Jarvanpaa et al, 1998). The definition illustrate that trust between team members also can be
included in cognitive and affective essentials together. Commonly speaking cognitive, trust is
supplementary important element at the start of the relationship, while affective trust become
increasingly important as the relationship intensifies (McAllister, 1995 cited in FerdaErdem
and Janset Ozen, 2003). Subsequently, there is a possibility that cognitive elements of trust
can be defined as the hygienic factors, of the relationship. But unfortunately, this trust

dimension itself is not enough adequate for synergetic team relations. On the other hand,
affective motifs are also required so that team members can share common team values, feel a
strong desire for co-operation and feel team spirit (Jones and George, 1998).
On the other hand, the word of trust will be automatically developed when the team
members have a high level of confidence in one anothers competence. Hence, trust can also
be develop between the team members by having unique skills and coordination of
individuals .According to Mickan and Rodger (2000) if there is positive relationship between
the team performance and trust. Trust will generate the behavioral basis of teamwork, which
outcomes among team members will be synergy and there will exist of a better performance
of an individual in the group. Whereby, the growth of trust between the group members is
partly a responsibility of an individual.
Lastly, trust also plays an important today because team leader in a group must build a good
and strong foundation of trust before the group is form and the member will behave
transcendentally. Hence, it is important for leaders to be trusted by their group members. One
of the relevant reasons is that trust has been considered as the greatest empowering leadership
role. Consequently, trust is expected so that group members who report an advanced level of
trust in their leaders to work under the authority of a transformational leader (Howard and
Wellins, 1994 cited in Larry W. Hughes and James B. Avey, 2007).
Keywords: Trust, Team Performance and Self Knowledge.
Hypotheses 3: The greater the trust among students In Segi College Subang Jaya, the higher
to have an effective Teamwork.


Research Methodology
The design of this research is a basis of descriptive and causal technique that has been used.
Whereby the descriptive research is conducted to determine the gender of the respondents,
hence the causal research is to study the factors so that the students can work as team to have
an effective teamwork. Therefore, the research design which for this topic of teamwork has
use primary and secondary data. The primary data is obtain throughout the survey procedure
where the questionnaires were been distributed to the students in Segi College Subang Jaya.
Lastly, the secondary data was taken from journals.

Population & Sampling

The survey form was distributed to Segi College Subang Jaya students from 25th to 29th
March year 2013. The population sampling used for this research is 50 students in Segi
College Subang Jaya who are doing their full time studies. The total collection of
questionnaires from the survey is 50.

Measurement and Instrumentation

The questionnaire are designed through 3 different section based on each and every variables
which is (Team Behavioral , Task and trust) .Section A consists of 4 questions related on
personal details. Whereby, section B consists of 6 questions , C consists of 5 question and
lastly D 3 questions where this 3 section which is section B , C and D are used the scaling
method , ranging 1 (Strongly Agree ) , 2 (Agree ) , 3 ( Neither Agree or Disagree) , 4
( Disagree) and lastly 5 (Strongly Disagree). The data were obtained through questionnaires
which were distributed to the students and then they will be tabulated into statistically
analyzed using IBM SPSS 20.0 (Statistical Package for the Social Science). This SPSS
software helps to facilitate into data analysis where it will help to develop the descriptive
statistic for this research measuring.


Discussions / Findings
This research is conducted on Effective Teamwork with the total of 50 respondents who were
students in Segi College Subang Jaya.








Std. Deviation




Std. Error of Skewness




Std. Error of Kurtosis




Table 1.1: Statistics of standard deviation, mean, median, mode, sum of skewness and
Table 1.1 shows the results above which indicate the value of mean which is 1.66. Whereby,
the value sum of median is 2.00 and mode is 2. Furthermore, the table 1.1 also shows the
standard deviation value for students gender which is 0.479. Whereas, the kurtosis which also
show the results of the peakness in the data above, where it indicates a negative value which
is -1.580.



Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent















Table 1.2: Frequencies of students gender.

Table 1.2 shows this is a statistical analysis of students gender in Segi College Subang Jaya.
In the table shows that the majority gender of population which has been involved by female
students are 66% of the total respondents whereby the rest remaining respondents is 34% of
male students.


Histogram 1.1: Histogram of Students genders.

The figure above shows a result of data which has been tabulated in the histogram 1.1, where
we can clearly observe that the mean is smaller compare than median; therefore, it is a
negative skewed towards the right side. Besides that, the standard deviation value obtained is
0.479, where the figure is small and the curve shows that it is tall and narrow. On the other
hand, the peakness of the curve can be determined through the kurtosis value. Lastly the value
of kurtosis shows that it is -1.580 where the curve is further peaked compare than a normal
The second highest is strongly agree with the percentage of 24% as they feel that this factor
plays an important role in having an effective teamwork. On the other hand, 16% of the
respondents chose neither agree nor disagree. This can be due to the fact that they are not sure
whether good relationship between team members can create an effective teamwork.
Whereby, 4% of the respondent actually disagrees that good relationship between team


members can create an effective teamwork. Lastly, 2% of the respondent strongly disagree it
is because they have other priority factors that can help create an effective teamwork.

Histogram 1.2: The level of team behavioral (There are good relationship between team
Based on the histogram figure 1.2 above, we can observe that there is an approximately 27
of respondents who only agrees that there are a good relationships between team members to
have an effective teamwork whereby followed by strongly agree there are 12 approximately
respondents. Besides that, there is 8 respondents who neither agree or disagree it can due to
maybe they are confuse and have a lack of confidents whether when they work as a team there
will be a good relationship or neither . However there are 2 respondents who disagree that
when they work in a team there will be a good relationship among their team members and
lastly 1 respondent who strongly disagree.


Continuously, the line which we can see on the graph on the histogram in Figure 2 represents
the graph of the skewness. Skewness is known as a normal distribution where it is exist in a
statistical data whereby skewnessis divide into two forms which is known as the negative and
positive skewness. To clarify to know the differences between positive and negative
skewness, usually the positive skewness as a single peak and the skewness line values extend
much further to the right hand side and the mean will be larger than the median. Whereby, the
negatively skewness line will extend further to the left and the mean will be smaller than the
median. As we can notice that in figure 1.2 shows that the skewness is heading to the right
side which it shows that it has a positive skewness.

Pie Chart 1.2: Is the group member willingly to help one another to complete their task of
work successfully.
The pie chart above in 1.2 shows a result of 50 respondents who have fill up the questionnaire
and according to the results it shows, 40% of the respondents agrees that the group member is

willingly to help one another to complete their task of work successfully. This can be proven
because this 40% of respondents feels that when the group members help one another they
can complete their task quickly and there will be a tangible contribution among the team
members. Followed by, there is 32% of respondents strongly agree because maybe they think
that helping one another will lightens their workload. Besides that , there are also 22% of
respondents neither agree or disagree maybe they feel that they are not sure whether the
group members will either or neither help one another to accomplish their task successfully.
Lastly, there are 6% of respondents who strongly disagree maybe because this respondent
who has work in a team before and they have experience that there was no tangible
contribution in helping one another to complete their task.

Team members can openly share their information and skills without any fear









Std. Deviation




Std. Error of Skewness




Std. Error of Kurtosis




Based on table 1.3, it shows a data of information collected through 50 sets of questionnaire
form the survey which been conducted. Whereby, from the table above, the mean shows 2.16
for trust taken from question 17 and the value of median which shown it is 2. Whereas, the
value of mode shows 1 and the standard deviation which value is 0.997. Lastly, the kurtosis
value shows that it is -1.017 where it is clearly shows that there is a peakness of the curve.


Team members can openly share their information and skills without any fear



Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent

Strongly Agree










Neither Agree or Disagree












Table 1.4
According to the table 1.4 shows the frequencies of respondents. The value above the table
shows that 16 respondents who have strongly agree with 32% and 15 respondents who agree
with 30% that team members can openly share their information and skills without any fear.
On the hand, there are 14 respondents who neither agree nor disagree where it consist of 28%
and lastly 5 respondents who disagree with the statement which shows 10% of it.

Histogram 1.3: Histogram of students level of agreement concerning on trust question17

(Team members can openly share their information and skills without any fear).
Based on the histogram 1.3 shown above, where we can observe that the mean is larger than
the median, thus it shows clearly that it is a positive skewness with the skewness value of

0.309 where it means the values will extend much further to the right tail side of the
distribution. Furthermore, the standard deviation value shows small which 0.997 is. Hence,
the curve that can be observe that it shows tall and narrow. Lastly, the kurtosis value is -1.071
which proves that the curve is peak.
Team members have a high level of commitment to achieve the team goals


Valid Percent


Strongly Agree










Neither Agree or Disagree












Table 1.5
According to the table above in 1.5 shows the value of frequencies of respondents. The value
above the table shows that there are 21 respondents who agree with 42%. Therefore, there are
16 respondents who neither agree nor disagree with a value of 32% because respondents dont
feel that team members goals can be achieved by having a high level of commitments.
Hence, there are 9 respondents who strongly agree with a value of 18% and there are 4
respondents who disagree.
Team members are ready to face challenging task so that they can form a
higher level of attainment which they can accomplished it.


Valid Percent


Strongly Agree










Neither Agree or Disagree









Strongly Disagree








Table 1.6
From table 1.6 we can see the value of frequencies of respondents. The value above table 1.6
shows that 27 respondents who agree with a 54% that the team members are willing to face a
challenging task so that they can form a higher level of attainment. Moreover , there is 12

respondents with a 24% who neither agree or disagree this can be cause maybe the
respondents are not feeling very confidents that the team members can face a high challenging
task and there is 8 respondents who strongly agree with a 8%. Lastly, there is 1 respondent
who strongly disagree with the statement.
There is a high level trust among team members.


Valid Percent



Strongly Argree










Neither Agree or Disagree












Table 1.7
Based on table 1.7 shows that the frequencies of respondents. The value above the table
shows that 15 respondents who have agree with 30% that there is high level of trust among
team members and 13 respondents who strongly agree with 26% that there is a high level trust
among team members. On the hand there are 16 respondents who either agree or disagree
where it consist of 32% and lastly 6 respondents who disagree with the statement which
shows 12% of it.


Team members

Team members

have a high level

are ready to face

of commitment to

challenging task

achieve the team

so that they can


form a higher
level of
attainment which
they can
accomplished it

Team members have a high

Pearson Correlation

level of commitment to

Sig. (2-tailed)

achieve the team goals

Team members are ready to

face challenging task so that


Pearson Correlation





Sig. (2-tailed)


they can form a higher level

of attainment which they can



acomplised it
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Table 1.8

Based on the table 1.8, it shows the results on Pearsons correlation coefficient where it is
0.583 where it has a positive correlation between the both variables. Hence, it clearly shows
that the both variables have a strong relationship. Additionally, the significance level shows
that it is 0.000, where it indicates that it has a very small number which is even smaller than
0.001. Furthermore, N signifies the number of observation that has been used to calculate the
correlation of coefficient which is 50. Lastly, the Pearson correlation shows that is 0.01 level,
thus where it means that the variables are not strongly been correlated and it has a weak
relationship within the variables.


There are good-

There is a high


level trust among

between team

team members

Pearson Correlation
There are good-relationships
between team members

Sig. (2-tailed)


Pearson Correlation
There is a high level trust
among team members






Sig. (2-tailed)




**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Table 1.9
From the table above in 1.9 shows the outcome of Pearsons correlation coefficient where the
value is 0.380 which shows that it has a positive correlation and it has a strong relationship as
well between the both variables. On the other hand, the significance level shows that it has a
value of 0.007, where it has a large value compare than 0.001. Continuously, N is the total
number of observation which is 50 is used to calculate the correlation of coefficient.


One-Sample Statistics


Std. Deviation

Std. Error Mean

Team members have a high

level of commitment to achieve













the team goals.

Team members are ready to
face challenging task so that
they can form a higher level of
attainment which they can
accomplished it.
There is a high level trust
among team members.

One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0


Sig. (2-tailed)

Mean Difference

95% Confidence Interval of the



Team members have a high

level of commitment to achieve



















the team goals

Team members are ready to face
challenging task so that they
can form a higher level of
attainment which they can
accomplished it.
There is a high level trust
among team members

Table 2.0
In a t-test it helps to contrast the one sample t-tests which it can be used to conclude if the
mean of a sample is dissimilar from a particular value. By using on sample of t- test it will
help to indicate the result from the statistic table above in 2.0. From the table 2.0, it has
clearly stated that the bigger and smaller value of the mean shows the mean value in
differences in team behavioral and trust. Hence, there are two higher values where the both
value is the same which is 2.300 which falls under team members have high level of
commitment to achieve team goals and there is a high level of trust among team members.
Additionally, the lower value of mean shows is under task which is team members ready to

face challenging task so that they can form a higher level of attainment which they can
accomplished it where the value is 2.220.

Descriptive Statistics


















Team members have a

high level of
commitment to



















achieve the team

Team members are
ready to face
challenging task so
that they can form a


higher level of
attainment which they
can accomplished it.
There is a high level
trust among team



Valid N (leastwise)


Table 2.1
From the table 2.1 shows the descriptive statistics where it has shows the minimum,
maximum mean, standard deviations, skewness and kurtosis which were existed from the
variables of team behavioral, task and trust to have an effective teamwork. The results above
show the mean on team member can have a high level of commitment to achieve the team
goals where the mean is 2.30, standard deviation is 0.863, the skewness value shows that it is
0.159 and kurtosis is -0.569.Therefore, for team members who are ready to face challenging
task so that they can form a higher level of attainment which they can accomplished it the
mean shows it is 2.22 while the standard deviation value shows that it is 0.840, skewness is
0.848 where it is a positive value and kurtosis shows that it is 1.553. Lastly, the results shows
for trust which is there is a high level of trust among team members. The mean value shows it
is 2.30, standard deviation is 0.995, skewness is 0.130 and the kurtosis value show that it is
negative which is -1.045. Lastly, as we can see that the descriptive statistics between


skewness and kurtosis has a different value. The higher value of kurtosis and skewness show
for variable which falls under task which is team members are ready to face challenging task.
Team members have a high level of commitment to achieve the team goals * Gender Cross tabulation

Strongly Agree

Team members have a high

% within Gender


% within Gender

level of commitment to achieve

the team goals

Neither Agree or Disagree

% within Gender


% within Gender


% within Gender

























Table 2.2
From table 2.2 it shows results of that team member can have a high level of commitment to
achieve team goals based on cross tabulation of genders to have an effective teamwork. There
are 21 of students who agree with 18% of total. This student who agrees that commitment is
important because team members can work smoothly together to achieve the team goals at the
end of the day. Secondly, there are 16 students who neither agree nor disagree with a 32% this
can be maybe they feel that not many students who works as a team will be committed in
doing their part of work successfully. Thirdly, there are 9 students with 18% who strongly
agree that team member have high level of commitment where the members are supportive
enough to have a high commitment to achieve their teams target. Lastly, 4 students who
disagree with 8% this can be that they totally dont agree that team members will be
committed in doing their part of work to achieve their goals.


Team members are ready to face challenging task so that they can form a higher level of attainment which they can
accomplished it * Gender Cross tabulation

Strongly Agree

Team members are ready to

% within Gender


% within Gender

face challenging task so that

they can form a higher level of

Neither Agree or Disagree

attainment which they can

accomplished it

% within Gender


% within Gender

Strongly Disagree

% within Gender


% within Gender




























Table 2.3
Based on table 2.3 it shows results of cross tabulation of gender with the variable of task
which is are team members ready to face challenging task so that they can form a higher
level of attainment which they can accomplished it. Whereby there are 27 students who agree
with 54% they feel that their members are ready to have a challenging task to do it with
confidence and enthusiasm to have an effective teamwork. Hence, there are 12 students who
neither agree nor disagree with a 24% this can be whether they are not pretty sure whether
their members are willing to face challenging task to make a tangible contribution within their
group members. Thus, there are 8 students who strongly agree with 16%, this can be because
they feel that they can share their responsibility among their team members to face the
challenging task. Lastly, there are 2 students who disagree with a 4% and 1 student who
strongly with a 2% this can be that they feel that to have an effective teamwork their members
are not ready to face challenging task.


There is a high level trust among team members * Gender Crosstabulation


Strongly Argree

% within Gender


% within Gender

There is a high level trust

among team members
Neither Agree or Disagree

% within Gender


% within Gender


% within Gender

























Table 2.4
From table 2.4 it shows a result of cross tabulation of gender for trust variable. In table 2.4
shows that whether there is a high level of trust among team members. In this statement there
are 16 students with a 16% who neither agree nor disagree this can be because they feel that
to have an effective teamwork their group members dont have a high level of trust this can be
because their members dont keep their promises and act ethically in doing their part of work.
On the other hand, there are 15 students who agree with this statement with a 30% this can be
because they feel that when they have a high level of trust with their team members they can
freely share their knowledge and information with a secure feelings. Plus, there is 13 students
who strongly agree with a 26% this can be that they feel that to have a high level of trust will
help the students to work effectively without any disturbance. Lastly, there are 6 students who
disagree with a 12% this can be because they dont feel that they can trust their members to
have an effective teamwork.


This study of the research only covers the variables part, which it was tested on 50 students in
Segi College Subang Jaya. Therefore, the variables which have been selected are found to
have highest level to have an effective teamwork according to a few journals.

Throughout out this research, there were several types of problem that we have encountered.
Firstly, throughout doing this research we have insufficient time to distribute the
questionnaires to the students in Segi College Subang Jaya this is due because the time which
was given was too limited where we only manage to distribute 50 questionnaires. The second
limitations that were faced are hard to meet up the group member because they live far from
one another where it has cause difficulty to discuss and complete the work. Lastly, the
limitations that were hard in finding a suitable journal and information on internet based on
having an Effective Teamwork.

This research is conducted so that students can have an effective teamwork among their
members when they are doing their assessment. Collectively, the results which can be
concluded at the end show that there is positive feedback from the students of Segi College
Subang Jaya based on the research of hypotheses. It found that team behavioral; task and trust
are the main factor that it can help students to have an effective teamwork. Hence, the team
behavioral and task are the main factor which is more influential to help students to have an
effective teamwork compared than trust. Team behavioral and task is more likely to help
students to have an effective teamwork because it helps students to be committed in doing
their part of work and make a tangible contribution. Majority of students believes that by
having a good commitment among their team members will help them to have an effective
teamwork so that it can be helpful for them to achieve their goals with a higher level of ability
where they can accomplish it productively.


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