QUICK BREADS Guided Notes: Quick Acting Leavening Agents

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DATE: _____ HOUR: _______


Definition: ___Quick to make quick to bake___
Quick to make because of quick action __leaveling agents ___
Quick to bake because ______you_use_a_hot_oven______________________
Quick Acting Leavening Agents:

______Baking powder___ ____

Acid already in the can

Expiration date

May be used with ___water___and ___milk___

_______Baking soda_________

Has to be used with an _acid__________


____Sour milk_______

_____butter milk______

Doesnt expire

Types of Quick Breads

1.) _____pour batters_________

Pour from the bowl

____1_____ to __1____ ratio of ___flour______ to __liquid________




DATE: _____ HOUR: _______


2.) ____Drop_Baterrs_________

Drop from the spoon

___2___ to ___1____ ratio of ___flour_____ to



Loaf breads

Coffee cakes

3.) ________Soft_Doughs______

Can be picked up and worked with

Made in a __3_____ to _1____ ratio of liquid and flour



Pizza dough

Some cookies

4.) _____Stiff_Doughs________

Can be rolled out thin

Made in a ___7__to_1__ratio_of flour_to liqiud__________________________

Pie dough

Some cookies


Measure all _____dry______ ingredients

Make a ________ in dry ingredients

DATE: _____ HOUR: _______

In a second bowl, ______________________________

Pour _____________ into the well of the ______ ____________

Stir with a fork

Tunnels and Peaks

If you stir it more than 10 to 15 times it will have:

_______Tunnels_____: Large gaps in the dough, look like miniature tunnels


Large dome shapes that appear as if you were in a tent

Mixture should be left __lumpy___________, even with pancakes


____measure______ and ___shift_____ dry ingredients

Measure and _____cut-in_____ shortening

Make a well

Measure and ____add ___liquid_____ingridenents ______________

Stir with a fork until mixture forms a ______ball_______

___Knead______the ____Dough_______ 10-12 times (or as long as the recipe calls for)

________roll out dough_________________

Then varies with recipe

Functions of Ingredients
*_____________acid flavor_______________
*Yolk helps in emulsifying oil and liquid elements of batter
*___________provide moisture_________________
*Help binds other ingredients together
*Aid in browning
*Help a coating adhere to food surfaces for frying

DATE: _____ HOUR: _______

*Add moisture
*___________________maintain freshness and extend keeping quiality_______
*Help produce a tender and/or flaky product
*Prevent foods from sticking to the pan
*Help transfer heat
*Add flavor

Functions of Ingredients Continued

*React with moisture or with sweetening agents to produce carbon dioxide which
causes small bubbles to form within the product and makes it rise or increase in volume
*Add _______moisture______
*Help ingredients to react with each other
*______________bind ingredients_together____
*Adds ______flavor______
*Provides tenderness
*Adds crispness
*Browns as it melts during cooking (caramelizing)

1.) View the Muffin method and Biscuit method videos (Posted in the
powerpoint) After viewing the video answer Google Form Due at the
end of the hour
2.) Begin to Work on Foldable/brochure/flier DUE __________
***I will be posting the recipes we are making this and next week and
next , please review before class.
Pour Batter - Crepes
Drop Batter - Chocolate Chip Cookies
Soft Dough - Pretzels
Stiff Dough - Sugar Cookies

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