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Production Diary

Friday 18th November

We made an attempt to film, however the weather became too poor and
restricted us from filming correctly so we had to come back and try
another day. In the time we did have however, we managed to film 3
shots but we decided we are not satisfied with them and will try to film it
again in order to achieve a better shot. We decided we were not satisfied
because the acting quality was not correct, we feel the scene was not
intense enough to fit the thriller genre, plus the camera work could be
improved as it was not focused properly. I was working on the camera
and boom mic, while my partners were acting, so this was the whole
group to blame for the mess up, and we will re-shoot soon.
Sunday 20th November
We had planned to film, however the weather became really poor and we
couldnt film at all so we had to rearrange another day, we decided on
Friday 25th and Saturday 26th, where the weather forecast looks better and
we should be able to film those days.

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