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The Monkeys Paw by W.W. Jacobs - pg.

Directions: Use textual evidence from the story to support your answer
when it asks for it (quote & pg #). Answer the questions after EACH
CHAPTER of the story - avoid reading the whole story first, then answering
the questions. Work together with your partner, but DO NOT share the

Chapter 1 Questions:
1. How does Mr. White approach the game of chess as he plays with his son?
What might this reveal about his personality?
Answer: He is strategic and takes risks
Quote: sharp and unnecessary perils
Pg #: 249
2. When Mr. White states that hed like to go to India, just like Sergeant-Major
Morris, Morris tells him better where you are. In what way might this be a
foreshadowing clue?
Answer: It's really bad in india, and he might go
3. Morris tells Mr. White that the old fakir who owned the monkeys paw put a
spell on it to show that fate ruled peoples lives, and that those who
interfered with it did so to their sorrow. How might this information about
the monkeys paw be a foreshadowing clue?
Answer: He might make a mistake and lose something or someone
4. After Mr. White retrieves the monkeys paw from the fire, give examples of
foreshadowing clues, provided by Morris, that build suspense or hint at what
might happen later in connection with the monkeys paw.
Answer: Something will go wrong if he uses it
Quote: dont blame me for what happens
Pg #: 254
5. Give examples of Herbert Whites attitude towards the monkeys paw.

The Monkeys Paw by W.W. Jacobs - pg. 249

Answer: He thinks it could be helpful
Quote: wish for 200 pounds that will do it
Pg #: 255
6. Why does Mr. White at first have trouble making a wish on the monkeys
paw? What does he end up wishing for?
Answer: He felt embarrassed to use it to pay for rent
Quote: with a solemn face
Pg #: 255

Chapter 2 Questions:
1. Using details from the first page of chapter two provide examples of Mrs.
Whites contradictory feelings about the monkeys paw and the wish that Mr.
White made.
Answer: He was worried something bad might happen for him to
receive the money
Quote: Might drop on his head from the sky
Pg #: 256
2. When the well-dressed stranger appears at their home, what
foreshadowing clues are provided that hint at the message that he brings will
not be a positive one?
Answer: He was nervous to go in
Quote: peering in an undecided fashion at the house
Pg #: 257
3. When the stranger arrives, what clues can the reader use to make an
inference that Mrs. White believes he is rich? What inference can the reader
make about why Mrs. White believes the stranger has come?
Answer: Because of his hat
Quote: Wore a silky hat of newness
Pg #: 257
4. How was Mrs. White able to make the inference that her son was dead?

The Monkeys Paw by W.W. Jacobs - pg. 249

Answer: He was bady injured but he felt no pain so he could only feel
no pain if he was dead
Quote: BAdly hurt but not in any pain
Pg #: 258
5. How is the end of chapter two an example of situational irony?
Answer: you expected him to get affected but his son did instead

Chapter 3 Questions:
1. How are the behaviors of Mr. and Mrs. White different at the start of
chapter 3?
Answer: In shock
Quote: they could hardly realize it
Pg #: 260

2. In what ways has Mrs. Whites attitude about the power of the monkeys
paw changed?
Answer: He was scared to use it again
Quote: A horrible fear
Pg #: 261
3. Why might Mr. White say that to bring back their son would be foolish and
Answer: Something bad would have to happen for him to come back
4. In what way does Mrs. White have power over her husband in the early
parts of this chapter?
Answer: She was in a better mood
Quote: she cried and laughed together
Pg #: 260

The Monkeys Paw by W.W. Jacobs - pg. 249

5. How does Mr. White react when he hears the knocks at the door?
Answer: he was scared
Quote: he stood motionless
Pg #: 262

6. Using clues from the story:

a. Make an inference as to what Mr. White believes is on the other side of
the door.
Answer: His son
b. Next, make an inference as to what Mr. White made for his third and last
Answer: for his son to disappear
c. Finally, make an inference as to why Mr. White made this wish.
Answer: to save his wife from the pain

RL.8.1: Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an
analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn
from the text.
Not Yet Meeting
Struggled to
explain what the
text directly says
as well as the
meaning behind
the text. Did not
identify evidence
from the text.

Explained what the
text directly says as
well as the meaning
behind the text.
Identified evidence, but
not necessarily the
strongest evidence.

Meeting Standard
Explained what the
text directly says as
well as the meaning
behind the text.
Identified the
evidence that most
strongly supports
this analysis.

Explained what the
text directly says as
well as the meaning
behind the text.
Identified the
evidence that most
strongly supports
this analysis AND
proposed an
argument for why
this is evidence is

The Monkeys Paw by W.W. Jacobs - pg. 249

the strongest.

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