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Template for Lesson Plan

Title of lesson: Mathmatical shapes.

Name: Mariam Juma.
Date: 1.11.2016
Time: 1:30PM.
Location: Avalon Heights World Private School- Ajman.
-Kg 2\C.
-There are 25 students.
-English language.


Visual: by look to shapes picture.
Linguistic: learning knew shapes name.
-Fine motor skill: grip the picture of shapes by using their hand
and hold shapes to glue it.
-This lesson will assist children to be able to name a math shapes
square triangle rectangle circle.

*who are they

* how many
* what ages
* What grade
* male/female ratio
* native language(s)
* learning styles (and
student intelligences
* special needs
* prior learning
* how this lesson fits
into prior & future
learning experiences

Students will be able to:
-Comparing: by identify each shape.
-1 to 1 correspondence: when children glue shapes in the same
-Name of shapes.
-Identify a triangle, square, rectangle, circle when it is mixed in with
other shapes.
-State that a triangle has three sides and square, rectangle has
4side and the circle no side.
The child will glue shapes.


*what specific skill or

concept would
students have learned
or experience by the
end of the lesson
* always expressed in
terms of student
* concrete,
measurable & realistic
* maximum of three
* include name of
curriculum guide &
objective numbers
when & where
* goals are
connected to

Materials & resources:
-Car picture.
-Home picture.
-Shapes include square triangle rectangle circle to glue it in the car
or home picture.
-Glue will use it to stuck a photo in the picture.
-Praise, for example, good job children one your smart while for
some students we will give striker such as star, happy face to
improve their social skills and self-stem as a consequence they
wont feel shy to answer again even if it wrong.
-Positive language: good job, good boy.
-Positive rules such as.
*raise your hand to answer.
*use a soft voice.
*Be nice to others.
-Present an activity instruction include, each group will take one
-Work in the group.
-The picture has different shapes to create a car or home picture
and you have to choose shapes that appropriate with part of the
car or home.
-Glue a shape in the picture.
I will give them introduction about shapes by drawing a shape
in the board and ask children what called?
Teacher will

Students will ..

Include your open and closed

ended questions here
1-We will present our rules to our
students: Look at me, listen to
me, raise your hand to answer,
use a soft voice and be nice with

1-Listen carefully to our


5 ES:
2-Answer a question.
Draw a picture of each shape on
the board and ask children
question. For instance, what this
I will give each group one picture
and let them discover and do it.

3-They will do a activity.

*how DAP are the

materials & resources?
* have all safety &
health considerations
been taken into
technology is a tool &
is not just limited to
technology when & if
it supports &
enhances what youre
already doing
* do you have a plan B
for technology upsets?

what will you do to

grab student attention
& to generate
interest/enthusiasm in
the lesson?
*description of
activities used to meet
the learning objectives
* articulated in terms
of student activity &
teacher activity


4-They will do activity and

answer my question.

I will walk around a student to

observe what they do and ask
them a question to know if they
understand. For example, What
the name of this shape? Why
you put a circle here?

Ask them to give me an example
of anything in their home same
triangle, square, rectangle or
circle shape.

5- Tell us a name of
materials same triangle,
square, rectangle or circle

6- Sing a song and answer a


I use a learning video shape
song (Shape song, 2014) . With
asking children the name of
shape in the video.
-If some students were active I will let them be my second
-If they start to talk, I will stand near to them so they will be
-If some students were misbehaving like hit each other I will
change their place and will ask him to apologize.
Use a learning video which is shape song". (Shape song,
2014) With ask children, the name of shape was in the video.
observe children what they are doing, note if anyone didnt
understand to help them, evaluate kids with positive praise for
example if some students work well I will say for them smart
boy, hero and excellent. Give them stakes to engage them to
keep working.

*list the problems that

may occur
*anticipate at least
two problems
*think of possible ways
to deal with those
problems when & if
they occur
*what will you do to
assess learning?
*what will happen to
measure that the goals
were met?
* how DAP is your
* my assessments
are very tightly
connected to my


-Shapes photo.

* sources that you

may have
used/consulted in
building your lesson
(includes books,
websites, magazines,
journals, etc)
* use APA citation

-picture of home and car.

(refer to Noodle Tools

when in doubt).

-Shape song (20140. Retrieved from

A picture of activity:

This is a activity, the

idea of activity is build a
car by glue a shapes in
right way.

This is another picture

for group two.

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