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Spring 2017

2017 Spring Catalog layout_6.indd 1

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Night Thoughts
Wallace Shawn

In this challenging manifesto, Wallace Shawn broods

about questions of justice, inequality, blame, revenge, and moralityand the possibility that a better
world could be created. I do believe its possible
barely possible obviously, he writes, that the mistake of civilization might ultimately be fixed using
civilizations own discoveries and fruits . . . and that a
human society could be created in which no one was
subjugated and everyone was treated with respect
because we all actually respected each other. Each of
us probably has his own picture of what such a society would look like. In my picture we all
would work part of each month in the sewers and for part of each month wed lounge on
pillows writing poetry on perfumed paper of many different colors.
Praise for Essays:
Lovely, hilarious, and seriously thought-provoking.

Toni Morrison

Full of what you might call conversation starters: tricky propositions about
morality, politics, and art as a force for change (or not). . . . Its a treat to hear
[Shawn] speak his curious mind.
O Magazine
As an actor and playwright, Shawns eccentric style is like no one elses. And
in his collection of essays . . . that inimitable inquiring voice can be heard loud
and clear.
Los Angeles Times

GQ, Best Books of 2009

WALLACE SHAWN is an Obie Awardwinning playwright and a noted stage

and screen actor (Star Trek, Gossip Girl, The Princess Bride, Toy Story). He cowrote
the film My Dinner with Andre and is the author of multiple plays. His book
Essays was published by Haymarket Books (2009).

9781608468126, $14.95, Trade Cloth, 112 pages, June 2017

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The Doctor
and the Saint
Caste, Race, and Annihilation
of Caste, the Debate Between
B. R. Ambedkar and M. K. Gandhi
Arundhati Roy

Democracy hasnt eradicated caste, writes Arundhati Roy. It has entrenched and modernized it. Roy
insists we must examine the influence of Gandhi in
shaping what India ultimately became: independent of British rule, globally powerful, and marked to this day by the caste system.
For more than half a centurythroughout his adult life[Gandhis] pronouncements on
the inherent qualities of black Africans, untouchables, and the laboring classes remained
consistently insulting, she writes. His refusal to allow working-class people and untouchables to create their own political organizations and elect their own representatives remained consistent too.
In The Doctor and the Saint, Roy reveals some uncomfortable, even controversial, truths
about the political thought and career of Indias most revered figure. By exploring his debates with the Dalit leader B. R. Ambedkar, author of Annihilation of Caste, Roy makes clear
that what millions of Indians need is not merely formal democracy but liberation from the
oppression, shame, and poverty imposed on them by Indias archaic caste system.
Praise for Arundhati Roy:
Arundhati Roy is incandescent in her brilliance and her fearlessness.
Junot Daz
The fierceness with which Arundhati Roy loves humanity moves my heart.
Alice Walker
ARUNDHATI ROY studied architecture in New Delhi, where she now lives.
She is the author of the novel The God of Small Things, for which she received
the 1997 Man Booker Prize. The novel has been translated into forty languages worldwide. She has written several nonfiction books, including The End of
Imagination and Capitalism: A Ghost Story.
2 9781608467976, $15.95, Trade Paper, 179 pages, April 2017

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Assata Taught Me
State Violence, Mass Incarceration,
and the Movement for Black Lives
Donna Murch

Black Panther and Cuban exile Assata Shakur has inspired multiple generations of radical protest, including the contemporary Black Lives Matter movement.
Bringing this radical history of Black protest to bear
on the current moment, these thought-provoking essays by award-winning scholar Donna Murch explore
how social protest is challenging systems of state violence and mass incarceration.
Murch exposes the devastating consequences of campaigns targeting gangs, drugs, and
crime on poor and working-class populations of color. Through largely hidden channels,
these punitive campaigns, Murch says, generate enormous revenues for the state. Under
such difficult conditions, organized resistance to the advancing tide of state violence and
incarceration has proved challenging.
This timely book shows how a youth-led political movement has emerged since the killing
of Trayvon Martin that challenges the bipartisan consensus on punishment and looks to
the future through a redistributive, queer, and feminist lens. Murch frames the Black Lives
Matter movement in relation to earlier struggles for Black liberation while excavating the
origins of mass incarceration and the political economy that drives it.
Assata Taught Me offers a fresh and much-needed historical perspective on the fifty years
since the founding of the Black Panther Party, during which the worlds largest police state
has emerged.
DONNA MURCH is an associate professor of history at Rutgers, the State
University of New Jersey. She is the author of Living for the City: Migration,
Education, and the Rise of the Black Panther Party in Oakland, California.

9781608468102, $17.95, Trade Paper, 200 pages, June 2017

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Optimism over Despair

On Capitalism, Empire,
and Social Change
Noam Chomsky,

Interviews by C. J. Polychroniou
This volume offers readers a concise and accessible
introduction to the ideas of Noam Chomsky, described by the New York Times as arguably the most
important intellectual alive.
In these recent, wide-ranging interviews, conducted
for Truthout by C. J. Polychroniou, Chomsky discusses his views on the war on terror and
the rise of neoliberalism, the refugee crisis and cracks in the European Union, prospects for
a just peace in Israel/Palestine, the rise of Black Lives Matter, the dysfunctional US electoral
system, the grave danger posed to humanity by the climate crisis, and the challenges of
building a movement for radical change.
NOAM CHOMSKY is Institute Professor (Emeritus) in the Department of
Linguistics and Philosophy at MIT. His work is widely credited with having
revolutionized the field of modern linguistics. He is the author of numerous
bestselling political works, which have been translated into scores of languages
C. J. POLYCHRONIOU is a regular contributor to Truthout as well as a member of Truthouts Public Intellectual Project. He has published several books and
his articles have appeared in a variety of journals, magazines, newspapers, and
popular news websites.

4 9781608467990, $16.95, Trade Paper, 180 pages, April 2017

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A Beautiful Ghetto

Devin Allen, Foreword by D. Watkins

On April 18, 2015, Baltimore erupted into mass
protests in response to the brutal murder of Freddie
Gray by the citys police. Suddenly, the eyes of the
world turned to the uprising. In nearly one hundred
stunning black-and-white photographs, Devin Allen
documents the uprising, his city, and the people who
live there, revealing a world of love, courage, struggle, and hope. Each image reveals the personality,
beauty, and spirit of Baltimore as his camera complicates ghetto stereotypes. We find smiles where one
might least expect them, hope doing battle against a system that sows desperation and
fear, and above all, resistance to the unrelenting pressures of racism in twenty-first-century
Allens work demonstrates a connection between resistance as a daily activity,
a way of life in the ghetto, and resistance as a political act, as played out in the
streets last spring. He documents resistance without judgment, without asking
the usual questions that outsiders might: Is it justified? Is it effective? Is it legal?
Resistance is represented not as a tactic, but as a fundamental aspect of life.
Washington Post
Photographer DEVIN ALLEN was born and raised in West Baltimore, surrounded, as he describes, by crime, drugs and murder. Allen received national
attention for his photographs of the protests in Baltimore following the death of
Freddie Gray, one of which landed on the cover of TIME magazine in May 2015.
His photographs have also appeared in New York Magazine, the Washington Post,
the New York Times, CNN, BBC, NBC News, Aperture magazine, and Yahoo!

9781608467594, $19.95, Trade Cloth, 120 pages, June 2017

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On Antisemitism
Solidarity and the Struggle
for Justice in Palestine
Jewish Voice for Peace,

Foreword by Judith Butler

Jewish Voice for Peace has curated a collection of
essays that explore critical questions about antisemitism and why the term is too often unfairly applied
to those who are simply fighting for Palestinian human rights. This anthology provides a much-needed
tool for Palestinian solidarity activists and teachers, as well as Jewish communities. Featuring contributions from Omar Barghouti, Judith Butler, and Rebecca Vilkomerson, as well
as other activists, scholars, students, and cultural workers, On Antisemitism includes the
voices of Palestinians and Jews who are often marginalized in mainstream discussions of
If the charge of antisemitism becomes a tactic to suppress open criticism and
debate on the State of Israel, its practices of dispossession and occupation, its
founding and the ongoing implications of that founding for Palestinians, then
it will lose its claim to truth. It will be understood as a tactic that actually knows
the untruth of what it claims. Who will believe the charge when it is used to
name and oppose rising forms of fascism or actual ideologies bound up with its
actual toxicity? . . . We should be trying to build a world in which injustice is
named and all forms of racism, including antisemitism, are opposed as equally
unjust and unacceptable.
Judith Butler, from the Preface
JEWISH VOICE FOR PEACE ( JVP) is a national, grassroots organization
inspired by Jewish tradition to work for a just and lasting peace according to
principles of human rights, equality, and international law for all the people
of Israel and Palestine. JVP has more than two hundred thousand online supporters, sixty-plus chapters, a youth wing, a Rabbinic council, an artist council,
an academic advisory council, and an advisory board made up of leading US
intellectuals and artists.
6 9781608467617, $19.95, Trade Paper, 300 pages, April 2017

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Radicals in the Barrio

Magonistas, Socialists, Wobblies,
and Communists in the
Mexican-American Working Class
Justin Akers Chacn

Radicals in the Barrio uncovers the lost history and

rich tradition of political radicalism behind some of
the twentieth centurys most important social movements. Justin Akers Chacn documents the ways that
migrant workers carried with them radical political
ideologies, new organizational models, and the shared experience forged in the flames of
intense class struggle in Mexico as they crossed the border into the southwestern United
States during the first three decades of the twentieth century.
These communities were centrally involved in the great labor revolts, strikes, and civil rights
struggles of the periodfrom the Wheatland Hop Riot in 1913 and the Ludlow Massacre
of 1915 to the California farmworker uprising in 1933 and the massive San Antonio Pecan
Shellers Strike in 1938.
As Mexican and Chicano/a workers in the United States were subject to racial discrimination
and segregation, their participation as workers in class struggle was, and continues to be,
intimately bound up with the fight for civil rights and racial justice. Drawing from radical
ideologies and their own collective traditions, Mexican and Chicano/a working-class men
and women became agents of social transformation throughout the century.
JUSTIN AKERS CHACN is an activist, writer, and educator in the San Diego
Tijuana border region. He is a professor of Chicana and Chicano Studies at San
Diego City College. His previous work includes No One Is Illegal: Fighting Racism
and State Violence on the U.S.-Mexico Border (with Mike Davis).

9781608467754, $20, Trade Paper, 500 pages, June 2017

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A Peoples History
of Chicago
Kevin Coval,

Foreword by Chance the Rapper

Known variously as the Windy City, the City of Big
Shoulders, or Chi-Raq, Chicago is one of the most
widely celebrated, routinely demonized, and thoroughly contested cities in the world.
Chicago is the city of Gwendolyn Brooks and Chief
Keef, Al Capone and Richard Wright, Lucy Parsons
and Nelson Algren, Harold Washington and Studs Terkel. It is the city of Fred Hampton,
house music, and the Haymarket Martyrs. Following in the tradition of Howard Zinn, Kevin
Covals A Peoples History of Chicago celebrates the history of this great American city from
the perspective of those on the margins, whose stories often go untold. These seventy-seven
poems (for the citys seventy-seven neighborhoods) honor the everyday lives and enduring
resistance of the citys workers, poor people, and people of color, whose cultural and political contributions continue to shape the social landscape.
Poet KEVIN COVAL is the author and editor of seven books, including The
BreakBeat Poets: New American Poetry in the Age of Hip-Hop and the play This Is
Modern Art, cowritten with Idris Goodwin. Founder of Louder Than a Bomb:
The Chicago Youth Poetry Festival and the artistic director of Young Chicago
Authors, Coval teaches hip-hop aesthetics at the University of IllinoisChicago.
The Chicago Tribune has named him the voice of the new Chicago and the
Boston Globe called him the citys unofficial poet laureate.

8 9781608466719, $17, Trade Paper, 150 pages, April 2017

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My Mother
Was a Freedom Fighter
Aja Monet

Textured with the sights and sounds of growing up in

East New York in the nineties, going to school on the
South Side of Chicago, and journeying all the way to
the olive groves of Palestine, My Mother Was a Freedom Fighter is Aja Monets ode to mothers, daughters, and sistersthe tiny gods who fight to change
the world. Complemented by striking cover art from
Carrie Mae Weems, these stunning poems tackle
racism, sexism, genocide, displacement, heartbreak, and grief but also love, motherhood,
spirituality, and Black joy.
I am 27 and have never killed a man
but I know the face of death as if heirloom
my country memorizes murder as lullaby
Praise for Aja Monet:
[Monet] is the true definition of an artist.

From For Fahd

Harry Belafonte

In Paris, she walked out onto the stage, opened her mouth, and spoke. At the
first utterance I heard that rare something that said this is special and knew
immediately that Aja Monet was one of the Ones who will mark the sound of
the ages. She brings depth of voice to the voiceless, and through her we sing a
powerful song.
Carrie Mae Weems
Of Cuban-Jamaican descent, AJA MONET is an internationally established
poet, performer, singer, songwriter, educator, and human rights advocate. Monet
is also the youngest person to win the legendary Nuyorican Poets Caf Grand
Slam title.

9781608467679, $16, Trade Paper, 120 pages, May 2017

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The Whiskey
of Our Discontent
Gwendolyn Brooks
as Conscience and Change Agent
Edited by Quraysh Ali Lansana
and Georgia A. Popoff

Foreword by Sonia Sanchez

Poet, educator, and social activist Gwendolyn
Brooks was a singular force in American culture.
The first Black woman to be named US poet laureate, Brooks wrote poetry, fiction, and
social commentary that shed light on the beauty of humanity, the distinct qualities of
Black life and community, and the destructive effects of racism, sexism, and class inequality.
A collection of thirty essays combining critical analysis and personal reflection, The
Whiskey of Our Discontent presents essential elements of Brookss oeuvreon race, gender, class, community, and poetic craftwhile also examining her life as poet, reporter,
mentor, sage, activist, and educator.
QURAYSH ALI LANSANA has written and edited more than a dozen
books, including The BreakBeat Poets: New American Poetry in the Age of
Hip-Hop. He teaches writing at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
GEORGIA A. POPOFF is a poet, educator, and editor whose third collection is Psalter: The Agnostics Book of Common Curiosities. She also
coauthored Our Difficult Sunlight: A Guide to Poetry, Literacy, and Social
Justice in Classroom and Community with Quraysh Ali Lansana.


9781608467631, $18, Trade Paper, 220 pages, June 2017

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In the Shadows
of the American Century
The Rise and Fall of US Global Power
Alfred W. McCoy
To fill the vast void between the enormity of US global power and the
paucity of its analysis, Living in the Shadows of the American Century
offers a critical, comprehensive analysis of Americas rise to global dominion, its unique mechanisms for exercising that power, and the dynamics of its decline. Recognizing that historys most powerful empire is also its least studied, the book
explores the distinctive instruments of American hegemonyincluding covert intervention, client elites,
psychological torture, and worldwide surveillance.
ALFRED W. MCCOY holds the Harrington Chair in History at the University of WisconsinMadison. His 2009 book Policing Americas Empire won the Kahin Prize from the Association for Asian Studies. In 2012, Yale University awarded him the Wilbur Cross Medal.
9781608467730, $18, Trade Paper, 240 pages, August 2017

Organized Labor and

the Black Worker, 16191981
Philip S. Foner, Foreword by Robin D. G. Kelley

In this classic account, historian Philip Foner traces the radical history
of Black workers contribution to the American labor movement.
Foners careful and detailed scholarship makes this the
best one-volume study of blacks and the labor movement
currently available.
Black Scholar
PHILIP S. FONER (19101994) wrote and edited more than a hundred books, including the ten-volume History of the Labor Movement in the United States and The Black
Panthers Speak.

9781608467877, $20, Trade Paper, 492 pages, April 2017

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100 Years of the Russian Revolution, 19172017

History of the
Russian Revolution
Centenary Edition

Leon Trotsky, Translated by Max Eastman

Regarded by many as among the most powerful
works of history ever written, this book offers an
unparalleled account of one of the most pivotal and
hotly debated events in world history. This book, released to coincide with the hundredth anniversary of
the Russian Revolution, reveals, from the perspective
of one of its central actors, the revolutions profoundly democratic, emancipatory character.
Originally published in three parts, Trotskys masterpiece is collected here in a single volume. It serves as the most vital and inspiring record of the Russian Revolution to date.
During the first two months of 1917 Russia was still a Romanov monarchy.
Eight months later the Bolsheviks stood at the helm. They were little known to
anybody when the year began, and their leaders were still under indictment for
state treason when they came to power. You will not find another such sharp turn
in history especially if you remember that it involves a nation of 150 million people. It is clear that the events of 1917, whatever you think of them, deserve study.
Leon Trotsky, from History of the Russian Revolution
The greatest history of an event that I know.

C. L. R. James

The History is his crowning work, both in scale and power and as the fullest expression of his ideas on revolution. As an account of a revolution, given by one of
its chief actors, it stands unique in world literature.
Isaac Deutscher
LEON TROTSKY was a leader of the Russian Revolution. Forced into exile in
1928, he devoted the rest of his life to fighting the degeneration of the revolution
and the rise of a new dictatorial regime. He fought an uncompromising battle,
defending the revolutions internationalist principles.

9781608467952, $45, Trade Cloth, 1040 pages, July 2017

9781931859455, $32, Trade Paper, 1040 pages

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100 Years of the Russian Revolution, 19172017

Trotsky on Lenin
Leon Trotsky

Combining Young Lenin and On Lenin in one volume, this is a fascinating political biography by Lenins fellow revolutionary, Leon Trotsky.
Trotsky on Lenin brings together two long-out-of-print works in a single volume for the first time, providing an intimate and illuminating
portrait of the Bolshevik leader by another of the twentieth centurys
greatest revolutionaries.
Written shortly after its subjects death, On Lenin covers the period of
revolutionary struggle leading up to 1917 as well as the early years of Bolshevik power. We see a
man totally committed to the revolutionary cause, whose legacy was later corrupted under the Soviet
Unions Stalinist degeneration. Young Lenin, meanwhile, describes his early years and conversion to
Marxism, dispelling many of the myths later created by Soviet hagiography in the process. The essential guide for anyone wanting to understand Lenin as a thinker, active revolutionary, and personality.
9781608467914, $22, Trade Paper, 440 pages, June 2017

The Bolsheviks Come to Power

The Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd
Alexander Rabinowitch
A classic work depicting the early months of the Russian Revolution,
featuring a new introduction for the revolutions centenary. During the
months following the collapse of the tsarist regime in war-torn Russia,
the Bolshevik Party emerged from obscurity to overthrow the Provisional Government and establish the worlds first communist government. In this absorbing narrative, Alexander Rabinowitch refutes the
Soviet myth that the partys triumph in the October Revolution was inevitable. Exploring the changing
situation and aspirations of workers, soldiers, and Baltic fleet sailors in Petrograd, Rabinowitchs classic
account reveals the critical link between the partys revolutionary tactics and the Petrograd masses.
ALEXANDER RABINOWITCH is professor emeritus of Russian history at Indiana University and author of Prelude to Revolution: The Petrograd Bolsheviks and the July 1917 Uprising.
9781608467938, $22, Trade Paper, 432 pages, May 2017

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Reminiscences of Lenin
Nadezhda K. Krupskaya

A personal account of Lenins life and thought, written by the woman

who knew him best.
Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya was a founding member of the
Russian Bolshevik Party and the wife of Vladimir Lenin from 1898 until
his death in 1924. As both his closest political collaborator and personal confidant, Krupskaya offers invaluable insights into the life and
thought of the most important leader of the Russian Revolution. The
portrait of Lenin that emerges is of a man unwavering in his convictions, but alsocontrary to the mythology later woven around himquick to laugh and tender in his affections.
NADEZHDA K. KRUPSKAYA (18691939) was the secretary of the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party during the revolution of 1905, served as the deputy commissar of education following the October Revolution, and was centrally involved in the
creation of the early Soviet education system.
9781608467891, $24, Trade Paper, 584 pages, July 2017

Capitalisms Contradictions
Studies of Economic Thought Before and After Marx
Henryk Grossman, Translated and edited by Rick Kuhn
Henryk Grossman was one of the best-known and most influential
Marxist economists of the twentieth century, and yet most of his work
remains unavailable to English-speaking audiences. This volume, collected and translated by Deutscher Prizewinning Grossman biographer
Rick Kuhn, assembles some of his most important essays and serves as
an accessible introduction to his project of recovering Marx. Grossman
highlights distinctive features of Marxs economic theory by contrasting it with the views of his forerunners, from Adam Smith to Jean Sismondi. He then provides a unique overview of the major debates
among Marxists over politics and economics between Marxs death and the rise of fascism in Germany.
HENRYK GROSSMAN (18811950) was a founding leader of the Jewish Social Democratic Party of Galicia and later a member of the Polish Communist Workers Party.

RICK KUHN is an honorary associate professor in sociology at the Australian National

University and author of Henryk Grossman and the Recovery of Marxism.

9781608467792, $24, Trade Paper, 300 pages, April 2017

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Revolutionary Studies
Theory, History, People
Paul Le Blanc
Revolutionary Studies explores the relevance of Marxism to emancipatory politics through a critical examination of core concepts and key
twentieth-century revolutionary figures and movements. The first part
of Revolutionary Studies explores definitions of the working class, social identities, democracy, capitalism, and socialism. The second applies
these understandings to the Russian, Chinese, Nicaraguan, Indian, and
South African revolutionary and post-revolutionary experiences. The third engages with the lives and the
ideas of five important figures associated with Marxism: Georg Lukcs, Antonio Gramsci, James Burnham,
Dennis Brutus, and Daniel Bensad. Revolutionary Studies is rigorously and clearly written for anyone
wanting to understand the interrelationship between revolutionary theory and revolutionary practice.
PAUL LE BLANC is a professor of history at La Roche College. He has written on
and participated in the US labor, radical, and civil rights movements. His books include
Marx, Lenin, and the Revolutionary Experience andLenin and the Revolutionary Party.
9781608467815, $19, Trade Paper, 369 pages, July 2017

Black Liberation
and the American Dream
The Struggle for Racial and Economic Justice
Edited and introduced by Paul Le Blanc
Considering the connections between class and racial oppression, and
the often marginalized role of the Left in antiracist struggles, Le Blanc
skillfully introduces key texts from crucial figures in African American
radicalism: Frederick Douglass, Martin Delany, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Ida B. Wells, Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey, W. E. B. Du Bois, Paul Robeson, C. L. R.
James, A. Philip Randolph, Martin Luther King Jr., Bayard Rustin, Malcolm X, Ella Baker, and others.
This combination of a rich analytical understanding with key primary texts makes Black Liberation and
the American Dream a unique and invaluable resource for those engaged in contemporary struggles.
It is a crucial text for activists and scholars alike.
A timely weapon in the fight against racism.
9781608467853, $19, Trade Paper, 312 pages, August 2017

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Against the Current


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Historical Materialism Book Series

Editorial Board: Sebastian Budgen (Paris), Steve Edwards (London), Marcel van der Linden
(Amsterdam), Peter Thomas (London)
The capitalist crisis of the twenty-first century has been met by a resurgence of interest
in critical Marxist theory. Yet the publishing institutions committed to Marxism have
contracted markedly since the high point of the 1970s. The Historical Materialism Book
Series is dedicated to addressing this situation by making available important works of
Marxist theory. The aim of the series is to publish important theoretical contributions
in the form of original monographs, translated texts, and reprints of classicsas the basis
for vigorous intellectual debate and exchange on the left.

Splendour, Misery, and Possibilities

An X-Ray of Socialist Yugoslavia

Darko Suvin

9781608468010, $28, Trade Paper, 428 pages, August 2017

The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

was created in a surge of revolutionary self-determination that rejected both the free-market
capitalism of Europe and the bureaucratic Socialism of the Soviet Union. Yet this early experimentation and dynamism ultimately gave way to
the same sclerotic state-system its creators were
trying to avoid. In this engaging treatise, Suvin
seeks out the source of this failure.

The Types of Economic Policy

Under Capitalism
Kz Uno

9781608468027, $28, Trade Paper, 352 pages, August 2017

Kozo Uno is widely recognized as one of the

most important Marxist economists of the twentieth century, and yet most of his work remains
untranslated and thus unavailable to the Anglo-Saxon world. This English language edition
of his influential Keizai-Seisakuron introduces
Unos argument for a mid-range theory of capitalisms developmental stagesone that exists
between pure theory and full empiricism.

Studies in Critical Social Sciences

Editor: David Fasenfest

Modern capitalism began the twenty-first century seemingly victorious as the dominant
social and economic organizing principle in the world. Rampant deregulation accompanied a wholesale attack on the social, economic, and political gains of the prior century
under the guise of increasing competitiveness and the need to respond to the forces of
The peer-reviewed Studies in Critical Social Sciences book series offers insights into
the current reality by exploring the content and consequence of power relationships under capitalism, by considering the spaces of opposition and resistance to these changes,
and by articulating capitalism with other systems of power and dominationfor example race, gender, culturethat have been defining our new age.
Studies in Critical Social Sciences includes the subseries Studies in Critical Research
on Religion and Critical Global Studies.

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The Origins of Collective

Decision Making

Malcolm X

9781608468041, $28, Trade Paper, 257 pages, April 2017

Edited and introduced by Dustin J. Byrd

and Seyed J. Miri

Andy Blunden

Building on his highly original and always insightful earlier works on collective activity, in
The Origins of Collective Decision Making Andy
Blunden turns his attention to the question
of how groups make decisions. Examining
three paradigmsCounsel-, Majority-, and
Consensus-based methodsBlunden discovers that each has unique ethical foundations,
deeply rooted in the historical experiences of
specific struggles.

Eros and Revolution

The Critical Philosophy of Herbert Marcuse

Javier Sethness Castro
9781608468065, $28, Trade Paper, 410 pages, June 2017

Investigating the origins and development of

Herbert Marcuses dialectical approach vis-vis Hegel, Marx, and Freud as well as the
central figures of the Frankfurt School, Sethness Castro chronicles the radical philosophers
lifelong activism. Beyond examining Marcuses
revolutionary life and contributions, the author
contemplates the philosophers relevance to
contemporary struggles, especially with regard
to ecology, feminism, and anarchism.

Human Rights, Hegemony,

and Utopia in Latin America

Poverty, Forced Migration and Resistance

in Mexico and Colombia
Camilo Prez-Bustillo
and Karla Hernndez Mares
9781608468072, $28, Trade Paper, 292 pages, June 2017

The concept of human rights is often deployed

by states in defense of various policies, as well by
those resisting the impact of those same policies.
Using case studies from contemporary Mexico
and Colombia, Prez-Bustillo and Hernndez
Mares explore the evolving relationship between these hegemonic and counter-hegemonic
visions of human rights.

2017 Spring Catalog layout_6.indd 17

From Political Eschatology

to Religious Revolutionary

9781608468089, $28, Trade Paper, 371 pages, May 2017

Spurred by the commitment to continue the

critical work that Malcolm X began, this volume analyzes the enduring significance of his
life, work, and religious philosophy. Bringing
together thirteen different scholars from six
different countries, Malcolm X: From Political
Eschataology to Religious Revolutionary demonstrates why Malcolm X is still vitally important
fifty years after his death.

Labor and Capitalist Hegemony

in Argentina

The Case of the Automobile Industry,19902007

Agustn Santella
9781608468096, $28, Trade Paper, 237 pages, July 2017

As it spreads its tendrils across the globe, one

of neoliberalisms most important policy demands has been labor flexibilization, coded
language for tearing up collective bargaining
agreements and dismantling trade unions. In
this well-researched and insightful study, Santella focuses on the auto industry in Argentina between 1990 and 2007 to draw out how
workers have resisted these changes.

Capitalisms Future

Alienation, Emancipation and Critique

Edited and introduced by Daniel Krier
and Mark P. Worrell
9781608468058, $28, Trade Paper, 298 pages, May 2017

This collection brings together contributions

from social theorists in sociology, philosophy,
and cultural studies to dissect and critique capitalist crises, left-liberalism, left-Thatcherism,
resistance to risk-pooling, idealist philosophy,
undemocratic social character, status wages and
authoritarian spectacles. Throughout, Marxs
centrality to critical social theory is confirmed,
both alone and in powerful combination with
Adorno, Durkheim, Du Bois, Lacan, Veblen,
Weber and others.


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Recent and Recommended

9.5 Theses on Art and Class
Ben Davis

9781608462681, $16, Trade Paper, 224 pages

Davis draws the curtain back on the contemporary art world to assail its commodified roots.

A Time to Die

The Attica Prison Revolt

Tom Wicker
9781608462155, $18, Trade Paper, 356 pages

The essential firsthand account of the Attica Prison rebellion by one of the
mediators chosen by the prison rebels to help tell their story.

Against Apartheid

The Case for Boycotting Israeli Universities

Edited by Bill V. Mullen and Ashley Dawson, Foreword by Ali Abunimah
9781608465262, $19.95, Trade Paper, 272 pages

This is the first book to spell out why an academic boycott of Israeli universities is critical to dismantling Israeli apartheid.

All Our Relations

Native Struggles for Land and Life

Winona LaDuke
9781608466290, $19, Trade Paper, 256 pages

A thoughtful and in-depth account of Native resistance to environmental and

cultural degradation.

Apartheid Israel

The Politics of an Analogy

Edited by Sean Jacobs and Jon Soske, Foreword by Achille Mbembe
9781608465187, $16, Trade Paper, 224 pages

Scholars reflect on the analogy of apartheid South Africa to Israel today.

The Battle for Justice in Palestine

Ali Abunimah

9781608463244, $17, Trade Paper, 312 pages

An effective strategy for moving forward in the struggle for justice and a
single-state solution in Palestine.


2017 Spring Catalog layout_6.indd 18

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Before the Next Bomb Drops

Rising Up from Brooklyn to Palestine
Remi Kanazi
9781608465248, $16, Trade Paper, 112 pages

Kanazis poetry presents an unflinching look at the lives of Palestinians under

occupation and as refugees scattered across the globe.

Black Panthers Speak

Edited by Philip S. Foner, Introduction by Clayborne Carson,

Foreword by Barbara Ransby
9781608463282, $20, Trade Paper, 328 pages

A sweeping collection of the most vital and representative writings of the

Black Panther Party.

The Black Power Mixtape 19671975

Edited by Gran Olsson

9781608462964, $21.95, Trade Paper, 208 pages

A provocative mixtape of never-before-seen images and interviews of the

Black Power movement, with contemporary reflections.

The BreakBeat Poets

New American Poetry in the Age of Hip-Hop

Edited by Kevin Coval, Quraysh A. Lansana, and Nate Marshall
9781608463954, $19.95, Trade Paper, 352 pages

A first-of-its-kind anthology of hip-hop poetica written for and by the people.

Boots Riley

Tell Homeland SecurityWe Are the Bomb

Boots Riley, Introduction by Adam Mansbach
9781608462537, $22.95, Trade Paper, 224 pages

Blending poetics, politics, and everyday life, the singular lyrics of Boots Riley,
poet of the hip-hop underground, are collected here along with interviews,
artifacts, and backstories.

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions

The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights

Omar Barghouti
9781608461141, $16, Trade Paper, 320 pages

As international awareness of the apartheid nature of Israel grows, Omar

Barghouti offers a manifesto for winning Palestinian civil rights.


2017 Spring Catalog layout_6.indd 19

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A Ghost Story

Arundhati Roy
9781608463855, $14.95, Trade Paper, 136 pages

With anger and compassion, Roy exposes the sordid underbelly and dark
inhumanity of capitalism in India and around the globe.

Capitalisms Crisis Deepens

Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown

Richard D. Wolff
9781608465958, $18.95, Trade Paper, 334 pages

World-renowned economist Richard Wolff explores the roots of the Great

Recession and its immense impact on working people.

China on Strike

Narratives of Workers Resistance

Edited by Hao Ren, English Edition edited by Zhongjin li and Eli Friedman
9781608465224, $19.95, Trade Paper, 240 pages

Through first-person accounts, the book details the growing unrest, destabilization, and strikes in factories that are gripping China.

The Communist Manifesto

A Road Map to Historys Most Important Political Document

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Edited by Phil Gasper
9781931859257, $14, Trade Paper, 180 pages

An authoritative introduction to historys most important political document,

with the full text of the Manifesto.

Demand the Impossible!

A Radical Manifesto
Bill Ayers
9781608466702, $14.95, Trade Paper, 150 pages

A manifesto for movement-makers in extraordinary times that urges us to imagine a world beyond what this rotten system would have us believe is possible.

Disposable Domestics

Immigrant Women Workers in the Global Economy

Grace Chang, Foreword by Alicia Garza, Afterword by Ai-jen Poo
9781608465286, $17.95, Trade Paper, 272 pages


Analyzes recent immigration debates targeting women of color and challenges

the racism behind the rhetoric.

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The End of Imagination

Arundhati Roy

9781608466191, $19.95, Trade Paper, 408 pages

Brings together five of Arundhati Roys acclaimed books of essays into one
comprehensive volume for the first time.

Europe in Revolt

Mapping the New European Left

Edited by Catarina Prncipe and Bhaskar Sunkara
9781608465934, $17, Trade Paper, 216 pages

A gripping and authoritative account of the uprisings against extreme austerity

that have shaken Europe.

Exoneree Diaries

The Fight for Innocence, Independence, and Identity

Alison Flowers
9781608466757, $17.95, Trade Paper, 288 pages

An in-depth and personal look into the lives of four people wrongfully imprisoned for crimes they didnt commit.

Freedom Is a Constant Struggle

Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement

Angela Y. Davis, Edited and introduced by Frank Barat, Preface by Cornel
9781608465644, $15.95, Trade Paper, 176 pages

Activist, teacher, author, and icon of the Black Power movement Angela
Davis talks Ferguson, Palestine, and prison abolition.

From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

9781608465620, $17.95, Trade Paper, 288 pages

The best analysis we have of the #BlackLivesMatter moment of the long

struggle for freedom in America. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor has emerged as
the most sophisticated and courageous radical intellectual of her generation.

Hope in the Dark

Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities

Rebecca Solnit
9781608465767, $15.99, Trade Paper, 184 pages

Solnit reminds us of how changed the world has been by the activism of the
past five decades.

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How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America

Problems in Race, Political Economy, and Society

Manning Marable, Foreword by Leith Mullings

9781608465118, $19, Trade Paper, 360 pages

Marable offers profound insight into the deeply intertwined problems of race
and class in the United States historically and today.

Howard Zinn Speaks

Collected Speeches 19632009

Howard Zinn, Edited by Anthony Arnove
9781608462599, $18.95, Trade Paper, 320 pages

To read this book is to hear Howard Zinn speak again, inspiring us for the
struggles from below that are our only hope for any future at all.

Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire

Deepa Kumar

9781608462117, $17, Trade Paper, 220 pages

Islamophobia examines the origins of the ongoing assault on Muslims and Arabs
in the United States, which predate the intensified racism of the war on terror.

The John Carlos Story

The Sports Moment That Changed the World

John Carlos with Dave Zirin, Foreword by Cornel West
9781608462247, $15.95, Trade Paper, 220 pages

John Carlos and Tommie Smiths Black Power salute on the 1968 Olympic
podium sparked controversy and career fallout.

The Last Day of Oppression, and the First Day of the Same
The Politics and Economics of the New Latin American Left
Jeffery R. Webber
9781608467150, $19.95, Trade Paper, 320 pages

This book offers an overarching political and economic evaluation of the

Latin American Left between the late 1990s and 2016.

The Long Depression

Marxism and the Global Crisis of Capitalism

Michael Roberts
9781608464685, $19, Trade Paper, 360 pages


A significant contribution to developing a Marxist analysis of the origins of

the long depression.

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Long Shot

The Struggles and Triumphs of an NBA Freedom Fighter

Craig Hodges and Rory Fanning, Foreword by Dave Zirin
9781608466078, $22.95, Trade Cloth, 220 pages

Black-balled NBA champion explores the challenges and rewards of using a

celebrity platform to stand up against racism and exploitation.

Marxs Capital Illustrated

David N. Smith, Illustrated by Phil Evans

9781608462667, $15, Trade Paper, 216 pages

This beginners guide to Capital illustrates the key concepts, humor, and
immense vitality to be enjoyed in Marxs great work.

Masters of Mankind

Essays and Lectures, 19692013

Noam Chomsky, Foreword by Marcus Raskin
9781608463633, $12.95, Trade Paper, 162 pages

A brilliant indictment of US imperial power.

Perfect. . . . There is more than enough profound, powerful material in this
collection to impress any readers unfamiliar with Chomskys intellectual agility.

The Meaning of Marxism

Paul DAmato

9781608462506, $17, Trade Paper, 352 pages

A lively and accessible introduction to the ideas of Karl Marx, with historical
and contemporary examples.

Men Explain Things To Me

Rebecca Solnit

9781608464661, $12.95, Trade Paper, 176 pages

A landmark essay that went viral, inspired the word mansplaining, and
prompted fierce arguments, alongside other incisive feminist tracts.

More Than a Score

The New Uprising Against High-Stakes Testing

Edited by Jesse Hagopian, Preface by Diane Ravitch,
Foreword by Alfie Kohn, Afterword by Wayne Au
9781608463923, $18, Trade Paper, 336 pages

Key participants in the growing movement of teachers, students, and parents

organizing against high-stakes testing tell their inspiring stories.

2017 Spring Catalog layout_6.indd 23


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The Mother of All Questions

Further Reports from the Feminist Revolutions

Rebecca Solnit
9781608467402, $14.95, Trade Paper, 180 pages

The Mother of All Questions is Solnits sequel to Men Explain Things to Me,
compiling her newest essays on feminism.

My People Are Rising

Memoir of a Black Panther Party Captain

Aaron Dixon, Foreword by Judson L. Jeffries
9781608461783, $17.95, Trade Paper, 360 pages

A compelling look at the rise and fall of the Black Panther generation,
through the eyes of a founding member.

Neoliberalisms War on Higher Education

Henry A. Giroux

9781608463343, $17, Trade Paper, 256 pages

Addresses what educators, young people, and concerned citizens can do to

reclaim higher education from market-driven neoliberal ideologies.

Next Time Theyll Come to Count the Dead

War and Survival in South Sudan
Nick Turse
9781608466481, $15.95, Trade Paper, 160 pages

In fast-paced and dramatic fashion, Turse reveals the harsh reality of modern
warfare in South Sudan.

On Palestine

Noam Chomsky and Ilan Papp, Edited by Frank Barat

9781608464708, $11.95, Trade Paper, 224 pages

An informative and urgent discussion on the way forward for justice in the
Palestine movement by two of its most renowned champions worldwide.

The Politics of Che Guevara

Theory and Practice
Samuel Farber
9781608466016, $16.95, Trade Paper, 192 pages


A political portrait focused on Guevaras thought and political record to dispel many popular myths about the revolutionary. This unique book provides
a way to critically engage with Guevaras economic views, his ideas about
revolutionary agency, and his conduct as guerrilla commander and government administrator in Cuba.

2017 Spring Catalog layout_6.indd 24

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Poor Workers Unions

Rebuilding Labor from Below (Completely Revised and Updated Edition)

Vanessa Tait, Foreword by Bill Fletcher, Afterword by Cristina Tzintzn
9781608465200, $19, Trade Paper, 336 pages

Illuminates key connections between the social justice movements of the last
fifty years and todays most innovative labor organizing.

Rank and File

Personal Histories by Working-Class Organizers

Alice and Staughton Lynd
9781608461509, $20, Trade Paper, 326 pages

The trials and tribulations of firebrand union organizers, from the 1930s to
the 1970s, are brought to life here, in their own words.

Reproductive Rights and Wrongs

The Global Politics of Population Control
Betsy Hartmann
9781608467334, $19.95, Trade Paper, 488 pages

With a new preface, this feminist classic reveals the dangers of contemporary
population-control tactics, especially for women in developing countries.

A Short History of the US Working Class

From Colonial Times to the Twenty-First Century
Paul Le Blanc
9781608466252, $17, Trade Paper, 232 pages

Le Blanc presents a colorful, fact-filled history that concentrates on the

struggles and achievements of the often-neglected laboring majority.

The Silenced Majority

Stories of Uprisings, Occupations, Resistance, and Hope

Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan
9781608462315, $16, Trade Paper, 380 pages

Goodman and Moynihan take an anti-establishment stance and get to the

heart of todays critical news stories and political events.

Socialism . . . Seriously

A Brief Guide to Human Liberation

Danny Katch
9781608465156, $13.95, Trade Paper, 182 pages

A funny and accessible introduction to socialism.


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Song of the Stubborn One Thousand

The Watsonville Canning Strike, 198587
Peter Shapiro
9781608466801, $18.95, Trade Paper, 256 pages

An account of the successful strike by mainly Mexican women workers at the

largest plant in Watsonville, California.

The Speech

The Story Behind Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s Dream (Updated Paperback Edition)
Gary Younge
9781608464234, $14.95, Trade Paper, 280 pages

Younge explains why The Speech maintains its powerful social relevance by
sharing the dramatic story surrounding it.

John Feffer

9781608467242, $13.95, Trade Paper, 130 pages

Julian West, looking backwards from 2050, tries to understand why the world
and his family have fallen apart.

Things That Can and Cannot Be Said

Essays and Conversations

Arundhati Roy and John Cusack

9781608467174, $10.95, Trade Paper, 106 pages

In this rich dialogue on surveillance, empire, and power, Roy and Cusack
describe meeting NSA whistleblower Ed Snowden in Moscow.

Tomas Youngs War

Mark Wilkerson, Foreword by Phil Donahue

9781608466504, $17.95 Trade Paper, 248 pages

The story of an Iraq war veteran who turned his agonizing wounds, and even
his decision to end his life, into a powerful testament to the true cost of war.

Undivided Rights

Women of Color Organizing for Reproductive Justice

Jael Silliman, Marlene Gerber Fried, Loretta Ross, and Elena Gutirrez
9781608466177, $19, Trade Paper, 348 pages

Undivided Rights captures the evolving and largely unknown activist history
of women of color organizing for reproductive justice.


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Urban Revolt

State Power and the Rise of Peoples Movements in the Global South
Edited by Trevor Ngwane, Immanuel Ness, and Luke Sinwell
9781608467136, $19.95, Trade Paper, 320 pages

Through detailed case studies, Urban Revolt unravels the potential and limitations of urban social movements on an international level.

The Violent American Century

War and Terror Since World War II
John W. Dower
9781608467235, $13.95, Trade Paper, 150 pages

The Violent American Century addresses the US-led transformations in war

conduct and strategizing that followed 1945.

Whats My Name, Fool?

Sports and Resistance in the United States

Dave Zirin
9781931859202, $15, Trade Paper, 300 pages sportswriter Dave Zirin provides a no-holds-barred commentary on the personalities and politics of American sports.

When the Welfare People Come

Race and Class in the US Child Welfare System

Don Lash
9781608467433, $16, Trade Paper, 200 pages

Analyzes the history of the US child welfare system and its implications
today, offering ideas for reform and building solidarity.

Who Do You Serve, Who Do You Protect?

Police Violence and Resistance in the United States

Edited by Maya Schenwar, Joe Marar, and Alana Yu-lan Price, Foreword
by Alicia Garza
9781608466122, $18, Trade Paper, 224 pages

Explores the reality of US police violence against Black, Brown and Indigenous communities.

Women and Socialism (Revised and Updated Edition)

Class, Race, and Capital
Sharon Smith
9781608461806, $16, Trade Paper, 260 pages

A socialist perspective on womens oppression and liberation, exploring the connection between womens rights and equality for all.

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100 Years of the Russian Revolution, 19172017

Lenin and the Revolutionary Party
Paul Le Blanc

9781608464647, $24.00, Trade Paper, 416 pages

Lenins political and organizational ideas confront the reality of the labor
movement and the revolutionary process.

Lenins Moscow

Alfred Rosmer, Introduction by Ian Birchall

9781608466153, $19.95, Trade Paper, 304 pages

Engaging, page-turning firsthand account of the promise of the Russian


Lessons of October
Leon Trotsky

9781608467389, $19.00, Trade Paper, 305 pages

A critical examination of the key actors and larger social movements that led
to the rise of the Bolsheviks.

Revolution and Counterrevolution

Class Struggle in a Moscow Metal Factory
Kevin Murphy
9781931859509, $20, Trade Paper, 240 pages

The most thorough investigation to date on working-class life during the

revolutionary era and the gains for liberty and equality the 1917 revolution
brought about.

Revolution in Danger

Writings from Russia 19191921

Victor Serge
9781608460830, $14, Trade Paper, 184 pages

Victor Serge brings to life the unwavering revolutionary commitment of Red

Petrograd in 1919, assailed by counterrevolution from within and without.

Year One of the Russian Revolution

Victor Serge, Translated and edited by Peter Sedgwick

9781608462674, $24.95, Trade Paper, 552 pages

Serge exposes the heart of the vital first year of the most important workingclass revolution in history.


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