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IB MYP Individuals and Societies (Grade 7)



Revolutionary Leaders

Aim: Students will identify and develop concern for the well-being of human
communities and the natural environment.
Objective: Biii. The student uses methods to collect and record appropriate and
9:00 AM
Evolving Identi varied relevant information about their historical character's identity and ideology.

Factual: Who was involved in the American Revolution?

1. Students will research their leader in order to make a connection to a learner
profile trait.
2. Students will create a Learner Profile poster using their leader.
3. Students will reflect on their poster and create a plan to improve the poster.
4. Students will follow their plan in order to create a better poster.

An Evolving Identity

W2 November (6 weeks)

Identities and relationships
Identities change over time.

Criterion B: Investigating
Achievement Level


The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors


The student identifies a connection between the person and Learner Profile
trait. The student formulates a limited action plan or does not follow a plan,
collects and records limited or sometimes irrelevant information. With
guidance, the student reflects on the research process and results in a
limited way.


The student creates a connection between the person and Learner Profile
trait. The student formulates and occasionally follows a partial action plan to
investigate a research question, uses a method(s) to collect and record some
relevant information. With guidance, the student reflects on the research
process and results.


The student creates a connection between the person and Learner Profile
trait. The student formulates and mostly follows a sufficiently developed
action plan to investigate a research question, uses methods to collect and
record appropriate relevant information. With guidance, the student evaluates
on the research process and results.


The student creates a connection between the person and Learner Profile
trait. The student formulates and effectively follows a consistent action plan
to investigate a research question, uses methods to collect and record

E. Otis Vaughn Middle School

appropriate and varied relevant information. With guidance, the student

provides a detailed evaluation of the research process and results.

E. Otis Vaughn Middle School

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