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Course Code :ACH1117/ 2012

Reg. No :


Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam

Affiliated to JNT University K, Kakinada

B.Tech. V-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2015

Industrial Pollution & Control
(Chemical Engineering)
Date : 10-11-2015
Time : 3 Hours
1. Question No. 1 is Compulsory.
2. Answer any FOUR from questions 2 to 8.
3. All parts of a Question must be answered in one place to get valued.

Max. Marks : 70

Answer the following in 4 or 5 sentences.

a) What are different types of emissions?
b) Draw Oxygen sag curve.
c) What is the best method to control SO2 and why?
d) What is stack sampling?
e) What are the uses of fabric filters?
f) Why trickling filters are used?
g) Define sedimentation.

2 Marks
2 Marks
2 Marks
2 Marks
2 Marks
2 Marks
2 Marks


a) What is environment legislation? Explain.

b) Discuss about standards and guide lines of Effluents.

10 Marks
4 Marks


a) Discuss about sources and characteristics of pollutants.

b) Explain how pollutants effect in fertilizer and pulp industries.

8 Marks
6 Marks


a) List different methods to control and remove nitrogen oxides.

b) Explain how treatment is given for gaseous effluent in fertilizer industry.

6 Marks
8 Marks


a) Compare different types of pollutants and their samplings.

b) Give details about analysis of air pollutants.

7 Marks
7 Marks


Discuss about different control methods of air pollution and give conclusions.

14 Marks


a) Give details about biological treatment of waste water.

b) Conclude suspended growth processes and attached growth processes.

8 Marks
6 Marks


a) What are the trends in waste management in other countries?

b) How India is doing? Conclude.

8 Marks
6 Marks

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