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Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed

The Lights
Vogel crystals are presicely cut crystals (usually quartz) to create a special scalar wave output
that is directed through the smaller cut portion of the crystal. Other cut crystals can work, just not
as well. Think of Vogels like a hall of mirrors- reflections upon reflections. The energy gets
trapped inside the crystal, bouncing back and forth being forced down to the smaller point where
it then exits the tip.
The vogels are suspended in the middle of the vogel holder so the scalar information is not
impaired through the top and bottom- This is critical to a successful design.
The six LED lights that surround the middle of each crystal are programmed specifically for
each chakra position. The light portion of the Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed is programmed
with 8 different settings and time elements which can be upgraded later to more settings. The
owner of the Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed can change light design by simply changing the
The vogel cut crystals are placed above each chakra at any height desired and can be ordered
in 12 sides, 24, 48+ sides. (the more cuts, the higher the scalar wave output)
Frequency tuned Vogels?
I've heard of people saying how the vogels they own are cut to a specific frequency. What i
ask is how in the world are you going to have your lapidary who is cutting the crystals, get the
frequencies correct? Do they have the proper equipment like an oscilloscope, sine wave
generator, power supplies and knowledge to run these? I'm not saying it can't be done, but it's
pain staking and very very expensive.
The problem:
Each crystal has a natural frequency or resonance that it uses. This changes when we cut,
polish, or chip them. To find out the frequency of a crystal, you need to suspend every cut crystal
into a device that can record the output of the new frequency being cut-every time you made a
small change to the crystal including the polishing- this takes months per crystal.
The solution:
What i do is work with and around whatever this new cut frequency is. I'm not trying to figure
out the frequency of the crystal but piggy backing my own onto the frequency of the crystal. I am
channeling specific information to impart the corrected frequencies. These new frequency are
based on the mobius coils and pulse/color of LED's plus the lasers. The Mobius coils are
creating a new energy pattern that use magnetic, scalar information that doesn't interfere with the
frequency of the crystal. The Crystal becomes a part of the electric circuit that the mobius coils
Can I use other crystals?
If your crystal fits and can be safely held in place, than yes. It's fun to find out the different
energetics of various crystals and i would recommend trying one out by itself on the solid color
light program.
The Vogel holders
The holders are hand made plastic/epoxy that have the LED's, magnets, crystals, and
mobius coils embedded into the casting. This setup is considered a very powerful Orgone device.

The design holds the vogel in the middle, leaving the top and bottom free to generate
uninterrupted energy.

Why use LED's?

Another factor not included in many systems on the market is the voltage of the lights. There
are two types of current used in today's living, A/C and D/C. A/C is found in most appliances
whereas D/C has been used in cars, mobile electronics or anything with a battery. The 60Hz
frequency and higher voltage found in A/C is a hindrance to our own body's electrical system and
is harmful to our well being. D/C on the other hand, uses a steady stream of low voltage to work
and does not adversely effect our own electrical field. Think of it this way, D/C = Direct Current,
A/C = Alternating Current.
The Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed uses a low voltage (5v) low amperage (no shock) D/C
current so the clients health and well being are greatly improved.
The LED's also have the option of staying off if you just want to be immersed in the music or
feel the magnetic induction of the mobius coils.
The Lasers really enhance the frequencies being generated by the vogel, LED's and Mobius
Coils. They are carriers of the frequencies and can be turned on or off (depending on clients
needs) Each of the Lasers is tuned to a wavelength of 405 NM which means that it is ultraviolet.
This wavelength is in the range that allows the DNA to be most receptive to it. Furthermore, the
lasers are connected to the frequency generator so they pulse like morse code to the crystals.
The Lasers mount perpendicular to the vogels for safety. Since the Lasers mount perpendicular to
the vogel, there is no chance of directed energy at the client. The Lasers use a coherence of light
in conjunction with the vogel's scalar waves and the magnetic induction of the mobius- what this
means is that the lasers wavelength becomes scalar and quantum reaching areas that are not
available normally.
I use 20 milliwatt lasers (low power) and are encapsulated within the vogel mount. If no vogel
is present, the laser will strike the opposite side of the vogel housing, harmlessly diffracting the

The Sound
I make the music. As of July 2014, there are 10 programs for the binaural beats that run in
conjunction with the light. Some are soothing, while others invigorate. Some just use binaural
beats and back rounds of thunder, rain, rivers and some have themes like being in India or Nepal.
The binaural beats are composed around the central frequency of 111hz with left and right
frequencies in the delta and theta range (typically)
The message table itself is designed to resonate with specific healing frequencies and drop
the body into a state of peace and relaxation. The sounds are crafted to bring a person through
specific frequencies during the sessions. In addition, there is a headphone output that allows the
person to hear the binaural beats that are encoded into the sound. The audio input also allows
you to experiment with your favorite music in conjunction with the binarual beats through
connecting two music players up at the same time.
In Addition, we can customize specific beat programs if you have certain requirements.
Binaural Beats
Binaural beats use two sounds very close to one another in the audio spectrum that when
placed with stereo headphones, appear to be the same. What this means is that when specific
frequencies are mixed, the brain tries to work out what the difference is, resulting in a more
relaxed state and the left and right side of the brain working more harmoniously together.
The beats of the music go further with my music in that they use master frequencies, deep
meditative frequencies, solfeggio tones, crystal bowls and easy to listen to backgrounds. They
can be as many as 60 overtones in the recordings and allow the user to enter into a state where
the lights, magnetics, and lasers can transmit the scalar wave information better.

How it works
Sound transducers are attached to the underside of the bed to vibrate the bed at the specified
frequencies. The sound is not loud to the human ear yet is very strong to the client feeling it.
There is a 150watt amplifier (very powerful) powering the design, so there can be as much
vibration or as little as you want. There is a separate volume control for the headphones

The Mobius Coils

Mobius coils are powerful tools to generate Magnetic Scalar Waves. (Scalar waves are
frequencies that have been designed without a carrier so they are free energy ready to be
transported by light, sound, or magnets.) These fields are placed around the mid section of the
Vogel crystals and impart the frequencies generated into the Vogel's light field- piggy backing
onto the light which is a carrier. The Mobius coils are precisely wound to deliver a strong
magnetic field that collapses into the crystal, making a magnetic scalar wave generated at a
specific frequency.
There is a full range frequency generator that will tune the Mobius to produce anything from
1Hz to 100,000 KHz. With sine, square, tri wave. You can set the frequencies to master numbers,
or anything you wish. In addition, there are 9 presets for your favorite frequencies. Typically, a
frequency of 111 Hz is most effective as the body uses this frequency to heal.

**Do not stare at lasers directly or stare at horizontal prism patterns from them- that is
bad and can cause eye damage.
*** The technique used for the lasers is called "pumping" in fiber optics. The idea is that
the perpendicular laser adds energy to the information field without changing the

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