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NAME: Alivia Colver and Jordan Martel

DATE: 9/26/2016
GRADE: 1st
CONTENT AREA: Mathematics
What Standards
(national or state)
relate to this lesson?
(You should include
ALL applicable
standards. Rarely do
teachers use just one:
theyd never get
through them all.)

MAFS.1.OA.3.5 Relate counting to addition and subtraction (e.g., by

counting on 2 to add 2).
MAFS.K12.MP.8.1 Look for and express regularity in repeated
reasoning.- Mathematically proficient students notice if calculations
are repeated, and look both for general methods and for shortcuts.

(What is the big idea or
essential question that
you want students to
come away with? In
other words, what,
aside from the
standard and our
objective, will students
understand when they
finish this lesson?)

State Essential Understanding:

Understanding use of strategies (doubles, counting on, etc.) and
repeated reasoning in order to solve addition and subtraction
problems within digits of 10; and using these strategies to solve
addition and subtraction fact problems with accuracy.

Objectives- What are

you teaching?
What will students
know and be able to
do after this lesson?
Include the ABCDs of
objectives: action,
behavior, condition,
and degree of mastery,
i.e., "C: Given a

State as a question students can answer:

What strategies can we use to solve addition fact problems?

Given addition and subtraction problems within the math text and
provided through additional formative assessment- students will be
able to solve these problems using repeated reasoning strategies
with 80% or more accuracy.

sentence written in the

past or present tense,
A: the student B: will
be able to re-write the
sentence in future
tense D: with no errors
in tense or tense
contradiction (i.e., I will
see her yesterday.)."
Note: Degree of
mastery does not
need to be a
Address the following
Why are you
teaching this
Where does this
lesson fit within a
larger plan?
Why are you
teaching it this
Why is it
important for
students to learn
this concept?
Evaluation Plan- How
will you know
students have
mastered your
Address the following:
What formative
evidence will you use
to document student
learning during this

Students are being presented this lesson and this content in this
way; providing students with multiple strategies for completing
simple addition and subtraction facts with a sum between 0-20. The
lesson is being presented this way and these strategies are being
taught in order to equip students with the knowledge of how to solve
any simple addition and subtraction problem with the use of these
strategies, building skills which they will use in mathematics content
to come.

Pre-Assessment: N/A
Formatives: Students will be formatively assessed through questions
in this section of the GO Math! Textbook, as well as through informal
discussion and an exit ticket where students will create their own
mathematical problem using one of the previously reviewed
Summative: Students will be summatively assessed later in the
week through a Unit/Chapter test on multiple mathematical
concepts- including using repeated reasoning to solve simple

What summative
evidence will you
collect, either during
this lesson or in
upcoming lessons?
What Content
Knowledge is
necessary for a
teacher to teach this
material? What do
you need to know in
order to teach this
concept? What
vocabulary/terms are

What background
knowledge is
necessary for a
student to
successfully meet
these objectives?

addition and subtraction problems.

The teacher must understand how to complete these simple

addition and subtraction sentences using the same strategies. The
teacher must also know and be able to define to students what
counting on, counting back, and doubles means in addition and

Students must have an understanding of how to complete addition

problems; combining the two addends to find an accurate sum.
Students must also have some basic knowledge of the strategies we
are using and reviewing including how to make a ten with two
numbers, counting on, counting back, and memorization of doubles
addition facts (Ex: 5+5=10)

How will you ensure

students have this
previous knowledge?
Who are your
What do you know
about them?
What do you know
about their readiness
for this content?
might students have
about this content?

Sometimes students get the concepts of counting on and counting

back confused.

Lesson Implementation
Teaching Methods
(What teaching
method(s) will you use
during this lesson?
Examples include
guided release, 5 Es,
direct instruction,
lecture, demonstration,
partner word, etc.)
Step-by-Step Plan
(What exactly do you
plan to do in teaching
this lesson? Be
thorough. Act as if you
needed a substitute to
carry out the lesson for
Where applicable, be
sure to address the
What Higher Order
Thinking (H.O.T.)
questions will you ask?
How will materials be
Who will work
together in groups and
how will you determine
the grouping?
How will students
transition between
What will you as the
teacher do?
What will the
students do?
What student data
will be collected during
each phase?

Guided release including demonstration of math problems.


Who is
Lesson 3.6 Practice the Strategies
responsible? What strategies can you use to solve addition
fact problems? P. 117-120
Class, Class
Yes, Yes
Today we are going to be looking at all of the
strategies we can use to solve addition
problems. Can anyone help us think of any?
There are a lot and my brain is having a
difficult time remembering.
Students should talk about counting on by 1,
2, and 3. They should also know about
doubles and doubles plus 1. Doubles minus 1
should be expected to give them a bit of
Okay! Wow! We have 6 strategies that we
can use to solve addition problems. So, when
I tell you to go I would like you to please go
get your math books and turn to page 117.
We will write this page number on the board
but I want to challenge you guys to see how
quickly and quietly we can get our books and
return to our seats. Ready? Go.
Will get books and return to their seats.

What are other adults

in the room doing?
How are they
supporting students
What model of coteaching are you

So now that we are all aware of how many
strategies we have and we are one page 117,
can someone please tell me what we are
suppose to do to complete this page?
They should tell you that this page is wanting
them to solve 4 + 3 =______ in two different
Okay, so lets do the first way together. Can
someone think of a way to solve 4 + 3=____
with one of our six strategies?
Picks a strategy and tells you how to
complete it.
Then have students do the second way on
their own.
Remind students that they have 5 other
strategies that they might be able to use.
Then have them move on to page 118.
Page 118 is about applying all of those
strategies. Go through the first part Model
and Draw together before having them go to
the Share and Show by themselves.
*When students have completed they may
move on to pages 119 and 120.

What will you do if

a student struggles with the content?

If students are struggling with the content then we will pull a small
group to better assist them.

What will you do if

a student masters the content quickly?

If students are mastering the content quickly then they will be able
to grab a math center that has challenge problems using these

Meeting your
students needs as
people and as

If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and

cultural backgrounds of your students?
This can apply to their interests by applying the addition problems to
legos, cookies, book, etc.
If applicable, how does this lesson connect to/reflect the local
They need to be able to do quick addition and these strategies are a
way to help them get there.
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need
additional challenge during this lesson (enrichment)?
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need
additional language support?
We dont have any ESOL students.

Accommodations (If
(What students need
accommodation? List
individual students
(initials), and then
explain the
accommodation(s) you
will implement for
these unique learners.)

E.W. - Include him in human math sentence so that he is able to

conceptualize the movements of the strategies.
C.C. - Include her in human math sentence so that she is able to
conceptualize the movements of the strategies.
R.O. - Include him in human math sentence so that he is able to
conceptualize the movements of the strategies.
- Move him closer to the front of the room so that he is
able to see the board.

(What materials will
you use? Why did you
choose these
materials? Include any
resources you used.
This can also include

Go Math! Textbook
This textbook is regularly used in the class during mathematics
instruction and assessment; and the text provides great support and
examples for the students as they work through the addition and
subtraction problems provided.

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