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Madison Scarlassara

Dr. Alec Thomson

History 134 - Ancient World History
06 November 2016
Battle Tactics of Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great was the son of Philip the II of Macedon. Many scholars argue
whether or not Alexander deserves the fame and attention that he still receives today.
Whether they are right or wrong, one thing is for certain; Alexander the Great was a
brilliant military commander. Part of this was because when he was younger Alexander
learned from various military commanders and the philosopher Aristotle. He learned how
to fight, demanded respect, outsmart the enemy using military tactics. When his father
King Philip the II was assonated, Alexander took the throne. The country was stable at
the time but Alexander wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps and expand his territory
even more. He wanted to do the unthinkable and defeat Persia. Alexander did just that.
He took over Greece, created a common language of Greek, spread culture and united the
Middle East. By doing that he left behind a legacy that future rulers would try to follow a
millennium. To do this Alexander the Great used his vast knowledge of battle tactics such
as discipline and organization, scouting, and respect and loyalty that are still used to this
day. (Editors) [i]
Both Alexander and his father Philip the II helped transform a group of meager
pheasants into a well-feared army of highly trained obedient warriors. Alexander used a
military formation called a phalanx. This was different than Spartas original phalanx. It
required immense training and discipline. Each phalanx had a leader to provide better
communication. Alexander used a similar formation in every one of his battles. First the

pezhetairoi or foot soldiers carrying a sarissa, an elongated spear, aspis, a small shield,
and a xiphos, a double bladed sword, would aim for the heart of the enemys lines while
the Calvary would attack from the side. To keep his army well organized Alexander and
his war council would meet in a small wooden pavilion. There they would debate and
decide what to do. Though the council members did have a say, Alexanders word was
final. Alexander used discipline in his army to teach his men what was expected from
them. Beatings occurred often and individuals suspected of treason were killed on the
spot. (Wasson) [ii]
Alexander also used a vast amount of scouting in his military campaigns. He used
scouts for two different purposes, for information and during battle. Alexander would
send men ahead to gather what they could about the enemy and the terrain and report
back. This helped Alexander develop a plan and prepare for the unexpected. He also used
scouts in battle. The battle scouts were sent ahead of the main army. The prodromi were
light infantry that were equipped with light armor and a sword. They were the first line of
defense and were seen as expendable. The sarissophoroi were raiders who were armed
with spears and light armor. They sometimes charged and were quite fast. The Kontos
were the highest-ranking scouts and were lancers with the heaviest armor. They broke
through enemy lines. (EPICHARIS801)[iii]
Alexander had such great success with his army because they trusted and
respected him. He was often seen eating and talking to his men throughout the day as if
he was one of them. Alexander always fought in the front line of the battle. There, he was
more at risk for injuries but he inspired his troops. They admired his courage and ferocity,
which helped motivate them. (Tactics and Weaponry)[iv] Alexander also helped motivate

them by making sacrifices to the gods. By tying religion into war he boosted morale.
Another way Alexander earned his troops respect was tending to the sick after battle. He
would sometimes make his way around camp and try to help care for the wounded. It is
said that Alexander would not drink water unless he was sure his soldiers had enough to
drink beforehand. He required all of his men to dress in the same uniform to provide a
sense of unity. He also ordered that all soldiers swear a loyalty oath to him, the king. The
purpose of that was to assure that each man would no longer be loyal to his individual
town or providence but to the king. It was a way to unite his men together. (Alexander the
Great) [v]
Alexander the Greats battle tactics are still used today in modern warfare, for
example, the act of scouting. Spies or scouts are usually sent ahead to seek and gather
information before a war or battle is started. The information that the scout brings back is
used to devise plans and develop strategies. Alexanders other military tactics like
organization and discipline are also still used today. The members of a modern army have
to follow a strict set of rules. Every move they make must be precise and confident. They
must keep organized because if one person is off it could result in fatality. Discipline is
also used today, though less severe. It is no longer acceptable to kill your general because
of a suspicion. Discipline today is used to teach right and wrong and the severity of what
could happen if you were wrong. The last of Alexanders military tactics is very common
in todays warfare, respect and loyalty. Without these two factors no war would ever be
won or lost. Soldiers need to trust their leader and be loyal. In return the leader must
respect the soldiers. This mutual form of respect between leader and soldier allows
decisions to be made and plans to be carried out.

"Alexander the Great." n.d.
Editors, "Alexander The Great Bibliography." 12 october 2016.
EPICHARIS801. "The Use of Scouts Durring Alexander the Greats time." 5 March 2014.
Fletcher, Elizibeth. Slings and Slingers n.d.
"Historical Evolution of arms and armors." Assyrian Empire n.d.
Mark, Joushua J. "Assyrian Warfare." 11 August 2014: 1.
May, Andrew. "What kind of weapons did the ancient assyrians use?" n.d.
"Tactics and Weaponry." n.d.
Wasson, Donald L. "The army of Alexander the Great." 4 April 2014.
Williamson, Forschungsmitarbeiter Mitch. "Weapons and Warfare." Iron and Empire:
The rise of Assyria 29 Febuary 2016.
This article gives background information about Alexander the Great and his father. It
explains how Alexander grew up and why he became such a brilliant military
commander. This source also gives Alexanders motives for conquering Persia.
This source gives information on how Alexander used the modified phalanx and Calvary.
It explained what the foot soldiers wore into battle and the formation and training of the
Calvary and phalanx. The article also talks about how Alexander would discipline his
This article explains how Alexander used scouts during battle. It gave information on
when he used them and the three ranks of scouts. It told what each different rank would
wear, what weapon was used and when they were sent into battle.
This article explained how Alexander was a great leader off the battle field as well as on
the battle field. It gave information on how Alexander was respectful to his men and was
seen as a fellow soldier not only a king.
This explained another way Alexander helpe motivate his men, tying religion into war.
The article went on to give information on how Alexander created unity and motivation
for his men.

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