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Music Career Project

Period: : 6A1

Name: Sophie Engerman

Checklist to Complete Assignment
Read the article
Complete From the Source Section #1
Complete In Your Own Words Section #2
Complete Your Final Job Description Section #3
Complete Best Fact to Share Section #4
Complete Think About It Section #5
Complete the Career Jump Activity Section #6
Is my work neat, in complete sentences, and each
section is completed.

Music Career Jump Grading

_____Individual Participation During Project
3 on task, involved all the time
2 on task, involved most of the time
1 off task, wasting time, teacher reminders to
work needed/not on task, ignores teacher

_____Completed Project
3 all tasks complete, in detail, neat, and
2 all tasks complete, satisfactory answers, and
legible, most tasks complete, answers are brief
and not detailed, work is sloppy
1 few tasks complete, answers are incomplete,
and little effort is shown

his information based on the information on the M

usic Careers Website. Dont use other sources!

#1 From the Source

#2 In Your Own Words

Job Title:

Job Title:
Lyric Writer

Career Overview: A Lyricist writes song

lyrics for performance in songs, musicals,
film/TV, and commercials.

Career Overview:
A Lyric Writer writes songs, musicals and
other musicals.

this Music Career

this Music Career


1. They sometimes work alone to create

song lyrics for performance in musicals,
film/TV, commercials or individual songs,
but more often than not, they collaborate
with other Lyricists, Songwriters, Composers
and Recording Artists.

1. They make songs, the lyrics and order.

Whether it's a play, a song, or a commercial
they create the lyrics.

2. Its important to note that Lyricists write

the lyrics to songs, whereas Songwriters
write the lyrics

2. It is not like a songwriter. Songwriters

write the melody and sometimes lyrics.

3. You sit there and write a song. And its

very intimidating when you first start it.

3. It is very hard to start off a song but

when you start, its hard to finish.

4. The main job is to write a GOOD song.

4. Just make a good song with a nice




1. 40,000

1. 40,000

Music Career Project

2. 0-100,000

2. 0-100,000



1. This is not an easy field to break into.

Its very competitive and it can be hard to
get your work noticed.

1. It is very hard to become famous in this

job. And its hard to get noticed.

2. Because I think too many people who

want to get into the business of the arts,
they do it because they want the
recognition, the success, the fame, the
money, all those things, all those wonderful

2. Most of the people who do this job just

want to become famous and rich and all
those perks. But thats not what it's all



1. Advancement as a Lyricist can mean

working with higher-earning and
better-known Artists.

1. Advancement as a lyricist can mean

working with famous and higher earning

2. It can also mean penning a song that

generates a large amount of royalties,
leading to an increase in income and
demand for the Lyricists songwriting skills.

2. It can also mean making a song that is

meaningful and demands for a lot of skill
because people will expect a lot from you.

Education and Training

Education and Training

1. Aspiring Lyricists can take courses to

hone their skills and learn new ones. An
advanced degree is not required for this
position, but language skills are essential.
The ability to play an instrument or two is
also important.

1. Aspiring Lyricists can take courses to

become better and learn new skills. If you
learn or know how to play an instrument it
is better for you.

2. Many beginning Lyricists start by writing

poems before moving into songwriting.
However, many beginners do not know how
to differentiate between poems and lyrics.

2. Some people start as a poet and that

may lead to them not really knowing the
difference between them.

Experience, Skills, and Personality

Experience, Skills, and Personality

1. The biggest skill a Lyricist must learn is

how to edit to keep a song simple, relatable,
and interesting.

1. The most important skill you must learn

is how to edit to keep a song simple and

2. Of course, the only way to gain these

skills is from writing many, many songs and
learning from other master Lyricists.

2. This can be developed by watching other


3. The personality you need is one that is

very optimistic. Somebody who doesnt give

3. It is good to have a optimistic personality

or someone who doesn't give up easily.

Music Career Project

up easily.
Unions and Associations

Unions and Associations

1. Lyricists typically belong to a

performing-rights organization such as
ASCAP, BMI or SESAC. These organizations
advocate for their members and also collect
their royalties.

1. They typically belong to a organization.

These organizations advocate for their
members and also collect their royalties.

2. a songwriting university. They have

classes online. Youre all in the classroom
together and you can discuss things
together and they have online workrooms
so you can write.

2. A songwriting university. They help

because they have classes and you can work
with other people and get ideas.

Suggestions for Getting Started

Suggestions for Getting Started

1. You need to have a demo of the song.

Nobody is going to look at a lyric you send

1. You should have a demo of the song.

2. Join a songwriting group in your town.

And if there isnt one in your town, start

2. Join a songwriting group and have fun.

#3 Your Final Job Description: Convince someone this is the best job in the music

industry! Write in complete thoughts and sentences IYOW. When you read this out loud, it
should be about 30 seconds.
Lyricist is the best job because you get to express your feelings through words and a song.
Its relaxing and fun. Its the best for people who dont know how to express, because this will
help you get all your feelings out.

#4 Best Fact to Share: Write one sentence summarizing and highlighting the best part

about this job.

The best part is that you get to express your feelings and make a great song. And when your
done you feel great.

#5 Think About It
-List 3 school subjects that would be useful to know to perform this job.
1. Writing
2. Self control
3. Music basic
-Would this job be a good fit for you? Why or why not? Support your opinion in complete

Music Career Project

This job would be very good for me because I love writing and I love music. I used to make
up songs in my head and I would randomly sing them.


#6 Career Jump Activity: Quickly write down the job title and one interesting thing
about each job as you rotate through the career jump.
1. Adi is a music producer and she gets to produce other people's music.
2. Sophie is a nightclub manager and she gets to watch all the employees.
3. Nehama is a personal manager and she gets to manage tours and social media.
4. Nehama is a music teacher and she gets to meet different people.
5. Shai is a video jockey and he gets to edit music videos.
6. Sydney is a professional manager and she gets to meet cool artist and sell them songs.
7. Ethan is a sound designer and he gets to make music for video games.
8. Val is a music publisher and she gets to make new people and sell them music
9. Nathen is rock star and he gets to perform with other people
10. Monica is a choreographer and she makes dances.
11. Talia is a booking agent and she gets to talk to at least 10 people on the phone
12. Charlie is a celebrity bodyguard and he protects people
13. Lexi is a concert home marketing director and she gets to book concerts.
14. Jenna is a record producer and she gets to coach artists
15. Adam is a tour bus driver and he gets to drive and talk to people.
16. Zach is a concert promoter and he gets to do a lot of boring stuff
17. Taylor is a promotion manager and she gets to supervise the department
18. Jordan is a band/recording group and there is no limit of money he makes
19. Jordan is a music editor and he makes money weekly based on contracts
20. Alivia is a singer and she gets to work with other artists
21. Miles is a night club DJ and he gets to make his own music
Best Job: Night club Dj

Worst Job: tour bus driver

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