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Insight Paper #4 - Paden Jones

Genesis 4, Moses 5:16-59, Moses 6, Moses 7:13-17

Principles, doctrines, and insights:

Adam and Eve give birth to Cain and AbelCain is a famer, while Abel is
more of a rancher. Reading the story about Cain and Abel strictly from Genesis
never made much sense to me. It was also, Abel sacrificed his first born, and Cain
gave Heavenly Father some crops. Heavenly Father was pleased with Abel, but not
Cain, and it never made sense to me; at times it even made me angry, I felt like
Cain was being treated unfairly. The chapters in Moses shed some light on the
subject. Cain was being influenced by Satanthis makes sense. One thing I dont
understand is how Satan is able to persuade everyone to sin. Its probably not too
different than how it is today, theres temptations; however, it seems like Satan is
the one who taught these individuals how to sin. In todays society we pick up bad
habits, and sins, from the world around us. But if youre the first people on the
earth, where do you learn from?

Personal Application:
Following Satan never leads to happiness; nothing good ever comes from it. I
could do a little better in my life separating myself from the ways of the adversary
now Im not saying that Im going around sinning all willy-nilly, but I feel at times it
can be easy to take the situation lightly. I can do a better job consciously thinking
about the consequences of sinning.

Additional Information:
I find the belief differences between the LDS faith and the modern Christian
faith fascinating. If you think about it, the Christians only have the bible to
reference. From we learn that Cain was a rebellious child at heart and he
loved Satan more than God; this is why God was unhappy with his offeringCain
obeyed Satan in giving his sacrifice rather than God. I wanted to see how Christians
explained why God was unhappy with Cains sacrifice (because they only have the
bible to read from, and it doesnt give very many clues). The first website I found,
which Ill let speak for the entire Christian population, lists four choices of
explanations: Gods sovereign choice, non-blood sacrifice, poor quality, and attitude
problem. None of these explanations seem very concrete, Im glad we have a couple
extra canons!

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