Pre-Prueba de Aprovechamiento Académico en Inglés

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Universidad de Puerto Rico en Cayey

Instituto Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones

Colectivo Universitario para el Acceso
Repaso del Programa de Evaluacin y Admisin Universitaria (PEAU)
Pre-Prueba de Aprovechamiento Acadmico en Ingls
Uso del Lenguaje
Instrucciones: Cada uno de los
siguientes ejercicios ofrece
cuatro opciones precedidas con
las letras A, B, C y D. Selecciona
la opcin correcta y marca el
espacio correspondiente en la
hoja de respuestas.
1. Which of following sentences is
in the CORRECT order?
(A) A letter last week Sandra
(B) Sandra received a letter last
(C) Sandra received last week a
(D) A letter Sandra received last
2. Volleyball practice is tomorrow - - - 2:30 PM.
(D) by
3. That is the - - - - book in the
(C)longer than
(D) longest than
4. Ill take the - - - -.
(A)red umbrella large
(B)umbrella, red, large
(C)umbrella large red
(D) large red umbrella

5. Although I did not see your

accident, it certainly - - - - a
great shock to learn about it.
(D) were
6. Scientists from different
countries - - - - this semester at
the university.
(A)is meeting
(B)had met
(C)are meeting
(D) has met
7. When the store closed last
night, the janitor found a box
with a - - - -.
(A)women's bags
(B)mens handkerchiefs
(C)babies toy
(D) womans shoe
8. Some of - - - - apples are very
good. You should taste them.
(D) these
9. - - - - couldnt find his car keys
when the activity was over.
(D) His
My little sister was born - - - September.

(D) of
Our teacher - - - - English
(D) spoken
Everyone thought the
poem was written - - - - Henry.
(D) of
Gloria doesnt work here
anymore, - - - ?
(A)she does
(B)she doesnt
(C)does she
(D) doesnt she
All of my cousins - - - from college during the past
two years.
(A)are graduating
(B)have graduated
(C)was graduating
(D) has graduated

- - - - did the students
take the College Board exam?
Last Saturday.
(D) When
- - - - of us was assigned a
different part of the chapter to
(D) Some
Whenever I have free
time, I love
(A)to surf the Internet, listen to
music, and play video
(B)to surf the Internet, listening
to music, and playing video
(C)to surf the Internet, listen to
music, and to playing video
(D) surfing the Internet,
listening to music, and to
play video games.

Instrucciones: Los ejercicios
siguientes estn basados en el
contenido de las lecturas.
Despus de leerlas, seleccione la
mejor repuesta para cada
ejercicio y oscurezca el espacio
de la letra correspondiente en la
hoja de respuestas. Conteste
todos los ejercicios basndose en
lo que stas afirman o implican.

Los ejercicios del 18 al 23 se

basan en la siguiente lectura:
Zorro is my friend, my
companion, my Saint Bernard, my
dog. I have had him since he was a
month old. Now that I think about it,
we have been together for over ten
years. But unlike most dogs, Zorro is
also a volunteer and works at a
couple of different places. One of
them is Memorial Hospital, where he
has worked most Monday nights
since he was two. We usually start in
the Emergency Room and then go
throughout the hospital, floor by
floor, room by room and almost end
up in the playroom. For the past three
weeks, we kept going into little
Andys room. Andy he just had a
blank look in his face. He didnt seem
to react to anything around him.
However, yesterday when we went in,
something seemed to click in this
boy. Zorro was, as usual, nudging his
arm, trying to get his attention.
Suddenly, Andy looked at him and
actually smiled as he touched Zorros
face. His mom was ecstatic! I know it

may not sound like much, but to the

boys mom it meant the world. You
have no idea how good that made me
One of the other places we visit
is a special education school nearby.
In one particular classroom, the
students can only communicate in
sign language. It just so happens that
I have been teaching Zorro
commands by sign language. Last
month, I, along with several other
volunteers, was ready to go into the
school with Zorro, of course, first in
line. When the children saw us, they
immediately got up from their seats.
The teacher ran to the front of the
class, and gave the sign for sit.
Zorro looked at her and obeyed. The
teacher thought this was great and,
needless to say, the students were
According to the
selection, Zorro has been
volunteering at the hospital for
(A)just a very short time.
(B)the past three weeks.
(C)close to three years.
(D) about eight years.
(E)over ten years.
The word nudging (line
14) is closest in meaning to
(A)pushing gently.
(B)biting lightly.
(C)moving slowly.
(D) bending slightly.
(E)locating carefully.
Which of the following
characteristics does NOT apply
to Zorro?

(D) Obedient
According to the
selection, Zorros owner could
BEST be described as a - - - person.
(D) courteous
Which would be a good
title for this selection?
(A)Zorro and Me
(B)My Dog and My Dream
(C)Caring and Sharing
(D) Teaching and Learning
(E)Hospitals and Schools
The tone of this selection
could best be described as
(D) philosophical.

Los ejercicios del 24 al 27 se

basan en la siguiente lectura.
Over 1500 years ago the
ancient Polynesians navigated over
thousands of miles of open ocean in
60 foot double-hulled sailing canoes
without compass, without radar to
find the Hawaiian Islands. How could
these primitive mariners find these
tiny island land spots within the span
of the gigantic Pacific Ocean? They
completed their mission by studying
the flight of birds, the size, shape and
color of the clouds, and the waves,

currents and stars. Despite being

labeled a primitive society, these
Polynesians were quite advanced
before they were discovered by
Captain Cook and saved by the
Christian missionaries of yerteryear.
Their descendants today
populate the beautiful tropical island
of Hawaiia wandering north to south
chain of volcano chimneys converted
to islandsOahu, Maui, Molokai, Kauai
and the big island, Hawaii.
Oahu, the center of the islands
and where the capital, Honolulu, is
located is known for its white sands
beaches and idyllic sunsets, but it is
so much more. Oahu is replete with
historical and cultural significance,
where with a little digging a visitor
can uncover a land rich in legend,
lore and love. Oahu, (Oahu) is known
as the gathering place, although
the original meaning of the word has
long been lost. In ancient times
Oahus irregular coastline made the
creation of fishponds easy. Therefore,
there was abundant food, which may
be the reason why royalty alii
lived there and eventually built the
Iolani Palace in 1879. It is the only
royal palace on the U.S. soil.
The ancient inhabitants of Oahu
practiced aguaculture, in which a
system of ponds were built by
enclosing a natural inlet or bay with
coral or rock walls and sand and dirt
fill. These walls were built high
enough to prohibit flooding at high
tide and wooden gates were designed
to allow fish in but not out. At one
time over 100 ponds existed on Oahu

and many are still in evidence today.

Because they felt a connection with
nature, early Hawaiians considered
these fishponds as sacred sites and
revered and managed them for
productivity for many centuries.
These sacred locations are open
today as tourist attractions, but they
should be treated with respect.
The word replete (line
22) means

(D) filled.
According to the
selection, what happened first?
(A)Missionaries converted the
(B)Captain Cook discovered
(C)Polynesians settled the
Hawaiian Island.
(D) Iolani Palace was built.

The authors purpose for writing this selection was to
(D) persuade.
This selection is about the
(B)ancient Polynesians.
(C)Hawaiian royalty.
(D) island of Oahu.
Instrucciones: A
continuacin, encontrars
el borrador de un texto que
se puede mejorar o corregir
desde el punto de vista de
la redaccin. Lelo
detenidamente y contesta
los ejercicios que le siguen.
Los ejercicios del 28 al
32 se basan en el siguiente
(1) Long ago people
spent most of their time looking
for food. (2) The ate anything
they could find. (3) Some lived
mostly on plants. (4) They ate
the fruit, stems and leaves of
some plants. (5) When food

was scarce, they ate the bark of

trees. (6) If they were lucky,
they would find a birds nest
with eggs. (7) I remember the
first time I saw a birds nest. (8)
All the people who lived near
the water ate fish. (9) They ate
anything that washed ashore.
(10) They ate even rotten
whales. (11) Some people also
ate insects and small animals
like lizards that were easy to
kill. (12) Later, man learned to
make weapons. (13) With
weapons, they would kill larger
animals for meat. (14) When
they began to tame animals,
they trained them to work and
used their meat for food.

Which sentence does
NOT belong in the text?
(A) 3
(B) 5
(C) 7
The option that BEST
connects sentences 1 and 2 is
(A) nor.
(B) but.
(C) since.
Select the option that has
appropriate punctuation for
sentence 4.
(A) They ate: the fruit, stems
and leaves of some plants;
and the roots of others.
(B) They ate fruit, stems and
leaves; of some plants and
the roots, of others.
(C) They ate the fruit, stems,
and leaves of some plants
and the roots of others.
(D)They are fruit, stems and
leaves of some plants and
the roots of others.
Select the BEST way of
combining sentences 8, 9 and
(A) All the people who lived
near the water ate fish, and
they even ate rotten whales
and anything that washed
(B) People who lived near the
water ate anything even
rotten whales and they ate
fish that washed ashore.
(C) All the people living near the
water ate even rotten
whales and fish and
anything that washed

(D)People who lived near the

water ate fish or anything
that washed ashore, even
rotten whales.
The option that BEST
substitutes the underlined word
in sentence 12 is
(A) mankind.
(B) the species.
(C) human beings.
(D)these creatures.
Los ejercicios del 33 al
38 se basan en el siguiente
(1) Often college students
live on their own, in the
dormitory or in an apartment.
(2) College tuiton can be very
expensive. (3) This means
students are free to come and
go as they like. (4) There
parents cant tell them when to
get up when to go to school
and when to come home. (5)
Most students like the freedom
they have in college. (6) It also
means that students are free to
wear what they like. (7) That
means that they can dress with
the latest fashions. (8) Students
no longer have to wear the
school uniform. (9) There are
no parents to comment about
their hairstyles or their dirty
jeans. (10) They are free to
listen to their favorite music
without interference from
parents. (11) - - - -, students
can decide when to study,
when to work, and when to

Which sentence would be
most appropriate to begin the
(A) 1
(B) 5
(C) 9
Which of the following
words is used INCORECTLY?
(A) The word This in sentence 3
(B) The word There in sentence
(C) The word That in sentence 7
(D)The word They in sentence
Which sentence does
NOT have correct punctuation?
(A) 4
(B) 6
(C) 9
Which of the following
words or phrases should be
inserted in sentence 11?
(A) Nevertheless
(B) Otherwise
(C) In contrast
(D)In addition
Which sentence does
NOT belong in the text?
(A) 2
(B) 5
(C) 8
Which sentence does
NOT belong in the text?
(A) In general, parents fear this
(B) In conclusion, freedom is
(C) Definitely, freedom and
college go together.
(D)Finally, students have free
time for parties.

Los ejercicios del 39 al
41 se basan en el siguiente
(1) He, of course, is a
picture of careless and fluid
engineering. (2) He doesnt
even look at the ball. (3) I
didnt either at his age. (4) My
nine-year old son stands 60
feet away waiting for our
friendly game of catch to begin.
(5) It is just there in his hands,
and then its gone again. (6) We
go back and forth in an
essential gesture of sports. (7)
A ball travels between two
people. (8) Each seeking a
moment of understanding from
the other across the yard and
the years. (9) The world needs
more understanding to achieve
peace. (10) Playing a game of
catch is not like pitching to a
batter. (11) You do not throw to
trick, confuse, or evade. (12)
You want to be understood.
Which sentence should
begin the text?
(D) 10
Which sentence should
NOT be in the text?
(D) 10
Which would be an
appropriate concluding

(A)Fathers and sons always

practice catching and
(B)Sons always look to their
friends for pitching
(C)Pitching and catching are
always great pastimes for a
father and a son.
(D) A game of catch can build
essential connections
between a father and son.

Uso de la Lengua

Instrucciones: En cada
uno de los siguientes
ejercicios, seleccione la
opcin correcta y llene el
espacio correspondiente en
la hoja de respuestas.
Rafy and I have been
Friends for years. - - - - even
went to school together.
(D) They
Lisa - - - - her lunch
(D) forgotten
- - - - are my reading
(D) Where

Robert and Kent are the
fast runners, but Kent is - - - Robert.
(A)the faster than
(B)more faster
(C)the most fast
(D) faster than
The young girl bought a
(A)beautiful, light blue, silk
(B)light blue, silk, beautiful
(C)silk, beautiful scarf, light
(D) scarf, light blue,
beautiful, silk.
The party will be held - - - May 15.
(D) from
Which sentence is
(A)She a member of the team
(B)A member she became of
the team.
(C)She became a member of
the team.
(D) She of the team a
member became.
With better players, we - - - that game.
(A)can have won
(B)could have won
(C)can had win
(D) could has won
Are you ready for the
(D) None of the above.

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