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A Term Paper
Presented to Faculty of College of Science and Technology
Adventist University of the Philippines
Puting Kahoy, Silang, Cavite

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of




Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo


Medical Marijuana, a highly controversial issue in todays society, is at the forefront of

both cultural and medical discourse. Despite restrictions against the use of the illicit drug,
roughly many people have tried it at least once in their lives. Moreover, medical studies have
been used to show that while medical marijuana is both addictive and can pose some risks to the
immune system, there are also positive implications within regard to alternative forms of
Medical marijuana has been shown to reduce psychotic behavior, nausea, pain and other
ailments. However, despite studies that support this, the government in different part of the world
has been apprehensive in approving the drug for retail use, albeit some states have been able to
bypass this. Medical marijuana, on the whole, should be utilized on a case-by-case basis
following strict regulations by the federal government. Before writing a paper on such a topic,
consider buying a sample research paper from us that would include in depth research and a
strong argument. We have talented writers who are well versed in the topic and know what to
Positive medical uses of marijuana suggest that it could be useful. For instance, the case
study of OBrien et al (2002) epitomizes an anecdote where marijuana has been the only form of
treatment to resolve psychotic behavior among youths. Moreover, ProCon (2009) offered
evidence that numerous medical professionals support using medical marijuana in specific cases
because it would be a more effective form of treatment. Other authors, mainly Peter (2000) and

Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo

Peterson (1979) suggest that marijuana can be effective in certain cases. Therefore, some
evidence does suggest that medical marijuana may be an appropriate and effective form of
treatment of illnesses and ailments that cannot be treated by other medicine. However, there
should be strict regulations and rules regarding the use of it.
However, Because of the addictive and regulatory nature of marijuana, it should
nonetheless be closely monitored. Grinspoon (1997) argued that there were neurological bases
for addiction to THC. Since the drug affected dopamine levels in certain areas of the brain, users
are susceptible to addiction. Moreover, as Sydney (1997) pointed out, there may be some added
risks to the development of cancer. These studies and others support the notion that medical
marijuana should not be prescribed freely; instead, tight government regulation should exist. On
a broader level, Shafer (1971) and Redda (2000) suggest that there may be other implications
that are socially related as well. Marijuana use may have unintended sociological consequences
by promoting drug use. Therefore, because this treatment is not appropriate for all patients,
misuse and abuse should be carefully monitored. The only way this can take place is even further
documentation and government regulation regarding restriction, proper training of medical
professionals and more empirical studies to determine which cases should be considered for

Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo


Many ancient civilizations have been unearthed and found to have used marijuana in
medical practices dating all the way back to 8000 B.C. Some of the more notable civilizations
who used the plant include the Egyptians who used it to treat sore eyes, the Indians who mixed
marijuana and milk to create a primitive anesthetic, and the Greeks who found a way to remedy
earaches with the plants properties (Webley, 2010). Even the Chinese emperor Shen-Nung was
known to prescribe it as medicine to many people almost 5 millennia ago (Bostwick, 2012).
Therefore, it can be argued that historically, marijuana has been a crucial influence on some
modern day medical treatments.
According to Guither (2012), it wasn't until 1930 when a man named Harry J. Anslinger
was given the position of Director of Narcotics did marijuana become an issue in American
society. His initial role was to crack down on the use of opiates and cocaine but he feared that
these two drugs were not enough to make his career. He introduced marijuana into his campaign,
attributing it with what he called the degenerate races. At the time, America was still heavily
racist and Anslinger used this to his advantage tying jazz music and other forms of entertainment
to the corruption of America's youth. In 1937 the Marijuana Tax Act was proposed and called for
taxes to be placed on any products that had traces of marijuana. Anslinger wanted to create a
problem where there initially was none regardless of its medical value. Up until this point the
medical community had been using marijuana for special treatments and were astonished by the
bold claims being made by Anslinger. They challenged him in court, stating he was falsifying

Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo

information and that marijuana was safe to use medically. Unfortunately, Anslinger had already
won over most of the public with his racist ideals and ultimately won in court over the medical
community. As a result, Anslinger was able to create anti-marijuana propaganda for the rest of
his career as the Director of Narcotics.
In 1970 the Controlled Substances Act classified marijuana as a schedule I drug. The term
is given to drugs that have a high risk for potential abuse and have no medical value associated
with them. This meant that marijuana was now being compared to drugs such as opiates and
hallucinogens. However, the FDA, Food and Drug Administration, is actually the organization
that regulates what is considered a drug for medical use, and their definition of a drug is vastly
different. To the FDA, drugs are articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation,
treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other animals;and articles(other than food) intended
to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or any other animal.(Cohen, 2009).
Therefore, the FDA is acknowledging that marijuana is a drug as it affects the function of man,
but they are also acknowledging that it has the potential to cure, treat, or prevent diseases. While
not all schedule I drugs adhere to this, there is definitive proof from before marijuana was illegal
that the plant can hold many medical properties.
Bostwick (2012) tacled very recently though there have been many states that have
actually legalized medical marijuana, and have seen first-hand the positive effects it can have on
the community. The term medical marijuana can actually refer to three different forms the plant








Endocannabinoids deal with the effects of the plant on neurotransmitters, while synthetic
compounds are laboratory made compounds that resemble the chemical structure of the plant and
act very similarly to the natural. However, the most medically relevant form is the

Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo

Phytocannabinoid, which contains THC and cannabidiol. THC stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol
and is directly linked with the psychoactive effects of the cannabis plant. While the cannabidiol,
or CBD for short, is linked to the sedative effects. Common effects that can be observed from
exposure to THC are mild euphoria, relaxation, perceptual alterations(time distortion), and the
intensification of ordinary experiences. Some of these effects when used medically have been
known to help people who suffer from chronic pain in joints and bones. Medicinally, the plant
would be taken in small doses and only as needed;whereas, marijuana abuse is associated with
daily usage more than once a day and more than is needed. The argument the medical
community is stating is that, all approved medications use in legitimate practice of medicine are
associated with adverse effects;there is no a priori reason why marijuana should be
different.(Cohen, 2009). Therefore, the medical community is actually backing the legalization
of marijuana for medical purposes, and actually believes it can be of huge help in the treatment
of many U.S. citizens thanks to its chemical properties.
Many people believe that the plant is not the problem, but the route of administration.
The most common form of administration is smoking the plant and inhaling the smoke into the
lungs which is big cause of respiratory illnesses (Earleywin, 2010). In order for the effects of the
THC to be felt the plant needs to be heated up and exposed to the body. While there is no
definitive proof that marijuana smoke causes lung cancer, cigarette smoke is known to be a
leading cause. Thus, many people are under the assumption that smoking marijuana can cause
lung cancer. As a result, many people don't see the sense in smoking a substance to treat a
sickness as it is not really an efficient form of medical treatment. You are essentially trading one
ailment for another ailment. In some cases such as terminal cancers it can be justified, but for use
in chronic pain it just does not seem like a good tradeoff. Luckily, there are safer, less

Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo

controversial forms of administration. In order for the effects of THC to be felt the substance
must be heated up to a high enough temperature where the THC can be absorbed. Smoking was
the easiest way to acquire THC absorption until recently, where vaporization is quickly
becoming the preferred method of administration. The act of vaporization allows for the plant to
be heated up to the desired temperature without its smoky bi-product, and as such, it is much
healthier for the body. It allows for more absorption of THC into the body as it is just pure THC
being brought into the body. This is a safer and healthier form of administration because you are
no longer being exposed to the harmful carcinogens associated with the act of smoking. Thus, if
a patient were to be administered marijuana via vaporization they would feel all the positive
effects without the potential for respiratory problems to form as a result of the treatment. If
marijuana were to be legalized and administered via vaporization then many elderly people
would be able to live out their lives in comfort without the negative drawbacks of respiratory
A medical problem that has long baffled scientists to this day is a disease known as
cancer and the lack of options available when treating patients. The disease multiplies and
multiplies until it essentially shuts down or blocks many vital parts of the body that are needed to
survive. Recently however, scientists have been able to use marijuana to fight many aggressive
cancers that show up in humans. In September of 2012, scientists released an article detailing
how marijuana can actually stop metastasis in aggressive cancers and actually return the cells
back to their original states. Scientists have found that CBD, a non-toxic and non-psychoactive
chemical compound found in marijuana, can actually turn off the ID-1 gene, gene that promotes
cancer growth, prevalent in many aggressive cancers. Since it is a non-psychoactive component
the patient does not experience the feelings associated with being high (Wilkey, 2012). The fact

Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo

that this property of the plant is just being discovered means that there is high hopes that
marijuana actually posses many medical properties that have yet to be discovered. If marijuana
were legalized for medical use it would allow scientists to more easily acquire samples to run
tests on in order to find more inherit medical properties. This study shows evidence to support
the idea that marijuana may be able to medically treat one of the worst diseases known to man.
Therefore, from a medical perspective if marijuana were legal it would be a lot easier and safer
to treat many patients for many different ailments including the scourge of homosapiens, cancer.
Clark (2000) takes a thorough look at the situation of the legalization of medical
marijuana. In doing so, Clark first cited the historical background of medical marijuana from a
legal perspective according to DEA compliance policies and the enforcement of it. Evidence
surrounding the medical uses of the drug was cited from notable physicians who have undergone
studies. Clark also analyzed the case-by-case basis of each state and how the voting progressed
(and how it impacts its legality). This source also went into great detail about the legal
ramifications of going against federal restrictions and prescribing the drug as an alternative form
of medicine.
Published by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, book offered research guidelines and
protocols when studying the use of medical marijuana. The author argued that a wide range of
diverse studies such as surveys, open ended questions and fill in the blanks need to be used to get
a full understanding of the consequences of using Marijuana. This research and these guidelines
will be helpful in determining the overall approach to doing medical research. By using it, I can
have another lens of critique when looking at other research studies regarding medical marijuana
(Huba, 1981).

Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo

Goodes (1969) article on medical marijuana reflects the political aspect in contrast to the
medical evidence. He argued that in making political and ideological claims against the use of
the drug, scientific evidence has been used anecdotally where it has been seen fit. Goode also
noted that the empirical facts have been misused in defining the reality of the legalization
debate. Finally, he went over certain methods of discreditation that have been historically used
against the legalization of marijuana. This article will be extremely useful in analyzing the
promoting the notion that empirical and scientific evidence should have priority over other
Grinspoon (1997) took a neuroscience perspective with regards to the addictiveness of
medical marijuana. Since addiction and the notion that marijuana is a gateway drug is a
common argument against its legalization, this article shed light on scientific data. The author
argued that since our brain does indeed have a reward center and there is a connection between
this part of our brain and THC, there is an addictive trait of marijuana. The article went into
technical details about how dopamine specifically affects this reward center and the implications
of it. This article will be useful in providing more detailed background information regarding the
use of medical marijuana.
This source gave an interesting anecdote for the support of medical Marijuana. The main
subject, JJ, was a severely disturbed child who had a history of psychotic and socially
dysfunctional behavior. In an effort to help him adjust to society, his mother tried various form of
treatment. Many of these included a variety of drugs that sought to reduce JJs violent
tendencies. Unfortunately, all of these treatments either made his condition worse or did not help.
Curiously, when his mother approved the use of medical marijuana, JJs behavior improved

Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo


dramatically. His violent and psychotic behavior not only ceased completely, but he began to
excel in the classroom and even helped other classmates. JJ was taken from his mothers custody
via accusations of negligence. This source will be useful in applying emotional and anecdotal
evidence in promoting the use of medical marijuana (Obrien et al., 2002)
Peterson (1979) offers a critical analysis of how marijuana transformed from a cultural
fad into a serious form of alternative therapy to common disorders. Firstly, Peterson
acknowledged the general complexity of even taking this medication seriously as so much
cultural backlash has been presented against it. He then analyzed the effects of marijuana on
specific traits: demographics, sex, health and use of other drugs in addition to marijuana.
Moreover, Peterson also remarked about the effects on learning, impairment of motor skills, the
heart and other vital bodily organs. This research article will prove useful in providing another
medical perspective in the positive and adverse effects of medical marijuana, despite
its individual and societal benefits.
This source analyzed both the pros and cons of using medical marijuana based on the
testimony of various physicians across diverse disciplines within the medical field. In promoting
the use of the drug, many doctors testified that medical marijuana was an effective use of an
alternative treatment strategy. Moreover, this drug worked very well when compared to other
more conventional drugs. However, doctors on the other end of the spectrum claim that the same
treatment may be beneficial for the long term, it is nonetheless bad for the overall health of
humans. This source will be beneficial in applying professional testimony in determining
whether medical marijuana should or should not be used (, 2009)

Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo


Redda (2000) had a comprehensive research looks at the overall picture of marijuana use
and the effects from a pharmacological standpoint. The authors go in detail about how marijuana
affects the brain, vital bodily organs, reproductive organs and affects overall behavior. They also
described what goes in the brain during marijuana use. This article will be very useful in
analyzing marijuana from a pharmacological point of view. It will give my research paper more
scientific support for my evidence because it will be supported by these skilled researchers.
Shafer (1972) argue that this early government publication is a comprehensive study
about a wide range of marijuana based information. First, the book argues largely that marijuana
is extremely bad for your health and that its addictive nature will only make the user have
negative behavior. Second, there are health repercussions from inhaling smoke and such. Finally,
marijuana is said to cause intense social problems because it deters our youth from working and
going to school. This article will be useful because it gives an older comprehensive analysis of
marijuana. I will compare how the research and findings of the 1970s differ from today.
Shohov (2003) offers a very thorough background on the historical events regarding the
use of medical marijuana. Shohov offered relevant background information about how much US
citizens use it and the federal perspective of this fact. Moreover, she offered a historical analysis
of how the DEA and FDA analyzed what kind of drug and under what circumstances it would be
acceptable to use. Finally, Shohov described the general implications of using the drug both
recreationally and medically. She referenced other medical professionals and their relevant
studies. While Shohov didnt offer a direct opinion of whether it should be legal, she did offer a
thorough analysis about the relevant facts and opinions. This source will be useful in going over
the background information and literature review for my research paper.

Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo


This article of Sydney (1997) studied the relationship between marijuana use and cases of
cancer. The study that they used was of almost 65,000 California residents who have cancer and
have used marijuana regularly. The results showed that using medical marijuana did not increase
the likelihood of cancer getting worse. Other factors like smoking and alcohol use were also
taken into account. However, the research did suggest that use of marijuana may be associated
with exposure to higher levels of risk with those who do not have cancer yet. This article will be
useful in analyzing some health related studies regarding the use of medical marijuana.

Ambassador Manuel Teehankee (2014), a medical and law expert, recognized the need
for public discussions on the legalization of marijuana. He noted that debating on a topic is a
healthy method of testing ideas and proposal, and "a good way by which the legislative process
can be vetted with various ideas being exchanged."
Dr. Junice L.D. Melgar (2014), executive director of the Likhaan Center for Women's
Health, agreed with Teehankee and explained that marijuana has several medical uses. According
to Melgar, marijuana can stop epileptic seizures and can help treat neuropathic diseases such as
Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis. It can also treat loss of appetite after chemotherapy or
following treatment for HIV or AIDS. She also mentioned that marijuana has side effects like the
alteration of moods. In fact, among psychotropic drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and
methamphetamine, marijuana is the most potent, Melgar added. The doctor said that there are no
reports of any deaths caused by toxicity or the intake of cannabis. Melgar also stressed the

Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo


importance of being informed about marijuana and its uses. "Even for small part, if we dont give
them space for public discussion for people to be enlightened about it we will forever be
The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), on the other hand, has continued to
oppose the legalization of marijuana. Director General Arturo Cacdac (2014), PDEA chief, said
that there is a need to first resolve the issue of how the government would be able to regulate
marijuana plantations to ensure that it would not be abused.
Sen. Grace Poe (2014), chair of the Committee on Public Order and Dangerous Drugs,
meanwhile, acknowledged Cacdac's concern saying that there really is a need to ensure that
the country is capable of regulating marijuana production and distribution.
Philippine Star (2016) in their recent column about Marijuana published that Health
Secretary Paulyn Ubial has created a panel of experts from the University of the Philippines who
will study the medicinal value of marijuana amid a pending bill in Congress that seeks to legalize
its use in the country. Ubial said the Department of Health (DOH) could not make a stand on
medical marijuana at this point because the panel, composed of experts from the UP National
Institute of Health, will still be studying it.
Ubial in an interview quoted that Im not a clinician so I dont have an idea on medical
marijuana. But I already heard from some groups that it has medicinal benefits so we will see,.
Ubial also noted that the DOH does not want medical marijuana to be abused.
Marijuana or cannabis is included in the list of prohibited drugs under the Dangerous
Drugs Act. President Duterte earlier said he was not opposed to the legalization of marijuana

Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo


provided that it is for medical use and not for recreational purposes. He also acknowledged that
marijuana is now an ingredient in some medicine.
Last month, Isabela Rep. Rodito Albano re-filed his bill, Philippine Compassionate Medical
Cannabis Act, which is expected to benefit those who suffer from serious illnesses. The proposed
measure is intended to provide easy access to safe and affordable medical marijuana prescribed
by registered physicians. Last year, the House committee on health created a technical working
group that would formulate the final version of the bill.
President Rodrigo Duterte (2016), known for his all-consuming hatred of drugs, in his
interview said he is open to the legalization of medical marijuana if deemed beneficial by the
proper authorities. "I'm not the authority for that. Its the Food and Drug Administration. If it's
certified by the government and it's good fine, no problem," he said during an interview with Al
Jazeera made online on Saturday, October 15. Duterte said FDA regulations mean such a
proposal will have to go through studies. "It must have this qualifying you know, activity, where
it is being used to find out if it's really medicinal or it can do something good for the body," he
In some places, like some states in the United States, marijuana is legal for medical
purposes such as for the alleviation of pain. Marijuana can also be prescribed by doctors to treat
muscle spasms, nausea from cancer chemotherapy, and seizure disorders. The Philippines, along
with countries like Indonesia, France, China, Malaysia, and Singapore, have some of the stricted
laws against marijuana or cannabis. Countries like Germany, Netherlands, India, and Canada,
meanwhile, have the least restrictive cannabis laws (Ranada, 2016)

Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo


Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo



Medical marijuana is quickly becoming a hotly debated topic in society as it presents

clear medical value with little to no drawbacks if used in the correct way. While abuse of the
substance shows clear definitive issues, the same can be said about any substance including
alcohol. Therefore, if regulated properly at the federal level there is really no reason why
marijuana should not be legalized since it presents so many opportunistic ideas and answers to
many people who suffer from chronic and terminal diseases. Do we really want to become a
society that tells a terminally ill person that they can't enjoy their last moments on earth in a pain
free environment? Not to mention the advances in cancer studies that we have acquired thanks
to marijuana. Thus, medicinally it is a good idea to legalize the plant. However, the question of
whether it should be legalized recreationally is an entirely different issue altogether.
Although the debate about the legalization of marijuana in our country goes on and on, I
believe that legalizing marijuana is absolutely fine as long as it is regulated. After all, the drug
cannot cause much damage when used in moderation. Yes, marijuana has damaging effects but
regulating the use of the drug would minimize the chance of it being harmful and destructive. I
think that even though the drug has side effects, it still has many uses in the field of medicine and
it is still beneficial to most people, which is why I think that legalizing the drug isnt a bad thing
at all. The society just has to learn how to balance, control and use the drug justly. Giving new
things a try is one step closer to the improvement and progress of our nation.

Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo


Bostwick, J., Michael. Blurred Boundaries: The Therapeutics and Politics of Medical
Marijuana, Mayo
Clark, Peter. "The Ethics of Medical Marijuana: Government Restrictions vs. Medical
Necessity." Journal of Public Health Policy 21.1 (2000): 40-60. JSTOR. Web. 28 Mar. 2011
Clinic Proceedings, Feb 2012, Vol. 87 Issue 2, p 172-186, 15p.
Cohen, Peter J. Medical Marijuana: The Conflict Between Scientific Evidence and
Political Ideology.Part One of Two, Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy, 2009,
Vol. 23 Issue 1, p4-25, 22p.
Earleywine, Mitch et al. Case Studies in Cannabis Vaporization, Addiction Research and
Theory, June 2010, Vol. 18 Issue 3, 243-249,7p, 4 Charts.
Goode, Erich. "Marijuana and the Politics of Reality." Journal of Health and Social
Behavior 10.2 (1969): 83-94. JSTOR. Web. 10 Apr. 2011.
Grinspoon, Lester. "Marijuana Addiction." Science, New Series 277.5327 (1997): 749752. JSTOR. Web. 9 Apr. 2011.
Guither, Pete. Why is Marijuana Illegal, 2012,
Huba, George. Assessing Marijuana Consequences: Selected Questionnaire Items.
Rockville: Public Health Service, 1981. Print.
Ilas, Joyce. CNN Philippines. Should medical marijuana be legalized in PH?Updated
19:17 PM PHT Tue, June 9, 2015
O'Brien, Kevin, and Peter Clark. "Case Study: Mother and Son: The Case of Medical
Marijuana." The Hastings Center Report 32.5 (2002): 11-13. Web. 9 Apr. 2011.

Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo


Peterson, Robert. "Health Implications of Marijuana Use: A Review." The American

Poe, Grace. Interview by CNN.
President Duterte, Rodrigo. Interview by Al Jazeera. October 15, 2016 "Should Marijuana be a Medical Option?" N.p., 31 Aug. 2009.
Web. 11 Apr. 2011.
Ranada, Pia. Duterte open to legalization of medical marijuana @piaranada Published
4:30 PM, October 16, 2016. Updated 4:30 PM, October 16, 2016.
Redda, Kinfe. Cocaine, Marijuana, Designer Drugs: Chemistry, Pharmacology, and
Behavior. 1989. Reprint. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2000. Print.
Shafer, Raymond. Marijuana - United States Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse.
Washington DC: U.S. Government, 1972. Print.
Shohov, Tatiana. Medical Use of Marijuana: Policy, Regulatory, and Legal Issues. New
York City: Nova Science Publishing, 2003. Print.
Sydney, Stephen, Charles Quesenberry, Gary Friedman, and Irene Tekawa. "Marijuana
Use and Cancer Incidence (California, United States)." Cancer Causes & Control 8.5 (1997):
722-728. JSTOR. Web. 10 Apr. 2011.
The Philippine Star, By Sheila Crisostomo. Medical marijuana use being studied
Updated July 10, 2016 - 12:00am
Webley, Kayla. Brief History: Medical Marijuana, Time, June 2010, Vol. 175 Issue 24,
p22-22, 3/4p.
Wilkey, Robin. Marijuana And Cancer: Scientists Find Cannabis Compound Stops

Legalization of Marijuanawactmanalo

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