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Adam Sekelsky

6718 Ewing Ave N, Brooklyn Center, MN 55429

Date: September 28, 2016
To: Megan Even
From: Adam Sekelsky
Subject: Graduate School Findings
Over the last couple of weeks, I have devoted time to looking into graduate schools that I will be eligible to
attend after successful completion of my Bachelors degree here at NDSU. More specifically, I looked into
schools that offered an MBA program as it would be best fitting for my major and minor of finance and
economics, respectively. The colleges that seemed to be the best fit for me were: the Carlson School of
Management, the Opus College of Business, the NDSU College of Business, the Kellogg School of
Management, and the Booth School of Business.
The Carlson School of Management, like most colleges, has a list of requirements to be eligible for admission.
I was expecting to find baselines or minimum scores for admission, but they did not seem to have these, or at
least did not project these expectations to interested applicants. Instead they say that Applications are
reviewed as a whole and candidates are admitted into the program based on academic credentials and general
fit for the program.9 They list some items that they consider while making this decision, such as: past
academic performance, standardized test scores, work experience and current resume, personal statement, and
professional references. I am currently on the Deans List with a 4.0 so my academic performance should
definitely set me apart. Also, I have worked with Jimmy Johns for the past four and a half years, with about a
total of four of those years spent in a leadership position so work experience should help my chances as well.
The Opus College of Business, part of St. Thomas, starts off their requirements by stating that applicants must
hold a Bachelors degree, but they are willing to honor that degree from any major. Their next requirement
isnt actually a requirement, but they state that the selection committee strongly prefers applicants that have at
least two years of work experience before enrolling.4 Their website continues by letting applicants know that
they review test scores, letters of recommendation, and written essays to determine qualified candidates. I will
have to talk to the school to find out if my current work experience qualifies or if they are looking for work
experience after college, but relationships I have developed with people during my college experiences will be
helpful in receiving valuable letters of recommendation.
The NDSU College of Business was the first of the colleges I researched to list off some requirements in a
numbered fashion. The first requirement is that the applicant holds a Bachelors degree from a recognized
educational institution. The second is that The applicant must have adequate preparation in the chosen field of
study and must show potential to undertake advanced study and research as evidenced by academic
performance and experience.3 The third requirement is that the applicant holds at least a 3.0 GPA from their
last degree, unless the most recent degree was a graduate program, to have full standing. The final point they
mention is that different programs may set higher qualifications. I think the strongest quality I hold for the
NDSU College of Businesss consideration is that I am currently a student in the College of Business. I am,
and will continue, building relationships with the faculty that are likely involved in the admissions process. My
course work and academic record will be very easily accessible to the committee which should help my
chances as well.
The Kellogg School of Business, through Northwestern University, also requires applicants to hold a
Bachelors degree. Different program types have different eligibility standards, but the One-Year program is
the only one that requires previous business or economic coursework. Without knowing which program would
be best for me, I focused on all around requirements in my research. The admission committee evaluates
scholastic ability, personal character, motivations, leadership ability, interpersonal skills, career performance,
and management potential,5 and continues by saying that these qualities will be assessed through personal

essays, academic record, GMAT or GRE scores, letters of recommendation, resume, evaluative interview
report, and video essays.5 Having taken business classes through NDSU I meet the requirements of the oneyear program. Things like scholastic and leadership ability can be seen through my academic standing and
work experience.
The Booth School of Business, part of the University of Chicago, comes with its own set of requirements,
referred to in their case as program prerequisites. They dont actually use the term Bachelors, but they do
require that applicants have completed an undergraduate program at an accredited school. The next
requirement is that students submit test results from either the GMAT or GRE. The site goes on to talk about
their evaluation criteria: Curriculum, Community, and Career7. Within each one of these three criteria, the
school lists extensive ways in which they are assessed. Some of these included academic recognition, fit with
Chicago, and communication skills demonstrated in the interview. Again, my standing on the Deans list
makes me a match for academic recognition, and spending twenty years of my life living just 40 miles west of
Chicago makes me a good fit there as well.
After successful completion of my degree here at NDSU, as well as taking the required tests after graduation,
there will be no preliminary requirements prohibiting me from being accepted into any of the previously listing
choices so I did not need to worry about them too much when narrowing down my options. Instead, I chose to
narrow my choices down based on other factors, the biggest of which was location. My home away from
NDSU is in Brooklyn Center, MN, just fifteen minutes from Minneapolis. My fianc lives in that area too, and
after marriage, which will occur before any graduate school would start, we plan on living in or around the
cities still. This made Carlson and Opus my top two contenders with drive times being only 25 and 24 minutes,
respectively, from our ideal location. As my top two choices, I dove into the research a bit more to find out
which school would be best for me as well as which school I am best for.
My findings showed me that both schools value knowledge and honesty. The Opus College of Business, being
a Catholic based organization, puts some emphasis on faith and reason. Carlson, with no announced faith
connections, places their focus more on the global mindset. By researching these schools through top
publications such as Forbes and U.S. News I was able to locate their respective rankings and found that
Carlson is the much more prominent school. My interpretation is further verified by Carlsons higher tuition
and lower acceptance rate.
This information is provided more readily on the next page in Table 1.

Table 1. Comparison between Carlson

and Opus

Key words from Mission Statements

(What they aim to do)


Carlson School of Management


Global Mindset

Forbes ranked #27

Business School
U.S. News tied for 27th
Best Business School of
U.S. News ranked 11th
Best Part-Time MBA
Program of 2016

View from Business World

Opus College of Business


Pursuit of Truth
Academic Excellence
Faith and Reason
Personal Attention

U.S. News tied for 114th

Best Part-Time MBA
Program of 2016
StartClass smart ranked

Total Program Cost



Percentage of Applicants Admitted



Personal Analysis

Being a big name in the industry,

Carlson doesnt have to be as
personable with their mission.
They will draw interest based off
their reputation. This also will
allow them to be more selective.

Opus is a smaller school with no

big national recognition. This has
caused them to create a more
personable approach to their
mission. They seek quality people
more than they seek quality
candidates. They will likely not be
as selective as Carlson.

Source citations for the information presented in the table can be found in the reference section at the end of
this document, starting on page 8. Please see 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14

After narrowing down my choices to Carlson and Opus, it was time to move on to outlining cover letters. Each
one will need to be tailored to be appropriate for the audience, and in researching the wants and needs of the
school I will also be able to make a more educated decision on which school I will be the best fit for.
I know that one of the strong values that Opus is looking for in its candidates is faith and reason. One way that
I might start out my cover letter is by talking about my involvement in the RCIA program at St. Marys
Cathedral. St. Thomas is a catholic based community, and the RCIA program that I am currently involved in is
leading me on a path that will involve the Catholic Rites of Initiation after which I will become a full member
of the Catholic Church. The program meets weekly and teaches me about the faith. Although mentioning this
may put me in a lesser position than some candidates who have been Catholic their entire lives, I believe it will
instead be something that benefits me and shows more of a commitment than someone born into the religion.
When writing a cover letter for Carlson, I may not mention RCIA at all, but if I do it would certainly not be to
the same extent.
Instead, when writing for Carlson, I would focus my energy on my global mindset. Although I think they are
looking for someone with a world vision, I can set some hooks in by discussing some of my diversity across
the United States. In the course of my twenty-five years, I have lived in six different cities in four different
states. Most of these were located in the Midwest, but even so I have knowledge of different parts of the
country that can translate into business operations. Most important on the business aspect would probably be
that I have worked, and held a leadership position, at three different franchised Jimmy Johns spread through
three states: Illinois, Minnesota, and North Dakota. This gives me insight into how similar companies operate
in different locations with different demographics. Similar information could be shared with Opus as well, but
because Carlson has a value of a global mindset I would make sure to approach the cover letter in this manner.
The two points covered above are the main ways in which the cover letters would differ. However, both cover
letters would also contain a lot of the same information. Both schools stress the importance of academic
excellence, work experience, and test scores. Because of this, both letters will highlight my managerial
experience at Jimmy Johns and will phrase my job requirements in ways that showcase both the business end
of the operations and the customer service side. When it comes to academic excellence I will be sure to
mention the Deans List at some point as well as addressing different businesses courses that I have taken. I
also will consider adding extra points, such as so far this year every exam I have taken I have scored above the
class mean and median.
The cover letter written for this assignment does not include any talk of test scores as I have not taken them
yet, but I recognize the importance of planning how I will write for them in the future. As the test scores are
part of the admission process, they will need to be assessed before a full decision can be made. However, it is
possible that my cover letters will be written before the tests have been attempted. If that is the case, I will
discuss the preparations I have taken and why I am hopeful for high scores. If the tests have already been
taken, and high scores received, they will be a shining star for academic excellence. If the tests are average, I
will likely focus on other areas of academic excellence instead.
Looking into the different ways in which I would write my cover letters, as well as weighing in personal
emotion, I have decided that Carlson and I would be the best fit. This does not, however, mean that I am not
interested in Opus as well, but I will be focusing more of my time and energy into being accepted at Carlson.
To read through their admission considerations please see Appendix A, located on page 7.
A big part of this decision came from looking through Carlsons admission considerations and noticing
examples from my life where I felt like I matched what they are looking for. For example, they value
candidates with a strong academic performance. I am a current member of the NDSU Deans List with a 4.0
which shows strong performance. In addition, I am taking many foundational business courses, in which I am
scoring above both the median and mean scores of my fellow students.

Another aspect that Carlson looks at is work experience. A lot of students dont have a ton of work experience
upon completion of a Bachelors, but with my delayed start to college, and my continued work throughout, I
have over four and a half years worth of experience in management and leadership positions. During this time
frame I also developed many business oriented skills such as calculating expected company growth, following
systems and procedures, schedule adjusting to meet labor goals, and handling invoices.
Thankfully, the highlights of my resume dont just stop at work experience, because Carlson assesses the
whole resume while making acceptance decisions. The other points that they will notice as the read through are
that I am a member of the NDSU Bison Fund, that I participate in the RCIA program at St. Marys in Fargo,
and that I received corporate certification from Jimmy Johns.
More information on this is also presented below.

Table 2. Why I am a Good Fit for Carlson


Past Academic

Work Experience

How I Shine

Member of the NDSU Deans List

4.0 GPA
Taking many business related courses
On every exam that I have taken so far this year I have scored above both
the median and the mean scores for my classes

My job at Jimmy Johns has taught me a lot about the business world and
provided me with many skills
Ive used previous sales data to calculate future growth
I have followed a set list of systems and procedures while offering praises
and redirects to other managers on their completeness of the same set
I have adjusted schedules, both daily and weekly, in order to meet labor
goals for the period.
I have both placed orders and entered their respective invoices into the
company system

Current Resume

I am a member of the NDSU Bison Fund in which I help manage a

portfolio of over $1.3 million.
My weekly attendance in the RCIA program at St. Marys here in Fargo
shows devotion to the community.
I have been at my current job for over four years which shows a company
commitment that employers will appreciate.
Certification through Jimmy Johns corporate training program shows my
ability to advance with in a company and also shows recognition from the

Realizing why Carlson is a good fit for me is a major step in the decision making process. More importantly,
however, is making sure Carlson realizes why I am a good fit for them. Relationships, whether between person
and person, or person and institution, seem to work best when each party benefits. It will be very important in
my cover letter writing that I make sure I tell Carlson why I am a good fit for them.
A sample paragraph conveying that message could look like this:
Now that I have discussed why I think Carlson would be a good fit for me, I
want to address why I think I would be a good fit for Carlson. Researching
your school has taught me that you value forward thinkers with a strong
leadership potential. Over the last four years I have worked at four different
Jimmy Johns locations, each change being due to some sort of personal
relocation. Each time I started at a new store I had to start at the bottom. My
previous credentials didnt come with me, but my skill set did. Each new
store brought me new challenges and each time I overcame. Within two
months of starting at each of these positions, including the first store that
ever hired me, I found myself in a leadership position and being praised and
recognized by the management above me. Most of the time these were not
positions that I sought out through application. These were positions that
were offered to me and positions that my character and work ethic brought
me to. It is that same passion, character, and work ethic that I will bring into
your school and into the classrooms. I will naturally become a leader and
inspire people around me to do the same. I aim to make Carlson a more
respected name than it already is.

All in all, my research has been a very positive experience. I learned more than I ever anticipated about the
schools I looked in to, and I am confident with my selection. I hope you find the information as useful as I did.
Please dont hesitate to get back to me with any questions you may have. You can find my contact information
on the front page of this memo.

Appendix A

1 About

the GMAT Exam. (n.d.) Retrieved from

About the GRE General Test. (n.d.) Retrieved from

3 Admission

Information. (n.d.) Retrieved from

Admission Process. (n.d.) Retrieved from

Application Process. (n.d.) Retrieved from

6 Best

Business Schools. (n.d.) Retrieved from

7 Criteria.
8 Facts

(n.d.) Retrieved from

& Figures. (n.d.) Retrieved from

9 Full-Time

MBA Admissions Frequently Asked Questions. (n.d.) Retrieved from
10 Mission.
11 Part

(n.d.) Retrieved from

Time MBA. (n.d.) Retrieved from

12 U

of St. Thomas Minnesota Opus College of Business. (n.d.) Retrieved from

13 University

of Minnesota, Twin Cities. (n.d.) Retrieved from

14 University

of Minnesota Carlson School of Management. (n.d.) Retrieved from http://business->.

Adam Sekelsky
6718 Ewing Ave N Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 630.336.2554

Career Objective
To gain admission into the Carlson School of Management Graduate Program

Educational Background
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
Bachelor of Science
Major: Finance
Minor: Economics
GPA: 4.0/4.0

Anticipated graduation May 2018

North Hennepin Community College, Brooklyn Park, MN

Spring, Summer, Fall 2016

Waubonsee Community College, Sugar Grove, IL

Fall 2009

Relevant Work Experience

Assistant General Manager
May 2012 Present
Jimmy Johns, Batavia, IL; Maple Grove, MN; Fargo, ND
o Predicted future sales growth based on previous data
o Adjusted daily and weekly schedules to meet labor goals for the period
o Used math and time management to keep bread fresh throughout the day
o Quickly and accurately prepared customer orders and handled conflict resolution
o Dispatched drivers to ensure optimal efficiency and managed a staff of up to 15 people at a time
o Kept store hospital clean by paying close attention to details

Other Notable Experience

NDSU Bison Fund Member
September 2016 Present
NDSU Bison Fund, Fargo, ND
o Worked with multiple sectors to manage a portfolio of over $1 million
o Made informed investment decisions by analyzing specific firms
RCIA Member
St. Marys Cathedral, Fargo, ND
o Attended weekly meetings and participated in faith based discussion
Pharmacy Technician
Sherman Hospital, Elgin, IL

September 2016 Present

December 2006 December 2009

Awards and Recognition

Member of the NDSU Deans List through the College of Business
Certified Sandwich Maker through Jimmy Johns corporate training program

Career Skills
Microsoft Office: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Access. SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1. Use of a
BA-II Financial calculator.

References Available Upon Request

Adam Sekelsky
6718 Ewing Ave N Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 630.336.2554

September 28, 2016

Carlson School of Management
321 19th Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN, 55455
Dear Selection Committee:
I am applying to become a student in the Full Time MBA Graduate Program. The knowledge I have been
gaining as a part of my current coursework matched with the business knowledge I have gained from my long
time employer make me a great candidate.
I look forward to being able to graduate in May of 2018. When this happens I will have successfully earned a
Bachelor of Science degree in Finance with a minor in Economics. I have learned a lot about financial
valuation and how the market responds to different events. I have built wonderful relationships with my peers
and instructors all while being a member of the Deans List throughout my entire time at NDSU.
Over the past four and a half years, I have been working at Jimmy Johns and gaining value business and life
skills. During my span with the company, I have worked at four different locations, each change being due to
some sort of personal relocation. Each time I started at a new store I had to start at the bottom. My previous
credentials didnt come with me, but my skill set did. Each new store brought me new challenges and each
time I overcame. Within two months of starting at each of these positions, including the first store that ever
hired me, I found myself in a leadership position and being praised and recognized by the management above
me. Most of the time these were not positions that I sought out through application. These were positions that
were offered to me and positions that my character and work ethic brought me to. It is that same passion,
character, and work ethic that I will bring into your school and into the classrooms. I will naturally become a
leader and inspire people around me to do the same. I aim to help make Carlson a more respected name than it
already is.
Classes and work have been taking up a lot of my time over the years, but I have also been making time to
branch out into the community. This September I started in the RCIA Program at St. Marys Cathedral here in
Fargo where I meet with a devoted group every week. Another weekly commitment that I love is working with
my peers as a member of the NDSU Bison Fund. My time there has taught me how to analyze firms and
evaluate stock performance which has helped mold me into someone who is capable of being a key player in
the management of a portfolio worth $1.3 million.
I hope to get a chance to meet with you in person so we can talk more. A copy of my resume has been sent
along with this letter for you to review. Please contact me at or by telephone at
630-336-2554 so we can discuss the next step.
Thank you for your consideration.

Adam Sekelsky


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