Destinee Loggins

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Destinee Loggins

Johnny Gilbert
Composition II 1312-03
14 October 2016
Week 8 Journal 8
This week has not been all too well. I am really stressed with family and school so far. I am
missing my great-grandparents so dearly for I have not seen them in months. I was sad that I
missed class on Monday so I really do not know what went on. On Wednesday we are conversed
a little upon our portfolios. I am so extremely excited to add on to my current one. And on
Thursday I had my first lab exam for Anatomy and Physiology II. I do not know how I did on it
at all. But I will find out this upcoming Tuesday. My professor took the lab exam for himself
and scored an eighty percent! Lord only knows what the class made as a whole. So far my class
for Anatomy and Physiology as dwindled to half its size. No one shows up anymore. For the
remaining students, they are either eating, on their phones, or watching Netflix on their laptop
the entire lecture period. All hope and faith in that class is out the door. But I still have faith that
I can make it. My Mother told me to start searching for a job, at the moment I am job hunting.
Trying to do school work, play the piano for church, be in choir, be chairman of the L.O.V. Es
choir organization for fundraising, and see after my brothers, I do not know how a job will affect
my overall work in school. Hopefully not that drastic of a change. This week my aunt passed
away and the funeral will be this Saturday at Ebenezer in Strong. AR. Im sad that I will not be
able to attend it. But I know that I will be there in spirit. I am looking for better days; I hope
that they are soon to come.

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