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Changes from Eleventh Edition
All changes to Chapter 21 were minor.
Approach (also see Approach for Chapter 20)
The general message of the chapter is that differences between actual and budgeted production costs can
be decomposed into price, quantity, mix, and volume variances. This general idea is applied to a variety
of specific situations, but these details should not be permitted to obscure the general point. Illustration
21-1 helps keep the detailed calculations in perspective.
The computation of the mix variance is quite complicated and difficult to understand. However, students
should have a general comprehension of the concept of mix because it comes up in a great many practical
situations. We find it used more with respect to gross margin analysis than as a refinement of material
price or labor rate variances.
Often there is miscommunication in class because students differ in the situations that they are implicitly
thinking about. For example, the appropriateness of computing a gross margin variance rather than a
selling variance depends on the nature of the company. If the job of the marketing organization is to
obtain a certain gross margin above product costs, whatever the costs are, then attention should be
focused on gross margin. If both the marketing organization and the production organization are
responsible for the gross margin (one for the price component and the other for the cost component), then
attention should be focused on selling price. It is not that one approach is generally better than the other,
rather, each approach is appropriate for a certain situation and inappropriate for another situation.
Students may not perceive that both situations exist, particularly if they have had experience in one type
of company.
Campar Industries, Inc. is a problem set dealing with the variances that are introduced for the first time in
this chapter.
Darius Company parallels the example in the Complete Analysis section of the chapter text.
Woodside Products, Inc. is a good variance analysis review case. It requires the use of last years actuals
as the standards for analyzing this years performance.

Problem 21-1: Beta Division

Bdgt. Vol. @
Bdgt Mix @
Bdgt. Margin

Act. Vol. @
Bdgt. Mix @
Bdgt. Margin

Sales Vol. Var.


3,200 @ $10
= $32,000

Mix Var.

3,072 @ $10
= $30,720
$1,280 U

1,700 @ $13
= $22,100

5,100 @ $9
= $45,900

Act. Vol. @
Act. Mix @
Act. Margin

Unit Margin Var.

2,850 @ $10
= $28,500
$ 2,220 U

1,632 @ $13
= $21,216
884 U


Act. Vol. @
Act. Mix @
Bdgt. Margin

2,850 @ $10.20
= 29,070
$ 570 F

2,500 @ $13
= $32,500
11,284 F

4,896 @ $9
= $44,064

2,500 @ $12.58
= $31,450
1,050 U

4,250 @ $9
= $38,250

4,250 @ $8.80
= $37,400

1,836 U

5,814 U

850 U

$4,000 U

$ 3,250 F

$1,330 U

Check: 10,000 x $10.00 9,600 x $10.20 = $2,080 U.

$2,080 U Net

2007 McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Chapter 21

Problem 21-2: Bradley Company

(all numbers are thousands, except per-unit amounts)
Calculation of Mix Variance

a. Mix variance
Product A
Produce B
Actual quantity........................................................................................................................................................
Standard proportion of actual (1).............................................................................................................................
+ 12 units
- 12 units

Standard gross margin:............................................................................................................................................

$5.90 - $4.00 std. cost.......................................................................................................................................
x $1.90
$5.50 - $4.00 std. cost.......................................................................................................................................
x $1.50

Sale of more units of A than B gave a variance of...................................................................................................

Or $ 4.80 F
b. Volume variance given as $47.3U reflects the fact that not as many units were produced as were
expected to be produced. Net income would be higher if the expected units had been actually
c. There would be no gross margin mix variance and no sales volume variance, but the gross margin
would be lower by $21.3, due to the change in sales as illustrated below:

300 @ $5.50
(2) 200 @ 5.45
Change in gross margin
310 ($5.50) = $1,705
186 ($5.45) = $1013.7
Sales Units (2740.0)
X Actual
d. As illustrated below, a unit margin variance of -164.3 would have occurred:

Product A...........................................................................................................................................
($1.40 - $1.90) x 310 =
Product B...........................................................................................................................................
($1.45 - $1.50) x 186 =
1. Standard proportion:


300/500 = .6
200/500 = .4

2. If Product A sells for $5.50 per unit, then 310 units would show total sales of $1,705, leaving Product
B sales at $1,013.7, or $5.45/unit.

Accounting: Text and Cases 12e Instructors Manual


Problem 21-3: Delta Division

Gross margin variances:
Budgeted unit margin, A = $240 ($60 + $50 + $60) = $70
Budgeted unit margin, B = $148 ($45 + $30 + $36) = $37
Actual unit margin, A = ($427,000 1,750) - $170 = $74
Actual unit margin, B = ($481,000 3,250) - $111 = $37
Sales volume variance: $0. This can be determined by inspection because both actual and budgeted total
volumes were 5,000 units.
Mix variance:
A: (1,750 1,900) x $70
B: (3,250 3,100) x $37


$ 4,950U

Unit margin variance:

A: ($74 - $70) x 1,750
B: (by inspection)



Net margin variance

$4,950U + $7,000F = $2,050F

Labor variances:
Standard labor per unit, A: $50 $20/hr. = 2.5 hrs./unit
Standard labor per unit, B: $30 $20/hr. = 1.5 hrs. unit
Efficiency variance:

Rate variance:
[$20 ($187,110 9,450 hr.] x 9,450]
Net labor variance =

$ 890F

Materials variances:
Standard materials per unit, A: $60 $1.50/lb. = 40 lbs.
Standard materials per unit, B: $45 $1.50/lb. = 30 lbs.
Usage variance:
[(1,900 x 40) + (3,100 x 30) 180,000] x $1.50 = $16,500 U
Price variance:
[$1.50 - $275,400 180,000)] x 180,000


2007 McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Chapter 21

Net materials variance

= $21,900U

$75,200 + $0.80 ($187,110) - $265,192

= $40,304U

1.2 ($187,110) - $224,888

Net overhead variance

= $39,948U

Overhead variances:
Spending variance:
Volume variance:

Sum of all variances (profit variance):

$2,050 F + $21,900 U + $890 F + $39,948 U

= $58,908U

Statement of Budgeted and Actual Gross Margin

Cost of goods sold................................................................................................................................................................
Gross margin @ std..............................................................................................................................................................
Production cost variances:
Materials usage................................................................................................................................................................
Materials price.................................................................................................................................................................
Labor efficiency..............................................................................................................................................................
Labor rate........................................................................................................................................................................
Overhead volume............................................................................................................................................................
Overhead spending..........................................................................................................................................................
Total variances.................................................................................................................................................................
Gross margin, actual.............................................................................................................................................................
Standard gross margin increased by $2,050 because of a $4 per unit higher margin on Product A; but a
shift in product mix toward lower-margin Product B more than eliminated this gain. The production cost
variances are self-explanatory, except for the overhead volume variance; this $356 represents the amount
our predetermined standard overhead cost per unit overcharged products for overhead, because our
planned overhead was $1.20 per direct labor dollar, but our actual overhead was way overspent ($40,304).
(Some students will offer details on the other production cost variances, which is fine.)
Problem 21-4: Inman Company

Comparison of Master Budget and Flexible Budget

Flexible Budget
at 19,000 Units
per Unit
Sales revenue......................................................................................................................................................................
Direct material....................................................................................................................................................................
$ 60,000
Direct labor........................................................................................................................................................................
Manufacturing overhead....................................................................................................................................................
$ 50,000
Selling and administration..................................................................................................................................................
Total costs..........................................................................................................................................................................

Accounting: Text and Cases 12e Instructors Manual


Operating income............................................................................................................................................................................
$ 42,000
$ 50,000
$ (8,000)

2007 McGraw-Hill/Irwin



Chapter 21

Sales volume variance:

Act. vol. @ bdgtd. margin: 19,000 units x ($20 - $12.50*)
Bdgt. vol. @ bdgtd. margin: 20,000 units x ($20 - $12.50)
Unfavorable sales volume variance


$ 7,500U

*Budgeted mfg. overhead per unit = $130,000 20,000 = $6.50; this plus budgeted direct material ($3.00) and direct labor
($3.00) gives a budgeted unit cost of $12.50.

(2) Unit margin variance:

Act. vol. @ act. margin: 19,000 units x ($19* - $12.50)
Act. vol. @ bdgtd. margin (from l above)
Unfavorable unit margin variance


$ 19,000U

*$361,000 revenues 19,000 units = $19

(3) Direct material (net) variance:

Budgeted: $3 x 19,000 units

Actual (give)...................................................................................................................................................
Unfavorable direct material variance..............................................................................................................
(4) Direct labor (net) variance:

Budgeted: $3 x 19,000 units

Actual (given).................................................................................................................................................
Unfavorable direct labor variance..................................................................................................................
(5) Manufacturing overhead (net) variance:

Absorbed: $6.50 x 19,000 units

= $123,500
Actual (given)
Manufacturing overhead variance...................................................................................................................
(6) Selling ant administration (net) variance:

Budgeted (given)
= $100,000
Actual (given)
Favorable selling and administration variance................................................................................................
Sum of (l) through (6): $36,000 U = $14,000 actual - $50,000 budget
Note: Both (5) and (6) can be decomposed into volume and spending components. There is not enough
information given to decompose (3) and (4) into price and usage components.

Accounting: Text and Cases 12e Instructors Manual


Case 21-1: Campar Industries, Inc.
Note: This case is unchanged from the Eleventh Edition.
This problem set can be completed in one class session. Alpha is a straightforward calculation of gross
margin variances. Beta introduces the gross margin mix variance. Gamma gives the student the
opportunity to apply the mix concept to raw materials. Delta is a review problem, containing both margin
and production cost variances.
Alpha Division

Unit margin, budgeted:......................................................................................................................................................

$72 - $43 = $29
Unit margin, actual:...........................................................................................................................................................
($1,658,250 / 22,000) - $43 = $75.38 - $43 - $32.38
Unit margin variance
= Unit margin * Actual volume
= ($32.38 - $29) * 22,000 = $74,360 F
Sales volume variance
= Volume * Bdgt. unit margin
= (22,000 - 24,000) * $29 = $58,000 U
Net gross margin variance
= Act. gross margin Bdgt. gross margin
= 22,000 * $32.38 - 24,000 * $29 = $16,360 F
Check: $74,360 F + $58,000 U = $16,360 F
The unfavorable volume variance is more than overcome by the favorable unit margin (also often
called selling price) variance. I point out to students how this problem illustrates the importance of
calculating margin variances rather than revenue variances.
Beta Division on following page.
Gamma Division
Mix variance:
(Standard Mix*

Actual Quantity)

Mix Variance
Material X......................................................................................................................................................................................
$ 845 F
Material Y......................................................................................................................................................................................
1,170 U
$ 325 U

*Actual quantity used at budgeted proportion (60/40).

Price variance:
Standard Price
Actual Price)
* Actual Quantity = Price Variance
Material X......................................................................................................................................................................................
Material Y......................................................................................................................................................................................
855 U
$855 U
Usage variance:
(Standard quantity
Net variance:

Actual quantity)


Standard Price


Usage variance
$195 U

Mix variance
$325 U


Price variance
$855 U

Usage variance
$195 U


$1,375 U

Actual cost


2007 McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Standard cost
Net variance

Chapter 21


9,900 lbs. * $1.95


Beta Division
Bdgt. Vol. @
Bdgt Mix @
Bdgt. Margin

Act. Vol. @
Bdgt. Mix @
Bdgt. Margin
Sales Vol. Var.


Act. Vol. @
Act. Mix @
Bdgt. Margin
Pdt. Mix Var.

Act. Vol. @
Act. Mix @
Act. Margin
Unit Margin Var.

3,200 @ $12
= $38,400

$1,536 U

3,072 @ $12
= $36,864

$2,664 U

2,850 @ $12
= $34,200

$684 F

2,850 @ $12.24

1,700 @ $15.60
= $26,520

$1,061 U

1,632 @ $15.60
= $25,459

$13,541 F

2,500 @ $15.60
= $39,000

$1,250 U

2,500 @ $15.10
= $37,750

$2,203 U
$4,800 U

4,896 @ $10.80
= $52,877

$6,977 U
$3,900 F

4,250 @ $10.80
= $45,900

$1,020 U
$1,586 U

4,250 @ $10.56
= $44,880
= $2,486 U Net

5,100 @ $10.80
= $55,080

Check: 9,600 x $12.241 10,000 x $12.00 = $2,486 U.

The analysis indicates that if Beta explicitly changed its marketing program in order to produce the actual results, this was not a good move. The
shift toward a richer mix did not generate enough additional margin to overcome the unfavorable sales volume and unit margin impacts.

2007 McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Chapter 21

There are two mistakes students frequently make in this analysis. First, some forget to change the order of
subtraction in the gross margin mix variance formula with the result that they show a favorable mix
variance. A little discussion quickly reveals why it must be unfavorable, and reminds them again that
whether a variance is favorable or unfavorable should be a matter of common sense (Will the
phenomenon described tend to increase or decrease profit?) rather than algebraic sign. Second, some
students calculate the mix variance this way

(Standard Mix

Actual Quantity)


Standard Price


$ 744 F
1,264 U
$ 520 U

Since 5,940 + 3,960 = 9,900 rather than 10,000, this approach changes both the mix and the quantity
between the terms in parentheses. Thus, this would give a combined mix and usage variance; note that in
the correct calculation, the sum of the mix and usage variance is in fact $520 unfavorable.
Delta Division
Gross margin variances:
Budgeted unit margin, A = $300 - ($72 + $62.50 + $75) = $90.50
Budgeted unit margin, B = $185 - ($54 + $37.50 + $45) = $48.50
Actual unit margin, A = ($533,750 / 1,750) - $209.50 = $95.50
Actual unit margin, B = ($601,250 / 3,250) - $136.50 = $48.50
Sales volume variance: $0. This can be determined by inspection because both actual and
budgeted total volumes were 5,000 units.
Mix variance:
A: (1,750 -1,900) * $90.50
B: (3,250 - 3,100) * $48.50
Unit margin variance:
A: ($95.50 - $90.50) * 1,750
B: (by inspection)


$13,575 U
7,275 F
$6,300 U

$ 8,750F
$8,750 F
Net margin variance = $6,300 U + $8,750 F = $2,450 F
Materials variances:
Standard materials per unit, A: $72 / $l.80/lb. = 40 lbs.
Standard materials per unit, B: $54 / $l.80/lb. = 30 lbs.
Usage variance:
[(l,800 * 40) + (3,300 * 30) - 180,000] * $1.80 = $16,200 U
Price variance:
[$1.80 - ($330,480 / 180,000)] * 180,000
Net materials variances:



$ 6,480 U
$22,680 U

Accounting: Text and Cases 12e Instructors Manual


Labor variances:
Standard labor per unit. A: $62.50 / $25/hr. = 2.5 hrs.
Standard labor per unit, B: $37.50 / $25/hr. = 1.5 hrs.
Efficiency variance:
[(1,800 * 2.5 + 3,300 * 1.5) - 9,450] * $25 = $0
Rate variance:
[$25 - ($233,880 / 9,450)] * 9,450
Net labor variance


Overhead variances:
Spending variance:
$94,000 + $0.80 (233,880) - $320,000
Volume variance:
$1.20 (233,880) - $281,104
Net overhead variance
Sum of all variances (profit variance):
$2,450F + $22,680U + $2,370F + $39,344U

$2,370 F
$2,370 F

$38,896 U

448 U
$39,344 U

$57,204 U

Delta Division Statement of Budgeted and Actual Gross Margin

$1,143,500 $1,135,000
Cost of goods sold @ standard...........................................................................................................................................
Gross margin @ standard...................................................................................................................................................
$ 322,300 $ 324,750
Production cost variances:
Materials usage..............................................................................................................................................................
Materials price...............................................................................................................................................................
Labor rate......................................................................................................................................................................
Overhead spending........................................................................................................................................................
Overhead volume..........................................................................................................................................................
Total variances...............................................................................................................................................................
Gross margin, actual...........................................................................................................................................................
$ 322,300 $ 265,096
Standard gross margin increased by $8,750 because of a $5 per unit higher margin on Product A; but a
shift in product mix toward lower-margin Product B eliminated $6,300 of this gain. The production cost
variances are self-explanatory, except for the overhead volume variance; this represents the amount the
predetermined standard overhead cost per unit undercharged products for overhead, because the overhead
rate was based on a planned volume of 235,000 DL$, whereas the actual volume was slightly less,
233,880 DL$. (Some students will offer details on the other production cost variances, which is fine.)


2007 McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Chapter 21

Case 21-2: Darius Company

Note: This case is unchanged from the Eleventh Edition.
This is a relatively straightforward variance analysis problem. It contains enough marketing information
to enable calculating the market share and industry volume components of the gross margin sales volume
variance. In the production variance area, the only difficult aspect is that students must deduce the
overhead budget formula from the information that normal volume is 200,000 units and that $0.75 of the
$1.50 per unit absorption rate represents budgeted fixed costs.
In addition to the numbers, given below, I encourage students to make speculative narrative statements as
to what caused each variance. I feel you cannot overemphasize the notion that the variances are not
calculated for their own sake, but to help gain insight into operations so that future profitability can be
Marketing variances:
Unit margin variance: ($0.80 - $0.60) * 190,000
Sales volume variance: (190,000 - 200,000) * $0.60



The sales volume variance can be further decomposed:

Indty. vol.: (2,054,0541 - 2,000,0002 * 0.10 * $0.60)
Mkt. share: (0.0925 - 0.10) * 2,054,054 * $0.60





Material price: ($0.15 - $126,000 / 700,000) * 700,000

Material usage: (4 * 180,000 700,000) * $0.15


Labor rate: [($9.00 - $523,880 / 56,944)] * 56,944

Labor efficiency[: (0.3 * 180,000 - 56,944) * $9.00]


Overhead volume: $0.753 * (180,000 - 200,000)

Overhead spending: $150,000 + $0.75 * 180,000 - $308,120


$ 3,000F

190,000 / 0.0925
200,000 / 0.10

Selling expense variance:

$12,000 - $14,000
Administrative expense variance:
$10,000 U (S&A) - $2,000 U (Selling)
Production variances:

Fixed overhead absorption rate. Alternatively, at this point one can deduce that the overhead budget equation is
$150,000 fixed cost plus $0.75 per unit variable cost. Thus, the budget for 180,000 units is $285,000 and the absorbed
(@ $1.50 per unit) is $270,000, giving a production volume variance of $15,000 U.


Accounting: Text and Cases 12e Instructors Manual



Gross margin variance...................................................................................................................................................

$ 32,000F
Selling and administrative variance...............................................................................................................................
$ 10,000U
Production cost variances..............................................................................................................................................
Net income variance......................................................................................................................................................
$ 72,000U
Case 21-3: Woodside Products, Inc.*
Note: This case is unchanged from the Eleventh Edition.
This case provides a good summaryor good examinationof income variance analysis. Weaker
students are thrown off balance at first because none of the costs given are labeled as being standard.
However, because the task at hand is to explain 1992 results vis-a-vis those for 1993, the 1992 figures,
although actual amounts, constitute the standards for analytical purposes. The case also asks the student
to prepare a fairly intuitive summary analysis for a board meeting. I use this part of the assignment to
emphasize the importance of communicating the results of quite complicated calculations in a
straightforward, easy-to-grasp way to nonaccountants. The detailed analysis and a suggested summary
A. Gross Margin Variances
Since inventory was valued at $55 per unit in 1992, this is the number used to determine the unit
margins for these calculations:
Unit margin variance = ($50 - $39) * 82,350
Sales volume variance a (82,350 - 88,125) * $39
Net gross margin



B. Selling and Administrative Variance

The text mentions that these variances sometimes are decomposed into volume and spending
components. The data given makes this possible in this case:
Volume effect = (88,125 - 82,350) * $4.42
Spending effect (derived from volume effect and net)
Net variance = $2,086,810 - $2,039,343







This spending variance can be further analyzed

Variable costs: ($4.42 - $4.70) * 82,350
Fixed costs $1,697,298 - $1,652,298
Net spending effect
C. Prime Cost Variances
Material price variance = ($2.50 - $2.90) * 626,200
Material usage variance = (648,8001 - 626,200) * $2.50
Net material variance

81,100 units produced @ 8 lbs per unit

Labor rate variance = ($16.00 - $16.80) * 64,860

Labor efficiency variance = (60,8252 - 64,860) * $16.00
Nat labor variance


81,100 units * 0.75 hr./unit

This teaching note was prepared by Professor James S. Reece. Copyright by James S. Reece.


$ 51,888U

2007 McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Chapter 21

D. Production Overhead Variances

These calculations are challenging: Enough information is given to calculate every variance
except the fixed overhead component of the overhead spending variance. However, this can be
deduced from the other variances and the total production cost variance.
Overhead production variance =
(81,100 - 88,125) * $19.003


This is the fixed overhead absorption rate (see Appendix of Chapter 20)

Overhead spending variance, variable costs =

(81,100 * $4.00) - $359,500
Overhead spending variance, fixed costs
derived as follows:
Cost of goods sold @ std. = 82,350 * $55
Cost of goods sold, incl. pdn. cost variances
So total pdn. cost variances
of which:
Material variance
Labor variance
Ohd. pdn. vol. var.
Ohd. spending var., vbl. costs
So we have accounted for
Leaving as ohd. spending var., fixed costs


$ 35,100U
$ 247,135U


$ 726,138U


$ 247,135U

As a check, the variances in categories A-D calculated above total $680,625 F + 47,467 F +
193,980 U + 116,448 U + 133,475 U + 35,100 U + 247,135 U = $1,954F, which is the income
variance to be explained.
As a summary for the board of directors, I would present the numbers as follows: (The
explanation contains a few conjectures, which Marilyn Mynar would easily be able to validate;
this is done simply to remind students that the report should contain some reasons for balances,
not just the numbers.)
1. We increased our unit selling price by $11 (or 11.7%). If our production costs had not
increased this would have increased our pretax profit by $905,850
2. However, this price increase caused our sales volume to decline by 5,775 units (6.6%). At last
years price and cost levels, the impact of this decline was to reduce pretax profit by
3. This decrease in unit sales did have a favorable impact on pretax profits in one respect based
on last years per-unit selling cost, the volume decline saved us $25,525 in selling costs
(primarily salespeoples commissions).
4. Our variable selling cost per unit, however, increased by $0.28 (or 6.3%), primarily because
of salespeoples commissions related to the higher per-unit selling price. This increase caused
pretax profit to decline by $23,058.
5. Other selling costs and administrative costs were reduced by $45,000, with a corresponding
favorable impact on pretax profit.
6. Increases in the purchase price of materials and labor rates caused pretax profit to decline by
$302,368. We were more efficient in using materials than last year, but our labor was less


Accounting: Text and Cases 12e Instructors Manual


productive; the combined effect of material usage and labor efficiency decreased pretax profit
by $8,060.
7. Our factory worked at less than its usual volume this year, which increased the production
cost of each unit because fixed factory overhead was spread over a lower volume. This had
the effect of reducing pretax profit by $133,475.
8. Our factory overhead costs also increased considerably, reducing pretax profit by $282,235.
9. To sum up, pretax profit increased $1,954 for these reasons:

Impact of higher selling price...........................................................................................................................................

Impact of lower sales volume...........................................................................................................................................
Impact of lower production volume..................................................................................................................................
Impact of all spending and efficiency changes.................................................................................................................
Net change in pretax income............................................................................................................................................
$ 1,954
[A really brief report would include only this ninth item.]
For some reason, students often end up with a set of numbers that do not add up to $1,954. I
stress that a good explanation will contain a set of numbers that can be addedor, better, have
been addedto demonstrate that the $1,954 pretax profit variance has indeed been explained.


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