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Bracamontes 1

Jasslean Bracamontes
QS115 Approaching University Writing
Jennifer Rodrick
Project Text: How and why individuals shaped their identity
If you want people to love you for who you are, then take the mask
off (Quetzal). The majority of us always have a different mask on,
depending on who we are surrounded by. All these multiple personas only
make it harder for ourselves, as one shouldnt judge themselves through the
eyes of others. The novel, A Single Man, illustrates the life of a gay man,
named George, who acts accordingly depending on who he is with.
Individuals, just like George, created an identity that allows them to only
open themselves up to specific people, and act based on how they feel
others will see them, for fear of facing judgement.
Some of us commonly have a safe place or reliance with a specific
person. Throughout the novel, one can see how George is different with
everyone he spends time with but can only trust Charley, because he
understands that she will never judge him negatively. In one scene, George
and Charley have a long night together where one can see how he can
openly talk about anything, even Jim, his longtime lover. For instance,
Something is happening to GeorgeHe is quite aware of this-but whats the
harm?...Just as long as theres no one to hear him but Charley! (Isherwood
134). George is not afraid of acting the way he wants to with Charley

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because no matter what, she will never make George question his character
with her. Moreover, George feels some sort of security with Charley. He can
see that they are both going through a hard time together and senses she
will be very understanding on his thoughts. As a result, George has a
sanctuary with Charley, unlike with other people in his life. Although George
may have a safe place with one individual, it is still hard for a gay man to live
his everyday life outside of that sanctuary. Furthermore, George feels like he
can only be himself in that space but nowhere else. As a result, Georges
activity differs based on how he wants his identity to be perceived.
The majority of the time, ones actions are characterized upon the
identity we seek to show those that draw near us. The way one shapes their
identity is formed by their fear of others and can unfortunately affect their
doings as well. The Critical Media Project media literacy and the politics of
Identity claims on their site, how identity overpowers every single aspect of
our life. In particular, Our identity can fundamentally shape our life
experience, how were treated, whom we meet and become friends with,
what kind of education and jobs we get, where we live, what opportunities
were afforded, and what kind of inequities we may face. This is clearly
shown with George in the novel, by him depicting his identity to be hidden by
those he is afraid of showing, which caused him to not enjoy life to the
fullest. By him screening his identity, he lived day by day not
accommodating his needs because of the fear from others.

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Others may argue that ones choices are only affected by our own
insecurities and thoughts but that isnt the case. Yes, ones insecurities may
have an input in their actions but the dominance over peoples views
substantially result in how one forms their identity. For one including, blogger
Harris O Malley, created his own website, Paging Dr. Nerdlove, to give a
piece of advice over those who struggle with their identity, relationships, sex
and more. The article, The Power of Identity, stated The way you see
yourself directly affects the way that you perceive the world around you;
everything is filtered through the prism of your identity, from the way you
interact to other people to the way that you think (Dr. Nerdlove). George
kept seeing himself as a gay man who had to hide his identity from those he
was scared of. As a consequence, he would act differently with the people he
hung around with, openly with a few but secretly with most. Since George did
not trust telling the people around him about his identity then he had seen
the world very skeptical. The only way one can feel 100% comfortable with
everyone they are with then they must accept who they are and not let
others beliefs be the way one chooses to live their life.
Some can agree that it is hard to not allow others be in control of
defining an individual and what actions they will take upon them. The Image
shown on the left distinctly demonstrates what one goes through with their
identity and how it is perceived by others. This comes to show that identity is
a problem in multiple features. Some people have their point of view over
the LGBTQ community but believe they are so powerful that they can say

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and do whatever they want to that specific person. Just as the image
signifies such hate towards people from the queer community, then those
from the queer community will feel inferior to them for the rest of their life.
Consequently, George chose to depict his identity through what other people
thought and decided to hide himself from being shown for who he really is.
Even though George was very upset over being the minority, he still allowed
those of high standard to control how to live his life. It may be very hard to
not permit others views over identity impact the way one may feel about
themselves, but the more one claims it has no affect to them then the freer
they will feel.
People should not be frightened with the thoughts of others. Society
should have not delineated Georges
actions. He should feel free to be who he
is with everyone he knows, without
judgements. The fear of everyones
stand should not overpower the life and
actions one does every day. George can
only feel uncontrolled from society by not letting his identity be hindered
with comments or thoughts that relate to him. We must trust that those who
wont judge will always be there for us.

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Isherwood, Christopher. A Single Man. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2001. Print.

Malley, Harris O. "The Power of Identity." Paging Dr. NerdLove. N.p., 24 June 2013. Web. 21
Nov. 2016.

Who Are You? The Critical Media Project. USC Annenberg School for Communication and
Journalism, September 2013. Web. 9 November 2015 Image viewed on 11/21/16

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