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How To Argue Florida Assignments

To Judges
In accordance with the Disclaimer posted on this site, nothing here shall be construed as
legal advice. The information below is strickly commentary designed to help attorneys
enhance there presentation skills in the performance of their jobs. The hiring of an
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attorney for legal advice.

The Assignment Not Attached To The Complaint & Is Dated

After The Complaint Was Filed
It is important to note here that judges like rulings from the appellate division that cover
their circuit or other opinions from WITHIN their circuit (colleagues). Find those cases
first and if you cant and have to use other Florida cases, show the judge WHY they should
rule the same. Remember you have 5 minutes to bring it home.
Im going to use Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as Trustee for FFMLT 2006-3 as
the Plaintiff and Marshall C. Watson as their counsel for this example.
Judge: Were here on Defense Counsels Motion to Dismiss. Counsel please proceed.
Defense Counsel: Good morning Your Honor. This Motion is based on 3 points that warrant
dismissal of this action (we will only focus on one Standing)
1) Plaintiff lacks standing to bring this foreclosure action against my client (FACT/OPINION).
The allegations in the complaint allege Plaintiff is the OWNER and HOLD of the NOTE that
they seem to have apparently LOST (FACT) but have failed to identify, WHEN they became the
OWNER and HOLDER of the Note (FACT) and HOW they became the OWNER and HOLDER
of the Note (FACT), or the approximate date WHEN they allegedly lost the NOTE (FACT) and
explaining HOW they allegedly lost it (FACT). They have attached a copy of a print out from
court records AND NOT THEIR CLIENTS FILES of the Mortgage (FACT) which
indicates First Franklin as the ORIGINAL Lender (FACT) and does not mention Plaintiff
Deutsche Bank anywhere on THAT document (FACT). No NOTE or a CERTIFIED COPY of
such nor has a LAWFUL and EQUITABLE ASSIGNMENT been ATTACHED to the Complaint
(FACT) in support of their allegation that they are the OWNER and HOLDER of the NOTE
STOP RIGHT HERE (EDITORS NOTE): First always state facts and not opinions. If you
have to state an opinion it better be extremely persuasive and you need to have sufficient
evidence to back it up. Second, if there was a Notice of Filing after the complaint was filed
and you filed your Motion to Dismiss of the Assignment you want to say:

In an attempt to cloud the courts judgment (OPINION), PLAINTIFFS COUNSEL has magically
caused an Assignment to appear (FACT) which according to the date was CLEARLY drafted,
executed and filed AFTER the filing of this action (FACT) where numerous case-law opinions
throughout Florida PROHIBIT such Assignment filings warranting dismissal (FACT)!
STOP RIGHT HERE (EDITORS NOTE): You dont want to come off as condescending
here. Your want to come off as confident to your position and a little fantastical about
Opposing Counsels Actions (Not PLAINTIFF) in filing the Affidavit this way. You have to
end your speaking presentation here because you dont ever want the judge to cut you off
to allow opposing counsel to speak but you want your last words to the judge the prompt
the questionwhat case law and opinions do you have to support your position?
Judge: Plaintiffs Counsel what do you have to say?
Plaintiffs Counsel: Your Honor, our Complaint clearly states a cause of action (OPINION).
Plaintiff is in possession of the original Promissory Note and we are prepared to drop the Reestablishment Count Your Honor. Since we have possession of the Original Note, the Court
should find that an equitable assignment occurred prior to the actual dated assignment and the
date of the assignment is irrelevant (OPINION). We only need to have possession to be the
holder in due course judge which allows us to bring this action. I have numerous case-law to
support our position.
Judge: Such as?
Plaintiffs Counsel: Well Your Honor, WM Specialty Mortgage, LLC v. Salomon, 874 So.2d 680
(Fla. 4th DCA 2004) and Johns v. Gillian, 184 So. 140 (Fla. 1938) clearly state that
because Plaintiff had possession of the original Promissory Note the Court should find that an
equitable assignment of the mortgage occurred prior to the actual dated assignment and the date
of the assignment should be deemed irrelevant.
Judge: I seeDefense Counsel?
Defense Counsel: Your Honor, Counsels argument is misplaced (FACT/OPINION). WM
Specialty Mortgage requires that, whatever the form of the assignment, there MUST first be an
unconditional transfer of interest BEFORE the assignee may maintain a foreclosure (FACT).
Unlike the matter presently before the Court, in WM Specialty Mortgage the Plaintiff alleged
facts of a physical transfer of the mortgage to the assignee prior to the Plaintiff filing suit
(FACT). The allegation of physical delivery SUPPORTED an equitable assignment (FACT) and
based on THAT fact the Court in WM Specialty Mortgage overlooked the late executed
assignment and allowed the foreclosure to continue (FACT). In the matter before this Court, the
Plaintiff made no allegation IN THE Complaint of physical delivery (FACT) within the holding
of WM Specialty Mortgage and the allegations in the Complaint do not rise to the standard of
showing an unconditional transfer of the assignors rights to Plaintiff (FACT) nor has Plaintiff
alleged in the Complaint it is the HOLDER IN DUE COURSE which counsel is alleging here.

Your Honor, before Plaintiffs Counsel responds, Id like the court to note that PRESENTING
Affidavits that are dated AFTER the a Complaint is filed and the foreclosure has been initiated in
the manner done so EXACTLY as seen here (FACT/OPINION), is a pattern and practice
amongst the law firms Marshal C. Watson, Florida Default Law Group, Law Offices of David J.
Stern and Shapiro & Fishman (FACT) who represent over 90% of foreclosures in the State of
Florida (FACT). In fact the argument Ive just expressed to the court comes straight from Judge
Anthony Rondolino of the 6th Judicial Circuit in and for Pinellas County BANK OF AMERICA
vs. COLLEEN M. MCKENNA Case No. 09-4179-CI-13 (FACT) which Marshall C. Watson was
counsel of record for, where His Honor granted Defendants Motion to Dismiss against Marshall
C. Watson for the very same reason (hand a copy of 16 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 833c to Judge)
(FACT). At a glance I have over ten (10) cases where this tactic has been used and the case was
dismissed as a result (FACT) (hand Judge the cases with the points highlighted). Those cases are
Supp. 642a, CHASE HOME FINANCE, LLC v. JANET DOBSON, 16 Fla. L. Weekly Supp.
428a, CITIMORTGAGE, INC. vs. MICHAEL EASOM, 17 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 100b,
HARDY, 16 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 1147a, SUNTRUST MORTGAGE, INC. vs. ELENA V.
FULLERTON, 16 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 1146b, THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON v.
MARY L. BARNICH, 17 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 100a, U.S. BANK NATIONAL
ASSOCIATION v. BRENDA C. ROSE, 16 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 1044a, US BANK N.A. v.
ASSOCIATION vs. JUANITA NORTON, 16 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 1043a.
All of these cases support that where an Assignment is filed AFTER the Complaint is filed and
the Complaint fails to allege and/or Plaintiff fails to submit other documentary evidence showing
conclusively an EQUITABLE TRANSFER of the Note (FACT), Plaintiff lacks standing to bring
a foreclosure action and the case should be dismissed (FACT). I would ask the court at this time
based on the OVERWHELMING support I have provided to dismiss this case.
STOP RIGHT HERE (EDITORS NOTE): I cannot tell you what the judge will decide or
what Opposing Counsel will say after this pointyou be the judge. What I will say is that
Judges want to hear the FACTS. You have presented the FACTS very well here. The key
to success in this example is your flow of words in a strong and confident manner without
studder, interruption or indecisive pause.
Another very important point and cross argument I want to point out is the Assignment is 99% of
the time from MERS to the Plaintiff. There are two (2) important positions to take on this.
(1) While the Mortgage may name MERS as the Nominee for Lender, it does so only in the
Mortgage and the Mortgage interest only. MERS is not mentioned ANYWHERE on the Note
hence it can not assign an interest greater than that which it is entitled to. The MERS assignment
(outside of the number of fraudulent issues that may exist on the face of it) will casually state in
the language that it is transferring ALL beneficial interest in the Mortgage AND Note. Be sure
to bring to the courts attention that MERS name is not mentioned anywhere on the NOTE as the
Lenders Nominee and Plaintiff has NOT provided evidence to support MERS ability to transfer
the beneficial interest of the Note.

(2) In instances where the Plaintiff is Trustee for a securitized pool of loans, find the Pooling &
Servicing Agreement at Show the court that it would be impossible for
MERS to transfer interest to Deutsche when it is clear from the case caption that this loan is part
of a pool of loans (FYI just because they allege your loan is part of a pool does not mean it is
but for argument sake use this allegation against them). The Pooling and Servicing Agreement
will show who the Depositor is, Servicer, Master Servicer and Deutsche as Trustee. This
document is evidence that a) the loan transferred from the original lender to at the very least, the
Depositor (where is the evidence of this transfer?), and from the Depositor to the parties in the
pool (where is the evidence of this transfer or transfers) and that the Trustee gets its alleged
power from this pool and agreement which only begs the questionwhy is counsel here
attempting to claim this Note has moved from MERS to Plaintiff directly?
This is a great point to proving the assignment is a fraud. Watch what opposing counsel answers
to this because it will probably amount to testimony at which point you need to be quick to say to
opposing counsel unless you intend to recuse yourself as counsel from the Plaintiff please
refrain from testifying on their behalf. Because at this point anything opposing counsel says
will not be supported by anything alleged in the complaint or in the court record and that should
always be yourmaybe so your honor but Plaintiff has not alleged such in the complaint
Plaintiff has not submitted any documented evidence to support what counsel is saying here
Well my fellow soldiers of the cause, that is my 2 cents. Master this in 5 minutes and I think the
outcome will be a positive one. Id be very interested to hear any comments and feedback on
this. My next topic will be Summary Judgment. I hope this helps.

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