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Choose one question below to answer in response to your

independent novel. Please restate the question in your response, so
it is clear which question you are answering. Your response should
be 12 point font, double spaced, and at least to a page of writing.
1. Describe the main character(s) in the story. What do they look
like, sound like, act like, etc.? What do they learn in this story?
Explain in detail.
The main character is Michael Vey. He is a 14 year old boy. He is a
lot shorter than most of the people in his grade and he suffers from
Tourettes syndrome (which is that he has tics one example for him
is that he blinks over and over again. Sometimes it is related to
stress.). Basically, there is 17 people that these people want to
capture and they already captured 15 out of the 17 people. Michael
Vey is one out of the 2 people that has not been captured yet.
Michael Vey has the power of electricity, but he has to keep it hidden
or the people will find him. He has moved a lot in his lifetime, so
that they would not find him. I have not gotten that far where they
learn a lesson, but Im sure that they will have a problem and
Michael and some other people (his friend or his mother) will learn
from it.
2. What is the main problem of the story? If you know it already how was the problem solved? If you dont know yet - how do
you think the problem will be resolved (or will it at all?) Be
The main problem is that she lives the same day over and over again
because she died in a car crash. I think for it to be resolved she has
to fix everything she did wrong the day that she died and the day
that keeps repeating. It has been going on for as long of a week. She
thinks that if she tries to save another person's life (Juliets) than her
life would be saved and she would be going on as it was before she

died. On the 7th day she realized that this would be her last day of
her life. Another problem is that a girl named Juliet is going to
commit suicide and she knows this because she saw it in the other
days that she repeated. She knows that she still has her whole life to
live and that it is her and her friends fault for her death because
they bullied her. Sam wants to repay the price that she had to pay
for Juliet. She does not want another person to pay for her death.
3. If you were the author, what would you change about this
story? Why would you change it? Be specific!
4. If you could be any character in the story, who would you be?
Why would you like to be that character? Explain in detail.
5. Summarize what you read today. What were the most
important events? What did you learn about the characters?
How did the conflict develop/resolve? Be specific!
Michael Vey, Ostin, and Taylor freed Wade and Jack, and got Zeus on
their side to fight Hatch and the other electrical childern. Hatch
wanted to study the electrical childern, so he can create more. By
doing this he asks for favors and the favors get bigger and bigger
and then, sometimes the favors are of them killing people. Basicly.
Michael, Ostin, Taylor, Wade, Jack, and Zeus fought Hatch and the
others, so they can be free once again. I learned that Michael can
take other electrical children's power, but they would still have the
power. The conflict was that they were at war and they had to free
everyone, so they can be safe once again.
6. Make a connection to yourself, another text, or to the world.
How is this novel similar to something you have observed in
yourself, another novel, or the world? Explain the connection
in detail.

7. Pretend you could interview one of the characters in the novel.

What questions would you ask that character and why? What
would you hope to learn about the character? Be specific.
8. Would you recommend this novel to a friend? Why or why
not? What, specifically, about the novel made you decide the
way you did?
9. Make a prediction about what will happen next in the story.
What information in the text led you to that prediction?
Explain in detail.
10. Rewrite a section of the novel in a way that you wished it
would happen. Begin by providing a brief description of the
original event, followed by your updated version.
11. Pretend you are turning this novel into a movie. Who would
you cast as your main characters? Why are these actors/people
fitting to play the roles? What specific skills do they bring that
you would need? Explain in detail.
12. Choose one character in the novel and explain why you
would or would not like to have that character as your friend.
Provide examples from the text to support your decision.
I would like to have the main character Michael Vey as my friend
because he is very loyal to his friends. When his friends are in
trouble, he does not wait for someone to fix the problem, he would
go and help his friends right away. Also, when someone teases his
friends, he puts those people in his or her place.
13. Choose one character and describe how that characters
actions affect other characters in the story. Does this character
have a positive influence on others, or is this character a

negative influence? Provide examples from the text to support

your decision.
Wade has a good influence on other people on the team. He used to
be a bully because the parents who are supposed to care for him
abandoned him and all the foster homes got rid of him, so he has to
live with his grandma. His best friend is Jack who also used to be a
bully because of his family problems. Farther in the book, the other
characters realize that he is not a bad person after all. And when
Wade got killed by a soldier it had a major effect on the team, mostly
Jack. Jack blames him for his death because he should have not
brought his best friend to this missions, even though Wade wanted
to do the mission and help his friends.
14. Choose an interesting/confusing/important/enjoyable
passage and explain why you chose it. Does it reveal important
information about the characters or plot? Is it really
well-written? Be specific in your explanation!
15. Who tells this story? Is it the best person to tell it? How
would the story be different if told from a different characters
16. Pick a scene in which you disagreed with how a character
handled a situation and rewrite it in the way you think it
should have happened.
17. What quality of which character strikes you as a good
characteristic to develop within yourself over the years? Why?
How does the character demonstrate this quality?
18. Your choice: do you have an idea for a different option for a
reader response? Just tell me your idea and get it approved!

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