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SUDA U BEOGRADU, 2007. godine




Srpsko-X renik / priredila i prevela
. 1. izd. Beograd : Agencija
Mati, 2007 (Beograd : Udruenje "Nauka
i drutvo Srbije"). 192. str. ; 20 cm
Tira 1000.
ISBN 98786-79790102
a) -



Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 192
Za izdavaa
Goran Mati
Glavni i odgovorni urednik
magistrant pol. nauka Milka Panti
Priredila i prevela
Jasmina eki
Miladin Ivanovi


Tehniki urednik
dipl. pr. Dimitrije Zari

(011) 2198-931, 2415-301
062/365514, 063/277-069
Tel./ Faks (011) 2108-514
Udruenje Nauka i drutvo Srbije
Beograd, Radoslava Grujia 11a

Alfabet ....................................................... 4
Engleska fonetika ....................................... 4
Objanjenje engleskih rei ......................... 5
Arhitektura i graevinarstvo ...................... 6
Ekonomija i ekonomski termini ................ 30
Elektrika i elektrini termini ..................... 66
Geografija i geografski termini ................. 82
Hemija i hemijski termini ......................... 88
Matematika i merni instrumenti ............... 94
Mainstvo i mainski termini .................. 101
Pravo i pravni termini ............................. 107
Trgovina i saobraaj ............................... 171
Jedinice mere ......................................... 189

A /ei/
B /bi:/
C /si:/
D /di:/
E /i:/
F /ef/
G /di:/
H /eit/
I /ai/
J /dei/

K /kei/
L /el/
M /em/
N /en/
O //
P /pi:/
Q /kju:/
R /a:/
S /es/
T /ti:/

U /ju:/
V /vei/
W /dabljue:/
X /eks/
Y /wai/
Z /zed/zi:/



dugo i
dugo a
kratak poluzatvoren samoglasnik
kratko i
dugo i
glas izmeu a i e
kratko u

slino ou







bezvuan, obrazuje se pomou jezika, iji vrh

dotie gornje vilice kao u rei think
zvuan, obrazuje se pomou jezika, iji vrh dotie
gornje zube kao u rei that
slino glasu u koji se izgovara sa jako
zaokruenim usnama
nosno n kao u rei bank
h (izgovara se jedva ujno)

Imenice su navedene u jednini osim ako drugaije

nije naznaeno.
Glagoli su navedeni u infinitivu.
Pridevi su navedeni u osnovnom obliku.
Skraenica smb. oznaava somebody - neko,
nekog, nekoga, neku
Skraenica smt. oznaava something - neto

adaptacija adaption
adaptirati to adapt
akvadukt aqueduct
alabaster albaster, gypsum compact
alat tool
aleja arbored walk, tree-lined path
alka ring
aluminijum aluminum
ambar barn
anker anchor, stay, anchorage
anker (plastini epovi) plastic anchors
anomalija anomaly, disorder
arhitekta architect
arhitektonski architectural, architectonic
arhitektura architecture
armatura armature, reinforcement
armirani beton reinforced concrete
aov shovel, spade
bacati to toss, to throw
bakelit bakelite
baldahin canopy
balkon balcony
balvan log, beam
bambus bamboo
baraka shed, barrack
barijera traverse, barrier
baza (osnova, dno) bottom
bazen basin, pond, pool
bazilika basilica
bedem rampart, bulwark
beton concrete
betonska oplata form, formwork
bezbojan colourless
biber crep crown tile

bitumen bitumen
blanjati to plane
blok block
boca bottle
bodljikava ica barbed wire
bok flank, side
borovina pine, pinewood
brana dam, jetty, barrage
branast floury
brazda groove, furrow, seam, ridge
brest elm
breza birch
brizgalica nozzle
bronza brass
brus whetstone, grindstone
brusa grinder
brusilica grinding machine, polishing machine
brusiti to grind; to lap, abrade, whet
brusni papir emery
buav musty, mouldy
bukva beech
bunar well
bunker bunker, bin
bure barrel, cask
burgija gimlet, drill, borer
buan punctured
buenje perforation, boring, puncture
builica drilling machine, drill press; boring machine;
stona ~ bench press; kolenasta ~ bitbrace
buiti to bore, drill; ~ rupu u zidu to bore (drill) a hole
in the wall; ~ tunel to bore a tunnel; ~ hartiju
to perforate paper
buna kleta punch
buotina hole, boring
a soot; lampblack
aklja boat hook
amovina fir
aura (tipl) screw anchor, cartridge; zakinuta ~
ruptured cartridge
cediljka filter, percolator, colander; strainer

cedilo colander, strainer

cediti to strain; to filter; to squeeze, extract
eki hammer
elian cast iron, steel, steely; of steel, steely, steellike;
~na ica steel wire; ~na vuna steel wool;
~no ue shroud
eliana steel mill
elik steel; nerajui ~ stainless steel; kaliti ~ to
temper steel
celina entity
elni head, front
elo face, front; head
celofan cellophane
cement cement; ~na kaa slurry; ~no mleko grout
cementara cement factory
cementirati to cement
centrirati to align, aline, center, focus
ep (tipl) plug, shield
cepanica log
cepati to splinter, hew, rive, rip
erpi unbaked brick
etka brush
etka (bojenje) brush
cigla brick
ciglana brickyard; brickkiln, brick plant
cik-cak zigzag
ilibar amber
cinober cinnabar
cirada awning; tarpaulin
cirkulacija circulation
crep tile, roofing tile, clay tile
crkva church
crte design, layout, drawing
umur charcoal
unj traffic cone, cone
vor knot, knob; ~ u drvetu knot in the wood
vrst hard
daana oplata boarding; stripping; planking
daara hut, barrack, shack
daica tablet, plate

daska batten, board, plank

daska (2.5cm) plank
daska (5mm, 20cm) strip
debela daska plank
debeo heavy; thick
deblo trunk
deformacija deformity, distortion
deformisan distorted
deformisati to deform
dekontaminirati decontaminate
dekor decor, scenery
dekoracija setting, decoration
dekorater decorator
dekorativni decorative
dekorisati to decorate
delimian partial
demontiran dissambled
demontirati to dissamble
deo part, portion, lot
deponija waste, spoil, tip, dump, stock pile
dilatacija dilation
dimenzija dimension
dimnjak chimney, smokestack
dimorfni dimorphic
dimovod flue
dinamit dynamite
direk post, stud
dislokacija dislocation
disperzija break up, dispersion
dispozicija disposition
dizajner designer
dizalica jack car; crane, hoist; pokretna ~ derrick
dizanje lifting, ascdending, ascent
dizanje (dizalicom) jacking up
dizati to lift up, ascend; to rear, fork, hoist; to jack
dleto chisel
dno bottom
dodaci addenda
dodat added
dodatak (aditiv) additive

dodatak (agens) admixture

dodatni supplemental, additional
dograen added, extended
domar janitor, porter; superintendent
dopunski additional, supplemental
dosuti to top up, to replenish; to add, pour
dovriti to finalize, to complete, to finish
dozvola licence
dozvoliti to permit, allow
dren dogwood
drlja harrower
drljaa harrow
drljati to harrow
drobilica crusher, press
drobiti to crush
drobljenje crushing
drka handle, haft
drven wooden; ~na graa timber
drvenarija timberwork
drvo wood, timber, lumber
drvodelja carpenter
drvorez wood carving
dupleks duplex dwelling, duplex apartment
dupli double; ~ prozori double windows; ~a vrata
double doors
dvooblian dimorphic
dvorana hall, auditorium
dvorite yard, courtyard
dvorite (sporedno) backyard
dvoslojan double layer
dvostruk two way, double, twofold
dvostubni two-columned
ekser nail, brad; spike
ekspanzija expansion
eksperiment experiment, test
eksperimentalan experimental, pilot
ekspert expert
eksploziv explosive
eksterijer exterior
eliptian eliptical

enterijer interior
etaa storey, floor; bench
farbar painter
fasada facade
fasada facade, face, front
fasadna cigla case, face brick, facing brick
fasadni facing, face
fiber fibreglass
filtraa filtering
filtriranje filtering
filtrirati to filter
folija foil
forma profile, form
francuski klju wrench
fuga joint
fugovanje pointing
furnir veneer
furniran veneered
furniranje veneering
gabarit dimension, profile
gabaritan ~e dimenzije overall dimensions
garaa garage
gelender balustrade
gips gypsum, plaster cast
gipsani malter plaster
git putty
gladak even, smooth
gle glaze
gletovati to smooth, polish
glif glyph
glina clay soil, clay, mud
glodalica milling machine
god ring, growth ring, annual ring
gomila pile
gomilanje accretion, piling
gotski Gothic
grabulja rable, rake
graa material, building material; structure, form;

graevina building, structure; building under

graevinar builder, contractor; civil engineer
graevinarstvo civil engineering, building
construction, construction industries,
construction trade
graevinski building, construction; ~ dozvola building
permit; ~ inenjer civil engineer; ~ fakultet
school of civil engineering; ~ radnik
construction worker; ~ materijal building
graditi (u fazama) to build
graditi (u visinu) to erect
gradnja construction, building, development, erection
gradski urban
grana branch; field
granit granite
granulacija granulation
greda beam
gromobran lightning rod
grotlo crater
grub (materijal) coarse
grubozrni coarse-grained
gvoar ironmonger; hardware dealer
gvoara hardware store; ironmongery
gvoe iron; sirovo ~ pig iron; liveno (kovno,
topljeno) ~ cast (wrought, ingot) iron; staro ~
scrap iron
habanje wear and tear, abrasion
hala workshop, shop, workroom; fabrika ~ workshop;
mainska ~ engine room; hall; sajamske ~e
exhibition halls
hangar hanger; storage shed
harmonija concordance, harmony
heft-maina stapling machine, nailing machine
hermetiki airtight, airproof, tight proof
hidrologija hydrology
higijenski sanitary
hobler sanding machinist
hodnik corridor, hall

hol lobby, hall

hrast oak
hrpa pile
hvataljka clamp
igla needle
igralite playground, athletic field, stadium
imanje estate; property
impregniranje impregnation
impregnirati to impregnate
infiltracija seepage, influent seepage, infiltration
infrastruktura infrastructure
instalacija assembly
instalacija (na zidu) open wiring, exposed wiring;
installation; utility; vodovodna ~ plumbing;
elektrina ~ electrical system
isklesati to hew
ispirati to wash out, wash off
ispupenje bulge, hog
ispupiti to swell, bulge; to stick out, extend
isuiti to dry out
isuivanje drying out
iver wood chip, splinter
iverica plywood sheet
ivica margin, curb, border, edge, seam
izbacivanje displacement
izboen protuberant, convex, projecting
izboenost camber
izboina break, jut
izdizanje ascending, uplifting, elevation
izdubiti to hollow out, dig out
izduivanje stretching
izgraditi to build, construct
izmajstorisati to craft
iznutra inside
izrezbaren carved
izvoa (radova) contractor
jajast oval; egg-shaped
jasen ash, ash-tree
jastuk bolster, pillow
jednobojan unicoulored

jezgro kernel, stone, pit

jezgro buotine drill core
kaciga helmet, helm, casque, armour
kai strap, belt, band
kalauz jemmy, masterkey; picklock; skeleton key
kaliti to temper, harden
kaljenje calcination, hardening, quenching, tempering
kaljeno staklo safety glass, armourplate glass,
tempered glass
kaljeva pe tile furnace
kamen stone, rock
kamenolom quarry
kamin fireplace
kamuflaa camouflage
kanap rope, string
kanta can, pail; bin
kantica kettle
kapak blind; prozorski ~ window blind
kapela chapel
karika ring, hoop
katanac padlock, lock
katran pitch, tar, cut-back asphalt
kavez cage
keramiar tiler, tile slabber
keramiki ceramic
keramika ceramics, ceramic ware
keson caisson
kidanje breaking, rupture, failure
kidati to break, tear off
kit putty
klesati to chisel
kleta pliers, tongs
klin wedge
klju wrench, spanner, key
klju u ruke turnkey
kljuaonica keyhole
kobalt cobalt
koi stake, peg
kockica (mozaik) tessera
kofa bucket, pail

kolektor main drain, main sewer

koliba hut, cottage
kolica cart, truck
kombinirke combination pliers
komora chamber
kompleks complex
konfiguracija configuration, contour
konstrukcija construction, structure; peurkasta ~
mushroom construction
konstruktivni constructive
konstruktor constructor, builder; designer; inenjer ~
design engineer
kontejner container
kontranavrtka lock nut, cheek nut
kontrast opposition, contrast
kontura contour
konzola (greda) cantilever
kopa digger, navvy
kopanje excavation
kopati to dig, excavate
kora crust, bark
korintski Corinthian
korodirati to rust
korona corona
ko (arm) cage, top, roof
kosina slope
kouljica (beton) screeded bed
kotrljanje roll
koturaa hoist, pulley
kotva anchor
kotvljenje anchorage, anchoring
kova blacksmith
kovanica blacksmith shop, smithy
kovan wrought
kovanje forging, smithing
kovati to forge, hammer; to mint, coin; ~ novac to mint
kramp mattock, pick
kratak short

kre lime; negaeni (ivi) ~ quicklime; gaeni ~ slaked

lime; ~ni kamen limestone
kreana lime-burning factory
kreiti to whitewash
kreni malter lime mortar
kremen flint, firestone
krilo wing, flank
krivina curve, bend
krov roof
krpe patch, mending
krpiti to patch, mend; to darn
krpljenje patching
kr rubbish
krstast cruciform
krt brittle
krug circle, round; sphere
ksilem wood element, xylem
kube dome
kua house
kvaka latch, door handle, door knob
kvasiti to wet
lagan light
lak lacquer, polish, varnish
lakirati to varnish, glaze, lacquer
lakirer spray painter, varnisher
lamperija matchboarding
lan flax; laneno ulje linseed oil; laneno platno linen
laporac marl, marlstone
lateks liquid rubber
lateralni lateral
lepak glue, paste
lepeza fan
lesonit ploa hard board
lestvice ladder
lim (kalajisan) tin
limar tinsmith; sheetmetal worker
limenka tin
linoleum linoleum, lino
ljuska shell
ljutiti to peel, shell

loa loggia
lopata shovel
luk arc; arch, bend
lukobran breakwater
mahagoni mahagony
majstor master, craftsman
majstorija art, craft, mastery
majstorstvo workmanship
makaze scissors; shears
maketa model, sketch
maketar model maker
maklja drawknife, drawshave
malanje painting of walls
malati to paint
malj mallet; sledge hammer
malter mortar
malterisati to plaster
masivan massive; solid
mast grease
mastik (asfalt) mastic
mastiks (smola) mastic
mat matt, colorless
meandar meander
meblirati to furnish
meusprat mezzanine
mehur bubble
mehur (u betonu) entrapped air
mehuri (vazd. pora) air void
mengele vice, vise
menza canteen
merdevine ladder
mermer marble
mealica mixer; betonska ~ cement (concrete) mixer
metla broom
metod method
metopa metope
mezanin mezzanine flour
mistrija trowel; ~ za obradu uglova twitcher, angle
modeliranje modelling

moler painter
montaa fitting, assembly, mounting; fixing
montani prefabricated; ~ radovi construction,
installation; ~ne zgrade prefabricated
buildings; ~na ema wiring diagram; ~ bazen
above-ground swimming pool
monter fitter, erector, lineman
montirati to assemble, erect, fit, install, mount
most bridge
mostogradnja bridge building
mozaik mosaic
mrea net
mrk dark brown; ~i ugalj brown coal
mrlja stain, spot; ~ od vlage damp patch
mutan opaque, unclear; ~tno staklo opaque glass
nabija compaction hammer
nabijeni beton plane concrete, bulk concrete
nabijenost degree of density
naboj soil cement, firmly packed earth, mud and straw
nain mode, manner, way
nacrt project, draft; plan
nadgradnja superstructure
nadniar day labourer
nadstrenica eaves
nadzemni overground
nadzidak parapet
nagib slope
nagnut inclined
nalije back, reverse
nasip dike, embakment
nasip (odbrambeni) embankment, dike; levee
neglaziran unglazed
neobojen tintless, unpainted, uncoulored
neobraen untreated
neprobojno staklo bullet-resistance glazing, bulletproof glass
nerajui stainless, rust-proof
nijansa nuance
nijansirati to nuance, shade
nia niche

niskogradnja civil engineering construction

nit fibre
nitroboja azo dye
nosa girder, bearer, binder
nosei supporting; ~ zid supporting wall
nositi to carry
no knife; ~ blanjalice plane iron; ~ rende plane iron,
obelisk obelisk
obilazak terena round-trip
obiman sizeable
obiti (malter) to strip off
objekat building; project; structure; fabriki ~ factory
building; graevinski ~ construction project;
vojni ~ military installation; ~kti kapitalne
izgradnje capital development projects
oblik form, shape
oblikovati to model, shape
oblina roundness; curve
obloga cladding (wall); covering; lining, casing,
obnova reconstruction
obnoviti to restore, renovate
obod brim, edge; rim
obojen painted, coulored
obojiti to paint, to color
obrada working up, dressing, finishing, processing
obraditi to treat, finish, process
odlivak casting
odmastiti to degrease, ungrease
odaar chimney sweep
ograda fence; banister; railing
ograditi to fence
ogradna ivica curb
ojaan hardened
okapnica drip, drip channel
oker ochre
okno manhole
okno (prozor) pane
okvir frame

oplata forms, formwork

oprema equipment
oseniti to shade
oslonac support, bearing
osnova undercoat, base coat
osnova (crtea) plan
otrica cutting edge, blade
oznaka mark
pagoda pagoda
paleta pallete piece, pallete board
palica stick
palmeta palmette
panel panel
panel ploa strip board
panj stump
panorama panorama
pantljika tape, band
park park
parket parquet
parketar parquet-floor layer, woodblock floor layer
patos flooring, floor
patosne daske match lining, matchboards
pe kiln, furnace
pei to bake, ~ ciglu to bake bricks
pejza landscape
pejzana arhitektura landscape architecture
penast foamy
penasta guma foam rubber
penjalica climbers, climbing irons
periferija periphery; ~ kruga circumference of a circle;
outskirts, suburbs; oni ive na ~i they live on
the outskirts of town
perspektiva perspective, projection
pervaz architrave, door casing
pijuk pick axe
pila saw
pilana sawmill
pista runway
pitolj za boju air gun
plafon ceiling

plamenik burner
plan layout, design; plan; ~ grada city map
plan gradilita site-plan
plastian plastic
plastika plastic
plato plateau
ploa plate, tablet, tile
poboljanje improvement
poboljati to improve
pod floor
podloga base
podrum cellar, basement
podupreti to support
podzeman subterranean, underground
pojas belt
poklopac cap, cover
pokriti to cover, spread
pokriva cover, coat, cladding
pokriven roofed, covered
pokrivka cladding
poligon polygon
polirati to polish
politura gloss, polish, varnish
poliuretan polyurethane
polivanje watering
polje field
pomeriti to displace, move
poploati to pave
popravka repair
porozan porous
portal portal, doorway
poruiti to pull down, demolish
posna boja distemper
postament base, pedestal
postepen gradual
postolje base, pedestal
posuda vessel; ~ mealice mixing tank
potkrovlje attic, garret, loft
potporni supporting; ~lukovi flying buttresses; ~ stub
supporting column

poviti to bend, curve

pozadina back, background
poar fire
poarno stepenite exit stairs, emergency stairs
prag threshold
prah dust, powder
praksa practical experience, practice
prav straight
pravougaoni rectangular
pravougaonik rectangle
predimenzioniran oversized
predsoblje anteroom
predvorje entrance hall, vestibule
pregrada partition, separation
pregradni zid partition wall, separation wall
prekid cessation, suspension, break, interruption
preliv overflow
premaz dressing, coat; priming coat, primer laka; ~
laka varnish coat
premetanje dislocation, displacemenet, transfer
preslikati to copy
preslikavanje mapping
pribor instrument, device, set
privrstiti to fix, fasten, bond
primesa admixture
pristup access
probni pilot, trial, experimental, test, probation
procediti to strain
produbiti to deepen
profil section, gauge, profile, shape
profilacija moulding
proizvoljan arbitrary
projektant design engineer, planning engineer; planner
prolaz passage
prorez mouth, slot, slit
prosejavanje sifting
proirenje expansion, extension, widening
prostorno planiranje space planning
provera check, checking
providan clear, transparent, translucent

providnost transparency
prozor window
prozorsko krilo casement
prskalica sprinkler, sprayer
pukotina crack, fissure
ragastov blind casing; window frame; door frame
ram carcass, frame
rampa ramp
raspon span, range; ~ mosta span of a bridge; ~ krila
wingspan: ~ luka arch span
raster grid
rastezanje stretching
rastvara solvent, remover
ravan level, even, flat
razmetaj positioning, arrangement
razmotati to wind-off
razreiva solvent
ra rust
rekonstrukcija rebuilding, upgrading, redevelopment
rendalica planing machine
rende plane
renovirati to renovate, refurbish
reparacija reparation
reetka grating, bar; grid; lattice
reetkast lattice; ~ stub lattice beam/girder; ~ prozor
lattice window
reeto sieve
rez cut, slash
reza bolt, latch
rezbarija carving
rezbariti to carve
rog intermediate rafter, rafter
rokoko rococo
roletna blind, shutter
rozeta rosette
rub edge, brink
runi rad handmade
rupa hole, pit, blind hole
ruevine debris, remains
ablon pattern, model

sae honeycomb
sala auditorium, hall
salon showroom; prodajni ~ automobila automobile
alovanje shuttering
sanirati to remedy, repair
arka hinge
av seam
sei to cut, slice, chop
seivo blade
sedmougao heptagon
egrt apprentice
seka chisel
sekira axe
ema pattern, chart, diagram, scheme
silikon silicone
iljak point, tip
ilo awl, scratch awl, scribe awl
ipka bar
sito strainer, sifter
skela scaffold, scaffolding
skelet carcass, frame, skeleton
skica sketch, draft
sklonite shelter
lem helm
ljaka slag, dross; clinker
ljunak gravel
sloen compound
smanjenje reduction
smanjiti to reduce, diminish
mirgla emery; sandpaper; turpija sa mirglom emery
board; platno sa mirglom emery cloth
mirglati to sand
smola resin, pitch
sokl plinth, skirting
soliter high-rise building
perploa plywood
spolja outside, externally, on the surface
spomenik monument
sprat storey, floor

sprej spray, polish

rafciger screwdriver
rafiti to screw
sruiti to pull down, demolish
tafla scantling
staklo glass
stambeni housing; ~ problem the housing problem; ~a
kriza the housing crisis; ~a zgrada an
apartment house; ~a zajednica a housing
development; ~ kraj a city residential district;
~a izgradnja housing construction; ~o
naselje a housing project
stan apartment, flat, dwelling
stanovati to reside, dwell, live
staza path, trail
stepenice stepping, stairway, staircase
stepenik step, stair
stepenite stair, staircase
stezaljka clip
stil style
stolar carpenter, joiner
stolarija joinery, finishings, finish
stolarska kleta pincers
stolica chair
streha eaves
strug lathe
strugotina sawdust
struktura structure, constitution
stub pillar, column; pole, post; support; potporni ~
supporting pillar
suner sponge
upalj hollow
upljina hollow, cavity
suenje drying
suiti to dry
ut debris
suteren basement
svetionik lighthouse
sve fresh; green
svod vault, arch

svrdlo drill; auger, bore

talasast corrugated
tapacirati to upholster
tapeta wallpaper
tapetar upholsterer
tavan attic, garret, loft
tavanica ceiling
tegliti to pull, tow
temelj footing, foundation; udariti (postaviti) ~ to lay
a foundation
ter tar
ter hartija roofing paper, felt paper
terasa terrace
teret load, cargo
tesar cutter; mason, bricklayer
tesla adz, adze
testera saw; stolarska (runa, kruna) ~ carpenter's
(hand, circular) saw; beskrajna ~ band saw;
motorna ~ power saw
tipl raw plug, plastic plug
toalet lavatory, toilet
tonirana boja broken colour
toplota heat
traka band
trem porch, doorway
trpezarija dining-room
turpija file, rasp
tutkalo glue; carpenter's glue; ~ za boju solvent,
tvorac author, architect, creator
ubrziva accelerator
uvren fixed, fastened, tightened, fast
uvrstiti to fix, to tighten
udobnost commodity, convenience, comfort
udubljenje recess
uderica shanty, shack; hovel
ugalj coal
uglaanost gloss
ugraen built-in
ugraditi to build in, build into

ugravirati to carve, engrave

ukivati to nail
uklopiti to match
ulaz entrance, entry, doorway
uljana boja oil paint
uljani firnajz boiled oil
uljani lak oil varnish
unutranjost interior
uoljiv noticeable
uokviriti to frame
upotreba usage, use
urbanizam city planning
ue rope
ulebiti to groove
varilac welder
variti to weld
varnica spark
veranda veranda; porch
veernica laundry
vetaki artificial, man-made
vezati to tie, connect, bind
vezivanje bonding, bond
vibracioni brusa disc sander
vibraciono sito shaking screen, vibrating screen
vijak screw
visak plumb bob, plumb line; plummet
visei overhead, hanging; ~ most suspension bridge
viespratni multi-storey
visiti to hang
visokogradnja high-rise building; erection of tall
vlaga moisture, dampness, humidity
vlakno fibre
vlaan moist, damp
vodoinstalater plumber
vodoskok water fountain
vosak wax
vrata door
vrea sack, bag
vrh tip, point; head, front; top, peak

vrt garden
vuna wool wool; staklena ~ glass wool; drvena ~
wood-wool; vetaka ~ artificial word; ~ena
roba wollens; ~ prea (tkanina) woolen yarn
(fabric); ~a industrija wool industry
zakiva riveter
zakivak rivet
zakoen aslant, sloped, canted; ~ zid canted wall
zakrpa patch
zakucati to hammer in, nail
zanat craft, trade
zaptiti to caulk, seal
zaptiva gasket, sealer
zaptiva stuffing box; gasket, sealer
ardinjera flower pot; jardiniere
zastakliti to glaze, vitrify; to glass; fit with glass
zatitna maska dust mask
zavaren welded
zavariti to weld, braze
zavarivanje welding
zavretak radova completion of works
zavrtanj bolt, clip, screw
zbijen compact
zdanje edifice, building
zemlja ground, land, country, soil
zglob joint
zgrada building; u ~i in the building; visoka ~ a large
building; ~ na sprat a two-story building;
stambena ~ an apartment house; ~ na 6
spratova a six-story building; dravna
(javna, trona) ~ a government (public,
dilapidated) building
ica wire
ica wire, cable
zid wall
zidar bricklayer
zidati to build, construct
leb gutter, groove
zrno grain

administracija administration
administrativan administrative
administrator administrator
aerodrom airport, airfield
afera affair
akcija share, stock
akcionar stockholder, shareholder
akcionarski corporate, stock
akciza excise
akontacija advance payment
akreditirati to give money on credit
akreditiv letter of credit
akt act, deed, enactment
akta files, records
aktiva assets
aktivirati to activate, to vitalize
aktivnost activity
aktuelan current, up to date, relevant
alternacija alternation
alternativa alternative, option
alternativan alternative, optional
amortizacija amortization, depreciation, redemption
amortizovati to amortize, to redeem, to depreciate, to
write off
angaman engagement
anulirati to nnul, avoid, abrogate, cancel
aprioran a priori
apstraktan abstract
apsurdan absurd, nonsensical, preposterous
aranman arrangement, agreement, deal, conctract
artikal article, commodity, item, product
asortiman assortment, choice, line, range, selection,
aukcija auction, auction sale, public sale
avans advance payment

auran prompt, up to date

aurirati to bring up to date, to update
bankar banker
bankarstvo banking
banket banquet, carousal
bankomat automatic telling machine
bankovni bank
bankrot bankruptcy, insolvency
bankrotirati to become bankrupt, to go bankrupt, to
become insolvent
berza stock excange, stock market, crna ~ black
market;~ rada employment office
berzijanac stock-market operator
bescarinski duty-free
beskamatni interest free
beskorisno useless
besparica moneyless
besplatan free, gratis
bezbroj multitude
bezbrojan incomputable, innumerable, countless
bilans balance; balance sheet; ~ plaanja ili platni ~
balance of payments; ~ spoljne trgovine
foreign trade balance
blagajna cashdesk, cashier's desk; cashier; ~ uzajamne
pomoi mutual aid fund
blago treasure, wealth
blanko blank; ~ ek blank check; ~ potpis carte
blokiran locked, blocked, frozen
brodogradilite shipyard
brodograditelj shipbuilder
brodogradnja shipbuilding
brodovlasnik shipowner
broura pamphlet, brochure
bruto gross; ~ teina gross weight; ~ cena gross price
carina customs; duty; tariff; uvozna (izvozna) ~ import
(export) duty; platiti ~u (na neto) to pay
duty (on smt.); na ~i at (while clearing)
customs; osloboen (od) ~e duty free;
prijaviti neto na ~u (za ~u) to declare smt.

at customs; podlegati ~i to be subject to duty;

zatitne ~e protective tariffs; ~ slubenik
(pregled) customs official (inspection); ~e
odredbe customs regulations; ~a tarifa tariff;
~a deklaracija customs declaration; ~ savez
customs union; ~ posrednik (prekraj)
customs broker (violation); custom, toll
carinarnica customs house, customs station, customs
cariniti to pay duty on, to clear through customs
carinski customs
cena price: niska (visoka) ~ low (high) price; sputene
(slobodne, maksimalne, vezane) ~e reduced
(free, ceiling, fixed) prices; odrediti (podii
ili povisiti, spustiti ili sniziti) ~e to fix (raise,
lower) prices; trina ~ market price; po
svaku ~u at any price; u pola ~e at half price
etvorogodinji quadrennial, lasting four years
etvrt quarter
cifarnik dial
cifra digit, figure
ciklus cycle, period, series; ekonomski ~ business
ist clear, net; ~ prihod net income; ~a dobit net profit
vrstoa (valute) firmness
darodavac donor, giver
dabine duties, dues, taxes
deduktivan deductive
defekt defect, flaw; roba sa ~om defective
deficit deficit, deficiency, shortage; trgovinski ~ trade
deficit; biti u ~u to be in the red; ~rni artikli
articles in short supply
deficitaran scarce; ~ni artikli scarce items
dejstvo effect, action; bez ~a without effect; stupiti u
~ to go into action
deliti to divide, to seperate, to share
denuncijacija denunciation
deonica share, section, part
deoniar shareholder

depea dispatch
depozit deposit, account in a bank
direkcija main office, head office, headquarters,
direktan direct
direktor director, manager; ~ zavoda director of an
institute; ~ preduzea manager of a firm; ~
fabrike (filijale) plant (branch) manager
dobavlja supplier, purveyor
dobit profit, gain
dobiti to receive, obtain, acquire, get; ~ pismo (poklon)
to receive a letter (a gift); ~ novac to obtain
money; ~ na dar to receive as a gift; ~
naredbu to receive an order; ~ veinu
glasova to obtain a majority of the votes; ~
mesto to get a job; ~ robu (porudbinu,
obavetenje, vest, odgovor, potvrdu) to
receive merchandise (an order, an
announcement, news, an answer,
dogovarati to settle, negotiate; to agree
dohodak income, revenue; godinji ~ yearly income;
ist (bruto) ~ net (gross) income; nacionalni
~ gross national income; ~ po stanovniku per
capita income; porez na ~ income tax; ~ od
autorskih prava income from royaltie
dopis report
dostii achieve, reach, attain, overtake
dostignue accomplishment, achievement
dotacija subsidy, subvention
dug debt; obligation; uzeti (kupiti) na ~ to buy on
credit; pasti u ~ to get into debt; praviti
(platiti) ~ove to incur (pay) debts; odricati
(odrei) ~ to repudiate a debt; otpisati ~ to
write off a debt; grcati (plivati) u ~ovima to
be up to one's ears in debt; uterati ~ove to
collect debts
dugovati to owe
dunik debtor; glavni (regresni) ~ci primary
(secondary) parties

efektivan effectual, actual, real

ekonomian economical
ekonominost economy; thrift; frugality
ekonomija economy, economics
ekonomisanje economisation, thrift
ekonomisati to economise, to retrench
ekonomista economist
ekonomska nauka economics
ekspedicija expedition
ekspeditivan expeditious, efficient
ekspertiza expert opinion
eksplicitno explicitly
emitovati to transmit
eskont discount; ~a stopa discount rate
eskontovati discount
etiketa label, etiquette
fabrika factory, plant; raditi u ~ci to work in a factory;
~ konzervi canning factory; ~ automobila
automobile factory (plant); ~ za preradu
drveta sawmill
fabriki of the factory; ~ proizvodi manufactured
products; po ~oj ceni at the factory price; ~
radnik factory worker; ~a oznaka bench
mark; ~ ig trademark
fah field, specialty; potanski ~ post-office box
faks fax
faktura invoice
fakturisati to invoice
filijala branch office, subsidiary
fiskalni fiscal
fond fund, stock; reserve; penzioni ~ pension fund;
investicioni ~ investment fund
format size
fotokopiranje photo copying
fotokopirati to photocopy
fraza phrase, expression
funkcija role, function
funkcionalan functional
funkcionisati to function, operate, work

garancija guaranty; warranty; ~ od tri godine a threeyear guarantee (warranty); ~ istie the
warranty is running out; pod ~om under
garantni warranty; ~ list written guarantee (warranty);
~ rok warranty period; ~a menica letter of
garant guarantee
gazda proprietor, manager, master, boss, owner
geslo motto
glavnica capital, funds; principal (of a loan); interes
na ~u interest on the principal
grafikon graph
honorisati to pay a fee (honorarium) for
indigo-papir carbon paper
inicijativa initiative
inicirati to initiate
integracija integration, merger, consolidation
interes interest (on money); ova banka daje 10 odsto
~a (~ od 10 odsto) na uloge this bank gives
10% interest on deposits; sloeni ~ compound
interval interval
iskustvo experience
istrajan persistent, steadfast
istrajati to persevere, endure, persist
istrajnost perseverance, endurance, persistence
izdvojiti to separate, single out
izgled appearance, look; prospects, hopes
iznos amount, sum
izraditi to make, manufacture, produce
izumeti to invent
izvetaj account, report, statement
izvod abstract; ~ o stanju rauna statement of an
izvoz export; roba za ~ goods intended for export; ~na
trgovina export trade; ~no preduzee export
firm; ~na dozvola (licenca); export license;
~na premija export subsidy
jemac guarantor

jemiti to guarantee, insure, protect, safeguard; to

vouch for; ~ za neto to vouch for smt.; ~
nekome neko pravo to guarantee (protect,
safeguard) smb.'s right
jemstvo guarantee, security
kabinet cabinet, ministry, office
kadar personnel, staff ; ~a sluba personnel
department; ~e potrebe personnel needs
kamata interest; interest rate; on ivi od ~e he lives
from his investments; sada su ~e vrlo visoke
interest rates are very high now; ~ na ~u
compound interest; ~na stopa interest rate;
~ni raun calculation of interest interest;
interest rate
kancelar chancellor
kancelarija office; ~ski materijal stationery; ~ski
posao office work; ~ski pribor office
kandidat nominee, candidate, applicant
kapara deposit, security
kaparisati to reserve (by paying a deposit)
kapital capital, fund; stalni (postojani, opticajni) ~
fixed (permanent, circulating or working)
karijera career
kartel cartel
kartoteka card catalog, card file
kasa safe, cash, register; dravna ~ state treasury
katalog catalogue, catalog, brochure
klijent client, customer
klijentela clientele
koeficijent coefficient, ratio
kolega colleague, coworker, associate, fellow worker
kolegijalnost fellowship, friendliness
kolegijum staff, board of directors
kolekcija collection
komad piece
komadati to tear into pieces, to divide
kombinacija combination

kombinat (industrial) combine, plant; metalurki ~

metalworks; hemijski (tekstilni) ~ chemical
(textile) plant; pamuni ~ cotton mill
komercijalan commercial
kompenzacija compensation
kompetencija competence; field; jurisdicition; spadati
u neiju ~u to be in smb.'s field (jurisdiction)
kompetentan competent
komplet complete set
komunalije public utilities, public services
konferencija conference, meeting
konfiguracija configuration
konfirmacija confirmation
konfiskacija confiscation
konfuzija confusion, mix-up
konkurent competitor, rival; bidder
konkurentan competitive; ~tno preduzee competing
konkurisati to compete; to apply for
konsistencija consistency
konsolidacija consolidation
konsultacija consultation
konsultovati to consult
kontigent quota; shipment; ~ robe shipment of
kontinent continent
kontinuitet continuity
kontrola control, inspection, check, verification,
supervision; voditi ~u o neemu to keep
track of smt.; ~ cena price control;
finansijska ~ fiscal control; vriti ~u nad
neim (nekim) to supervise smt. (smb.);
izgubiti ~u nad neim to lose control of smt.;
pod ~om under supervision
kontrolor controller
korak step, pace
korenit radical
korigovati to correct
korisnik user

korist benefit, advantage, profit; izvui (imati) ~ iz

(od) neega to benefit from smt.; prilozi u ~
Crvenog krsta contributions to the Red
Cross; biti od ~i nekome to be of use to smb.
koristan useful, profitable
koristiti to take advantage of, to utilise, to use; to be of
use, to be of benefit
kovanica blacksmith shop, smithy
kritika criticism; critique; otra (negativna,
pozitivna) ~ sharp (negative, positive)
kritikovati to criticize
kriza crisis
kupac customer, buyer
kvalifikacija qualifications, skill
kvalitet quality
kvartal quarter
lakta pushy person, pusher
letak leaflet, pamphlet
learina storage charges; ~ska taksa storage tax
licitacija auction; prodat na ~i sold at auction; javna ~
public auction
licitant bidder
likvidacija liquidation
likvidator liquidator
manipulacija manipulation; operation; handling;
jednostavna ~ easy operation; ~ trokovi
handling charges
manipulisati to manipulate, handle
manjak deficit, shortage; nadoknaditi ~ to make up a
manjina minority
marioneta marionette; puppet; ~ska drava (vlada)
puppet state (government)
mara margin; ~ profita profit margin
menica negotiable instrument, note; trasirana
(vuena) ~ bill of exchange, draft; sopstvena
~ promissory note; ~ na vienje sight draft;
povui ~u to draw a bill of exchange; ~o

pravo commercial code, negotiable

instruments law; ~ obveznik drawee
menjati to change, exchange, ~ novac to change
money; ~ evre za dinare to exchange euros
for dinars
mesto place, location, position; radno ~ job, position;
On trai ~ He is looking for a job;
upranjeno ~ vacancy; on zauzima vano ~
he holds an important job, ~ stalnog boravka
permanent address; sveta ~a sacred shrines; ~
roenja place of birth
nabaviti to acquire, purchase, procure
nabavka acquisition, procurement; purchase; sluba
~e acquisitions department; javna ~ public
nabavni purchase; ~a cena purchase price; ~a politika
acquisition policy; ~o odeljenje purchasing
nabavlja purchasing agent, procurer, supplier
nadnica wage
najam hire, lease, rent; dati u (pod) ~ to rent out;
uzeti u (pod) ~ to rent, hire; ~ni rad (radnik)
hired labor (workman)
nalepnica etiquette, label; sticker
naplatiti to collect payment for, to charge for
naplativ collectible, payable
napomena remark, footnote, note, comment
napomenuti to remark, mention
natpis inscription; ~ na pismu address (on a letter)
navodnici quotation marks
nerad inactivity, idleness
nezaposlenost unemployment
nivo level
notirati to note, write down
nuditi to offer
nusprodukt by-product
obavetenje information, notice
obavestiti to inform, notify
obraun account; (final) settlement; napraviti ~ to
reach a settlement; ~ski promet clearing (of

accounts by banks); ~ski zavod clearing

obraunati to calculate; to balance, settle (as an
odbitak deduction; ~ od plate salary deduction
odbor committee, council, board; gradski ~ city
council; nadzorni ~ control board;
ureivaki ~ editorial board; biti u ~u to be
on a committee; inicijativni ~ steering
committee; izvrni ~ executive board;
optinski ~ township council; upravni ~
board of directors, BoD, verifikacioni ~
credentials committee; sednica ~a committee
odmarati to rest, take a rest; to relax
odmor vacation; aktivan ~ working vacation; godinji
~ annual vacation; biti na ~u to be on
odmor rest; pause
odolevati to resist
odredite destination
odrediti to determine, define, set, fix; ~ unapred to
determine in advance; ~ pojam to define a
concept; ~ mesto i vreme to fix a time and
place; ~ zakonom to fix by law; ~ vrednost
to determine (the) value; ~ cene to set (fix)
oduzimanje deduction, ~ po platnom spisku payroll
oduzimati to take away, deprive; ~ novac nekome to
take away smb.'s money
oglas advertisement, ad; announcement, notice; dati ~ u
novine ili objaviti ~ u novinama to place an
ad in the newspaper(s); mali ~i classified ads;
traiti posao preko ~a to look for a job in the
help-wanted columns; ~na tabla bulletin
board; ~ zavod advertising agency
olakica discount, reduction; poreska ~ tax exemption,
deduction; ~e za izdravane lanove

porodice exemtions for dependents; priznati

(pruiti) ~u to grant an exemption
opadati to go down, to fall, decrease; opale su cene
mesu meat prices have gone down
oporezovati to tax, to impose tax on
opticaj circulation; pustiti u ~ to put into circulation;
biti u ~u to be in circulation
organizacija organization, institution; Organizacija
ujedinjenih nacija the United Nations;
Organizacija za ekonomsku saradnju i
razvoj Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development
osiguranje assurance, insurance; zakljuiti ~ ivota
to take out life insurance; uzeti ~ za auto to
take out automobile insurance; kombinovano
~ comprehensive insurance; ~ od
odgovornosti liability insurance; obavezno ~
compulsory insurance; socijalno ~ social
insurance; zdravstveno (invalidsko) ~ health
(disability) insurance; penzijsko ~ old-age
osigurati to ensure, to assure
osiguravajui ~ zavod (drutvo) insurance company
oskudan scarce, lacking, short of, poor
osniva founder
osnivanje foundation, founding
osnova foundation, base, basis
osnovan elementary, essential, basic, fundamental,
primary; ~vna kola elementary school; ~vna
pravila basic rules; ~vni broj cardinal
number; ~vne boje primary colors; ~vne
potrebe basic needs; ~vni sastojci basic
osnovati to found, base, establish, setup
osoblje personnel, staff
ostatak remainder, residue, rest, remnant
ostaviti to leave, abandon, give up, quit
ostavka resignation; podneti ~u na poloaj submit
one's resignation

ostvariti to accomplish, achieve, implement, carry out,

realize; ~ plan to carry out a plan; ~ dobitak
to realize a profit; ~ uspeh to achieve success
otpis write-off
papir paper
pasiva liabilities
pasivan passive
paso passport
period period, time
periodian periodical
plaanje payment
plakat poster
plan project, plan, program; petogodinji ~ five-year
plan; ~ nastave curriculum; ~ proizvodnje
production plan; ispuniti (prebaciti) ~ to
carry out (exceed) a plan; imati u ~u to plan;
~ska privreda a planned economy
planiran planned
planirati to plan
plata pay, salary, wages; otpusna ~ severance pay; ~ni
spisak payroll; ~ni bilans balance of
platiti to pay, pay for; ~ dug to pay (off) a debt; ~
radnika to pay a worker's (wages); ~ na rate
to pay in installments; ~ u gotovu to pay in
poetak beginning, start; origin
podaci data; lini ~ personal data
podatak fact, information, datum; na osnovu ~a on the
basis of the data; skupiti ~tke to gather data;
obrada ~a data processing
podela division, partition, distribution; classification; ~
na grupe classification into groups; ~ rada
division of labor
podeliti to divide, share
podesan suitable, appropriate
podneti to submit, apply; ~ molbu (predlog, ostavku)
to submit an application (proposal,
resignation); ~ albu to make a complaint; ~
referat to read a paper (as at a meeting); ~

izvetaj to submit a report; ~ krivinu

prijavu protiv nekoga to bring criminal
charges against smb.
podoban fit, capable, suitable
podrazumevati to understand, mean
podrka support, financial ~ financial support
podrati to support
podsetiti to remind
podstai to urge, stir up
podsticaj stimulus
poduhvat project, undertaking
podupreti to support, brace
pogaati se to bargain, haggle
pogodan adequate, suitable, convenient, favorable
pogodba agreement
pogodnost favor, privilege
pogreiti to make a mistake
pohvala praise
pojedini some
pojedinost detail
pojednostaviti to simplify
pojeftiniti to become cheaper, to reduce prices on
pokrenuti to move, set in motion, start
pokreta promoter, organizer
pokrovitelj protector, patron
pokroviteljstvo protection, patronage
polazak departure
polisa osiguranja insurance policy
politika policy
poljoprivreda agriculture
polovan used, second hand
polovina half
poloaj position, job
pomaga helper, assistant
pomagati to help, aid, assist
ponuda bid, tender; offer dobiti (prihvatiti) ~u to
receive (accept) an offer; ~ i potranja
supply and demand


popis list, inventory; napraviti ~ (robe) to make an

inventory (of stock); ~ zaostavtine inventory
of an estate
popisati to list, inventory
popust discount, reduction; ~ od 30 odsto a 30%
discount; daemo vam 10 odsto ~a we'll give
you 10% off; uz ~ with a discount
porast growth; increase; ~ cena increase in prices;
stopa ~a industrijske proizvodnje rate of
industrial growth; ~ nacionalnog dohotka
growth of national income
poraz defeat; pretrpeti ~ to suffer a defeat; zadati
(naneti) nekome ~ to inflict a defeat on smb.
porazan ruinous, destructive; disastrous; ~ rezultat
disastrous result; ~ uticaj a ruinous influence;
~zna kritika crushing criticism; ~zne vesti
crushing news
pored near, besides, at, beside
poredak order, system; drutveni ~ social order;
utvren ~ the established order; javni ~ law
and order
poreski tax; ~ sistem tax system; ~a stopa (skala) tax
rate (scale); ~a prijava tax return; ~ obveznik
taxpayer; ratepayer; ~a politika (utaja) tax
policies (evasion); ~o pravo tax legislation
porez tax; skupljati (plaati) ~ to collect (pay) a tax; ~
na dohodak (na promet, na naslea, na
imovinu, na poklone) income (excise,
inheritance, property, gift) tax; neposredni
(posredni) ~ direct (indirect) tax; dopunski ~
porezi taxes
poreznik tax collector
porudbina order
poruka message
posao work, labor; job, position; business, affair;
fiziki (umni) ~ physical (intellectual) labor;
imati (mnogo) ~sla to be (very) busy; kako
idu poslovi? how is business?; uloiti svoj
novac u nekakav ~ to invest one's money in

a business; dravni poslovi affairs of state;

ministar spoljnih poslova minister of foreign
affairs; traiti ~ to look for a job; ostati bez
~sla to lose one's job
poseban special, separate, particular
posebno especially, extra, in particular
posetnica visiting card
poiljka parcel, package, piece of mail; preporuena ~
registered parcel; novana ~ money order;
uruiti ~u to deliver a package; ~ s
pouzeem a COD parcel
poslati to send
posle after, afterwards, later on
posledica consequence, result, repercussion; uzrok i ~
cause and effect
poslednji last, the latest, ultimate, latter
poslodavac employer, boss
poslovati to work, operate
poslovnica office
poslovoa chief, manager; ~ odeljenja section
posluga servants
posluan obedient
posluati to listen, obey
posredan indirect, intermediary
posrednik intermediary, agent, mediator
posrednitvo mediation, agency
posredovati to mediate, intervene
posredstvom through, by means of
pota mail, post office; avionskom ~om by airmail;
potansko sandue mailbox; ~nski fah postoffice box; ~nska marka postage stamp;
~nski inovnik post-office employee; ~nski
ig postmark; ~nski alter post-office
window; ~nski dak mailbag; ~nski golub
carrier pigeon, homing pigeon; ~nski broj zip
postanak origin, genesis
potar mailman, mail carrier
postati to become, originate, come into being

postaviti to locate, put, place, set; ~ sebi cilj to set a

goal for oneself; ~ pitanje to ask a question;
~ rok to fix a time limit; ~ problem to state a
problem; to appoint, name; on je postavljen
za efa he was appointed (as) manager
postotak percent, percentage
potceniti to undervalue, underestimate
potiniti to subjugate, to submit to
potinjenost subjugation, submission
potegnuti to pull, work hard
potekoa difficulty, obstacle
potez move; stroke; line; povui genijalan ~ to make a
brilliant move; biti na ~u to have the next
move; lakomislen ~ a frivolous act;
prenagljen ~ a precipitate act; uiniti ~ to
make a move
poticati to come from, originate from
potpredsednik vice-chairman, vice-president
potpun complete, full, total
potrajati to last, continue
potraivanje claim, requirement, demand
potraivati to demand, claim
potranja demand quest, request, requirement,
requisition; ponuda i ~ supply and demand;
potrko errandboy
potreba want, necessity, demand, requirement, need,
podmiriti ~u to satisfy a need; po (prema) ~i
ili zavisno od ~e according to need; u sluaju
~e in case of need; svakodnevne ~e daily
needs; ~ u robi the need for goods;
svakodnevne ~e daily needs; ~ u robi the
need for goods
potreptine supplies
potroa consumer
potroiti to spend, expend; ~ novac (vreme) to spend
money (time); ~ na pie (na kuu) to spend
on drink (on one's house); to consume; ~
energiju to use energy; ~ mnogo drva (ulja)
to consume much firewood (oil); ~ zalihe to
use (up) one's supplies

potronja consumption, use; roba iroke ~e consumer

goods; ~ uglja (vode) coal (water)
poveavati to increase, expand, grow
poveliki rather large, sizeable
povelja charter, document
poverenik agent, representative; commissioner
poverenje trust, confidence, faith; imati ~ (~a) u
nekoga (sebe) to have confidence in smb.
(oneself); pokloniti nekome ~ to place trust
in smb.; izigrati neije ~ to abuse smb.'s
trust; rei neto u ~u to say smt. in
confidence; opravdati neije ~ to justify
smb.'s confidence
poveriti to confide ~ tajnu nekome to confide a secret
to smb; to entrust ~ nekome novac to entrust
money to smb.
poviica salary increase, raise; rise; dobiti (dati) ~u to
receive (give) a raise
povlaivati to yield, give in
povlaen privileged, preferential
povlastica privilege: special rate, reduced fare
povod reason, motive
povodom regarding, on the occasion of
povoljan favorable; ~ljni uslovi favorable conditions;
satisfactory ~ljna plata a satisfactory salary
povoljnost convenience
povraaj restitution, return
povratak return ~tna karta a round-trip ticket; ~tnom
potom by return mail
povratiti to give back, return, restore
pozajmica loan, borrowing
pozajmiti to borrow, lend; ~ neto od nekoga to
borrow smt. from smb.; ~ neto nekome to
lend smt. to smb.
pozajmljen lent
pozajmljiva lender
pozicija position, item
predraun priced bill of quantities, estimated bill of
quantities, preliminary estimate

preneti to transfer; ~ novac u drugu banku to transfer

money to a different bank; ~ imanje (vlast) to
transfer an estate (power); ~ na nov raun to
transfer to a new account; ~ na neije ime to
transfer to smb.'s name
prenos transfer; ~ novca (imanja, vlasti) transfer of
money (an estate, power)
preporuka recommendation, reference
priznanje acknowledgment, recognition
publikacija publication, edition
publikovati to publish, issue
rabat rebate
racionalan rational
raun bill, check, cheque; platiti ~ to pay a bill; ~ za
telefon (vodu) telephone (water) bill; staviti
(metnuti) na neiji ~ to charge to smb.'s
account; to put on smb.'s bill; otvoriti
(tekui) ~ to open an account (a checking
account); staviti novac na ~ to deposit money
in an account; iznos ~a balance of an account;
preneti na nov ~ to transfer to a new account;
poslati ~ to send a bill; ~ gubitka i dohotka
profit and loss statement
raunati to calculate, count; to charge
raunovoa accountant
raunovodstvo accountancy, accounting; bookkeeping
rad work, labor; ii na ~ to go to work; fiziki ~
physical labor; umni ~ intellectual (mental)
work; prinudan ~ forced labor; pustiti u ~ to
put into operation; obustaviti ~ to stop work;
teak (naporan) ~ hard (strenuous) work;
viak ~a surplus labor
radionica workshop
raditi to work, operate, function, act, perform
radni working; ~o vreme working hours; ~ narod the
working people; ~ dan working day; ~ broj
reference number; ~a snaga labor; ~a soba
study, workroom; ~ sastanak a working
session; ~a knjiica worker's employment

booklet; ~a norma worker's (production)

quota; ~ odnos employment
radnik worker, laborer
radnja shop, store
rang rank, degree, grade
rangirati to rank
raistiti to clear, clear away; to straighten out
ralaniti to divide, separate; to analyze
rasformirati to disband
rashod expense, expenditure
rashodovati to use up, spend; to enter (in the books) as
rasipan wasteful, extravagant
rasipati to spend, disperse; ~ novac to squander
rasipnik squanderer, spendthrift, prodigal
rasklopiti to disassemble, dismantle; to unfold, open
raspar isolated item of a set
rasparati to divide up
rasparen mismatched
raspis circular, notice, announcement
raspisati to announce; ~ konkurs to announce an open
raspitivanje inquiry, query
raspitivati se to ask, inquire
raspodela distribution ~ namirnica (stanova)
distribution of food (apartments); ~ dobara
distribution of goods; ~ prema radu wages
based on output
raspoloiv disposable, available; sva ~a sredstva all
available means
raspored timetable, schedule, program, disposition,
rasporediti to arrange, dispose; to assign, allot, place;
to distribute; ~ nametaj to arrange furniture;
~ posao to allot (distribute) work; ~ hranu to
distribute food; ~ vreme to arrange one's time
rasprodaja sale; kupiti neto na ~i to buy smt. at a
rata installment; plaati na ~e to pay on installments

razmak interval, space, distance

razmatrati to inspect, examine; to take into
razraditi to work out, to develop
razvijanje deployment, development, elaboration
razvrstati to sort, classify, arrange
razvrstavanje assortment, classification
realizacija realization
recepcija reception, registration desk
reciproan reciprocal
red order, system, class, schedule, timetable; ~ vonje
ili vozni ~ timetable; ~ letenja flight
schedule; dnevni ~ agenda; biti na dnevnom
~u to be on the agenda; uneti neto u dnevni
~ to place smt. on the agenda; roba prvog ~a
first-class merchandise; odravati ~ to
maintain order; po utvrenom ~u according
to the established order; dovesti u ~ to put in
order; napraviti ~ to put things in order; in
the following order; ~ rei word order;
uspostaviti ~ to establish order; ~ i mir law
and order
redakcija editorial staff; tehnika ~ production
department (of a publishing firm)
redosled sequence, order
reforma reform; sprovesti ~u to carry out a reform;
privredna (agrarna) ~ economic (agrarian)
reformator reformer
reformisati to reform
regres regress; bonus
regrut recruit
regrutacija recruitment
regrutovati to recruit
regulacija regulation
regularan regular
rejting rating
reklama advertisment; ~na agencija advertising
agency; ~ni leci (advertising) handbills; ~na
tabla billboard

reklamacija complaint; claim; uloiti (napraviti) ~u

to make a complaint; odeljenje ~e complaint
reklamirati to advertise, promote
rekord record
rekvizicija requisitioning; ~ stanova (hrane)
requisitioning of apartments (food)
rekviziti accessories, paraphernalia, equipment;
sportski (lovaki) ~i sport (hunting)
equipment; pozorini ~i stage properties
relacija relation
relativan relative
relativno relatively
relativnost relativity
renta rent; (fixed) income (from an annuity, rent)
rentabilan profitable, lucrative
rentabilno payable
rentabilnost profitability; princip ~i profit principle
reorganizacija reorganization
reorganizovati to reorganize
reprodukcija reproduction
reprodukovati to reproduce
reskirati to risk
restriktivan restrictive
resursi resources
retkost rarity
revizija audit, checkup, inspection
revizor auditor, inspector
rezerva reserve; ~ni delovi spare parts
rezervacija reservation
reijski trokovi oncosts, overhead expenses
reim regime, order, discipline
rezime resume, summary
reirati to direct (a play, film)
reiser director, producer
rezolucija resolution
rezultat result
rival rival
rizik hazard, risk, venture, danger

roba goods, merchandise; ~ iroke potronje consumer

goods; uvozna ~ imported merchandise;
vunena (pamuna, svilena, kona) ~ woolen
(cotton, silk, leather) goods; poruiti
(pregledati, poslati, primiti, istovariti) ~u to
order (inspect, send, receive, unload)
merchandise; loa ~ bad merchandise;
suhomesnata ~ delicatessen
robni related to goods; ~a razmena exchange of goods;
~a kua department store; ~a dokumenta
shipping documents; ~a proizvodnja the
production of goods; ~e liste lists of goods; ~
fond stock (of goods); ~ promet turnover (of
goods); ~ ig trademark
rok time limit, deadline, period of time; ~ plaanja
menice due (maturity) date of a note;
postaviti ~ to set a time limit; garantni ~
warranty period; platiti pre ~a (o ~u) to pay
ahead of time (on time); istekao je ~
zastarevanja the period set by the statute of
limitations has expired; plaati u ~ovima (na
~ove) to pay in installments
rudar miner
rudarstvo mining
rudnik mine, raditi u ~u to work in a mine; ~ zlata
(srebra, uglja) gold (silver, coal) mine; ~
olova (cinka) lead (zinc) mine
rukovoenje administration, guidance, management
rukovodilac director, manager, administrator; ~
finansijskog sektora business administrator;
~ odeljenja section head; ~ proizvodnje
production manager
rukovoditi to manage, run, direct, operate; ~ dravom
(preduzeem) to operate a government (a
rukovodstvo directors, leaders; management;
rutina routine; ~ski poslovi routine matters
ablon stereotype; model; cliche; raditi po ~u to work
according to a stereotype

sadraj contents, table of contents

sadrajan comprehensive, informative
sadrati to include, contain; to consist of
salon show room; ~ automobila automobile
salonska kola parlor car (on a train)
samodoprinos self-help, voluntary contribution
samouprava self management
samoupravljanje self management
samovlasniki autocratic
saobraaj traffic; transportation; drumski
(automobilski, avionski) ~ highway
(automobile, air) traffic; elezniki ~ railroad
transportation; vazduni ~ air transportation;
pomorski (prekookeanski, reni, kanalski,
jezerski) ~ sea (transoceanic, river, canal,
lake) transportation; autobuski ~ bus
transportation; saoniki ~ transportation by
sleigh; splavski ~ transportation by raft; javni
~ public transportation; gust ~ heavy traffic;
prekinuti (obustaviti) ~ to stop (hold up)
traffic; prekid ~a stoppage of traffic; smetnja
~a obstacle to traffic; bezbednost ~a traffic
saobraajni transport; ~a sredstva means of
transportation; ~ milicioner traffic policeman;
~ znaci traffic signs; ~e veze (lines of)
transportation; ~a nesrea traffic accident; ~
propisi traffic regulations; ~a dozvola
registration card; ~ fakultet school of
transportation; ~ inenjer transportation
enginer; ~a mrea transportation network
saraivati to cooperate, collaborate
saradnik collaborator, associate
saradnja cooperation, collaboration
sastanak meeting; appointment; mesto ~nka meeting
place; zakazati ~ to schedule a meeting;
imati ~ s nekim to have an appointment with
smb.; zakazati ~ nekome to make an
appointment with smb.

sastav composition, structure

sastaviti to assemble, put together; to compose
satelit satellite
savet advise; dati (primiti, posluati) ~ to give (take)
advice; traiti ~ (od nekoga) to seek advice
(from smb.); council radniki ~ workers'
council; dravni ~ privy council; Savet
bezbednosti Security Council
savetnik adviser, counselor; councillor
savetodavac adviser
savetodavni advisory; ~vno vee advisory council
savetovanje consultation, conference
savetovati to advise; ~ nekoga (nekome) to advise
savetovati se to confer, consult; ~ s nekim to consult
(confer with) smb.
savez union, league, association; federation; alliance
saveznici the allies
sazivanje convocation
sazivati to convene, convoke
sedite central office, main office, headquarters; seat,
sednica conference, session, meeting; sazvati (odrati,
zakazati, otvoriti) ~u to call (hold, schedule,
open) a meeting; ii na ~u to go to a meeting;
zajednika ~ a joint session
sektor sector; division, office, department, section;
finansijski ~ financial division
senzacija sensation
senzacionalan sensational
serija series; ~ska proizvodnja assembly-line
production; ~ski broj serial number
sertifikat certification
ifra cipher, code
ifrirati to codify, encode, encipher
simbol symbol, mark
sindikat trade union
iriti to expand, spread
sirovina raw material
sistem method, system, frame, model

sjediniti se to merge, join, conjoin; to unite

skandal scene, scandal
skaut scout
slanje robe consignment
slati to send
slobodan free; independent; self-determined; ~ ovek a
free man; ~dna zemlja a free country; ~
izbor a free choice; ~dna luka a free port; ~
od poreza tax-exempt; ~ od carine exempt
from customs
sluba service; employment; job; traiti ~u to look for
a job; vojna ~ military service; obavetajna
~ intelligence service; dravna ~ civil
service; department, office; service; ~
propagande ili reklamna ~ advertising
department; ~ na spratovima housekeeping
department (of a hotel); portirska ~ service
department (of a hotel); vuna ~ towing
sluben official
slubenik employee
smanjenje decrease, reduction
smanjiti to reduce; to make smaller; ~ trokove (cene,
nadnice, uvoz) to reduce expenses (prices,
wages, imports); ~ budet to cut a budget; to
diminish, to decrease
smena shift; raditi u dve ~ (na ~u) to work in two
shifts (in shifts); change; replacement
smeniti to change, replace
smetaj lodging; ~ i ishrana room and board
snabdeti to provide, supply
snabdeva supplier
snabdevanje supply
snienje reduction, ~ cena price reduction; depression,
abatement, discount, drop
soba room; radna ~ study; spavaa ~ bedroom;
nametena ~ furnished room; ~ za izdavanje
room for rent; rezervisati (spremiti,
poistiti) ~u to reserve (make up, clean) a

solventan solvent
sopstven own
sortiranje assortment
sortirati to sort, assort, grade; ~ robu to sort
specifian particular, specific
specificirati to itemize, specify
specifikacija specification, specs
specijalizovati to specialize in
specijalnost specialty, field
pedicija freight forwarding
pediter freight forwarder; shipper; mover
pediterski shipping; ~o preduzee freight forwarding
firm, shipping firm, moving firm; ~e usluge
shipping services
pic rush hours
spisak list
spletka intrigue, plot
spojiti to unite; connect, link
sposoban capable, apt, able
sposobnost ability, capability
spreavanje prevention
spreavati to restrain, hinder, impede
sredstva resources, funds; finansijska ~a financial
resources; obrtna ~a capital goods
sredstvo means; saobraajna (prevozna) ~a means of
transportation; ~ plaanja means of payment;
za dinarska ~a plaanja for payment in
dinars; ~a za proizvodnju means of
sr essence, core
stagnacija stagnation
tampa printing, the press
tamparstvo printing
tampati to print
standard standard
standardni default
stanica station
stareinstvo seniority
start start, launch

statian static
statika statics
statistiki statistical; ~ podaci statistical data
statistika statistics; po ~ci according to statistics;
voditi ~u to keep statistics
status status ~ kvo the status quo
statut statutes, bylaw
stav posture, pose, attitude
sta period of service, training period; probation,
stairati serve one's internship
stei to acquire, obtain, gain, get, earn, make
tedeti to save, economize; to conserve; ~ novac to
save money
tedljiv economical; frugal, thrifty
tedljivost thrift, frugality, economy
stepen stadium, stage, level
stimulacija stimulation
stimulirati to stimulate
stimulisanje stimulation
stipendija fellowship; scholarship; dodeliti (dobiti) ~u
to award (receive) a fellowship
stipendista scholarship holder
stopa rate; diskontna ~ discount rate; uz kamatnu ~u
od 5 odsto at a five-percent interest rate;
godinja ~ porasta industrijske proizvodnje
annual rate of industrial growth; poreska ~
tax rate
stornirati to cancel, annul
trajk strike; stupiti u ~ to go on strike; ~ glau
hunger strike; ~ sedenjem sit-down strike
trajkbreher strikebreaker
trajkolomac blackleg
trajkovati to strike
strategija strategy
strategijski strategic
strog rigid, strict, severe
strunjak expert, specialist
struka vocation, profession, occupation
struktura structure, frame

strukturni structural
studija study; ~ izvodljivosti feasibility study
studije studies
stupiti to enter; ~ u slubu to begin a job; ~ na dunost
efa to begin one's duties as chairman; ~ na
presto to ascend a throne; ~ u brak to get
married; ~ u trajk to go on strike; ~ na
snagu to go into effect, take effect (as of a
law); ~ u vezu to get in touch
stvaralac creator
subjekt subject
subjektivan subjective
suparnik rival, competitor; opponent
sveanost festivity, celebration; ceremony; prirediti ~
u ast nekoga to arrange a celebration in
smb.'s honor
svedoanstvo certificate, diploma
sveanj pack, pile, bundle
svota amount, sum
svrha purpose, goal, aim
svrsishodan appropriate; useful
tabela chart, table
tabla board; oglasna ~ bulletin board; notice board
taan precise, right, exact, accurate
taka dot; point; article, item
tajanstvenost secrecy
tajmer timer
tajna secret; uvati (otkriti) ~u to keep (discover) a
secret; vojna (poslovna) ~ a military
(business) secret; poveriti ~u nekome to
reveal a secret to smb.; ili: to share a secret
with smb.; izmamiti (odati) ~u to extract
(reveal) a secret
tajni secret; privy; ~ savetnik privy councillor
takmiar competitor, contestant
takmienje rivalry, competition, contest
taksa stamp, duty, tariff, tax, toll, excise, stamp duty;
fee; platiti ~u na neto to pay a tax on smt.
taktika tactics
tekst text, context

tekui current; ~ raun current account, drawing

accout; ~ broj file number
telefon telephone, phone
telefonirati to phone
telegram wire, telegram
tema theme, topic, argument, motive
tempo pace, rate
tendencija tendency
tender tender
teoretiar theoretician
teoretski theoretic, theoretical
teorija theory
teret load, burden; cargo; biti nekome na ~u to be a
burden to smb.; trokovi idu na va ~ you
pay the expenses; staviti nekome u ~ to
charge smb.
teretiti to charge
terminologija terminology
tesno closely
tezga counter (in a store)
tim team
tip type
titula title
tolerancija tolerance
tolerantan tolerant
tovar load, cargo, freight
trampa barter, exchange
trampiti to exchange, swap
transakcije transaction
transport transport, transportation
transporter conveyor
trasa route, line
traiti to demand, request, require; to search
trebovanje requisition, request
trenirati to practise, train
trenutak moment, instant
tretiranje treatment
trgovac merchant, businessman, shopkeeper; ~ na
veliko (na malo) wholesaler (retailer)

trgovina trade, commerce; business; spoljna ~ foreign

trade; ~ stokom (vinom, koama) trade in
cattle (wine, hides); pomorska ~ maritime
commerce; ~ na veliko (na malo) wholesale
(retail) trade; ministarstvo ~e ministry of
trgovinski trade; ~ sporazum trade agreement; ~
ugovor trade treaty; ~o predstavnitvo
commercial agency; ~ savetnik commercial
advisor; ~ obiaji trade practices
trijumf triumph
trik trick
trka race, running
tromeseni quarterly
troak expense, cost; expenditure; snositi (podnositi)
~kove to bear costs; o mom ~ku at my
expense; o ~ku preduzea at company
expense; na njegov ~ at his expense; putni
(selidbeni) ~kovi traveling (moving)
expenses; ~kovi za tampanje (oko
tampanja) printing costs; bacati se u ~ to
go to great expense; nadoknaditi ~kove to
reimburse one's expenses; sitni ~kovi minor
expenditures; manipulativni ~kovi handling
charges; sudski ~kovi court costs;
promenljivi (varijabilni) ~kovi variable
costs; stalni (fiksni) ~kovi fixed costs;
postojani (konstantni) ~kovi constant costs;
opadajui ~kovi falling costs; rastui ~kovi
rising costs; ~kovi odravanja maintenance
costs; ~kovi ivota living expenses; praviti
~kove to incur (run up) expenses
troan frail, weak; fragile; dilapidated
troarina excise tax
troiti to spend, expend; ~ novac (vreme) to spend
money (time)
trokovi burden, costs, overheadcost
trini market; ~a komisija market inspection team;
~a cena market price; ~ inspektor market

triste market; na ~u at (on) the market; svetsko ~

world market; devizno ~ currency exchange;
osvojiti ~ to secure (win) a market
trni centar shopping center
tuce dozen
tutor custodian, guardian
tutorstvo guardianship
ubira collector; ~ poreza tax collector
ubirati to collect; ~ porez to collect taxes
uestalost frequency
uinak rate of production, production rate, efficiency,
udeo share, portion; ~ u dobiti share of the profits;
imati udela u neemu to participate in smt.
udruenje association
udruiti to unite; to become partners, associates
udvostruiti to double
ugovor agreement; treaty; contract; sklopiti (potpisati,
raskinuti) ~ to conclude (sign, break) an
agreement; pod ~om under contract;
trgovaki ~ trade agreement; po ~u
according to the contract
ugovoren contracted, agreed
ugovoriti to agree on; to schedule
ugovorna strana contracting party
ujediniti to unite
ukazati to point out, show; ~ na neke injenice to
point to several facts; ~ nekome poast
(potovanje) to show smb. honor (respect); ~
nekome panju to pay attention to smb.
ukupan total, overall, whole
ulaganje investment
ulog deposit (in a bank); tedni ~ savings account;
oroeni ~ term account; ~ po vienju
demand deposit
uloiti to invest
ultimatum ultimatum
umor fatigue
umoran tired, fatigued

unajmiti to rent, lease; ~ stan (auto) to rent an

apartment (a car)
unaprediti to improve, promote
uneti to introduce, enter, incorporate
univerzalan universal
uoljiv noticeable
uoptavanje generalization
upis inscription, entry, enrollment
upitnik question mark
uplata payment; pri (po) ~i on (after) payment;
mesena ~ monthly payment
uplatnica money order; potanska ~ postal money
upliv influence
uporan persistent; determined
uporedo parallel; side by side
uposliti to employ, to put to work
uprava management, administration; poreska ~ tax
upravljaki administrative, managerial
upravnik director, chief, manager; ~ doma zdravlja
(poliklinike) director of a health center
(polyclinic); ~ mainskog pogona machineshop foreman; ~ carinarnice supervisor of a
customshouse; ~ pogona section head
(manager); ~ zatvora (prison) warden;
governor (of a prison); ~ zavoda bureau
(institute) director; ~ zadruge director
(manager) of a cooperative
uputstvo instructions, guidelines
urednik editor; odgovorni (glavni) ~ editor in chief;
pomoni (tehniki) ~ associate (technical)
uslov condition, terms and conditions; pod ~om da on
condition that; ivotni ~i living conditions
usluga service, office
uspeh success
uspean successful
usprotiviti se to object, oppose
utaja fraud, embezzlement; ~ poreza tax evasion

uticaj influence, impact

uticajan powerful, influential
utisak impression
utovar loading
utovariti to load; ~ robu na (u) brod to load freight on
a ship
utroen spent
utroiti to spend
utvrditi to consolidate, strengthen; to establish, set, fix;
~ injenicu to establish a fact; ~ cenu to fix a
price; ~ dan i as to fix a day and hour; ~
uzrok to establish a reason; ~ program to fix
a schedule
uvoz import
valjanost validity
vanredan extraordinary; extra; special
varka illusion, trick
vaan important, significant
vanost validity; significance, importance
vee council; chamber
veresija loan; uzeti (dati) na ~u to take (give) on loan
verifikovan verified
verifikovati to verify
verovatnoa possibility, probablitiy
verzija version
vest news
veto veto
veza connection, relation, link; communications;
sredstva ~e means of communications;
telefonske (telegrafske) ~e telephone
(telegraph) communications; sve ~e sa
gradom su bile prekinute all
communications with the city were cut off;
relations, ties; uspostaviti kulturne ~e to
establish cultural relations; prekinuti
(uvrstiti) trgovinske ~e to break off
(strengthen) commercial relations; poslovne
(drutvene) ~e business (social) relations;
rodbinske ~e family ties; odravati
prijateljske ~e to maintain friendly relations;

doi (staviti se, stupiti) u ~u s nekim to get

in touch with smb.; uspostaviti ~u to
establish contact; dovesti nekoga u ~u s
nekim to put smb. in touch with smb.;
prekinuti (svaku) ~u s nekim to break off
with smb.; u ~i sa vaim dopisom
veba practice, exercise, drill
viak surplus, excess
vizit karta visiting card, bussines card
voditi to keep, maintain; ~ dnevnik (knjige) to keep a
diary (books); ~ kuu to run a household; ~
evidenciju o neemu to keep track of smt.,
keep a file on smt.; to conduct, pursue, be
engaged in; ~ istragu (pregovore,
razgovore) to conduct an investigation
(negotiations, conversations); ~ zapisnik to
take minutes; to lead
vratiti to restore, return
zadatak task, assignment, mission
zadati to give, assign; to inflict, cause
zadrati to keep, retain; to withhold; ~ od plate to
withhold from one's wages; to detain; ~ voz
(saobraaj, kola) to hold up a train (traffic, a
zaduenje obligation, responsibility
zaduiti debit, charge
zahtev demand, claim
zajam loan; dati na (u) ~ to lend; uzeti na (u) ~ to
borrow; dravni ~ government loan;
dugoroni ~ long-term loan; kratkoroni ~
short-term loan
zajamiti to guarantee, insure, protect, safeguard; to
vouch for; ~ za neto to vouch for smt.; ~
nekome neko pravo to guarantee (protect,
safeguard) smb.'s right
zakasniti to be late
zakanjenje delay
zakazati to schedule
zakljuak conclusion; termination, end; decision

zakup lease, rent; uzeti u (pod) ~ to rent; dati (izdati)

u (pod) ~ to rent out; ugovor o ~u rental
agreement; ~ istie the lease is running out
zakupac lessee, renter
zakupiti to rent, lease
zakupni rental; ~ ugovor rental agreement
zakupnina rental fee, rent
zalagaonica pawnbroker's shop
zaliha stock, supply, reserve
zalog pledge; guaranty; pawn; security; iskupiti ~ to
redeem a pledge; dati (ostaviti, uzeti) u ~ to
give (leave, take) as security
zamena exchange; substitution
zanat trade, art, craft
zaostatak remnant, unpaid debt
zaposleni employees
zaposlenje employment, occupation
zaposliti to employ, hire
zaposliti se to find a jog, to get employed
zarada earnings, wages, salary; gain profit; ista ~ net
zaraditi earn, gain; to make a profit
zasedanje session, meeting
zauzet busy, occupied, engaged, reserved



adapter adapter
aerodinamican streamlined
agregat set of joined mechanisms
akustika acoustics
amplituda amplitude
anoda anode
baklja torch
bandera pole
beian wireless
bifurkacija fork, bifurcation
bojler boiler; hot-water heater; geyser, immersion tank;
elektrini ~ ili ~ na struju electric boiler; ~
na gas (plin) gas boiler
aura cartridge, case
cev pipe; tube, conduit, duct; vodovodna ~ water pipe;
izduvna ~ exhaust pipe; kanalizaciona ~
drain pipe; odvodna ~ drain pipe; odlivna ~
overflow pipe; ventilaciona ~ ventilation
duct; ~ za paru steam pipe; neonska ~ neon
tube (lamp)
cevast tubular
cevni tubular
cevovod pipeline, piping
ciklian cyclical
ciklus cycle
crevo hose; gumeno ~ rubber hose
crpaljka pump, scoop
crpsti to exhaust, pump; to draw; ~ vodu to draw water
curenje leakage, seepage
curiti to leak, drip, run
dalekovod long-distance power line
difuzor diffuser
dijafragma diaphragm; aperture, opening (on a
dinamian dynamical
dinamika dynamics

dipol dipole
dodiran connecting; ~rne take points of contact
domet range
drenaa drainage
drenirati to drain
duina length
dvojnik party line telephone
dvopolan bipolar
ekser nail
elastinost elasticity
elektrana generating station, power station,
elektrian electrical; ~na centrala generating station,
power station, powerhouse; ~ni udar
electrical shock; ~na svetlost electric light;
~na energija electric power; ~ni naboj
electric charge; ~ni otpor electrical
resistance; ~ni alat power-driven tools; ~no
brojilo electric meter; ~no kolo electrical
circuit; ~na struja electric current
elektriar electrician
elektrifikacija electrification
elektrifikovan electrified; ~e pruge electrified railroad
elektrifikovati to supply with electricity, electrify; nae
selo je elektrifikovano our village has
elektrika electricity
elektrode electrode
elektrodijaliza electrodialysis
elektrofilter electrostatic filter
elektromagnet electromagnet
elektromagnetan electromagnetic
elektroniar expert in electronics
elektronika electronics
elektronski electronic
elektroosmoza electro osmosis
elektrootpornost electrical resistance
elektropokreta starter
elektroprovodljivost electric conductance

elektrotehniar electrician
elektrotehnika electrical engineering
elektroureaj electric appliance
emanacija emanation
energija energy; power; ~ sunca solar power; atomska
(elektrina) ~ atomic (electrical) energy
faza stage, phase
filer filler
filter filter, strainer
filtracija filtration
fokus focus
formacija formation
format size
formirati to form, make
fragmentaran fragmentary
gajtan cord, braid; opiven ~om braided; ~ za struju
electric cord; ~ od lampe lamp cord
galvanizacija galvanization
galvanizovan galvanized, electroplated
galvanizovati to electroplate
gama gamma
goreti to burn
gorionik burner
gravitacija gravitation, gravity; zakon ~e the law of
greja heater
grejalica heater; elektrina ~ electric heater
grejanje heating; centralno ~ central heating
grejati to warm, heat
hidrant hydrant
hidrocentrala hydroelectric power station
hidrostatika hydrostatics
impuls impulse
industrija industry
instalirati to install
iskljuiti to turn off, switch off
ispravlja corrector; ~ struje rectifier
izduv blow off; exhaust
izduvati to clean by blowing out; ~ pe to clean a stove
izduvavanje exhaust stroke

izduvni exhaust; ~a cev exhaust pipe; ~ gasovi exhaust

gases; ~ ventil exhaust valve, blow-off valve;
~a slavina blow-off cock; mud valve, sludge
cock; ~ lonac muffler; silencer
izdvajanje segregation, separation; ~ ulja oil
izjednaiva pritiska balanced pressure regulator
izlaz output
izlazni output, outlet; ~a brzina outlet velocity ~a
snaga output power; ~a voda outgoing water;
~ gasni unak waste gas pipe; ~ hladnjak
aviona aftercooler; ~o crevo eduction pipe;
~o vratilo outlet shaft
izlivak founder's work
izliven cast; ~ zupanik rough cast gear; ~a rupa core
izloilac exponent
izluiti to excrete
izluivanje excretion
izmenjiva inverter; ~ toplote heat exchanger; wasteheat recuperator
iizolacija insulation, isolation
izolacioni insulating; ~ materijal insulating material,
insulation; ~ podmeta grommet; ~a cevica
bushing; ~a traka insulating tape
izolator insulator
izolovan insulated; ~ kleta insulated pliers; ~ ica
insulated wire
izolovati to insulate
izomorfan isomorphous
izoterma isotherm
izotermian isothermic
izotermiki isothermic
izvoditi to derive, accomplish, generate; perform
jaina strength, intensity; ~ na izvijanje buckling
strength; ~ na kidanje tensile strength, ~ na
savijanje bending strength; ~ na udar
resilience; ~ udarac resistance to shock; ~ na
zamor endurance strength, fatigue limit; ~

polja field intensity; ~ struje current

intensity; ~ svetlosti intensity of light
jedinica unit; ~ duine unit of length; ~ mase unit of
mass; ~ mere unit of measurement; ~
povrine unit of area; ~ rada unit of work; ~
sile unit of force; ~ teine unit of weight; ~
tolerancije unit of tolerance; ~ toplote heat
unit, unit of heat; ~ ubrzanja unit of
accelatation; ~ vremena unit of time; ~
zapremine unit of volume
jednofazan single-phase; ~zna struja single-phase
jednoredni single-row
jednosmeran one way; ~na spojnica one-sided
coupling; ~na struja direct current; ~ni
prenos free wheel; ~no kvailo ratchet gear
jezgro nucleus, core
kabl cable, wire; ~ visokog napona high-tension
cable; ~ za dovod elektrine struje electric
current cable, lead-in wire; ~ za pogon power
cable; ~ za sveicu ignition cable; ~ za
upravljanje control cable; koaksijalni ~
coaxial cable; ~-kran cable crane; ~ mase
ground strap; ~-nosa suspension cable,
chain; ~ sveice spark plug lead
kablovski cable; ~ plovak (spoj, stub) cable buoy
(splice, pole); ~o okno cable vault, manhole
kai belt; ~ ventilatora fan belt; ~ za konini kainik
belt for conical drum drive; ~na kopa belt
fastening; ~ meuprenosnik belt countershaft
kalem coil; indukcioni ~ induction coil
kaliti to harden
kanal channel, canal; ~ za navodnjavanje irrigation
canal; televizijski ~ television channel
kanalizacija sewerage system, drainage
kap drop
kapljica droplet
klatno pendulum, clapping
klema clamp

koherentnost coherence
kohezija cohesion
koleno elbow of a pipe; joint
kondenzacija condensation
kondenzator condenser
kondukcija conduction
konkavan concave
konstanta constant
konveksan convex
kotao boiler
kotlarnica boiler room
kritian critical
kuina tow, oakum
kudelja hemp
kulminacija culmination
lavabo basin, sink
lemilica soldering iron
lemiti to solder
lemljenje soldering
levak funnel
levkast funnel-like
ljuljati to swing, sway
magnet magnet
mazut crude oil
menja gearshift, gear lever
metal metal
metalan metal; ~na etka scratch brush; ~na roba
hardware; ~no crevo metal flexible tubing
metalian metallic
metalizovan metallised; ~a hartija metallised paper
metalogloda milling machine operator
metalopreraivaki metal; ~a industrija metal
mikrofon microphone
mlaz jet, stream
mlaznica nozzle
mokar wet
mrea network
naboj electrical charge

naizmenian alternating; ~na struja alternating

current; ~ni naponi alternating stresses; ~ni
smer koenja varying braking direction; ~ni
uglovi alternate angles; ~no kretanje
reciprocating motion
namotaj winding; ~ opruge coil of the spring; ~ ueta
coil of the rope
namotati to wind
napajanje feeding
napojni feed; ~ kabl main supply cable; ~na slavina
feed cock; ~ sud feed tank; ~ ureaj feed
apparatus; ~ ventil feed valve; ~ vod feeder
napon voltage, tension; elektrini ~ tension, voltage; ~
gasa elastic force of a gas; ~ grejanja heater
voltage; ~ izvijanja buckling stress; ~
klinastog kaia fan belt tension; ~
zagrevanja temperature rise voltage
naprezanje constraint; intensity of strain; strain; ~
kaia (ueta, lanca) belt (rope, chain)
tension; ~ opruge effort of spring; ~ pri
savijanju bending strain; ~ vlakna unit fiber
stress; ~ zakivka load on rivet, stress on rivet
nareznica screw-stock; tap; die; ~ za cevi adjustable
die; ~ za rezanje navoja acorn die; ~ za
rezanje zavojnice button die
navoj screw, screw thread; ~ na klipnjai thread on
piston rod; narezati ~e to cut screws; ~ vijka
screw thread, thread worm of a screw; ~ za
pomicanje motion thread; ~ za prenos sile
heavy duty thread, loading thread, power
exerting thread, ~za prenos snage heavy duty
navrtka nut, screw nut; ~ osigura guard screw; ~ sa
krunim lebom circular-grooved nut; ~ sa
kupastim vratom conical-necked nut; ~ sa
leptirom butterfly nut; ~ sa obodom collar
nut; ~ sa pritegom lugged nut; ~ za
pritezanje clamping nut
njihanje sway, swinging
njihati to sway, swing

njutn newton
no knife, cutter; blade; ~ elektrinog prekidaa cutter;
~ testere saw-blade; ~ za izradu navoja
screw cutting tool; ~ za kitovanje putty knife;
~ za seenje kartona cardboard cutter; ~ za
spoljni navoj cutting for outside threads; ~ za
unutranji navoj cutting tool for internal
thread; ~ za zavrnu obradu finishing tool
nula zero
nulti zero; ~a crta zero line; ~a zatita zero
protection; ~a taka zero point; ~a vrednost
zero value; ~ provodnik neutral conductor;
~o polje field free space
obrazac pattern, model
odailja transmitter; radio station
oduak breather pipe; ~ ulja vent; ~ za vazduh
breather, air hole
odvajanje segregation, separation
odvija turnscrew, screwdriver
odvod blow off; drain; drainage
odvodnica drain pipe
odvrta screwdriver
ogranak branch
olovan lead, leaden; ~na boja lead paint; ~na cev lead
pipe; ~na legura lead alloy; ~ni lim sheet
lead; ~ni prsten lead ring
olovo lead
oluk gutter; trough
om ohm
optereenje load, loading
opteretiti to load
oscilacija oscillation; ~ klatna oscillation of a
osciloskop oscilloscope
osigura circlip, clip; fuse; elektrini ~ fuse; ~ od
preoptereenja overload device, circuit
breaker; ~ sa signalnim ureajem alarm fuse
osovina axle; ~ elise propeller shaft; ~ klatna pivoted
axle; ~ konice brake axle; ~ kotura pulley

axle, pulley shaft, ~ lananika chain-wheel

osovinski axial; ~ pogon axle drive; ~ pritisak axle
pressure; ~no optereenje axle load; ~no
rastojanje axle-base
ostatak residue; ~ sagorevanja residue of combustion
otpaci sewage
otpor resistance; elektrini ~ electrical resistance;
toplotni ~ thermal conductivity; ~ kretanja
tela u fluidu drag (resistance)
otporan resistant; impervious; tough, sturdy; ova koa
je ~na na vlagu this leather is moistureresistant; ~ na toplotu heat-resistant; ~ na
vatru fireproof, fire-resistant; ~ protiv udara
otpornik resister
otpornost resistance; ~ habanju resistance to wear; ~
na vatru fireproof; ~ na vlagu moisture
resistant; ~ materijala strength of materials
para steam
patron cartridge
patron osiguraa enclosed fuse
pe furnace; ~ na uljano gorivo oil fuel furnace; sa
vruim vazduhom hot air furnace; ~ za
kaljenje muffle furnace; ~ za peenje kiln; ~
za prenje roasting furnace
plamen flame; ~ za kaljenje hardening flame; ~ za
zagrevanje heating flame
plovak ball float
pluta cork
podii to elevate, lift
podiza lifter; ~ stakla window regulator; ~ ventila
tappet; valve lifter, valve tappet
podzemni kabl buried cabl
pogon drive, driving propulsion; ~ gajtanom cord
drive; ~ maine machine driving; ~ ruice
crank gear; ~ ukrtenim kaievima cross belt
drive; ~ uetom rope drive; ~ zupanicima
gear wheel drive; ~ ianim uetom steel
rope drive

pogonski driving; ~a maina driving machine; ~a

poluga connecting rod; ~a sila motive power;
~a snaga thrust; ~ gas power gas; ~ kai
driving belt, ~ mehanizam driving gear,
driving mechanism; ~ toak drive wheel, ~o
ulje fuel oil
pojaan amplified, reinforced
pojaiva amplifier
pokretan mobile
poluga idle lever, lever; ~ konice brake lever; ~
spojke coupling rod; ~ spone steering arm; ~
sa tegom weighted lever; ~ za vuu drawbar;
~ za zaustavljanje arresting lever, shifter
ponton pontoon
potisak thrust
povratna sprega feed back
preista purifier; ~ komprimiranog vazduha
compressed air filter; ~ ulja oil cleaner; ~ za
gorivo fuel oil filter; ~ za vazduh air filter
prednji front
pregrada baffle; partition; screen; ~ na brodu
bulkhead; ~ za skretanje baffle board
prekid interruption, break; ~ struje interruption of
current, power failure
prekida switch; circuit breaker; kontakti ~a breaker
prekida break switch; breaker, switch; ~ osvetljenja
lighting switch; ~ visokog napona hightension switch
prenos transfer
prijemnik receiver
prikljuak connection; ~ creva hose connection; ~
indikatora indicator union
prikljuak nipple
prikljuni connecting; ~ kabl connecting cord
prikljunica connection branch, plug box
prirubnica flange
priticaj inflow
pritisak compression, pressure
pritisnuti to press, push

probojnost penetrance
proces process
prodiranje penetration
prodreti to penetrate
protok discharge; flow; ~ pumpe delivery of a pump; ~
vazduha airflow
provetravati to air
provoditi to conduct; ~ toplotu to conduct heat; ~
elektricitet to conduct electricity
provodljivost conductivity
provodnik conductor
prsten ring; ~ klipa piston ring; ~ sa zavojnicom screw
ring; ~ za odvod ulja oil thrower ring; ~ za
podeavanje adjusting ring
prstenast annular; ring-shaped; ~ presek annular cross
section; ~a navrtka ring nut, ~o leite
annular pivot
pumpa pump
pun full, solid; ~a brzina full speed; ~a osovina solid
axle; ~i zakivak solid rivet; ~a cigla solid
punjenje charge, charging; filling
rad labor, work; ~ maine machine running; ~ poluge
lever action; ~ trenja work of friction
radijacija radiation
radijator radiator
radni working; ~na brzina normal working speed,
running speed; ~na jedinica operating unit; ~
ploa faceplate; ~na povrina working
surface; ~na snaga man-power; ~na tanost
working accuracy; ~na zapremina cubic
capacity, volume of charge; ~ni ciklus duty
cycle; ~ni hod working shift; ~ni klip ram;
~ni sto bench, work bench; ~ni uslovi
working conditions
ravnotea equilibrium
razdelna cev manifold
razvodna tabla switchboard
razvodnik slide valve gear; sliding valve
relej relay

respirator respirator
reverzibilan reversible; ~ni prenosnik reversing gear
rezati to cut
rezervni spare; ~ deo spare part; ~ kapacitet spare
capacity; ~ toak spare wheel
rezervoar reservoir, tank ~ goriva fuel tank; ~ za
benzin petrol tank; ~ za vodu water tank
rezonanca resonance
sabijanje compression
sabirnica busbar
sabirnik collector
sabiti to compress
aht hole, manhole
sakuplja collector; ~ neistoa impurities collector
samodrei self-holding
samohodni automotive, self-propelled; ~ ventil lift
valve, puppet valve
amot fire clay
asija box
sastavak joint
satnica hourly wage
av seam
savijanje bending
saviti to bend
savitljiv flexible, pliable; ~a spojnica flexible coupling
sei to cut
ema chart
senzor sensor
sifon drain tap
sijalica bulb, lamp
sijalino grlo lampholder
sila force, power; ~ akcije acting force; ~ koenja
braking force; ~ opruge spring force; ~
pritiska compressive force; ~ rezanja cutting
force; ~ trenja frictional force
sinhronizacija synchronisation
ip shear pin
ipka bar, rod
irenje expansion, extension
irina breadth, width

irljiv expansible
slavina cock, faucet, tap; ~ za vazduh compressed air
tap; ~ za gorivo fuel oil tap; ~ za vodu water
cock, water faucet
mrk pump, hose
snaga power, force; strength
sonda feeler; ~ elektrinog termometra thermometer
spoj joint, connection
spoljni external, exterior
sprega coupling
stanje state, condition; situation; agregatno ~ state of
aggregation; u voznom ~u in working
statiki static; ~a krutost static rigidity; ~ momenat
statical moment; ~ optereen statically
loaded; ~ pritisak statical pressure; ~o trenje
static friction; ~o preoptereenje statical
statika statics
temovati to cut chases, cut recesses
struja current, stream; elektrina ~ electricity, electric
current; uvesti ~u to install electricity; prekid
~e a power failure; nestalo je ~e there was a
power failure; jednosmerna (naizmenina) ~
direct (alternating) current; maine (aparati)
na ~u electrical appliances; jednofazna ~
single-phase current
strujnica trajectory
strujno kolo circuit
upalj hollow
suv dry
svojstvo property
televizija television, TV; television set; pustiti ~u to
turn on the television; gledati ~u to watch
television; obrazovna (komercijalna) ~
educational (commercial) TV; ~ u boji color
television, kablovska ~ cable television;
satelitska ~ sattelite television

televizijski television; ~ kanal (prenos, aparat)

television channel (program, set); ~a emisija
television program; ~a kamera television
camera; ~ prijemnik TV receiver (set)
transformator transformer
trenje friction
turbina turbine
ugao angle; ~ faznog prednjaenja angle of phase
lead; ~ faznog zaostajanja angle of phase
lag; ~ nagiba angle of taper; ~ pomaka angle
of offset; ~ preseka navoja angle of female
thread; ~ uvijanja angle of twist; ~ vrha
point-angle; ~ zazora clearance angle; ~
leba angle of groove
ugaoni stub angle pole
ukljuiti to plug in, turn on
ulaz input, inlet
unutranji internal, interior
ureaj device
usisavanje intake
usisni intake; ~a cev intake pipe; ~ ventil inlet valve,
suction valve; ~o postrojenje suction plant
utika plug, socket
ue rope, cable
vakum vacuum
valjak barrel; cylinder; roll; ~ za valjanje profila
grooved roll, pass roller; ~ za pritiskanje
pressure roller, ~ za kvaenje immersion
roller; ~ trake belt roller; ~ za ienje
cleaner roller
valjan rolled; ~a cev rolled tube; ~a ica rolled wire; ~i
lim rolled plate; ~o gvoe rolled iron
valjaonica rolling mill
valjati to roll
valjkast cylindrical
var weld
variti to weld
vat watt
vazduh air; komprimirani ~ compressed air

ventil valve; produvni ~ blow through valve; propusni

~ gate valve, stop valve, protoni ~ straight
way valve; ~ sa plovkom float valve; ~
sigurnosti safety valve; ~ sa koninom
glavom conical valve; ~ sa zaklopkom clack
valve, flap valve; ~ leptirnjak butterfly
valve; ~ za pranjenje discharge valve; ~ za
produvavanje blow through valve; ~ za
smanjenje pritiska pressure reducing valve;
~ za pumpu pump valve; ~ za isputanje
vode water drain valve
vodovod water supply, waterworks
zaepljenje clogging
zadnji back
zaptivka joint; packing; sealing
zaptivni sealing; ~a gumica washer; ~ materijal
jointing material, sealing material; ~ prsten
sealing ring, seal; ~ vijak sealing screw
zapua stopper, cork
zapuiti to cork, stop up; to block, obstruct, clog; cev se
zapuila the pipe is clogged
zasun gate valve, slide valve
zatega clamp dog; tie rod
zategnuti to tie; tighten; ~ ue to tighten a rope
zatvara shutter
zavaren welded; ~ spoj welded joint; ~a cev welded
zavariti to weld
zavarivanje welding
zglob joint; ~ lanca chain joint
zglobni link; ~ lanac flat link chain; ~ spoj articulated
coupling; ~no vratilo universal joint shaft
ica wire; ~ za plombiranje lead seal wire; ~ za
zavarivanje welding wire
zupanik cog wheel; gear; gear wheel; ~ hoda unazad
reverse gear; ~ sa pravim zubima straight
gear; ~ za dizanje konice break lifting gear;
~ za podeavanje adjusting gear
zvuni sound; ~ zid the sound barrier
zvuk sound


ada small island on river
aglomerat agglomerate
agregat aggregate rock
albit albite
atar area, district
azimut azimuth
boksit bauxite
brdo hill
breuljak hummock, hillock, hammock
diluvijalni diluvial
dina dune
dogled field glasses, binoculars; spyglass
dolina valley
dubina depth
epicentar epicenter
erodirati to erode
erozija erosion
fluvijalan fluvial
gejzer geyser
geodeta geodesist
geodetski geodetic
geodezija geodesy
geofiziar geophysicist
geograf geographer
geografija geography
geografski geographical; ~ poloaj geographical
location; ~ duina longitude; ~ irina latitude
gleer glacier
gle glaze
glina clay
glinite clay pit, loam pit
gnajs gneiss
golet barren ground, bare mountainous terrain
grad hail, ~ pada it's hailing

granica border; boundary; frontier; uvati (zatvoriti)

~u to guard (close) a border; prelaz ~e
(prelaz preko ~e) border crossing;
meunarodna datumska ~ international date
graniar frontiersman, border guard
graniiti to border, set the boundaries of
granini border; ~ prelaz (pojas) border crossing
(area); ~ kamen border marker; ~a zona
border zone
graninik limiter
greda (geol) isthmus
grnara potter's clay, potter's earth, argil
hidrolog hydrologist
hidrologija hydrology
hidromehanika hydromechanics
hidrometeoroloki zavod weather bureau
hidroplan hydroplane
hidrosfera hydrosphere
hidrostatiki hydrostatic
hidrostatika hydrostatics
hidrotehnika applied hydraulics; coastal engineering;
~ki objekti water conservation projects,
flood control projects
humus top soil, humus
ilovaa mild clay, loam, clay soil
izobara isobar
izvor well, spring; mineralni ~i mineral springs;
termalni ~i thermal (hot) springs; voda sa ~a
jalovina barren soil
jama pit; hole; rudarska ~ mine shaft
jarak ditch
jezero lake
kamen stone, rock
kamenit rocky
karta map
kaskada cascade
katastar cadastre; real estate registry
klisura gorge, ravine

klizite landslide
koi peg; ~ za ator tent peg
koritast trough-shaped
korito trough; channel; ~ reke ili reno ~ riverbed
krenjak limestone
kreda chalk, cretaceous
majdan mine
masiv massif
mea boundary, property line, border; marker,
mea landmark, strip of land between estates
melioracija land reclamation
meridijan meridian
mesto place, location, spot
mineral mineral
movara swamp, bog, marsh, morass
monsun monsoon
more sea; na ~u at the seashore, at sea; bitka na ~u sea
battle; po ~u by sea; bura na ~u storm at sea;
burno (uzburkano ili nemirno) ~a stormy
(rough) sea; debelo (iroko) ~ the high sea
morena moraine, glacial deposite
morski sea; ~a bolest seasickness; ~ pas shark; ~a
obala seacoast; ~a struja sea current; ~a
milja nautical mile; ~ konj walrus; ~a krava
sirenian; ~o prase porpoise
mulj mud, slime
nagib slope
nanos deposits; silt, alluvium; snowdrift
naslaga stratum, layer; deposit; ~e rude ore deposits
navigacija navigation
nivo level
nizija depression
obala shore, coast, bank; ploviti uz ~u to sail along the
coast; ~ reke riverbank; ~ mora seashore;
Azurna ~ Cote d'Azur
oblast area, district
odron rockfall, rockslide
ogranak branch
olivin olivine

oreol aureole
orijentacija orientation
orijentir landmark
oseka ebb tide
osnova base, basis
osnovni basic; ~ linija basic line
otkos swath
oznaiti to mark, designate
paleocen Palaeocene
paleograf paleograph
paleografija paleography
paleolit palaeolith; paleolithic period
paleontologija paleontology
paleozoik paleozoik
parcela lot, plot, parcel
parcelisati to parcel out lots
panjak pasture
peina cave
perm Permian
pesak sand
peara sandy terrain; sands
peskara sand quary
peskovit sandy, arenaceous
planina mountain
plaviti to flood, inundate
plima high tide
podloga subsoil
podnoje plinth
podruje region, zone; area; trusno ~ seismic area
podvodni subaqueous; submarine
pojava appearance, phenomenon
pol pole; Severni (Juni) ~ North (South) Pole;
pozitivan (negativan) ~ positive (negative)
polaritet polarity
polarni ugao polar; ~ krug polar circle; ~a svetlost
aurora borealis
poloaj state, position, location
ponor abyss, chasm; place where a river sinks into the

ponornica lost river

poplava inundation, flooding, flood
porfir porphyry
povrina surface
prauma jungle; virgin forest
pravac direction
predgrae suburb
premer survey
prizma prism
prolazan transient, temporary; ~o vreme transit time
pustinja desert
rastresit loose; ~o zemljite loose soil
reni fluvial, river; ~o korito riverbed; ~a obala
riverbank; ~ saobraaj (promet) river traffic;
~a dolina river valley; ~ tok course of a river
reka river; nabujala ~ a swollen river; uz ~u upstream,
along the river; du ~e along the river; niz ~u
downstream; iroka (velika) ~ a broad (large)
river; korito ~e riverbed; izvor (ue) ~e
source (mouth) of a river; prei ~u (preko
~e) to cross a river; pregaziti ~u to ford a
reljef relief
riolit rhyolite
rit swampy area, marsh
ruda ore; gvozdena (bakarna) ~ ili ~ gvoa (bakra)
iron (copper) ore; nalazite ~e ore deposit
rudni mineral; ~o blago mineral wealth
rukavac branch of a river; by-channel
seizmiki seismic
seizmolog seismologist
sfera sphere
silikat silicate
kriljac slate, shale; schist
sloj stratum, layer
slojevit stratified, in layers
stena rock, large stone, boulder
stenovit rocky
taka point; srednja ~ midpoint

talas wave; svetlosni (zvuni) ~i light (sound) waves;

kratki ~i shortwaves; popreni
(transverzalni) ~i transverse waves; uzduni
(longitudijalni) ~i longitudinal waves;
duina ~a wavelength; frekvencija ~a wave
frequency; brzina prostiranja ~a wave
velocity; napadati u ~ima to attack in waves;
~ vruine heat wave; hladni ~ cold wave
talog sediment
teren terrain, ground
tlo ground, soil
trusni seismic
ue mouth
uvala valley, hollow; morska ~ cove, inlet
visina height; nadmorska ~ altitude
voda water; vrua (hladna, mlaka, slana, slatka,
mrtva ili stajaa) ~ hot (cold, lukewarm, salt,
fresh, stagnant) water; tekua (pijaa, meka,
tvrda) ~ running (drinking, soft, hard)
waterwater; ~ raste (opada) the water (level)
is rising (falling); pumpa za ~u water pump;
oskudica u ~i water shortage; destilovana ~
distilled water
vodopad waterfall
vodostaj water level
vulkan volcano; ugaeni ili mrtvi (ivi) ~ extinct (live)
vulkanski volcanic; ~ pepeo volcanic ash; ~a erupcija
volcanic eruption; ~a stena volcanic rock
zaliv bay, gulf
zdravica subsoil
zemljotres earthquake
ica vein, lode; ~ gvozdene rude vein of iron ore



adhezija adhesion, bond, bonding
adsorpcija adsorption
agens agent
alkalni alkaline
alkalnost alkalinity
alkohol alcohol
aminokiselina amino acid
amonijak ammonia
analiza analysis
apsorber absorber
apsorbovanje absorption
apsorbovati to absorb, engross
apsorpcija absorption
azot nitrogen; ~-pentoksid nitrogen pentoxide; ~tripoksid nitrogen trioxide; ~na kiselina
nitric acid
azotara fertilizer factory
bakar copper
bakelit bakelite
baza base
bireta burette
butan butane
cijanizacija cyanide hardening
cink zinc
desalinizacija desalinization
destilacija distillation; ~ nafte oil refining
destilisati to distill
dobiti to generate, get
dozator batcher, feeder
doziranje proportioning, feeding, batching
ekvivalent equivalent
elastian elastic, resilient
elektrolit electrolyte
elektroliza electrolysis
elektron electron

element unit, principle, cell, component, member

elementaran elementary, primary, rudimentary
elutracija elutriation
emulgator emulsifier
emulzija emulsion
epruveta test tube, vial
fenestracija fenestration
fenol phenol
fluktuacija fluctuation
formula formula
fosfat phosphate
fosfatiranje phosphating
fotoelija photo-electric cell, electric eye
frakcija fraction
galvanizacija galvanization
galvanizer galvanizer
galvanizovati to galvanize
gar soot
gas gas
gasificirati to gasify
gasiti to extinguish, quench
gasovit gaseous
glicerin glycerin, glycerol
gorenje combustion
goriv combustible
graa constitution, composition
gumast rubber-like; rubbery
gust compact, dense
gustina density, specific mass
helijum helium
hemija chemistry; organska (neorganska, fizika,
fizioloka, analitika) ~ organic (inorganic,
physical, physiological, analytical) chemistry;
bioloka ~ biochemistry
hemijski chemical; ~ski odsek department of
chemistry; ~ska laboratorija chemistry
laboratory; ~sko ienje dry cleaning; ~ski
elementi chemical elements; ~sko jedinjenje
chemical compound; ~ske formule formulas
for compounds; ~ska industrija (analiza)

chemical industry (analysis); ~sko oruje

chemical agents
hemikalija chemical
heterogen heterogeneous
hidrat hydrate
hidroksid hydrate
hlor chlorine
hlorid chloride
hlorisanje chlorination
hlorisati chlorinate
hlorofil chlorophyll
homogen homogeneous
hrom chromium
hromiran chromed, chrome plated
hromiranje chromium plate, chromium plating
hromirati to chrome, treat with chromium
indikator indicator
inercija inertia
inertan gas inactive gas
inhibitor inhibitor
interpolacija interpolation
jedinjenje compound
jon ion
jonization ionization
jonizirati to ionize
jonski ionic
kalaj tin, solder
kalajisanje tinning
kalajisati to tin, to cover with tin
kalcifikacija calcification
kalcijum-sulfat gypsum
karbol carbolic acid
karbon carboniferous, carbonaceous
karbon carbon
karbon papir carbon paper
karbonat carbonate
karbonit carbonite
kiselina acid; borna (sumporna, sumporasta,
ugljena) ~ boric (sulfuric, sulfurous,
carbonic) acid; azotna (fosforna, mravlja,

siretna) ~ nitric (phosphoric, formic, acetic)

kiseonik oxygen
koagulans dispersing agent
kondenzacija condensation
kondenzovan liquefied
kristal crystal glass
kristalizacija crystallization
krut rigid, stiff
kvarc quartz
laboratorija laboratory
legura alloy
lepljiv stiff, gluey, sticky
materija substance
mek soft
meanje agitation, mixing
meavina mix, mixture
mesing yellow brass, brass
metal metal
metalan metal, metallic
metalizacija polychromatic finish, metallization
metaliziranje metal painting
metanol wood alcohol
mikroskop microscope
nadimanje swelling
nafta oil, petroleum, naphtha; ~ iz kriljca oil shale
namakanje dip
nekoherentan incoherent
nepostojan erratic, unstable, unfast
nitrid nitride
nitriranje nitriding, nitrogen hardening
nitroglicerin nitroglycerine, blasting oil
obogaivanje replenishment
oksalni oxalic; ~na kiselina oxalic acid
oksid oxide
oksidacija oxidation
oksidirati to oxidize
oksigen oxygen
olovo lead
oplemeniti to enrich

oplemenjivanje enrichment
organski organic
osobina feature, property
otopiti dissolve
penuanje bubbling, foaming
penuati to froth foam
petrolej petroleum, oil; ~ska polja oil fields; ~ska
industrija (proizvodnja) oil industry
(production); ~ska kompanija oil company
pigment pigment
pobakriti copper plated
poetak beginning, start; inception
pocinkovati to zinc
poliester polyester
polimer polymer
polistirol polystyrene
polivalentan polyvalent
postojan stable, fast, constant, standing, resistant
postojanost stability, soundness, constancy
punilo filler, extender, stopper, pigment
radijum radium
rasoljavanje desalination
raspadanje decomposition, decay, break-up
rastopina melt
rastvara dissolver
rastvor dissolution, solution
rastvoren solute
rastvoriti to dissolve
razblaen diluted
razblaiti to dilute
razblaiva thinner, diluter
razgraditi to disintegrate
razgraivanje disintegration
razrediti dilute
reagens reagent
reakcija reaction
retorta retort
sadraj concentration, content
sagoreti to burn out, burn
sagorevanje combustion

saponifakacija saponification
sastav composition, texture
sastojak ingredient, component
savijanje bending
savijanje bending, flexure
saviti to bend
savitljiv flexible
smesa compound
spirati to wash off, wash away
stalan standing, permanent, constant
stanje state
stapati to sinter
sumpor sulfur; brimstone; ~na kiselina sulfuric acid
sumpor dioksid sulfur dioxide
sumpor trioksid sulfur trioxide
talog sediment, grounds, dregs;
taloljivost precipitation
tean liquid, fluid, molten
topao warm
topiti to melt
toplana heating plant
topljen molten
toplota warmth, heat
toplotni heat; ~ udar heatstroke; ~ kapacitet heat
(thermal) capacity; ~a mo heating capacity;
~ tit heat shield; ~a energija thermal energy;
~ motor heat engine; ~ izvori sources of heat
uvrtati to twist
uzima uzoraka sampler
uzorak sample
vlaga moisture, dampness, humidity
vlakno fiber
vlaan humid, moist, damp
voda water
vodonik hydrogen
vodonik peroksid hydrogen peroxide
zasien saturated
zasititi to saturate


algebra algebra
algoritam algorithm
baza basis, base
badarina fee for checking weights, measures
badariti to calibrate, check weights, measures
broj number; numeral; figure; parni (neparni) ~ even
(odd) number; decimalni (redni, osnovni)
~evi decimal (ordinal, cardinal) numbers; ceo
(imaginarni, iracionalni, meoviti,
negativni, pozitivni, sloeni) ~ whole
(imaginary, irrational, mixed, negative,
positive, compound) number; arapski
(rimski, zbirni) ~evi Arabic (Roman,
collective) numerals
broja person or device that measures or counts; meter;
meterman; Gajgerov ~ Geiger counter
brzina speed
brzinomer speedometer
busola compass
celzijus centigrade, Celsius; 30 stepeni ~ih thirty
degrees centigrade
centimetar centimeter
etvorougao quadrangle
daljinomer distancemeter, ranger
deliti to divide
deljenje division
dijagonala diagonal
dijagonalan diagonal
dijagram diagram, chart, plot
dimenzija dimension
dimenzionalan dimensional
dimenzionirati to size
dimetar dimeter
dinamometar dynamometer
dug long

du segment; straight line

duina length; geografska ~ longitude
duni linear
elipsa ellipse
faktor factor, ratio
fon phon
fonograf phonograph
fotometrija photometry
funkcija function
gal gravity unit
galon (4.5 l) gallon
geometrija geometry; nacrtna ~ projective geometry
gravimetrija gravimetry
hektar hectare
heksagram hexagram
herc (elek) hertz
hidrometar hydrometer
hiperbola hypebola
hipotenuza hipotenuse
horizontala horizontal line
horizontalan horizontal
indeks index
iracionalan irrational
izraunati to compute, calculate
izraunavanje computation, calculation
jard (0.9144 m) yard
jedinica unit
jednaina equation
jednak even, equal
kalibriranje calibration, gauging
kalota sector; sferna ~ spherical sector
kocka cube
koeficijent coefficient; ratio, factor; ~ prenosa
transmission ratio; ~ uma (sigurnosti) noise
(safety) factor; ~ proporcijalnosti
kolinik quotient
kompas magnetic compass
konus cone
koordinata coordinate

koordinatomer plotting square

korekcija rectification
koren root
korenovanje extraction of root
kos oblique, slanting; ~ ugao acute angle
kosekans cosecant
kosinus cosine
kotagens cotagent
krak leg; kraci estara legs of a compass; kraci
trougla legs of a triangle
krug circle
kupa cone
kupola cupola, dome
kvadrant quadrant
kvadrat square
kvota quota
lenjir ruler
libela level
linija line; prava (kriva) ~ straight (crooked or
curved) line; povui ~u to draw a line
logaritam logarithm; ~ske tablice logarithmic tables
magnometar magnometer
maksimalan maximum, peak
manometar manometer
matematiar mathematician
matematika mathematics, maths
matrica matrix
mera measure, measurement; zakidati na ~i to shortweight; jedinica ~e unit of measurement
mera measuring device; measurer
merenje measurement, weighing, mensuration; ~
vremena timing, ~ zemlje surveying; ~ na
vagi weighing on a scale
merica measuring cup
meriti to weigh; to measure; to survey
metar metre, meter
mikrometar micrometre, micrometer
mikron micron
milimetar millimeter
mnogougaonik polygon

mnoenje multiplication
mnoiti to multiply
model pattern, model
modul module
nanometar nanometer
nepodudaran incongruent
nivelisati to level
nivo level
niz set, series
nominalan nominal
nomogram nomogram
normala normal
nula zero, null
numerator numbering machine
obim circumference; ~ kruga circumference of a circle;
~ poligona perimeter of a polygon
obrnut inverse
odnos ratio
odstupanje deviation
oduzeti to subtract
oduzimanje subtraction
okrugao round
opseg scope, range
ortogonal orthogonal
osa axis; apscisna ~ axis of abscissas; koordinatna ~
coordinate axis; brojna ~ number line
osnova base, basis, element
ostatak remainder
palac (2.54 cm) inch
paralelogram parallelogram
parcijalan differential
periferni peripheral
petougaonik pentagon
piezometar piezometer
planimetar planimeter
podela division
podeliti to divide
podeljen divided
pokazatelj parameter, index, rate, indicator
polinom polynomial, multinomial

polovina half
poluprenik radius
popravka correction
popreni transversal; ~ni presek cross section
povrina face, area, surface
pozicija item, position
prava straight line, right line (straight) line;
horizontalna (paralelna, vertikalna) ~ a
horizontal (parallel, vertical) line
pravouganik rectangle
preciznost precision
prenik diameter
premer mensuration
premeravanje measuring, surveying; ~ zemlje
premeriti to measure
presek cut; popreni ~ cross section; uzduni ~
vertical section
prevrnut inverse, over turned
racionalan broj rational number
radian radian
radicirati to extract the square root from
raspon span
ravan (povrina) plane
razlika difference
razlomak fraction; desetni ili decimalni (pravi,
nepravi, obini, nesvodljiv) ~ a decimal
(proper, improper, common, irreducible)
razmaka gap, spacing, gauge
razmera proportion; ratio; u obrnutoj ~i in inverse
ratio; ~ karte scale of a map; u velikoj ~i on
a large scale
reenje solution
rezultanta resultant
rezultat result
romb rhombus
romboid rhomboid
rotacija rotation
sabiranje addition

sabirati to add
segment segment
sekans secant
estar pair of compasses
simetrian symmetrical
simetrija symmetry
sinus sine
irina width, breadth; geografska ~ latitude
sistem system; ~ jednaina system of equations; ~
aksioma axiom system; koordinatni ~
coordinate system
skup set
smanjiti to diminish, reduce
spirala spiral
srazmeran proportional, proportionate
sredina medium
standard standard
stepen degree; ugao od 30 stepeni an angle of 30
degrees; 37 stepeni Celzijusovih 37 degrees
centigrade; 20 stepeni istone duine 20
degrees east longitude; power; podii na trei
~ to raise to the third power
tabela chart, table
tablica table; ~ mnoenja multiplication table;
logaritamske ~e logarithmic tables
taka dodira point; rastojanje izmeu taaka A i B
the distance between points A and B; ~
gledita point of view; kulminaciona ~
culmination; ~ oslonca (poluge) fulcrum (of a
lever); ~ smrzavanja ili mrnjenja
(kljuanja) freezing (boiling) point
tangens tangent
telo solid shape; body
test test
testirati to test
trigonometrija trigonometry; ~ske funkcije
trigonometric functions
trougao triangle
trouglast triangular
ugao angle, corner

ugao angle; prav (otar, tup, opruen, ispupen) ~

right (acute, obtuse, straight, reflex) angle;
uporedni (spoljanji, unutranji) ~ adjacent
(external, internal) angle; depresioni
(elevacioni) ~ angle of depression (of
elevation); komplementan (suplementan) ~
complementary (supplementary) angle;
odbojni ~ angle of reflexion
uglomer protactor
ukoso diagonally
ukrtanje intersection
umanjenik minuend
umanjilac subtrahend
uspravan vertical, upright
vaga scale
vektor vector
veliina size, dimension
vertikalan vertical
visina height, altitude, elevation; u ~u up, upwards; ~
trougla height of a triangle; ~ drveta iznosi 5
metara the tree is five meters high;
nadmorska ~ height above sea level; dobiti
(izgubiti) ~u to gain (lose) altitude
vodoravan horizontal
zaokruiti to round off; ~ broj to round off a number
zapremina volume



aditiv admixture, additive
agrotehnika agricultural engineering
akumulator battery
aparat machine, machinery, apparatus, appliance,
automobil car, automobile
bager dredge, dredger, excavator
bagerisati to dredge
bagerovanje dredging
blatobran fender, mudguard
branik bumper, fender
brus whetstone, hone, oilstone
brusilica (kamen) grinder
brusilica (papir) sander
buldoer doser, bulldozer
builica drilling machine, drill press; boring machine
eliana steel mill
cilindar roller, cylinder
cilindrian cylindrical
cirkular circular
cisterna cistern, tank
daljinski long, remote
damper damper truck, dump truck
dihtung gasket, seal
dinamo generator, dynamo
dizalica lift, elevator, jack, crane
dizel lokomotiva R.D.C. ( Rail Diesel Car)
drljaa harrow
drobilica grinder, crusher, stonebreaker
elektromotor electric motor
elektropokreta starter motor
fabrika mill, plant, factory
filter filter
generator generator, dynamo
greka defect
guma rubber

hidrauliki hidraulic
hidraulika hidraulics
hod pace
indukcioni kalem coil, ignition coil
izumiti to invent
kalup mold, cast
kamion truck, lorry
kamionet van
karburator carburetor, carburetter; visei (stojei) ~
updraught (downdraft) carburetor; ~sko lone
float chamber
kasko-osiguranje compensational insurance
kerozin kerosene; coal oil
kibla bucket, concrete bucket
kiper tipping lorry, tipper-truck, dump truck
klapna flap
klimatizovan air-conditioned
klinasti kai vee belt, fan belt
klip ram, plunger, piston; ~ prsten piston ring; cramp
kola car, cart, wagon
kompresor compressor
konstruisanje construction, engineering
konstruisati to construct
kontrateg counterweight
konzola cantilever; ~ni most cantilever bridge
korozija corrosion
ko hopper
kouljica liner, jacket
kran crane
kvailo clutch
kvar breakdown, failure
lamela kvaila clutch plate
lanac chain
lananica catenary
lananik sprocket
leite bearing; kuglino (loptino) ~ ball bearing;
koturno ~ roller bearing
lift elevator, lift
liven moulded, cast
maketa model

masa bulk, mass

maina machine, engine
mainski mechanical
mastan greasy, fat
materijal material
matica nut
mazalica nipple
mazivo oilcan, lubricator
mazut crude oil
meh bellows, blower; kovaki ~ blacksmith's bellows
mehaniar operator, mechanic
membrana membrane
mementni klju torque wrench
menja gearshift; gear lever; transmission; automatski
~ automatic transmission
metalac steel worker
migavac direction indicator, flasher; turn signal
mlazni motor turbojet
modifikacija modification
most bridge; pokretni ~ drawbridge; lanani (visei) ~
suspension bridge; prei ~ to cross a bridge;
luni ~ arch bridge; prednji (zadnji) ~ front
(rear) end (on an automobile); elezniki ~
railroad bridge; pontonski ~ pontoon bridge;
mosna dizalica traveling crane; ~na
konstrukcija bridge construction; ~ni stub
bridge pier
naprava device, gadget
napregnutost stressing
naprezanje stress, tension
napumpati to inflate, pump up
navrtka-spojnica union nut
nosivost bearing power, carrying capacity
no cutting edge, blade; ~ pluga colter on a plow
nuklearna eletrana nuclear power plant
obogaenje enrichment
obraditi to treat, process, work
obrtati to turn, rotate
odravati to maintain
odstojnik distance piece

odstojnik (prsten) spacer ring

ojaati to reinforce
opravka overhaul, repair
opruga spring
osovina axis, axle; bregasta ~ camshaft; prednja
(zadnja) ~ front (rear) axle; pogonska ~
drive shaft; propeller shaft
otpor resistance
paljenje na guranje bump-start, jump-start
parna brana vapor barrier
parna lokomotiva steam locomotive
pe furnace, stove, oven; visoka ~ blast furnace; loiti
~ to light a furnace; kaljeva ~ a tile stove; ~
na drva wood burning stove; ~ na ugalj coal
stove; martinova ~ open-hearth furnace
penjalica climbing irons, climbers, creepers, crampons
pljosnati navoj square thread
pneumatiki pneumatic
pneumatski air-operated
podeavanje adjustment
podeavati to tune, adjust; to calibrate
podeen matched, symmetrical
podii to elevate, raise, lift
podizanje elevate
podmazan greased
podstanica substation
pogon drive, propulsion, power; ~ na obadve osovine
four-wheel drive; prednji ~ front-wheel
drive; zadnji ~ rear-wheel drive; atomski
(elektrini, vodeni) ~ atomic (electric, water)
power; podmornica na atomski ~ an atomicpowered submarine; mainski ~ mechanical
power; avion na mlazni ~ a jet airplane
pokrenuti to start, move, set in motion
poluosovina axle shaft; half axle
poluleb rabbet, rebate, hook rebate
postrojenje facility, plant
potisak uplift, lift; snaga ~ska thrust, lifting power;
~na sila thrust
potiskiva pushing tug

potronja consumption
preista ulja oil filter
preista vazduha air filter, air cleaner
prerada reworking, processing
presa press
priguiva depressant
prikljuno vratilo power take off
primaran primary
prstenast ring-like
rasklopiti to disassemble
ravnjaa level
reglaa fitting
regulisati to regulate
rekonstruisati rebuild
remen belt; lankasti ~ link belt; mainski ~
transmission belt; mainski ~ transmission
remont overhaul
rotor rotor
rovokopa trencher, trench excavator, trenching
ruica handle, pull
sabijanje compression, compacting
sabiti to compress
ajbna washer
samohodan self-propelled
sklop assembly
sloen complex
sluajan accidental
sonda borehole
sondiranje piercing, boring, probing, sounding
spojka link
spojna osovinica clevis pin
spojnica coupling, joint
spona link, bond, connection
raf screw
stega clamp, vise
steza clamp, band
stoer hinge; pole
sveica spark plug; sparking plug; zazor ~e spark gap

tegliti to haul, pull

teglja tugboat
tegljenje towage
topionica ironworks, melting house
torzija torsion
traktor tractor
ubrzanje acceleration
uestalost frequency
udar shock, concussion, impact
ulje lubricating oil
ureaj device, apparatus
valjak roller, cylinder
vatrostalan fireproof
ventilator fan; ventilator; kai ~a fan belt
vetrobran wind screen
vibracioni shaking, vibrating
vibriranje vibration
viljukar fort-lift truck
viestepeni multi-stage
vodomer water recording meter, water gage
volan steering wheel
vui to pull, tow, haul
vulkanizer tire welder; tire-repair specialist
abica shackle
zamajac flywheel
zaptiva gasket, sealer
zatega turn buckle
zazor clearance; ventilski ~ valve clearance; najmanji
(najvei) ~ minimum (maximum) clearance;
~ sveice spark gap
zglob joint, knuckle
iara cable railway; ~ za transport drveta cable
logging system
zupast cogged; ~i toak sprocket wheel
zupasti kai timing belt



administracija administration
administrativac office worker
adresar directory
advokat counsellor, lawyer, attorney
advokatski stale Bar
advokatura law practice, the practice of the law,
attorney ship
afekt affect
akt act, deed, actum
akta formal documents, acta
alibi alibi
alimentacija alimony, maintenance money
amnestija amnesty, act of oblivion
anarhija anarchy
aneks annex
aneksija annexation
angaovan engaged, dedicated, pledged
angaovati to commission, to retain, to engage
anketa opinion poll, opinion research
anoniman anonymous
antisocijalan antisocial
antiteza anthithesis
anulirajui annuling, defeasible
anuliranje voidance, nullification, defeat
anulirati to annul, nulify,
apel appeal
apelacija appeal
apelacioni sud Court of Appeals
apelant plaintiff
apelovati to appeal
arbitraa arbitration
arbitrani sud arbitral tribunal, court of arbitration
arbitrano vee arbitration board
argument argument
argumentisati to argue
arhiva archives

arhivar keeper of records, archivist

atae attache
atentat assassination
autonomija self government
azil asylum, refuge
baratanje handling
barijera barrier
begunac escapee, fugitive
bekstvo desertion, escape, elopement
beneficijar beneficiary
beneficije benefits
beskompromisan uncompromising
beskoristan useless, valueless
besmislen pointless
besplatan gratis, free
besposlenost idleness
bespotedno usparingly
bespotreban unnecessesary
bespravnost illegality
bespredmetna tuba case without object
besprekidan ceaseless
besprekoran impeccable, accurate
besprimeran unprecedented
bespristrasan impartial
bespristrasno without prejudice
besprizornost lack of respect
besraman shameless, flagrant
besvesnost unconsciousness
beanje escape
beati to escape, run away
bezbednost security
beivotan lifeless
bezuslovan unqualified
bezuspean unsuccessful
bezvlasnitvo abeyance
bezvredan valueless
bibliografija bibliography
bilans annual account, balance
bilten bulletin
bira elector

biraki spisak electoral register

birako pravo voting rights
birati to poll, elect, choose
biro bureau
birokrata bureaucrat
birokratizam legalism, officialdom
bitan substantial, important
blagajnik treusurer
blagovremen due, in due time
blanko ek blank cheque
blasfemija blasphemy
blef strike, bluff
blefirati to bluff
blizak proximate, close, intimate
blizanac twin
blizu by, near
blok block, bloc
blokada blockade
blokiran raun blocked account
bode dagger
bodriti to encourage
Bog God
bogaenje enrichment
bogalj cripple
bogat rich, fertile
bogatiti se to nrich
bogatstvo wealth
bojazan apprehension, fear
bojite battlefield
bojkot boycott
bol sufferance, ache, anguish, pain
bolan painful, distressing
bolesnik patient
bolest disease, sickness, illness
bolestan sick, ill, diseased
boleti to pain, hurt, ache
bolnica hospital
bolniar male nurse
bolovanje sick leave
bomba bomb

bombardovanje shelling, bombardment, dropping of

bonifikacija alowance, backward action, bonus
boravak dwelling, residence, stay, sojourn
boravina taksa residence tax, visitor's tax
boravite residence
boraviti to dwell, lodge, reside, stay
brana imovina marital property
brani ugovor marriage contract
branici spouses, marital partners
brak marriage
branilac advocate, pleader, barrister-at-law, defender
braniti to inhibit; to defend, protect
branjenik defendant
branjiv defensible
brana trade
bratstvo brotherhood
briga anxiety, worry
brinuti se to care, to worry
brisati to delete, to strike off
brod ship, boat
brodolom shipwreck
brojan various, numerous
brojka figure, cipher
brutalan brutal
brutalnost brutality
bruto gross; ~ iznos gross amount; ~ kamata gross
interest; ~ prihod gross income
budunost future
budet budget
budetski budget; ~ prihod budget revenue; ~a godina
budgetary year, financial year
buka noise
bukvalan literal
bulevar avenue
buna revolt; rebellion, uprising
buniti se to revolt; to rebel
buntovnik rioter
bura gale, storm, tempest
buruj bourgeois

carina duty
carinik customs officer
carinjenje clearance, custom clearance, clearing
carinski customs; ~a tarifa custom's tariff; ~ pretres
rummage, ~a zaplena seizure by customs, ~o
skladite bonded ware-house
arka skirmish
arav sheet
asno honourable; ~ ponaanje ethical behaviour,
~obaveza imperfect obligation
ast credit, dignity, honour, glory
astan honourable, creditable
cedent assignor, conveyor
cedirati to alienate, cede
edomorac infancitide, child murderer
ek cheque
ekati to wait, expect
ekovni cheque; ~ knjiica cheque book, ~ raun
checking account
elija cell; ~ osuenika na smrt condemned cell, ~
policijskog zatvora bridewell
elnik front runner
celovitost entirety, integrity
cenei in appreciation of
ceniti to value, repute, respect
cenjkati se to bargain
cenovnik price list
centar center, centre
Centar za pravne savete Law Centre
Centar za registraciju vozila DVLC (Driver Vehicle
Licencing Centre)
centrala head office, main office, headquarters
centralni central; ~banka central bank, ~ kartoteka
master file
cenzura censorship
cenzurisati to censor
cenzus census
ceo all-in, universal, integral, all, whole
eoni sudar head-on collision
ceremonija ceremony, rite

ceremonijalnost formality
certifikacija certification
cesija cession, transfer
cesionar assignee, transferee
est frequent
estit candid, honest
estitati to congratulate
cilj aim, scope, intent, purpose, target
ciljati to aim
in deed, rank, act, fact, doing
initi to commit, do, act
injenica fact, factum
injenino stanje actualities, facts
cinkariti to squeal, snitch, grass
inovnici office staff, clerical staff, officers
inovniki clerical
cirkular circular (letter)
cirkulisati to circulate
ist clear, net
itak legible
citat quote, citation, quotation
citirati to quote, cite
itkost legibility
civil civilian
civilizovati to civilize
lan member; ~ ugovora article
lanak article, write-up
lanarina subscription, membership fee
lanstvo membership
orak blind shell, dummy cartridge
oak corner
ovean humane, human
ovekoljubac philanthropist, humanitarian
ovekoljubiv humanitarian
ovekomrzac misanthrope
crkva church
crkveni church; ~ krtenica christening certification,
certificate of baptism; ~ imovina
ecclesiastical property, church property
crnina mourning

crnoberzijanac black marketer

crta line
crta lica feature of face
ud character, temper
udak freak, weird, eccentric
uenje amazement, astonishment
uditi se to wonder
udo wonder
ulo sense
utanje silence, ~na sudu standing mute
utati to be quiet, to maintain silence
uti to hear
utljiv incommunicative, taciturn
uvanje preservation, custody, protection
uvar custodian, keeper, guardian
uvati to guard, hold, keep, ~ zakon to enforce the law,
uphold the law; ~ zavet to keep one's
uven famous
uvenost celebrity
vrst firm, compact, resolved, ~ dokaz definite proof,
hard evidence
daktilograf typist
dalek far, distant, remote
daleko far away
dalekosean far-reaching, extensive, long-range
dalje off, farther, away, further
daljina distance
dananjica actuality, present-day
dareljiv generous, open-handed
darodavac donator, donor
dat (zakonom) given; ~ zakonom vested, ~a prava
vested rights, ~a re faith, parole
dati to give, provide, grant; ~ ovlaenje to authorize ;
~ lani iskaz to perjure, ~ izjavu pod
zakletvom to depose, to take an affidavit
datiran dated
datum date; ~ isplate date of settlement
davalac grantor; ~ dozvole licensor; ~ u zakup hirer; ~
u zalog pledger

davanje u naturi allowance in kind

davno long time ago
dabina levy, fee
debalans imbalance
debata debate, controversy
debatovati to debate
deblokirati fondove to release funds
dedovina patrimony
defekt defect
defektolog speech therapist
deficit deficit
deficitaran scarce; ~ materijal scarce material; ~ a
roba scarce goods; ~rni artikli articles in
short supply
definisati to define
dejstvo action, impact, influence, effect
dejstvujui uzrok efficient cause
dekan dean
dekanat academic registry; dean's office
deklaracija declaration
dekret enactment, decree,
delatnost terms of reference, practice, activity, walk
delegacija delegation
delegat delegate
delegatar delegatee
delegirati to delegate
delikatan delicate; tender
delikt delict
delikvencija delinquency, wrongdoing
deliti to share, divide
deljiv divisible
delo act, action, deed
delodovodni broj entry number, reference number
delotvoran effective
delovati to act, function, operate
demantovati to issue a denial, deny
demokrata democrat
demokratski democratic
deo part, division, allotment, share, portion
deoba partition, severance, dispensation

deonica stage
deonica part, share
deplasiran out-of-place
deplasman displacement
deponent bailor, depositor
deponovanje deposition
deponovati to deposit
deportacija deportation
deprimiran depressed, distressed
deprimirati to depress
deifrovati to dechiper, decode
desiti se to befall, to pass, to happen, to occur
desniar rightist
destabilizovati to destabilize
detalj detail, feature
dete child, infant, baby
detektiv detective
devalvacija devaluation
devize foreign currency
devizni kurs exchange rate
devizni raun currency account
devizno trite currency exchange
dezavuisanje abnegation, disavowal, repudiation
dezavuisati to abnegate, disavow, repudiate
dezerter deserter
dezertirati to desert
dezinformacija misinformatiom
dezorganizacija disorganization
dezorijentisati to disorient
deuran on call, on duty
deurstvo tour of duty, attendance
dijagnoza diagnosis
dijalog dialogue, interlocution
diktafon dictation machine, dictaphone
diktirati to dictate
dilema dilemma
dinamian dynamic
dinamika dynamism
diploma diploma
diploma magistra nauka Master's degree

diplomata diplomat
diplomatija diplomacy
diplomatski diplomat; ~a poseta diplomatic visit; ~ a
pota diplomatic mail; ~ a sluba diplomatic
diplomirani graduate ~ student filozofskog fakulteta
Bachelor of Arts; ~ student graduant,
graduate; ~ student prirodnih nauka
Bachelor of Sciences
diplomiranje graduation
diplomirati to be admited to the degree, to graduate
direkcija head office
direktan immediate, direct; ~ prenos live broadcast
direktiva guideline, directive
disciplina discipline
disciplinovan displined, law-abiding
disciplinski displinary; ~ kazna punishment,
disciplinary sanction; ~ prekraj breach of
disertacija thesis
diskriminacija discrimination
diskusija discussion
diskutovati to discuss
diskvalifikacija disqualification,
diverzija diversion, sabotage
dizajn design
dnevni red agenda
dnevnica daily allowance; rate per day, per diem
dnevnik register, journal; diary
dnevno daily
doba age, period, time
dobar benign, good
dobit profit, interest
dobitak allotment, gain, dividend, winnings
dobiti to gain, get, receive
dobrotvor benefactor
docent assistant professor
doi to come, arrive, reach
dodatak supplement, appendix; addition; allowance

dodatan extra, aditional, supplementary, ~ prihod

additional revenue
dodela allocation, assignation
dodeliti to award
dogaaj happening, incident, event, case
dogoditi se to chance, to take place, to happen
dogovaranje coming to terms, coming to an
dogovor negotiated settlement, agreement, deal
dogovor agreement
dogovoren agreed; ~a cena agreed price; ~a suma
agreed sum
dogovoriti to arrange, come to an agreement
dokaz evidence, proof
dokazati to prove; ~ oinstvo to prove paternity; ~
tetu to prove damages
dokazni evidential, argumental
doktor doctor
doktorat doctorate, PhD degree, doctoral degree
doktorirati to be admitted to the PhP degree
doktrina doctrine
dokument paper, document, writing instrument
dokumentacija documentation, records; ~ o iskazu
record of evidence; ~ suda court records
dokumentovan documentary
dolazak appearance, arrival
dom home, house; ~zdravlja health clinic
domai inland, familiar, native
dominacija domination
dominantan controlling, dominant
dominirati to dominate
donator donator
donekle somewhat
doneti to bring; pass, enact; ~ odluku to pass a
resolution, make a decision, take a decision; ~
zakon to enact the law; ~ uredbu to pass a
donoenje odluke decision making
dopis letter
dopisni lan correspoding member

doplata additional payment

doplatiti to make an additional payment
doprineti to contribute
doprinos contribution
dopuna completion, supplement; appendix
dopuniti to append, to amend, to complete
dopunski supplemental, additional
doputen allowable, permissive
doputenje permit, permission
dopustiti to permit, allow, licence
doseg reach, scope
doseliti se to immigrate
doseljenik immigrant, settler
dosije dossier
doslovce to the letter, literally
dospee maturity, due date
dospelost definite time, due date (time)
dospeo due
dospeti to mature, fall due
dospevanje maturity
dosta enough
dotampati to reprint
dostava delivery
dostaviti to communicate; to forward, serve; ~
obavetenje to furnish information; ~
presudu to notify a judgment, to serve a
dostavnica issue voucher, delivery note, return receipt
dostii to achieve, reach, attain, accomplish
dostian approachable
dostojan worthy, deserving; honourable
dostupan open to, accessible; affordable
dostupnost availability
dosuditi to judge, to pass judgement, to adjudge; ~
kaznu to impose a sentence; ~ plaanje
odtete to award damages; ~ novanu kaznu
to inflict a fine
dosuivanje adjudication
dotacija subvention, appropriation, endowment
dotirati to subsidize, endow, aid

dovoljan adequate, sufficient, ample

dovren complete
dovriti to finish, complete, close
doivotan lifelong, life; ~ penzija life pension; ~
robija penal servitude for life; ~i zatvor
imprisonment for life
doznaiti to remit
doznaka remittance, transfer, allotment
dozvola permission, permit, licence; ~ boravka
residence permit; ~ suda leave of court; ~ za
prevoz robe carrier's licence; ~ za rad
employment permit
dozvoliti to let, to permit, to allow, to grant
dozvoljen allowable, lawful, permissive, legal
dragocen invaluable, valuable, precious, rich
drskost impudence, insolence, arrogance
drug fellow, partner, colleague, mate
drugarstvo friendship
drugi second
drugooptueni principal in the second degree, the
second accused
drugorazredni second-rate
drutven social, sociable, knowable
drutven social; ~a sluba social service; ~a svojina
social ownership
drutvo company, corporate body; community; ~
kapitala profit making company
drava state, country
dravljanin citizen
dravljanstvo nationality, citizenship
dravni public, state-owned, governmental, state; ~a
svojina public property; ~ dug public debt; ~
sud state court; ~o pravo state law
dravnik statesman
dubok profound, deep
dug debt; encumberance
dugaak long
dugotrajan long, of long duration
dupli double, duplex
duplikat duplicate

duan liable; indebted

dunost duty, obligation
dvojni dual;~o dravljanstvo dual citizenship
dvosmislen Ambiguous
dvostruk dual, double
dvoumiti se to doubt, to be in two minds
deparo pickpocket
efektat effect; efekti securities
efikasan efficient
efikasnost zakona effectiveness of statutes
egzekucija execution
egzekutivna vlast executive power
egzistencija existence
eksciza excise duty, excise tax
ekskluzivan exclusive
eksluzivno pravo exclusive right
eksploatacija exploitation
eksploatator exploiter
eksplodirati to burst, to blow, to explode
eksplozija explosion
eksponat display, exhibit; showpiece
eksproprijacija expropriation
elementaran elementary
eliminacija elimination
eliminisati to eliminate
energian energetic
energija energy, spirit, power
eskontovati to discount
etapa stage, phase
etika ethics
evakuacija evacuation
evakuirati to evacuate
evidencija evidence; records
evidentiar keeper of records
evidentiranje record-keeping
evidentirati to place on record, to put on record
faksimil facsimile, stamped signature
faktor factor, parameter
faktura invoice
fakturisati to invoice

fakultet faculty
falsifikat forgery, counterfeit
falsifikator counterfeiter, forger
falsifikovan false, forged
falsifikovanje falsification,
falsifikovati to forge, falsify, counterfeit
farmaceutski fakultet school of pharmacy
fikcija fiction
filijala branch-office
finalizirati to finalize
fiskalni fiscal
fiziki physical
fiziko nasilje physical violence
fond fund; ~ za nezaposlene unemployment fund, ~ za
plate wages fund
formalan official, formal
formalnost formality
formulisanje formulation, wording
formulisati to formulate, word, phrase
fotograf photographer
fotografija photograph
fotografisanje photography
fotografisati to take pictures, to photograph
funkcija function
funkcioner functionary, official, executive
funkcionisati to function, operate, work
garancija guarantee; ~ osiguravajueg zavoda bond, ~
za kauciju bail bond
garantovati to guarantee; ~ za nekoga to respond, to
vouch for; ~ pravo na vlasnitvo to warrant
generalni general; ~a skuptina General Assembly
generalni konzulat consulate general
godinji annual; ~ odmor annual holiday; ~ prihod
annual revenue; ~ pregled annual summary
godinjica anniversary
goniti to prosecute; ~ sudskim putem to prosecute, sue
gonjenje prosecution
gore navedeni above-mentioned
gore navesti to name above
gotov complete

govor talk, word, speech

govoriti to talk, to speak
govornik speaker, orator, speechmaker
graanin civilian, citizen
graanska prava citizen rights
graanstvo citizenry, townspeople
gradonaelnik Mayor, city manager
granica limit; border, boundary
granini prelaz checkpoint, border crossing, border
grupa group; class
grupisati to classify, group
gubitak loss; ~ dobiti loss of profits; ~ prava
foreclosure, loss of the right
gubiti to lose; ~ pravo to forefault
gubitnik loser
guverner governor
hapenje arrest, confinement, imprisonment
hartije od vrednosti securities
hipoteka mortgage
hipotekarna banka land bank, mortgage bank
hipotekarni kredit credit on mortgage
hipotekarno potraivanje mortgage claim
hipotetino hypothetically
hipoteza hypothesis
hitan emerget, urgent
hitno emergently, urgently
hladan cold; distant
hladno odbiti to turn down cold
hladnokrvan cold-blooded
hladnokrvno ubiti to murder in cold blood
identian idetical
identifikacija idenfitication
identifikovati to idetinfy
identitet identity
ilegalan illegal, unlawful
imalac holder, titular, apointee
imanje estate, property, land


imati to have; ~ korist to benefit; ~ opravdan razlog

to have a just cause; ~ pravo to have a right,
to entitle
ime name, title
imenik directory, index
imenovanje designation, appointment; naming
imenovati to name, to denominate; to appoint
imovina property, estate, assets, facilities; lina ~
belongings, nepokretna ~ real estate; ~
drutva corporeal property
imovinska parnica interpleader
imovinski spor property dispute
imovinsko pravo property law
imovinsko stanje financial standing
implicirati to imply
imunitet immunity
incest incest
incident incident
indirektan indirect
indiskretan indiscrete
individualan individual
individualnost particularity
informacija piece of information; ~e information
informativna sluba information service
inkasirati to encash
inostrani foreign, overseas; ~ kapital foreign funds; ~
poslovi foreign affairs
inovacija innovation
inspekcija inspection
inspektor inspector
inspektorat inspectorate
integrisati se to integrate
integritet integrity
intelektualac intellectual
inteligencija intelligentsia
intenzivan intensive
interesovati to interest; ~ za neto to be interested in
investirati to invest
investitor investor

ipak however, nevertheless

iseliti se to move out; to emigrate
iseljenik emigrant
ishod outcome, result; ~suenja outcome of the trial
iskaz evidence, spoken testimony; ~ svedoka
deposition of witness, evidence of witness
islednik investigator
isplata payment, repayment; ~ duga clearance of debt;
~ odtetnog zahteva satisfaction of the
isplatilac payer
isplatiti to pay off
isprava document; instrument;
ispravan right, correct, precise, righteous
isprave identity card
ispraviti to correct; to rectify; to emend
ispravka emendation, rectification, correction
ispuniti to fill out, accomplish, fulfill; ~ formular to
fill, ~ obavezu to fulfill one's obligation; ~
oekivanja to meet expectations
istei to expire
istek expiration, expiry
isticati to stress, underline
istina truth, reality
istinit truthful
istraga investigation, quest, enquiry
istraitelj examiner
istraivanje investigation
istraivati to search, to review, to probe, to explore
istrani investigating; ~ postupak preliminary
investigation; ~ sudija investigative judge, ~
sud court of preliminary investigation, Court
of Inquiry
izabran elected, ~ lan elected member
izabrati to select, elect, choose
izbaciti to cast, to dislodge, to expel, to eject, to turn
izbei to evade, avoid; ~ odgovornost to avoid liability
izbegavanje evasion, elusion, avoidance
izbor option, variety, choice, preference

izbori election
izborni elective, electoral; ~a lista register of voters; ~o
pravo election law
izdatak expenditure, expense
izdati to betray; to publish; to issue; ~ knjigu to
publish; ~ nekog to betray someone; ~ nalog
to issue an order; ~ poziv to issue a summons;
~ u najam to rent; ~ u zakup to lease out
izdava publisher
izdavanje letting, renting
izdrati to endure, withstand; ~ bol to endure pain; ~
napad (probu, opsadu) to withstand an
attack (temptation, a siege)
izdravanje alimony, keeping, maintenance
izdravati to support; to sustain, to keep; ~ kaznu to
serve the sentence; ~ porodicu to sustain
one's family
izglasavanje passage; ~ odluke passage of resolution; ~
predloga zakona passage of a bill
izgovor pretext, excuse; pod ~om on the pretext;
pronunciation imati dobar (pravilan) ~ to
have a good (correct) pronunciation
izgubiti to lose; ~ iz vida injenicu to lose sight of the
fact; ~ parnicu to lose one's case, to lose
one's lawsuit, to lose a suit
izgubljen lost
izjava statement, testimony; ~ pod zakletvom affidavit,
sworn statement; ~ svedoka statement of a
izjaviti to state; to make a statement
izloiti to expose, to exhibit; ~ robu to show; ~ sluaj
to lay out the case
izmena alteration, change
izmeniti to change, alter
izneti to produce, to put forward, to present; ~ injenice
to depose facts, to state the fact; ~ iz zemlje
to externalize; ~ tvrdnju to make an
iznuen extorted, forced; ~a ostavka forced resignation

iznuditi to extract; to extort; ~ novac to ransom money;

~ priznanje to extract confession
iznuivanje extortion
izostanak non-appearance, absence, non-attendance
izostao absent
izrei to voice, express; to deliver, pass; ~ odluku to
deliver a judgment; ~ presudu to pass the
izricanje kazne imposition of penalty
izuzee challenge; exemption; exception; ~ sudije
challenge of the judge; ~ svedoka exception
to a witness
izuzetak exception
izvetaj account, report, referral, expose
izvrenje accomplishment, implementation,
completion; ~ kazne the carrying out of
penalty; ~ obaveza enforcement of
izvrilac executor, offender, perpetrator; ~ testamenta
administrator, executor, ~ smrtne kazne
executioner; ~ zloina perpetrator of a crime
izvriti to commit,perform, make; to administer; ~
hapenje to make the arrest; ~ naredbu to
obey the command; ~ oporuku to administer
izvui to derive; to draw; ~ zakljuak to draw a
javan open; public
javnost the public
jedinstven original, single; unique
jednak even, equal
jednakost equality
jednostrano unilaterally
jemac voucher, guarantor
jemiti to vouch for; to warrant, guarantee
jemstvo warranty, bond, surety, pledge
jurisdikcija jurisdiction
kalkulisati to calculate
kamata interest; ~ na ostatak duga interest on arrears
kampanja campaign
kancelarija office, bureau

kandidat candidate; applicant

kandidatura candidacy
kandidovati se to run for, to stand as a candidate
kapacitet capacity
kapital funds, capital, interest; ~ akcionara equity
katastar Real Estate Register, cadaster, land registry
katastarski cadastral
kaucija bail
kazna penalty, punishment
kazniti to penalize, to sanction, to punish
kanjavanje castigation, punishment
kanjen convicted
kanjenik convict
kidnapovati to kidnap
klauzula clause, stipulation
klijent client
knjiga book
knjigovodstvene knjige book of account
kodeks code, code of laws
koliina quantity
komesar commissioner
komisija committee, board
komora chamber
kompanija company
kompanijski corporate
komparacija comparison
komparativan comparative
kompenzacija compesation
kompenzirati to offset, to countervail
kompromis compromise
komunalije services
komunalna sluba public utility
konaan final
konfiskacija consfication
konfiskovati to consficate
konflikt conflict
konkretan concrete
konkurencija opposition, rivalry, competition
konkurentan competitive
konkurisati to rival, to compete

konstatacija verification, ascertainment, establishment

konstatovan stated
konstatovanje statement
konstituisati to constitute, to incorporate
kontrola check, supervision, control
kontrolni pregled scrutiny
kontrolor supervisor, controller
kooperantski ugovor subcontract
koordinirati to coordinate
kopija copy
kopirati to copy
korienje use
korisnik user, grantee
korist account, benefit, utility, profit
koristiti to use, to take an advantage, to profit
korumpiran bent
korupcija corruption
koverat envelope
kraa robbery, theft
kratak short, little, brief
kratkoroan short-term, short-dated
kredit credit
kreditiranje credit facility scheme
kretanje movement, motion; course
kriminalac criminal
kriminalistika criminalistics
kriminolog criminologist
kriv guilty
krivac culprit, offender
krivica wrong, guiltiness, blame
krivian penal, indictable, unlawful; ~ prestup criminal
krivini prosecutorial; ~o delo offence; ~a istraga
criminal enquiry; ~ odbrana criminal
defence; ~ postupak criminal proceedings
kriti to break; to violate
krtenica birth certificate
krvoprolie bloodshed, bloodletting
kua house, home
kupovanje buying, shopping, purchasing

kupovati to buy, to shop, to purchase

kupovina purchase, shopping
kurir courier, office messenger
kusur change
kvalifikacija skill, qualification
kvalifikovan qualified
kvalitativan qualitative
kvalitet qulity, grade
kvartal quarter
kvota quota
lagati to lie
la lie, falsehood
laan iskaz false evidence
lano wrongly, false, fraudulently
legalan licit, lawful, legal
legalitet legality
legalizacija legalization, authentication, validation
legalizovanje authentification, attestation
legalizovati to validate, legalize; to attest, certify
legalno lawfully, licitly
legitimacija legitimation, indentification, identity card,
levica left wing
learina storage charges
leati to lie
lice person
licitacija tendering, bidding
licitirati to bid, to tender
lini personal, own, individual
lino personally
linost personality, person, individual
likvidacija liquidation, winding-up
likvidan liquid
likvidirati to liquidate, to remove, to dissolve
lien devoid, deprived
lienje deprivation
liiti to abdicate, to deprive, to forfeit
liiti to deprive of
ljubav passion, affection, love
ljubazan kind, affable
ljubaznost amiability, affability, courtesy

ljubomora jealousy
ljudi people
ljudski human
ljut cross, angry
ljutiti to anger; to vex
ljutiti se to become angry
ljutnja anger, fury
lokal premises; poslovni ~ premises; telefonski ~
lokalan local
lopov thief, robber, stealer
ludilo madness, insanity
luksuzan fancy, luxurious, de luxe
lutajui roaming, rambling
mafija mafia
magacin depository, warehouse
magacioner warehouser, store keeper
majstor craftsman, repairer, repairman
maloletan juvenile, minor, underage
maloletnika delikvencija juvenile deliquency
mandatar mandator
manipulacija manipulation
manjak deficit, shortage, lack
manje less
manji minor, lesser
marka brand; fabrika ~ trademark; potanska ~
masa crowd
masivan heavy, solid
materinstvo motherhood, maternity
matiar registrar
matina knjiga register; ~ roenih register of births; ~
umrlih register of deaths; ~ venanih register
of marriages
meu between, among
meunarodni international
menica note; promissory note
menjanica deviza foreign exchange office
menjati to change; to exchange
merilo degree, parameter, standard, scale, measure

meanje interloping, intervetion, ~ u tue stvari

meati se to interfere; to intervene; to mingle
mesni local, regional
mesto place, placement, location; ~ boravka location,
place of residence
metak bullet
metoda method
ministar minister
ministarstvo Ministry
mirenje mediation, conciliation, reconcilation
miriti se to reconcile, conciliate
misao thought, idea
misliti to think; to hold; to deem; to consider
miljenje thought, view, reasoning, belief
mito corruption, bribe
mogu possible, probable
mogue possibly
mogunost possibility, probability, chance
molba plea; application, request; ~ sudu court plea
molilac applicant; complainer; appellant
moliti to pray, to plead; to ask
mrtav dead, extinct
mukarac male, man
mukarac man; male
mu husband
mu husband
nabrojati to list, to number
naelnik administrator, head
naelo principle
nai to find
nacija people, nation
nain method; modus; way, manner
nacionalizacija nationalization
nacionalizam nationalism
nacionalizovati to nationalize
nacrt project, design; ~ teksta drafting of a text; ~
zakona draft bill
nacrtati to design, draw
nadgledanje monitoring, supervision, superintedence

nadgledati to superintend, to control, to inspect

nadlean competent, authorized
nadlenost competence, jurisdiction
nadoknada allowance; restitution; compensation
nadoknaditi to render, to redress, to remunerate; ~
sudskim putem to redeem
nadziranje inspection, supervision, control
nadzirati to inspect, to survey, to supervise
nadzor custody, superintendance, supervision
nadzornik supervisor, controller
nagovestiti to signify, to give a hint
nagrada award, premium
naimenovanje appointment, nomination
najava announcement, notice
nalaz official report, statement of facts
nalog warrant; ~ za hapenje warrant for arrest; ~ suda
nalogodavac donor of the power; appointer
nalogoprimalac donee of the power of appoitment;
naloiti to direct, to warant, to commission
namena dedication, allocation, purpose, intent
namenski earmarked, dedicated, intended
namera intention
namerno on purpose
namet levy, tax, taxation
namirenje setttlement, satisfaction; ~ duga acquittal; ~
obaveza discharge
namiriti to settle
naoruan weaponed, armed
napad attack,invasion
napada aggresor, attacker
napasti to assault, to invade, to attack
naredba order, command
naredbodavac orderer, master
narediti to command, to order
narod nation, people
narodni national, popular
naruilac orderer
naruiti to give an order, to order

naruavanje violation, breaking, breach

naruavati to disrupt,; to intrude, to breach
naruilac infractor
naseliti to populate, to immigrate, to settle
nasilan violent
nasilje violence
nasilna smrt violent death
nasilnik bully, violent individual, violent personj
nasilnitvo abusiveness
nasilno by force, roughly
nakoditi to impair, to harm, to disadvantage
naslee bequest, inheritance, heirdom
naslediti to inherit, to come into property
nasleivanje inheritance
naslednik inheritor, successor
nasledstvo bequest; inheritance, legacy
naslovljen adressed, titled
nasrtljivost aggressiveness
nastati to emerge, to originate
nastavak continuation, continuance
nastaviti to carry on, proceed, continue
nastojanje endeavour
nastojati to strive; to try
nastup appearance
nasuprot contrary
naveden named, quoted
navesti to specify; ~ dokaz to adduce evidence; ~
optubu to specify an offence; ~ razlog to
state the reason
navodi points; ~ odbrane points of defence; ~ tube
points of claim
navoditi to quote, cite
navodni supposed, professed, alleged
nazivati to call, name, to style
nebitan irrelevant; insignificant, unimportant
nebitnost irrelevance, insignifance
necivilizovan uncivilized
nedelo misdemeanour; misdeed, crime
nedolazak non-appearance, non-attendance
nedoputen unpermited, prohibited

nedopustiv inadmissible, unallowable

nedopustivost inadmissibility
nedosledan inconstinent, immaterial, inconsequetial
nedostatak blemish, absence, infirmity, fault
nedoumica bewilderment; perplexity
nedovoljan deficient, inadequate, short, insufficient,
nedovren incomplete, unaccomplished
nedozvoljen unpermitted, prohibited
neduan innocent, clean, blameless,
neefikasan inefficient
neformalnost informality
negiranje negation
negirati to belie, to negate, to disclaim
nehat carelessness, negligence; ubistvo iz ~a
involuntary manslaughter
nehotian involuntary, accidental
nehotice inadvertently, accidentally; unwillingly
neiscrpan inexhaustible
neiskaziv inexpressible
neiskorienost under-utilization
neiskren insincere
neiskustvo inexperience
neispisan clean, blank
neisplaen unsettled; unpaid
neispravan defective, irregular
neispunjen blank, incomplete
neispunjenje non-fulfillment; non-compliance
neistina untruth
neizazvan unprovoked
neizbean unavoidable, inevitable
neizmeran boundless, endless
neizmiren due, unsettled
neizreciv nameless, inexpressible
neizvesnost suspense, doubt, uncertain, stand-off
neizvrenje failure; non-execution; non-performance; ~
dunosti failure to do one's duty; ~ odluke
non-compliance with the order
nejasan unclear; vague; indefinite
nejasnoa obscurity, vagueness

nejednakost inequality
nekadanji former, one-time
nekanjen unpunished
nekolicina several
nekretnina real property
nekritian uncritical
nekrofilija necrophilia
nekultura incivility
nekulturan uncultered
nekvalitetan low-grade
nelegalan illegal; unlawful
nematerijalan immaterial
nematerijalna imovina incorporeal property
nemeanje non-interference
nemilosrdan ruthless, merciless
nemilost disgrace, disfavour
nemoralan immoral
nenadlean incompetent, unqualified
nenadlenost lack of jurisdiction, incompetence
nenadoknadiv irreparable, irretrievable; irredeemable;
~a teta irreparable damage
nenameran unintended, unintentional
nenamerno unintentionally
nenaplativ unpayable; ~ dug irrecoverable debt
nenaseljen uninhabited
neobavezan optional; ~na izjava uncommitted
neobjavljen unreported
neoboriv unvoidable, undeniable
neobraen raw, crude
neobrazovan uneducated, ignorant, illiterate
neocarinjen uncleared
neoekivan unexpected
neodbranjiv indefeasible
neodgovornost irresponsibility, non-liability
neodlono without delay
neodluan pending; undecided, indecisive
neodlunost hesitation, irresolution; indecisiveness
neodmeren disproportionate
neodobravanje disapproval, disproof

neodobren unapproved, disallowed

neogranien boundless, unlimited
neophodan necessary, essential, indispensable
neoporeziv non-taxable
neopoziv irreversible, peremptory; ~ nalog peremptory
neopoziv irrevocable
neopozvan unrepealed
neopravdan unjustified; unexcused
neopredeljen neutral, uncommited, undecided
neoseajan insensitive
neosiguran uninsured
neosnovan unreasonable; unfounded; groundless
neosnovanost lack of grounds
neosporan irrefutable, valid, unquestionable, proven
neosporen uncontested, unopposed
neostvarljiv unenforceable
neosueni unconvicted prisoner
neotkriven undisclosed, undiscovered
neotplaen unrepaid
neotuiv indefeasible; inalienable ~a prava inalienable
neovlaen illegal, unauthorized, unlicenced
neozbiljan frivolous; not serious
neoenjen single, unmarrried
nepaljiv reckless, careless
nepanja carelessness, negligence, inattention
nepisan unwriten
nepisano pravilo unwritten code, unwritten rule
nepogreiv imfallible, impeccable, inerrant
nepokretan inert, stationary; ~na imovina
immovables, real estate
nepopravljiv irreparable, incorrigible
neporeciv irrevocable
neporicanje non-denial
neporoan irreproachable, beyond reproach; blameless
neposluan disobedient
neposredno immediately, straight outright
nepoten unfair, dishonest
nepoteno falsely, fraudulently

nepostojan inconstant
nepostojanje non-existence
nepotovanje disobedience, disrespect
nepotkrepljen unsupported
nepotkupljiv unbribable, incorruptible
nepotpisan unsigned
nepotpunost incompleteness
nepotreban unnecessary
nepotvren unconfirmed, uncertficated
nepouzdan insecure, questionable, unreliable, dubious
nepoverenje discredit, distrust
nepovezan unrelated; discountinuous
nepovoljan adverse, disadvantageous
nepravda failure of justice, injustice
nepravedan unjust, unfair, unrighteous
nepravednost injustice
nepravosnaan interlocutory
nepredvidiv unpredictable
nepridravanje non-comnformance, disobedience,
failure to obey
neprihvaen unaccepted
neprihvatanje non-acceptance
neprihvatljivost unacceptability
neprijavljen unreported, undeclared
neprikladan inappropriate, unsuitable, improper
neprilika difficulty, trouble
neprimenjiv inapplicable
nepripremljen unprepared
neprirodan unnatural
nepriznanje disavowal, denial; disclaimer
nepriznat unacknowledged, unrecognized, disclaimed
nepromiljen rash, inconsiderate, unwise
nepronaen undiscovered
nepropisan irregular, unconstitutional; contrary to
regulations, illegal
neproveren unconfirmed
nepunovaan unenforceable, unbinding, illegitimate
nerazuman irrational, unreasonable
nerazumevanje incomprehension, misunderstanding
nered mess, confusion, disorder

nereen unsolved
nereiv problem unsolvable problem
nesaglasnost incompatibility, disagreement
neshvatanje incomprehension, inexplicability
neslaganje disagreement, divergence, opposition
neslubeno off-the-record, informally
nesmetan quiet, uninhibited, undisturbed
nesmotren incautious
nespojivost incompatibility,
nesporazum misunderstanding
nesposobnost inability, incompetence
nesrea hardship, misadventure, accident misfortune,
trouble; saobraajna (automobilska) ~
traffic (automobile) accident; avionska ~
airplane crash; ~ na radu industrial accident
nestanak disapperance
nestati to vanish, disappear
nestruan unprofessional; inexpert
nesumnjiv unsuspecting; certain, positive
nesvestan unaware, unconscious
netaan incorrect, false, inexact
netanost inaccuracy
netipian non typical
neupisan unrecorded, unregistred
neuporediv incomarable
neuraunljiv insane, mentally incompetent
neuruenje non-delivery
neuspeh failure
nevaan insignificant, unimportant
nevaei invalid
neverodostojan unauthentic
neverstvo disloyalty; adultery
nevinost innocence, chastity
nevolja distress, trouble
nezakonit unlawfully, illegally
nezaposlen umemployed
nezaposlenost unemployment
nezavisan independent
nezavisnost independence
nezgoda difficulty; accident; misadventure

nezvanian unofficial
nezvanino unofficially
nitavan void and null
nivo level
nomenklatura nomenclature
norma standard; norm
novinar journalist
novinarstvo journalism
novine newspaper, papers
novost news
nuan needful, requisite, exigent
nuda hardship; necessity
nunost necessity, need
obara trigger
obavetavanje disclosure of information
obaveten informed
obavetenje communication, notice, warning,
information, message
obavestiti to notify, to inform
obaveza obligation, duty, commitment
obavezati to commit, to bind, to oblige
obavezujui binding, compelling
obdukcija autopsy, necropsy, post mortem examination
obeanje promise
obeati to promise
obeleiti to sign, to denote, to mark out
obeleje type, feature, sign, characteristic
obelodaniti to make public, reveal, disclose
obeastiti to disgrace, dishonor; ~ devojku to
deflower a girl, to rape
obesiti to hang
obespraviti to disenfranchise, to discriminate, to
deprive of one's rights
obespravljen disenfranchised
obeteenje amends, indemnity, recovery
obetetiti to satisfy, to compensate, to make amends
obezbediti to ensure, to secure, to assure
obian plain, simple; ordinary; primitive
objasniti to explicite, to explain
objanjiv explanatory

objava manifestation, publication, announcement,

objaviti to proclaim, announce, declare; ~ knjigu to
publish a book
objediniti to consolidate, unite
objektivan impersonal, objective
oblast domain, region, field, estate, area
obligaciono pravo law of contract
obmana deceit
obmanuti to double cross, to deceive
oboriti to refute; to put the blame on; ~ tvrdnju to
refute a claim; ~ krivicu na nekoga to put the
blame on smb.
oborivost refutability
obraun account; final settlement; napraviti ~ to reach
a settlement; fight, clash krvav ~ s policijom
a bloody clash with the police; ~ noevima a
fight with knives ; use of force ~ policije s
demonstrantima the use of force by police
on demonstrators
obraunski promet clearing (of accounts by banks)
obraunski zavod clearing house
obraivanje procesing, elaboration, cultivation
obratiti se to address, to refer to, to recourse to
obrazac form, pattern, printed form
obrazlaganje argumentation
obrazlagati to argue, to plead
obrazloenje rationale, reason
obrt turnover; godinji ~ annual turnover; ~ kapitala
turnover of capital; turn, turn of events
nezgodan ~ (dogaaja) unfavorable turn of
obuhvatiti to contain; to include, encompass
obustava ceasing, stoppage, discontinuance
obustaviti to suspend; to stop, cease
oevidac eye-witness
oevina patrimony
oigledan apparent, evident, obvious
oinstvo paternity, fatherhood
odabrati to select, choose

odan devoted, loyal

odanost devotion, loyalty
odati to disclose, to expose; ~ tajnu to reveal a secret;
to betray ~ prijatelja to betray a friend
odavanje disclosure; betrayal
odazivanje answering, compliance with, obedience to
odazvati se to answer, respond; ~ na sudski poziv to
answer the summons
odbaen cast-off; ~ predmet ismissed case, ~
dokument struck-out document, ~ naslednik
displaced heir, ~ ponua unsuccessful
odbaciti to ignore; ~ optubu to dismiss, ~ zahtev to
disclaim, ~ odbranu to strike out the defence
odbacivanje rejection, renunciation, disallowance
odbegli escaped, runaway
odbijanje rejection, refusal; ~ molbe dismissal of
petition, ~ molbe za obnavljanje postupka
denial for rehearing, ~ saglasnosti refusal of
consent; deduction ~ od plate deduction from
the salary, ~ od strane suda judical
odbiti to deny, to dismiss, to overrule, ~ kao dokaz to
reject as evidence, ~ izdavanje dozvole to
refuse to issue a licence, ~ molbu to turn
down an application, to deny a petition,
~napad to repulse an aggresion, ~ tubu
zbog nedostatka dokaza to dismiss the
odbor committee, council, board; upravni ~ Board of
odbrana defence
odbraniti to defend; ~ od optube to defend against an
odgaanje delay, postponement
odgoditi to delay, to postpone
odgovor reply, response, respond, answer
odgovoriti to answer, to respond, to react
odgovornost blame, liability, responsibility
odlagati to delay, to postpone

odloen delayed, reserved; ~a odluka suda reserved

judgement; ~ dug deferred debt
odluiti to determine, to decide
odluka decision, resolution; ~ arbitrae award, ~ suda
odnositi se to relate, to respect
odobravati to approve
odrei se to renounce, disown, waive, repudiate; ~ se
dugova to repudiate debts; ~ se dece to
disown one's children; ~ se naslea to
renounce one's inheritance; ~ se prestola to
renounce a throne; ~ se svih prava to waive
all rights; ~ se svoje vere to renounce one's
odredba provision, stipulation
odricati to abnegate, to negate, to disavow, ~
odgovornost to disclaim liability, ~
optunicu to deny prosecution
odrati to deliver, to possess, ~ izbore to hold
elections, ~ obeanje to keep a promise, ~
raspravu to hear a case
odteta restitution, compesation, reparation
odstupiti to depart, to fallback; to retreat
odsustvo leave, absence
oduzeti to take away, deprive
oglasiti to publish, to notify; to announce; ~ naslednika
to designate a successor
okolnost circumstance, condition, event, situation,
okonan final; ~ predmet unappealable case
okonanje competion; ~ istrage the close of inquest
okriviti to accuse; to blame; to convict
okrivljeni appellee, accused
okrug region, district, county, division
okruni regional, district, ~ javni tuilac district
prosecutor, ~ privredni sud District
Commercial Court
okrvavljen bloodstained, bloody
okvalifikovati to qualify
olakavajui allevietory, extenuating, attenuating

ometati to obstruct, to inhibit, to prevent, to disturb, to

interfere, to disrupt
omoguiti to enable, to make possible
onesposobiti to disable
opasan dangerous, hazardous, venturesome
opaska remark, note
opaanje observation
opaziti to remark, note; to observe
opis description
opisati to describe
opkoliti to surround; to besiege
opljakati to rob, to commit a robbery
opomena warning; reprimand
opomenuti to admonish, to warn, to give a warning
oporezovati to tax, to impose tax on
oporuiti to bequeath
oporuka testament, will
opovrgavati to deny, refuse
opozvati to repeal, to revoke, to recall
opravdan justified; justifiable; excused; ~ argument
justifiable controversy, ~ izgovor valid
excuse, ~ izostanak absence with leave, ~
zahtev legitimate claim, ~ interes lawful
opravdati to vindicate, to excuse, to justify, to warrant
oprotaj forgiveness, pardon; farewell
oprostiti to forgive, ~ dug to cancel a debt; ~ greku to
forgive a mistake; ~ kaznu to remit the
punishment; ~ preljubu to condone the
optina municipality
optinski municipal; ~ sud municipal court
opstrukcija obstruction
opteretiti to load; to charge; ~ garancijom to bond, ~
hipotekom to mortgage
optuba accusation, prosecution, charge
optuen indicted for, standing accused
optueni accused; culprit; prisoner; ~o lice indicted
optuiti to accuse of, to prosecute, to indict, to charge

optunica charge, prosecution, indictment, prosecution

opunomoen plenipotentiary
opunomoiti to empower, to give a power of attorney
organ body, agency, authority
osiguranik insured person, assured, insurant;
osiguranje insurance, assurance
osigurati to insure, assure
osloboenje liberation; ~ od carine relief from duty; ~
od duga acquittance; ~ od kazne indemnity
osloboditi to liberate, to free from
osnov ground, basis, standing
osnovati to constitute, to set up, to establish, to found
osoblje manpower, personnel
osporen defended; ~ tubeni zahtev defended case
osporiti to argue; to contest; to oppose; to impeach; ~
iskaz to impeach a testimony; ~ tubu to
defend an action; ~ ugovor to impugn a
contract; ~ albu to contest the appeal
ostavilac testator
ostavinski postupak probate
ostaviti to desert, to quit, to leave, to reject, ~ porodicu
to abandon the family; ~ u nasledstvo to
ostavka resignation, letter of resignation
oteen affected, damaged
otetiti to damage, to harm, to aggrieve
osuda conviction, condemnation; judgement of guilty;
~ u odsutnosti sentence in absence; ~
zatvorom jail sentence
osuen convicted
osuenik convict, prisoner, prosecuted felon,
osuditi to convict, to judge, ~ na zatvorsku kaznu to
adjudge to jail; ~ nekoga za neto to
condemn smb. for smt.
osumnjien suspected
otimanje grabbing; ~ automobila car jacking, ~ za
vlast to scramble for power
otisak impress, ~ peata imprint of stamp

otkaz notice, dismissal

otkazati to cancel, call off, revoke; to refuse; ~ ugovor
to denounce, ~ pretplatu to discontinue
subscription, ~ sastanak to cancel an
appointment, ~ trajk to call the strike off
otmiar kidnapper, abductor; hijacker
otpremnina golden handshake, severance pay
otpustiti to dismiss, to release, to discharge
otrov poison
otrovan poisonous, toxic
otrovati to poison
overa certification, verificaton, authenticaton,
overiti to verify, to authenticate, to legalize
ovlaen authorized, empowered
ovlaenje authorization, Letter of Attorney, power of
ovlastiti to authorize
ozakoniti to validate, to enact, to legalize
oznaiti to signify, to mark
ozvuen bugged
pamenje memory
pamet sense; mind, intellect
pametan clever
pamtiti to remember
panika panic
paraf intials
parafirati to initial
paragraf paragrapf, section
paranoian paranoid
parirati ro parry
paritet parity
paritetan at par, at parity
parlament parliament
parnica proceedings, action of law, court of action;
lawsuit; dobiti (izgubiti) ~u to win (lose) a
lawsuit; povesti ~u protiv nekoga to institute
legal action against smb.; graanska ~ civil
parniar suitor, litigant

paso passport
pasti to fall, to collapse
patolog pathologist, medical examiner
patologija pathology
patrola patrol
patrolirati to patrol
paual flat rate; plaati po ~u to pay a flat rate
paualan average, flat rate; ~ dohodak gross revenue;
~lna cena average price; ~lno mereno
measured crudely
paziti to care, to mind, to watch, to monitor, to observe
paljiv considerate, careful
panja care, attention, notice
peat seal, stamp
peatorezac seal maker, stamp maker
peticija petition
pijanstvo drunkenness, intoxication
piraterija piracy
piroman pyromaniac
pismenost literacy
pitolj pistol, gun
pitanje question
pitati to inquire; to ask; to question
plaanje payment
plagijat plagiarism
plagijator plagiarist
plakat bill, placard, notice
plamen flame, blaze
plebiscit plebiscite
plen plunder, booty; ratni ~ war trophy
plenarna sednica plenary meeting, plenary session
plenum plenum
pljaka robbery; plunder, pillage
pljaka robber; plunderer, looter
pljakati to rob, plunder, loot; ~ banku (radnju) to rob
a bank (store)
pobijanje refusal
pobijati to refute
poboljanje improvement
poboljati to improve

pobuda incentive, initiative, motive

pobuditi to induce, move, prompt; to impel; to arouse,
stir up; ~ panju (interesovanje) to arouse
attention (interest); ~ opte negodovanje to
stir up general indignation
poasni honorary; titular
poetak beginning, commencement, start
poetni elementary, initial, fundamental, prime, basic
poinilac offender, ~ krivinog dela perpetrator, ~
krivinog dela u bekstvu fugitive offender
poiniti to commit, to perpetrate
podaci data, details, particulars, records
podeliti to divide, separate; to give, distribute, deal out,
dispense; ~ savete to give advice; ~ karte to
deal cards; ~ pravdu (milost) to dispense
justice (mercy); ~ udarce to deliver blows
podjednak equal
podloan liable, susceptible, subject to
podlonost susceptibility
podmetnuti to impute, to impose, to plant
podnaslov subtitle
podnesak brief
podneti to submit; to file; ~ dokaz to present proof; ~
izvetaj to submit a report; ~ molbu to file a
petition, to apply; ~ odtetni zahtev to file a
claim; ~ prigovor to file a contest; ~ tubu to
claim, to bring an action; ~ zahtev to submit a
request, ~ zahtev sudiji to apply by summons
podnoenje presetment, submision, lodgement
podnosilac submitter; applicant; ~ izvetaja referrer, ~
molbe applicant, addresser, ~ prijave
applicant, ~ zahteva claimant, ~ albe
appealer, appellant
podreen subordinate, inferior
podrka support
podruje province, region, territory, area
podrati to uphold, to stand for, to support
podseati to remind
podvala fraud, deceit
podvaliti to cheat, deceive

podzakup sublet, sublease

podzemlje underworld
pogreb funeral; ii na ~ to attend a funeral
pogrebni funeral; ~ zavod funeral home; ~a kola
hearse (vehicle); ~ mar funeral march
pojam clue, conception, idea
pojava appearance, phenomenom
pojaviti se to come, to appear, to turn up
pojavljivanje appearance, emergence
pojedinac individual, ~ sudija sole, sitting in ordinary
pojedinost particular, detail
pokajanje penitence, remorse; repentance
pokajati se to repent
pokazati to exhibit, to show
pokazivati to display, to indicate
poklapati se to coincide
pokojni late, the departed, the deceased
pokojnik deceased man
pokolebati se to hesitate
pokrovitelj patron, sponsor
pokuaj attempt, endeavour, ~ krae attempt theft; ~
napada attempted assault, ~ ubistva
attempted murder
pokuati to make an attempt, to try
policajac policeman, police officer
policija police
poliglota polyglot
poligraf lie-detector
polisa policy
politiar politician
politika politics, policy
polovan second hand, used
poloaj position; location; lep ~ a beautiful location;
napasti neprijateljski ~ to attack an enemy
position; situation, state dovesti nekoga u
neprijatan ~ to get smb. into an unpleasant
situation position; job; nije za taj ~ he is not
suited for that job; biti na visokom ~ u to
have a highly placed job

poloiti to pass, to complete; ~ ispit to pass an exam; ~

sa uspehom to complete successfully
pomaga aider, helpmate
pomagati to help, to assist
pomenuti to mention
pomilovan amnestied
pomilovanje amnesty
pomilovati to grant a pardon, to amnesty
pomirenje reconciliation, conciliation
pomiriti se to conciliate, to come to terms with
pomonik assistant
ponaanje demeanour, manner, behaviour
ponekad sometimes
ponitenje annulment, cancellation, ~ braka annulment
of marriage; ~ presude vacation; ~ zakona
abrogation of law
ponititi to annul, cancel; ~ odluku suda to override a
court order; ~ presudu to repeal a judgment;
~ ugovor to nullify a treaty
poniziti to degrade, to humiliate
poravnjanje settlement, compromise
poraz defeat
poraziti to defeat
porei to abjudicate, to go back on one's word, to deny;
~ iskaz to retract testimony
poreklo origin
porez tax, levy; ~ na dodatu vrednost (PDV) value
added tax (VAT), ~ na kuu house tax, ~ na
poklon gift tax; ~ na porez surtax; ~ na
profit tax on profit; ~ na zemlju land tax
poreznik tax collector
porodica family
porok vice
porota jury
porotnik juror
portparol spokesman
posao business; labor, work
posed possesion, land, estate
posedovati to be in possesion, to own, to possess, to

poiljalac sender, shipper

poiljka shipment, parcel, package
poslodavac employer
posloprimac employee
poslovati to carry on business, to deal, to manage
poslovnica office
posmatrati to observe, to watch, to view, to look
posmrtnica mourning-paper, obituary notice
posrednik intermediate, broker, middleman; ~ u
pomirenju conciliator, ~ za osiguranje
insurance broker
posrnuti to stumble
pota mail, post; ~nska zgrada post-office, ~ za
otpremu outgoing mail
postanak birth, genesis
potar mailman, postman
potarina postage
poten just, honorable, faithful
potovati to respect, ~ nekoga to respect smb.; to obey
~ pravila to abide by the rules
postupak procedure; proceedings; zakonski ~ legal
proceedings; pokrenuti krivini ~ protiv
nekoga to bring criminal charges against
smb.; vodi se krivini ~ protiv njega criminal
charges are being brought against him; sudili
su mu po kratkom (skraenom) ~pku he
was tired summarily; izborni ~ voting
system; prethodni ~ preliminary hearing;
vanparnini ~ out-of-court proceedings;
conduct, bearing, treatment ~ prema nekome
treatment of smb., ~ prema (sa) ratnim
zarobljenicima the treatment of prisoners of
war; action, act korektan ~ a proper act
posvedoiti to bear witness, to testify, to affirm, to
attest, to certify
potcenjivati to disregard, to underestimate
potera chase, pursuit


poternica wanted circular, wanted list, special bulletin;

raspisati ~u za nekim to send out (post) a
wanted circular for smb.
potez action, course, move
potpis subscription, signature
potpisati to sign, to execute, to underwrite, to subscribe
potpitanje sub-issue
potpun absolute,full, complete,
potroa consumer
potronja consumption
potvrda attestation, confirmation, certificate,
testemonial, affirmation
potvrditi to prove, to certify, to attest, to authenticate
pouka o pravnom leku remedial act
pouzdanost reliability, credibility
pouzdati se to have reliance on
poverenik agent; representative; commissioner
poverenitvo agency
poverenje confindence, trust, faith, reliance, credit
poverilac creditor
poveriti to entrust
poveriti se to confide
poverljiv confidential
poverljivost confidentiality
povesti to begin, initiate; ~ disciplinski postupak to
take criminal proceedings, to undertake
proceedings, ~ parnicu to initiate a lawsuit; ~
istragu to begin an investigation; ~
pregovore to begin negotiation
povlaenje withdrawal; ~ tube withdrawal of suit; ~
albe withdrawal of the appeal
povod occasion, cause, rationale
povraaj restitution, recovery
povratiti to regain, recover
povreda violation breach; injury, ~ autorskog prava
infringement of copyright, ~ granice trespass
of the frontier, ~ klauzule breach of clause; ~
na radu injury on duty, industrial accident
povui to withdraw

poziv appeal; calling, invitation; ~ na roite writ of

summons; profession, trade, ~ na vebu callup; ~ svedoka subpoena of witness
pozivati to call, to invite,
prati to wash; ~ mozak to brainwash; ~ novac to
launder money
pravda justice
pravedan reasonable, righteous, just
pravilnik Book of Rules, statue, code of rules
pravilo direction, law, modus, rule
pravni legal; ~ savet legal advice; ~ savetnik legal
adviser; ~ spor dispute at law; ~ strunjak
legal expert
pravniki jurisprudent, legal
pravnik lawyer, attorney; solicitor, barrister
pravo right; law
pravobranilac prosecuting attorney
pravosnaan legally effective, legally binding; ~
presuda legally binding judgment
pravosue jurisdiction, justice, judicature
pravosudni jurisdictional, juridicial
prebivalite permanent residence, residence, dwelling
predati to submit; to deliver; to hand down; ~ molbu to
put in an application; ~ odluku porote sudiji
to hand down a verdict
predati se to give oneself up, to surrender; ~ vlastima
to turn oneself over
predbrani premarital; ~ ugovor jointure, premarital
predisleivanje preliminary investigation
predlagati to propose, to suggest
predlog proposal, suggestion
predmet case; matter; subject; ~ na sudu case at the
Bar, case before the court
prednost privilege, precedence, benefit, advantage
predsedavajui chairman, presiding
predsednik president; ~ drutva chairman; ~ optine
Mayor; ~ porote foreman of the jury
predugovor agreement to agree, Memorandum of

predumiljaj deliberate malice, intent, guilty state of

pregovara negotiator
pregovarati to negotitate, to deal, to bargain
pregovori negotitations, talks
preinaiti to alter, to reverse ~ odluku to reverse a
preispitati to reconsider, to review
prekid ceasing, breakdown, interruption, break,
prekidati to interrupt; to break down; to stop
prekinuti to break off; to break
prekoraenje encroachment, excess; ~ roka
prekraj offence, violation; ~ je kanjiv the offence is
punishabe; ~ duga assignment of debt
preljuba adultery
premija premium
preneti to transfer; to convey
prenos conveyance, transfer; ~ imovine transfer of
property; ~ nekretnina conveyance of real
estate; ~ po sili zakona assignment by
operation of law
prenositi to broadcast; ~ vest (utakmicu) to broadcast
news (a game)
prepis transcription, copy
prepiska correspondence
preporuka letter of reference, recommendation,
reference, credentials
prepoznavanje recognition
presedan precedent
prestup offence; wrongdoing; delict, tort
prestupnik offender, trespasser
presuda decision, judgement
presuditi to adjudge, to adjudicate; to decide
prethodni former, previous, precedent
pretiti to threaten, to warn, to menace; to utter threats
pretnja threat, menace
pretpostavka supposition, assumption, hypothesis
pretres search, trial at the bar, hearing

prevara cross, fraudulence, trick, fraud

preiveli surviver
preiveti to survive
pribaviti to acquire, to procure, to obtain, to provide, to
get, to secure
prigovarati to grudge, to reprove, to reproach, to
answer back
prigovor defence, protest, plea, expostulation, reproval,
prijava notification; application; report, denuncation;
podneti (dostaviti) policiji ~u protiv nekoga
to denounce smb. to the police; podneti
krivinu ~u protiv nekoga to bring criminal
charges against smb
prijavilac declarant
prijaviti to report, to denounce
primedba point, reflection, refence, remark, annotation,
primena implementation; ~ zakona law enforcement
primeniti to apply, to implement; ~ odluku to
implement a decision; ~ zakon to enforce the
primer example
primerak sample
princip principle
prinuda force, compulsion; pod ~om under force
prinudan compulsory; ~ rad compulsory work
prisila violence, force
prislukivanje interception; tapping
prislukivati to eavesdrop; to intercept; to wiretap
prismotra supervision, close check, survelliance
pristanak consent; agreement
pritvor detention
priznanje recognition, acknowledgment, tribute, credit;
odati nekome ~ za neto to give smb. credit
for smt., to pay tribute to smt. for smt.; dobiti
~ za neto to receive recognition for smt.;
vredan ~a worthy of recognition; to je nailo
na opte ~ that met with general approval; ~
duga (oinstva) acknowledgement of a debt

(of paternity); ~ vlade recognition of a

government; confession
priznati to acknowledge, recognize; to accept; ~
nekome zaslugu to give smb. credit; ~ vladu
to recognize a government; ~ dete (za svoje)
to acknowledge a child (as one's own); ~ vlast
to accept rule; to confess, admit; ~ krivicu
(greku) to admit one's guilt (error); zloinac
nije priznao the criminal did not confess
problem problem
problematian problematic
probni experimental,trial
procedura procedure, proceeding
procena estimate, evaluation
proceniti to estimate; to evaluate
proces proceeding, trial
profitirati to profit, to cash in
projekat design, scheme, project, ~ za gradnju
development plan
proknjiiti to post, to enter, to make an entry
promeniti to change, to vary, to alter, to reform; to
pronevera embezzlement, fraud
proterati to expel, throw out
protivzakonit extralegal, illegitimate, non-legal, illegal
protokol protocol,
provala burglary, housebreaking; izvriti ~u to commit
provalnik housebreaker, burgler
provera verification, ascertainment, checking, test
pruiti to grant, offer
prvooptueni principial in the first degree, first accused
prvostepeni first instance, ~ sud court of first instance,
trial court
punoletan of age, adult, of full age
punomoje power of appointment, letter of procuration,
authority; diplomatsko ~ accreditation, ~ za
advokata letter of attorney, power of attorney
punomonik procurator, assignee, proxy, appointer,
donee of power

punovaan effectual, lawful,

putanje delivery, release; ~ iz zatvora jail-delivery,
~na slobodu clearance, liberation
pustiti to let, allow; to release
racionalizacija rationalization
racionalizam rationalism
raun account
rad performance, operation; ~ suda working of the
raditi to work; to function; to operate
radnik worker, employee
radno pravo labor law
raniji former
raskid breach; severance; ~ ugovora termination of
rasplet outcome
raspodela allotment, apportionment; ~ dohotka income
sharing; ~ besplatnih akcija distributions of
bonus shares; ~ funkcija apportionment of
functions; ~ nasledstva settlement of
raspolagati to dispose, to be in possession of
raspoloiv disposable, avilable; ~ imovina vested
property; ~ sredstva liquid assets
raspored schedule, table; allocation; disposition; ~
asova timetable; ~ sredstava allocation of
rasporediti to dispose, to allocate, to distribute, to
rasprava hearing of the case; hearing; sudska (javna)
~ court (public) hearing; discussion; treatise,
paper; quarrel
raspravljati to argue, to debate, to hear, to discourse
rasputanje dissolution, dismissal
raspustiti to disband, to dissolve, to dismiss
rastava separation, divorce, disjunction
rastaviti to part, to divorce, to divide, to disengage, to
razaznati to discern, to tell one from another
razbojnika banda gang of bandits

razbojnika kraa armed robbery

razbojnik robber, bandit
razdvajanje separation
razgovor talk, conversation, intercourse, discourse
razlog reason, ground, cause
razmatranje consideration; uzeti u ~ to take into
razmeniti to change, exchange; ~ miljenje to
exchange the views, ~ podatke to share
razotkriti to discover, to unveil
razreenje exoneration, relief, closure, ~ dunosti to
remove from office
razreiti to release, free; ~ nekoga obaveze to release
smb. from an obligation; to dissolve, annul; ~
brak to dissolve a marriage
razvesti se to get divorced
razvrstati to sort, to classify
reagovati to react, to respond
re word ~ suprotnog znaenja antonym
red order, discipline, row
reformacija reform
reformisati to reform
registrovati to register
regulisan regulated
rekonstrukcija reconstruction; ~ dogaaja
reconstruction of the event
remeenje breach; ~ javnog mira breach of peace, ~
privatnog ivota breach of privacy
reosiguranje reinsurance
replika reply, replication
represija repression
repromaterijal intermediate goods, primary material
reavanje resolution, determination; ~ pitanja
settlement of issues, ~ spora dispute
reenje resolution, solution; decision
resor suda province of jurisdiction
retroaktivan retrospective, retroactive
revalorizacija revalorization

revizor examiner, controller, auditor

rezultat effect, result; score, count, issue
roite appearance in court; pozvati na ~ to summon
(to appear in court)
rodbina relatives
roditelj parent
rok life, term, date, period, day, time frame, space of
time; ~ uvanja poslovnih knjiga period of
preservation; ~ trajanja zabrane duration of
injunction; ~ za podnoenje albe time limit
for lodging an appeal; ~ zastarevanja
limitation period, statutory period
sabotaa sabotage
sabotirati to sabotage
sabrati to sum up, to add up, to recollect
sainiti to constitute, to draw, to prepare; ~ dokument
to draw up a deed; ~ testament to make one's
sadrati to contain, to involve
sadrina content; ~ ugovora terms of contract
saglasan agreed, in agreement; in accordance; oni su
~sni u tome they agree about that; ~ propisu
in accordance with the regulation
saglasnost consent, accord, agreement
samoodbrana self-defence
samostalnost independence, self-support
samoubica suicide
samoubistvo self-murder, suicide
sanacija eclamation, rehabilitation, overhaul,
sanitarni sanitary; ~ inspektor health inspector, ~
propisi sanitary code
saoptiti to communicate, to convey, to announce
saraivati to associate, to collaborate, to cooperate
saradnik collaborator, associate
saradnja association, collaboration
sasluanje interrogation; ~ svedoka to hear a witness,
to examine witnesses
sasluati to examine, to hear
sastanak appointment, meeting

sastaviti to compose; to put together; to assemble; ~

delegaciju to put up a delegation, ~ ispravu
to draw up a deed
sastavni integral; ~ deo constituent
sauesnik accomplice, collaborator
sauesnitvo collaboration
savest conscience
savet advice; ~ bezbednosti Security Council; ~ lekara
medical advice
savetnik adviser, counsellor; ~ optube judge advocate;
~ sudije Clerk to the Justices
savezni federal
saveznik ally
saziv convocation, session; ~ skuptine convening of
sazivanje convocation
sazvati to convene, convoke; ~ sednicu to call a
session, ~ sastanak akcionara to convene a
meeting of shareholders
secesija secession
selekcija selection
sinteza synthesis
sistematizacija systematization; ~ radnih mesta job
plan; ~ zakona codification
sistematski systemic
situacija situation, position; ~ u porodici family
sjediniti to consolidate, to join
skandal scandal
skidanje lifting; ~ hipoteke redemption of mortgage; ~
otisaka removal of fingerprints
skidati iskaze sa trake to transcribe testimony from a
skinuti to remove, to lift
sklopiti to close, to conclude; ~ brak to contract
marriage, to solemnize marriage; ~ pogodbu
to clinch a bargain; ~ sporazum to conlude
accords; ~ ugovor to conclude a contract
skraenica abbreviation
skrivanje secretion, hiding, concealment

skrivati to hide, to conceal

sluaj case, incidence, circumstance; ~ u sporu case in
sluajan accidental, coincidental, casual; ~ uzorak
random sample; ~na teta incidental damage
sluba employment, office, service
slubenik employee, servant, officer, , clerical officer
smanjenje reduction, cut, rebate; ~ poreza tax
abatement; ~ testamenta ademption; ~ kazne
remission of punishment, mitigation of
smanjiti to mitigate; to decrease; to reduce; to cut down
smeniti to remove; to deprive; to remove from office; ~
sudiju to remove the judge
smrt death; ~ davljenjem rukama death by throttling,
~ guenjem suffocation, nesrenim sluajem
death by misadventure, ~ po roenju
neonatal death
smrtonosan deathful, murderous, mortal; ~ udarac
fatal blow; ~na povreda fatal injury
smrtovnica death certificate
snimak shot, photograph
socijalan social; ~na pomo za nezaposlene
unemployment benefit; ~ dodatak zbog
nezaposlenosti dole; ~ radnik social worker;
~ osiguranje social insurance
sopstvenik proprieter
specifikacija specification; ~ robe trade specification,
bill of goods
pedicija shiping, forwarding
pediter shipping agent, freight forwarder, shipper,
pijun spy
pijunaa spying, espionage
spisak list, inventory; roll
spoljni extarnal; exterior
spor dispute, litigation, controversy
sporan disputable, debatable, challengeable, arguable
sporazum agreement, treaty; contract

sporazum accord, agreement, arrangement; ~ o miru

peace accord
sporazuman agreeable; ~a odluka consent decree; ~ni
razvod braka divorce by mutual consent
sporiti se to litigate, to dispute at low, to differ, to
spreiti to hinder, to obstruct, to prevent
sprovesti to perform, to implement, to carry out; ~ plan
to put through, to realize; ~ pod pratnjom to
escort; ~ zakon to enforce
sprovoenje enforcement
sredstva funds, resources
sredstvo means, instrument
srodstvo kinship, relationship
tampa the press, printing
tampanje printing, press
tampati to print
stan flat, dwelling, apartment
stanar tenant
stanarsko pravo occupancy right, residental occupancy
standar standard
standardizacija standardization
staratelj custodian, tutor
starateljstvo tutorage, custody
statistiki podaci statistic data
statistika statistics
statut by-laws, statute, articles; ~ preduzea Articles of
Association, Articles of Incorporation
stav paragraph, para; ~ 3 lana 5 paragraph 3 of article
steaj bankruptcy, insolvency
steajna masa bankruptcy estate
stei to acquire, to obtain, to earn
teta damage
tetan harmful, damaging, detrimental; ~ uticaj
harmful effect
sticanje acquisition
tititi to guard, to safeguard, to patronize, to protect
trajk strike
trajkovati to strike

strani foreign; alien; ~a valuta foreign currency

strategija strategy
strateki strategic
struan proficient, authoritative, expert; ~ knjige
reference books; ~ kvalifikacije occupational
qualification; ~ ispit professional
examination; ~ svedok expert witness
struka trade, vocation
stupiti to enter; ~ na presto to access the throne; ~ u
brak to contract a marriage; ~ na snagu to
enter into force; ~ u vezu to contact, to enter
into communication with
subjekt subject
subjektivno pravo subjective law, subjective standard,
sud bar, court, forum, tribunal; zgrada ~a court house;
~ asti Court of Honour; ~ je na odmoru
court in is recess; ~ za prekraje justice
court;~ zaseda the court is in session; ~
pravde Court of Justice
sudija judge, The Bench; ~ apelacionog suda judge of
appeal, appellate judge; ~ arbitranog suda
arbitrator; ~ osnovnog suda magistrate; ~
vrhovnog suda Supreme Court Justice
suditi to dispense justice, to hear, to judge, to hold a
~ u krivinom postupku to prosecute; ~ po
optunici to prosecute an indictment
sudnica courtroom
sudski judicial
sukob collision, fight, confrontation, conflict; ~
interesa conflict of interest; ~ linosti clash
of personalities
sumnja suspicion, doubt
sumnjati to doubt, to suspect to distrust
suoavanje confrontation; ~ sa svedokom confrotation
with a witness
suprug spouse
supruga spouse

suspendovati to suspend; ~ po kratkom postupku to

summarily suspend
suvlasnik part-owner, co-owner, privy
suvlasnitvo joint ownership, co-ownership; privity
svedoiti to bear a witness, to testify, to depose, to bear
a testimony, to present evidence
svedok witness
svojina estate, property, tenure; ~ na zemlji land
~ robe property in goods
svretak completion
taan exact, accurate, correct, precise, perfect
taka article, point, item; ~ dnevnog reda agenda item
tanost correctness, precision, exactness
tajan clandestine, secret
tajiti to hold back, to conceal, to keep secret
tajna mystery, secret
tajno clandestinely, secretly; ~ drutvo secret society
taksa fee; ~ na ig stamp duty; ~ za korienje
materijala royalties; ~ena marka revenue
taktika tactics
tamnica prison, jail, dark cell
tarifa tariff; rate; scale
tehniki technical
telesan physical, corporeal, material, corporal; ~na
slabost infirmity of body; ~ povreda bodily
teritorija territory
terminologija terminology
teror terror
testator testator
teak heavy, peasant, awkward, stiff, gross
teina weight
toksikolog toxicologist
tragedija tragedy
tragian tragic
trajan lasting, permanent;
tranzitna viza transit visa
trauma trauma

traenje requirement
traiti to seek, to request, to search, to inquire, to ask; ~
izuzee sudije to challenge the judge
trenutak minute, instance, moment
trgovac deaer, merchant
trgovaki commercial, trade, trading; ~ putnik
travelling salesman;
~ sud commercial court
trgovinsko pravo business law
trokovi costs, expenses
trite market, sale; ~ kapitala capital market
tuma interpreter
tumaenje explication, interpretation, explanation
tumaiti to interpret, to construe, to read; ~ ugovor to
construe a contract
tuba action, plaint, claim, prosecution
tueni respondent
tuenik defendant
tuilac complainant, plaintiff, prosecutor, suitor; javni
~ prosecutor; ~ u arbitranom postupku
applicant; ~ u svojinskom postupku claimant
tvrditi to assert, to claim
tvrdnja assertion; allegation
ubeenje conviction, belief
ubedljiv forcible, persuasive; ~ dokaz convincing
proof, convincing evidence; ~ motiv
compelling motive
ubeleiti to record, to enter, to register
ubistvo homicide, murder, killing, manslaughter; ~ iz
nehata felony murder, criminal neglience
murder; ~ s predumiljajem murder in the
first degree, intended murder
ubiti to kill, to murder
ublaenje allevation, mitigation, relief, relaxation
ubod stab
ubrzati to accelerate, to expedite; ~ proces to expedite
the process
ucena blackmail
uceniti to blackmail
ucenjiva extortioner, blackmailer

uee attedance, participation; ~ u dobiti profit

sharing; ~ u kapitalu interest
uesnik party, participant
uestvovati to attend, to participate
uiniti to commit, to do, to act, to execute, to achieve
uvrstiti to fix, to consolidate; ~ vlast to consolidate
power; ~ mir to consolidate peace
udaljiti to remove
udes fatality, accident, crash; ~ sa naputanjem lica
mesta hit-and-run accident; ~ vazduhoplova
airplane crash
ugledan distinguished, reputed, eminent, notable; ~
advokat high profile lawyer; ~ ovek man of
ugovor contract, concord, pact, treaty
ugovoriti to stipulate, to contract, to negotiate, to agree
ugovorna strana contracting party
ugroziti to render dangerous, to endanger, to
jeopardize, to imperil;
~ javni moral to corrupt a public moral
uhapen arrested
uhapsiti to imprison, to arrest, to take into custody; ~
bez suenja to imprison without trial
ukaz edict, decree
ukidanje lift, extinguishment, abrogation, revocation,
~ po albi reversal; ~ ropstva abolition of
ukinuti to abolitsh, to lift; ~ presudu to overrule the
judgment; ~ kaznu to quash the conviction
uknjiba registering, registration
umreti to pass away, to die
unakrsno ispitati to cross examine
uneti to enter, to insert
unititi to exterminate; to destroy, to demolish;
~ dokaze to destroy proof, to destroy
upit inquiry
uprava managment, administration, headquarters,
upravni administrative

upravni odbor board of managment, administrative

body; Board of Directors
upravnik director, manager; ~ zatvora prison warden,
prison governer; ~ pote postmaster; ~ kole
uredba enactment, bylaw, regulation; ~ o krivinom
postupku code of criminal procedure; ~ za
radno vreme radnji closing order
uruenje presentation, consignment, conveyance,
delivery, deliverance; ~ naloga serving of
uruiti to serve, to convey, to hand; ~ poziv to serve a
summons; ~ sudski poziv to serve subpoena
uslov term, condition
usloviti to condition, to restrict, to limit
usluga favour; uiniti ~u to do smb. a favor; service
usmen oral, verbal, unwritten
ustanova institute, establishment, foundation
ustanoviti to find, to institute, to establish, to
determine; ~ injenicu to establish a fact, ~
istinu to establish truth
ustav constitution
ustavni statutory, constitutional
usvajanje adoption
usvojen adopted, adoptive
usvojiti to adopt
uteriva dugova debt collector
uticaj presence, influence, impact, bearing
uticati to influence, to affect, to exercise an influence; ~
na sud to pack the Court; ~ na svedoka to
interfere with a witness
utvrditi to determine, to ascertain; ~ rok to fix a
period; ~ injenice to establish facts; ~ tetu
to determine the damage
uvaavati to appreciate, to consider
uverenje certificate; testimonial
uvreda insult, offence; ~ suda contempt of court
uvrediti to offend, to insult, to abuse, to affront, to
uznemiravati to disturb; to bother

vanparnini noncontentious, nonlitigious

vanredan extraordinary; ~ni student external student;
~ni pravni lek extraordinary remedy; ~
skuptina extraordinary general meeting
vansudski extra-judicial, out of court
vaei prevailing, valid
vaiti to be valid, to be in force
vanost importance, validity, significance
veina majority
venanje wedding, marriage
verodostojnost credibility
vetak expert, court expert
veza connection; relation; bond
viza visa; ~ za dva ulaska double entry visa; ~za jedan
ulazak single visa
vlada administration, government; ~ manjine minority
vladajua klasa the ruling classe, the governing class
vladati to rule, to dominate, to govern
vladavina prava rule of law
vlasnik possessor, proprietor, owner, holder
vlasnitvo property, ownership
vlast hold, authority, domain, power, domination
vlastit personal, proper, own
voa leader
vodei leading, chief
voditi to guide, to dispose, to run, to lead; ~ diskusiju
to conduct a discussion; ~ krivini postupak
to prosecute a case; ~ evidenciju to keep
records; ~ knjige to keep accounts, to write
up books
vostvo leadership
vojnik military
vojnik soldier
vojska army
vreati to offend, to insult, to abuse, to affront, to
vrlina virtue
zabeleka record, note
zabeleiti to enter, to write down, to note

zabrana inhibition, ban

zabraniti to prohibit, to forbid
zadovoljiti to meet, to satisfy
zahtev requirement, claim, plea, application; ~ sudu
court plea; ~ za pomirenje request for
zahtevati to ask, to demand, to require
zajednica community, society
zajedniki common, joint
zakleti sudski tuma sworn-to-court interpreter
zakletva oath, vow; adjuration; ~ na Bibliju book-oath
zakljuak conclusion
zakljuiti to conclude, to draw a conclusion; to close
zakon law, act; ~ donet u parlamentu enactment
zakonitost legality, legitimacy
zakonodavac law-maker, legislator
zakonodavni sud legislative court
zakonodavstvo legislation, law-making, legislature
zakonski legal
alba letter of complaint, appeal, complaint
aliti se to lodge appeal, to lay appeal, to appeal against
zaloga pledge
zaloiti to pledge, to pawn
zamenik associate, deputy, substitute; ~ inovnika
officer surogate, ~ direktora deputy manager,
~ javnog tuioca solicitor general, deputy
public procecutor; ~ ministra under
secretary; ~ porotnika tales, talesmen; ~ efa
policije DCC (Deputy Chief Constable)
zameniti to substitute, to exchange, to surrogate
zaostavtina Testator's estate, deceased estate,
zapisati to write down
zapisniar note-keeper, booker, recorder, recording
zapisnik record, protocol, Minutes
zaplena confiscation, seizure
zapleniti to confiscate, to seize


zapoeti to commence, to initiate; ~ krivino gonjenje

to institute criminal prosecution; ~ pregovore
to enter into negotiations
zaseda ambush
zasedanje convention, session, sitting, meeting; ~ suda
sitting of tribunal
zastarelost prescription
zatien privileged; ~ autorskim pravom copyright; ~
od odgovaranja na pitanja privileged from
answering questions; ~ svedok protected
zatititi to guard, to secure, to protect, to shelter
zastupati to advocate, to represent; to act on behalf of;
~ na sudu to solicit; ~ tuenog to defend the
defendant, to appear on behalf of the
zastupnik agent, attorney, solicitor, represantive; ~
branilac pleader; ~ punomonik appointee,
donee of the power; ~ kod punomostva
donor to the power of appointment
zatakavanje cover-up, hushing up
zatvor lock-up, prison, house of detention, jail
zatvorenik prisoner, detainee
zatvoriti to imprison, to seal, to close, to lock up, to
zavera conspiracy, plot
zaverenik conspirator, plotter
zavetajni testamentary
zavetalac testator
zavetanje bequest, testament, legacy, legate
zavesti to register; to delude; ~ u sudski upisnik to
register, ~ maloletnicu to decoy a girl under
zavod institute, institution, office, bureau
zavretak finish, termination, end, completion; ~ rada
suda close of court sitting
zemljine knjige property register, land register
zloin crime
zloinac evil doer, malefactor, criminal, villain
zlostavljati to abuse, to maltreat, to ill-treat

zloupotreba abuse, misuse

zvanian official
ena woman; wife; female
iveti to live
ivot life
ivotni vital, living; ~no delo lifetime achievement;
~no osiguranje life assurance, whole life
rtva injured person, sacrifice, victim
rtvovati to sacrifice


abakus abacus
aerodrom airport
ambasada embassy
ambasador ambassador
amblem emblem
amfiteatar amphitheatre
asfalt asphalt
asfalter asphalt worker, paver
asfaltirati to pave with asphalt
auto automobile, car, auto
autobus bus; ~ska stanica bus station
auto-cisterna tank truck
auto-limar auto body mechanic
automatizacija automation, automatization
automehaniar auto mechanic
automobil automobile, motorcar
automobilist motor
automobilizam driving, motoring
auto-put motorway, motor road, highway
azbest asbestos
bankina shoulder (of a road); embankment; verge
barikada roadblock
benzin gasoline, gas; petrol; ~ska stanica gas station,
service station; ~ rezervoar gas tank
bicikl bicycle
bide bidet
bioskop cinema
boks box
branik fender; zadnji ~ rear bumper
brano flour; kukuruzno ~ cornmeal; Indian meal;
penino ~ wheat flour
brod ship, boat, vessel
bronza bronze
brvnara log cabin, log house
brz quick, fast
brzina speed, haste; u ~i in haste; poveati ~u to
accelerate; na ~u quickly; najvea

dozvoljena ~ a speed limit; vetar je duvao

~om od preko 100 kilometara na as the
wind was blowing at over 100 kilometres an
hour; ~ svetlosti (zvuka) the speed of light
(sound); poetna ~ initial velocity, muzzle
velocity; srednja (stalna) ~ average
(constant) speed; maksimalna (putna) ~
maximum (cruising)
bungalov bungalow
carina customs
carinar customs official
carinarnica customshouse, customs station
cariniti to pay duty on, to clear through customs
desno right, on the right
diskont pia off-licence
dnevnik diary
dok dock, wharf
dolepati to tow in
dostava supply, delivery
dostavni delivery; ~o vozilo delivery truck; ~a sluba
delivery service
dostavnica delivery note, shipping document
drum road; seoski ~ country (dirt) road; ~ski
razbojnik highwayman; ~a mrea road
network; ~ saobraaj highway traffic
drumar road worker
drumarina road toll, toll
drvo wood, lumber
drvni wood; ~na industrija lumber industry; ~ni
proizvodi wood (lumber) products; ~na
vlakna wood fibers; ~na masa wood pulp
drvored treelined path; row of trees
drvorez wood carving
drvorezac wood carver
drvosea woodcutter; lumberjack
dra clamp
duek mattress
dvosed two seater
domba bump, hard spot
etiketa label

flaa bottle
flis-papir detail paper, wrapping tissue
flomaster felt-tip pen, fibre-tip pen
foaje lobby
fontana fountain
fotelja easy chair, armchair
friider refrigirator
galerija gallery
gaz (broda) draught, draft
gazite stair tread, tread
glavni grad capital
hamer Bristol board, cartridge paper
heliodrom heliport
inventar inventory
inventar (roba) facilities
inventarisanje stocktaking
inventarisati to take an inventory of
ivinjak edge; curb, curbstone
izgled appearance, view
izlaz way out, exit
izlog store window, shop window
izrada workmanship, construction; production,
izraditi to make, produce, manufacture
izvoenje performance, presentation
izvoz export; roba za ~ goods intended for export; ~na
trgovina export trade; ~no preduzee export
firm; ~na dozvola (licenca) export license;
~na premija export subsidy
izvoziti to export
izvoznik exporter
jabuka apple
jagnjetina lamb meat
javni public
jeam barley; pivarski ~ brewers' grits
jemeni ~a kaa barley groats
kabina booth; oferska ~ cab (on a truck)
kaldrma cobblestones, road paved with cobblestones
kaldrmisati to pave with cobblestones, to cobble
kamion truck, lorry

kamiondija truck driver, lorry driver

kamionet camionette
kapacitet capacity, output, yield
kapak shutter; ~ na prozoru window shutter; cover, lid
kapija gate
karakteristian typical, characteristical
karavan station wagon; caravan
karta map (geographical); ticket; vozna ~ train ticket;
besplatna ~ pass; ~ za povlaenu vonju
commuter's ticket
karton cardboard
kaika bucket, scoop (of an earth-moving vehicle)
kasniti to be late
kanjenje delay
kategorisan classified
kau sofa, couch
kauuk rubber, caoutchouc; sirov (vetaki) ~ raw
(synthetic) rubber
kauukovo drvo rubber tree
kej wharf, quay
kirija rental, rent
klasa quality, rate, grade, class
klijent client, customer
klima ureaj air conditioner
klimatizovati to air-condition
klizav slippery; ~ put slippery road
klizavica slippery spot; slippery road
klizite landslide
klupa desk, bench
konica brake; ~e su mi popustile my brakes failed;
vazduna ~ an air brake; pomona (runa,
nona elektrina, mehanika) ~ an
emergency (hand, foot, electric, mechanical)
brake, runa ~ hand brake
kolobran guard stone; fence
kolona column, line
kolosek (railroad) gage; track; pruga uskog
(normalnog) ~a a narrowgage (normal-gage)
railroad; mrtvi (slepi) ~ siding, sidetrack;
platform (at a railroad station); track

konosman bill of lading, shipping note

konsignacija bonded warehouse
konzerva tin, can
konzul consule
konzulat consulate
konzumirati to consume
koridor airway, corridor
koa leather
kripta crypt
kruka pear
kuka hook, clutch
kukuruz corn, maize; ~ni klip corncob; ~ni hleb corn
bread; ~ne pahuljice corn flakes
kula tower
kupac buyer, purchaser; customer
kupe compartment
kupina blackberry
kupiti to buy, purchase
kutija receptacle, box
laguna lagoon
lavina avalanche
lepenka waterproof paper, building paper, concrete
levo left, on the left
limun lemon
limunada lemonade
linija line
luka harbour; port, haven
maje oko reflector stud
magacin store room, store house, store; warehouse,
storehouse, depot
magistrala main road, highway
magliti to befog, fog
makadam macadam
malina raspberry
manastir monastery
mansarda mansard
marina marina
mar-ruta itinerary
maslina olive

maslinovo ulje olive oil

mebl-tof upholstery fabric
med honey
mera measurement, measure; ~predostronosti
precautionary measures
mesnat meaty
meso meat; flesh; mravo ~ lean meat; peeno ~
roasted meat; kuvano ~ soup meat; preno ~
panfried meat; ~ (preno) na aru broiled
(grilled) meat; sueno (suvo) ~ smoked meat;
govee (jagnjee) ~ beef (lamb)
mesto place
metal metal
metro subway, underground railway
metropola metropole
mimoilaznica bypass route, passing place
mina mine; mortar shell; grenade; kontaktna
(magnetska, protivoklopna,
protivpeadijska, plutajua,
rasprskavajua, usidrena) ~ contact
(magnetic, antitank, antipersonnel, floating,
fragmentation, anchored) mine; ~ nagaznog
(poteznog) dejstva pressure (tripwire) mine;
dimna (kumulativna, tromblonska) ~
smoke (hollow-charge, rifle) grenade;
postavljati ~e to lay mines; baca ~ mortar;
~sko polje minefield
mina (olovka) lead
mol pier, wharf; embankment
mornarica navy, fleet; ratna ~ navy; trgovaka ~
merchant fleet
mornariki nava; ~a avijacija naval aviation
most bridge; pokretni ~ drawbridge; lanani (visei) ~
suspension bridge; prei ~ to cross a bridge;
luni ~ arch bridge; prednji (zadnji) ~ front
(rear) end (on an automobile); elezniki ~
railroad bridge; pontonski ~ pontoon bridge;
~a konstrukcija bridge construction; ~ stub
bridge pier; prenosni ~portable bridge
mostarina bridge toll

mostobran bridgehead
motor motor, engine; ~ sa unutranjim sagorevanjem
internal combustion engine; mlazni ~ jet
engine; ~ lupa (pucka, proputa,
malaksava) the engine knocks (sputters,
misses, loses power); ~ se gui (nee da
upali) the engine stalls (will not start)
motorcikl motorcycle
motorizacija motorization
motorni motor ; ~ voz motor train; ~ni amac
motorboat; ~na sila driving power; ~na
ploica motor end plate
motornjak motorboat; motor train
motorovoa motorman
mrea network; drumska (putna) ~ road network
muzej museum
nadvonjak overbridge, flyover, overpass
najlon nylon
nameniti to earmark
nametaj furniture
naselje settlement, residental area, built-up area
navigacija navigation; sailing
navigacijski navigation; ~ instrumenti navigation
instruments; ~a karta navigational chart
navigator navigator
naziv name, title
neasfaltiran put unpaved road, primitive road, untarred
neravan harsh, uneven,
neravnost uneveness
obilaznica bypass road, siding
odbojnik buffer stop, fender
odron rockslide, landslide
ogledalo mirror
ogranienje limit; ~ brzine speed limit
ograniiti to limit
oltar altar
oluk gutter; dip (in a road)
opravke na putu road repairs
oprema equipment

opremiti to furnish, equip

opremiti to equip, to furnish with
oprezan cautious, careful
opreznost caution
oproban tested, experienced
oprobati to try (out), test; ~ novi traktor to try (out) a
new tractor; ~ snage to test one's strength
opiti to encase, trim, box up
opsluivanje service
opsluivati to serve
oranada orange juice
ormar cabinet, cupboard; chest of drawers
otira door mat
oznaka designation, sign; putna ~ road sign
pad fall, drop
paker packer
paket packet, parcel
pakovanje packing
pak-papir brown paper
palamar hawser, ship's cable
palata palace
panoramski izgled panoramic view
pansion boarding house, lodging house
paravan divider screen, room divider
paritet parity
park park
parkiralite parking lot, car park
pasarela banquete, bridge footway, catwalk, footbridge
pasa passage
paso passport; ~ko odeljenje passport office
pauza break
paviljon pavilion
paljiv careful
panja attention; obratiti ~u na neto to pay (call)
attention to smt.; skrenuti (obratiti, svratiti)
neiju ~u na neto to call smb.'s attention to
smt.; odvratiti nekome (neiju) ~u od
neega to divert smb.'s attention from smt.;
pokloniti nekome ~u to pay attention to smb.
pela bee

pelar beekeeper
pelarstvo beekeeping, apiculture
peatni vosak sealing wax
pehar calyx
pekara bakery, bakehouse
peron station platform, platform; voz ulazi na prvi ~
the train is arriving on platform one; ~ska
karta platform ticket
peaka staza sidewalk, footway, pathway
peaki most footbridge, knife-edge bridge
peaki prelaz cross walk, pedestrian crossing
peaki prelaz sa semaforom pelican crossing
peaki saobraaj foot traffic
peak pedestrian, foot passenger
pie beverage, drink; alkoholna (bezalkoholna,
osveavajua) ~a alcoholic (non-alcoholic,
soft) drinks; estoka ~a hard liquor; spirits
plakar cupboard, built-in wardrobe
plastika plastic
platforma (pomorska) erestion rig
pleten ~nametaj wicker furniture; ~a stolica wicker
podijum podium
podloga eleznike pruge roadbed
podvonjak underpass, subway
pomoranda orange
postaja small station, stop
pozorite theatre
prag tie, sleeper (railroad)
praina dust
pravac direction, route
pravo straight, straight ahead; directly; ii ~ to go
pravolinijski rectilinear, straight; ~o kretanje motion
in a straight line
pranjenje rezervoara evacuation of tank
preaga ledge, cross piece
preica shortcut, cross road
preka stave, traverse, rail
predsignal advance sign

prevodnica navigation lock, lock, ship lock, canal lock

prevoz transportation, shipping, trucking; ~ robe
transportation of merchandise; ~ni trokovi
shipping charges; ~no sredstvo means of
prevoza carter, ferryman
prevoznik carrier
prikljuak intersection, junction
prikolica (kamiona) trailer
prilagoditi to adjust, accommodate
prilaz access, approach; ~ mostovi (putevi) access
bridges (roads); ~ ni put (do kue) driveway;
access road
pristanite port, harbour, wharf
prodati to sell
prodavac seller
prodavnica shop, store
prolaz passage; entrance; napraviti ~ to clear a
passage; prvenstvo ~a right-of-way
prolaznik passerby
promet traffic
promet turnover
propust gutter, drain
prospekt broshure
prskalica sprayer
pruga railway line, railroad
penica wheat; ozima ~ winter wheat
pult counter
put highway, road, path, way; preki ~ shortcut; vodeni
~ waterway; regionalni ~ principal road,
country road, district road; kruni ~ beltway,
ring road; seoski (kolski) ~ a dirt road;
prokriti ~ to clear a path; s ~a! out of the
way! najkrai ~ the shortest way; na pola ~a
at the halfway point; srednji ~ the middle
course; tim ~em that way; slubenim ~em
through offical channels; ii pravim
(pogrenim) ~em to go the right (wrong)
way; ~ do uspeha the path to success;
sudskim ~em by legal means; Mleni ~

Milky Way; ~na brzina cruising speed; ~na

mrea road network; ~na isprava passport;
~na groznica excitement preceding a trip;
~na stipendija travel grant
putar road maintenance worker
putarina road toll, toll
putna karta road map
putokaz road sign
putovanje brano ~ honeymoon; slubeno ~ business
trip; kruno ~ cruise; ~ na hadiluk
radar radar; ~ska antena (mrea) radar antenna
(network); ~sko praenje radar tracking
radionica workshop
rafinirati to refine; ~ naftu (eer) to refine oil (sugar)
rampa ramp; silazna (uzlazna) ~ exit (entrance) ramp;
rampar crossing guard
raskrsnica crossroads, intersection; na ~i at the
crossroads; ~sa krunim tokom roundabout
rasprodaja sale
razvijati to develop
razvoj development, evolution
red schedule, timetable; ~ vonje ili vozni ~ timetable;
~ letenja flight schedule
registarska tablica number plate, registration plate
registracija registration
reklama advertisement, ad
reklamacija complaint; claim; uloiti (napraviti) ~u to
make a complaint; odeljenje ~e complaint
reklamni materijal promotional material
remorker tug-boat
restoran restaurant
revers issue voucher; receipt
rezerva provision, fund; reserves
rezervisati to reserve
rizik risk
rizikovati to risk
rizla gritting material, grit, chippings

roba goods, merchandise; ~ iroke potronje consumer

goods; uvozna ~ imported merchandise;
vunena (pamuna, svilena, kona) ~ woolen
(cotton, silk, leather) goods; poruiti
(pregledati, poslati, primiti, istovariti) ~u to
order (inspect, send, receive, unload)
merchandise; loa ~ bad merchandise;
suhomesnata ~ delicattesen; ~na razmena
exchange of goods; ~na kua department
store; ~na dokumenta shipping documents;
~na proizvodnja the production of goods;
~ne liste lists of goods; ~ni fond stock (of
goods); ~ni promet turnover; ~ni ig
saobraaj traffic; transportation; drumski
(automobilski, avionski) ~ highway
(automobile, air) traffic; elezniki ~ railroad
transportation; vazduni ~ air transportation;
pomorski (prekookeanski, reni, kanalski,
jezerski) ~ sea (transoceanic, river, canal,
lake) transportation; autobuski ~ bus
transportation; saoniki ~ transportation by
sleigh; splavski ~ transportation by raft; javni
~ public transportation; gust ~ heavy traffic;
prekinuti (obustaviti) ~ to stop (hold up)
traffic; prekid ~a stoppage of traffic; smetnja
~a obstacle to traffic; bezbednost ~a traffic
safety; ~na sredstva means of transportation;
~ni milicioner traffic policeman; ~ni znaci
traffic signs; ~ne veze (lines of)
transportation; ~na nesrea traffic accident;
~ni propisi traffic regulations; ~na dozvola
(automobile) registration card; ~ni fakultet
school of transportation; ~ni inenjer
transportation engineer; ~na mrea
transportation network
saobraajac traffic policeman
saobraajnica traffic artery; line of communications
saobraati to run, operate
sedite seat, place

semafor traffic light

sidrite roadstead
signalizacija sign work
siguran safe
sir cheese; vajcarski ~ Swiss cheese; zreo (mladi) ~
ripened (unripened) cheese
sirarstvo cheese making
skaj leatherete, leather-imitation
slepa ulica cul-de-sac, dead-end-street
sloj stratum, layer
smet snowdrift
sofa sofa
sok juice
specifikacija specification, specs
spisak list, schedule
spor slow, sluggish
sporadian sporadic
srebro silver
sredstva resources, funds; finansijska ~a financial
resources; obrtna ~a capital goods
sredstvo means; saobraajna (prevozna) ~a means of
transportation; ~ plaanja means of payment;
za dinarska ~a plaanja for payment in
stajalite station, place for standing
stoni livestock; ~no trite livestock fair; ~na
hrana fodder
stoka cattle, livestock; krupna ~ neat cattle; sitna ~
sheep and goats; radna ~ draft animals
stop-linija stop-line
stornirati to cancel, anul
stovarite warehouse, depot
strelica arrow
svetlarnik skylight, small window
svetlo headlight, beam; dugako ili veliko (srednje,
malo ili poziciono ili gradsko) ~ the long
beam (normal beam, parking lights); light;
upaliti (ugasiti) ~ turn on (turn off) the light;
ulina~a streetlights; trepue ~ a blinking
light; zeleno ~ green light

svetlobran lampshade
svinjar hog breeder, hog dealer
svinjarstvo hog raising
svinjetina pork
svinjogojstvo hog raising
tampon base, road base
tepih carpet
teret load, burden; cargo
tramvaj streetcar; trolley car; tram
tramvajdija streetcar operator, tram operator
trasa line, route
trgovac merchant, businessman, shopkeeper; ~ na
veliko (na malo) wholesaler (retailer); ~
vinom wine dealer
trgovaki commercial, business; ~ putnik traveling
salesman; commercial traveler; ~ centar
commercial center; ~ brod freighter; ~a
korespondencija business correspondence;
~o pravo business (commercial) law; ~ posao
a business matter; ~ svet the business world;
~a kola a business school; ~ raun a
commercial account (in a bank); ~a kua a
commercial house; ~a komora a chamber of
commerce; ~o pismo a business letter; ~a
mornarica merchant marine; ~i duh a sense
for business; ~o drutvo a business
association; ~e veze commercial ties
trgovati to trade, deal; ~ vinom to deal in wine; ~ s
nekim to trade with smb
trgovina trade, commerce; business; spoljna ~ foreign
trade; ~ stokom (vinom, koama) trade in
cattle (wine, hides); pomorska ~ maritime
commerce; ~ na veliko (na malo) wholesale
(retail) trade; ministarstvo ~e Ministry of
Trade; ~ski sporazum trade agreement; ~ski
ugovor trade treaty; ~sko predstavnitvo
commercial agency; ~ski savetnik
commercial advisor; ~ski obiaji trade
trotoar pavement, sidewalk

tucanik gravel
tunel tunnel
tu shower
ulica street; glavna (sporedna) ~ main (side) street
ulje oil; ~ za kuvanje cooking oil; maslinovo ~ olive
oil; masno ~ vegetable oil; motorsko ~ motor
oil; mineralno ~ mineral oil; ~ za
podmazivanje lubricating oil; laneno ~
linseed oil; ~ od maka (suncokreta)
poppyseed (sunflower) oil; riblje ~ cod-liver
oil; zamena (promena) ~a oil change;
pumpa za ~ oil pump; ~ za loenje heating
umivaonica wash room
umivaonik washstand
uputstvo guidelines, instructions
usev crop
uslov limitation, clause, condition
uspon rise, ascent
uvoz import, importation; roba iz ~a imported goods;
~na roba imported goods; ~na taksa
(carina) import tax (duty); ~na trgovina
import trade; ~na dozvola import license;
~na roba imported merchandise; ~na firma
import firm, importer
uvoziti to import
uvoznik importer
vatrogasna kola fire engine
vazduh air; sve (ist) ~ fresh (clean) air
vazduhoplov aircraft
vazduhoplovac pilot, air-force member
vazduhoplovni air; ~e snage air force; ~ atae air
attache; ~a kompanija airline (company); ~a
kola flying school; ~ kontrolor air-traffic
controller; ~a divizija air division
vazduhoplovstvo air force; aviation; air traffic; air
vazduni air; ~no hlaen motor air-cooled engine;
~na puka air rifle; ~a konica air brake; ~a
zatita air defense(s); ~a laa airship,

dirigible; ~a linija air line; ~ saobraaj

(transport) air transportation
vino wine
viza visa; traiti (dobiti, izdati) ~u to apply for
(receive, issue) a visa; ulazno-izlazna ~
entry-exit visa; putnika ~ travel visa;
ukidanje ~e abolition of visa requirements
voz train; putniki (teretni, veernji, jutarnji, brzi) ~
passenger (freight, evening, morning,
express) train; ~ polazi (dolazi) the train is
leaving (arriving); ~na karta train ticket
voza driver; ~ tramvaja streetcar motorman; ~i
(motornih vozila) motorists; on je dobar ~
he is good driver
vozaki driving; ~ ispit driving test; ~a dozvola driver's
license; driving license; ~a kola driving
vozarina freight (charges); ~ski trokovi freight
vozilo vehicle
voziti to drive, go; on odlino vozi he drives very well;
~ velikom brzinom to drive at a high speed;
~ oprezno (polako, brzo) to drive carefully
(slow, fast); vozi desno (levo)! drive to the
right (left)! auto odlino vozi the car runs
beautifully; on ne zna da vozi he doesn't
know how to drive; to ride; ~ auto to drive a
car; ~ bicikl to ride a bicycle; to haul, drive,
transport; ~ ito (nametaj, drvo) to haul
grain (furniture, lumber)
voziti se to ride, be driven; ~ autom to ride a car; ~
jedrilicom to sail on a yacht; ~ avionom to
go by airplane; ~ novim putem to ride (drive)
on a new road; ~ morem to travel by sea; ~
na roluama to roller-skate
vonja driving, drive; ride; trip; brza ~ fast driving; za
vreme ~e while driving; otii u ~u to go for a
drive; prekid ~e interruption of a trip;
besplatna ~ a free trip; gradska ~ city
driving; pri ~i unazad when backing up;

drumska (terenska) ~ highway (crosscountry) driving; ~ po snegu (po ledu)

driving on snow (on ice); ~ po magli (po kii,
po jakom vetru) driving in fog (in rain, in a
strong wind); ~ bicikla bicycling, riding a
vozovoa head conductor
vrata door
vreme time; epoch, season; ~ prolazi time passes; ~ i
mesto time and place; kratko ~ a short time;
za kratko ~ for (in) a short time; u poslednje
~ recently; s ~enom in time, gradually;
uteda (gubitak) u ~enu saving (loss) of
time; dobiti u ~enu to gain time; gubiti ~ to
waste time; s ~ena na ~ from time to time;
ima ~ena there is time; nemam ~ena I have
no time; nema ~ena there is no time; jedno ~
some time; for some time; krajnje je ~ it's
high time; ii u korak s ~enom to keep
abreast of the times; stii na ~ to arrive on
time; pitanje je ~ena it's a question of time; ~
berbe (setve) harvest (planting) season;
godinje ~ season; ~ parenja mating season;
(sports) mrtvo ~ time-out; srednjoevropsko
~ Central European time; weather; lepo
(toplo, hladno, kiovito) ~ nice (warm, cold,
rainy) weather; letnje (zimsko) ~ summer
(winter) weather; runo (vetrovito) ~ nasty
(windy) weather; prognoza (predvianje)
~ena weather forecasting; ~ske prilike (~
uslovi) weather conditions
zadruga cooperative, collective; potroaka (radna,
seljaka, stambena) ~ consumers' (workers',
peasants', housing) cooperative;
zemljoradnika ~ collective farm; zanatska
~ craftsmen's guild; kreditna ~ credit union
zaklon shelter; ~ protiv smetova snow fence
zaliha stock, supply, reserve; ~ ita grain supply
zaobilazak by pass, detour
zastakljen vitrified

zastor road surface, carpet, overlay

zaustaviti to stop; to hold up; ~ auto (voz, prolaznika)
to stop a car (train, passerby); ~ dah hold
one's breath; ~ saobraaj to hold up traffic
eleznica railroad; railway; zupana ~ cogged railway;
iana ~ cable railway; podzemna ~ subway;
underground; jednoinska ~ monorail
elezniar railroad worker, railroad employee
elezniki railroad; ~a stanica railroad station; ~a
mrea (pruga) railroad network (track); ~
most (saobraaj) railroad bridge
(transportation); ~ vor rail center; ~ vagon
(nasip, prag) railroad car (embankment, tie);
~a nesrea (tarifa) railroad accident (rates);
~a artiljerija railroad artillery
itnica grainery
ito grain, corn
itorod grain crop
zlato gold


Jedinice duine
Jard (Brit.)
yd (UK)
Jard (SAD)
yd (US)
Nautika milja
n. mile
Jedinice povrine
Kvadratni in
sq. in
Kvadratna stopa sq. ft
Kvadratni jard
sq. yd
Kvadratna milja sq. mile
Jedinice zapremine
Galon (Brit.)
gal (UK)
Pinta (Brit.)
pt (UK)
Tena unca
fl.oz (UK)
Buel (Brit.)
Buel (SAD )
bu (US)
Barel (SAD)
Brodska tona
Sh. ton
Galon (SAD)
gal (US)
Jedinice mase
Funta (trg.)
Funta (Brit.)
ib (UK)
Funta (SAD)
Ib (US)


Vrednosti u SI


4,54609 x 10-3
0,568261x 10-3
28,4130 x 10-6
36,3687x 10
35,2393 x 10-3
158,988 x 10-3
3,78543 x 10-3





Prvo izdanje


Grafiko reenje i dizajn korica

Milka Panti



Kompjuterska priprema i obrada teksta

Duko Petkovi
Tehnike karakteristike
format: 10,5 x 19,5 cm obim: 192 str.
papir: ofset 90 g/m2povez: broiran
korice: kunstdruk 250 g/m2,
pun kolor, plastificirane
Udruenje Nauka i drutvo Srbije
ISBN 978 - 86 - 7978 - BEOGRAD, 2007.

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