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Answer script

1st Year Half Yearly Examination-2016

1. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives:
Where was Tereshkova sealed?
(c) inside Vostok-6
Tereshkova was born in
(b) 1937
(iii.) Tereshkova started her distance learning at the age of
(c) sixteen
(iv.) Which one of the following words refers to the word expertise?
(c) skill
The word proletaria refers to
(d) the working class people
3. Read the following text and Fill in the blanks with suitable words


1 x 10 = 10

from the box. There are more words in the box than needed. Make
any grammatical changes, if necessary.

Some people (a) argue that etiquette no (b)longer matters, that the rules for good
behaviour are (c)old-fashioned and out of date. However, good(d) behaviour and
manners are (e)never out of style. Etiquette, like all other (f)cultural behaviours,
evolves to match the times.(g) Without etiquette, members of society would show
far too much (h)impatience and disrespect for one another, which would lead to insults,
(i)dishonesty, cheating, road rage, fist fights, and a rash of other (j)unfortunate incidents.
English 2nd Paper

Use articles where necessary. Put a cross () where an article

is not needed.
Punctuality is of great value to (a) a student.(b)An unpunctual student who is
late in (c) the class will miss (d)the important lessons. But (e) a punctual student
learns his lessons in(f) x time and do well in(g) the examination. Punctuality is
(h) the key to success in life. We should be (i) x punctual in all of our activities.
So, we should be concerned so that we may develop punctuality as (j) a habit.

0.5 x 10= 5

8. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.


Most (a) of students(b) of our country are expert(c)in memorising answers. They
get notes prepared (d) by their tutors. Their tutors exercise their brain (e) for the
students. So the thinking power (f) of the students does not improve. They dont
have any command (g)over/on the language. Of course they do well (h) in the
examination but (i)for this, they can claim no credit of their own. This result will
not help them (j)in their future life.
9. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each. Make any

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grammatical changes, if necessary.

Bangladesh has been (a) suffering from a rampant food adulteration problem for the last couple
of decades. Unsafe food (b) poses a major threat to public health in Bangladesh. Each year
millions of citizens suffer from countless diseases following the (c) consumption of unsafe food.
Several (d) attempts have (e) been made to change the food safety regulatory regime (FSRR) of
Bangladesh to (f) combat this alarming issue. Unfortunately, the situation (g) has hardly changed,
rather it is (h) getting worse day by day. Despite the existence of the several bodies, there is no (i)
effective coordination among these regulatory authorities (j) dealing with the food safety

10. Read the following passage and then write the antonym and synonym

1 x 10 = 10

of the words as directed below.

(a) Alleviate (synonym)

---------------------------------------- Lessen, relieve

(b) congestion (antonym)

---------------------------------------- free, wedge

(c) estimates(synonym)

---------------------------------------- assess, evaluate, predict

(d) dense (antonym)

---------------------------------------- thin, meager

(e) infrastructure(synonym) ---------------------------------------- framework

(f) suffer(synonym)

---------------------------------------- experience, undergo

(g) planned(antonym)

---------------------------------------- unplanned

(h)intersection (synonym) -----------------------------------------junction

(i) enforce (antonym)

---------------------------------------- prevent, discourage

(j) direct (antonym)

---------------------------------------- mislead, neglect

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