Ued 495-496 Moore Elisabeth Personal Teaching Philosophy

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Personal Teaching Philosophy

Elisabeth Moore
Regent University

In partial fulfillment of UED 495 Field Experience ePortfolio, Fall 2016



Throughout my studies, I have learned about many different philosophies of education as
well as philosophies of student learning, classroom management, and instruction. Before
beginning my studies, I had some ideas of what I wanted my classroom to look like; however,
during my studies, my ideas became more defined and evolved to what they are today. One area
that has remained consistent in all my educational experience has been the impact of my faith in
the profession which I feel is my calling in life: teaching.

If I were to label my philosophy of student learning, I would say that I side more with the
views of Essentialism and Progressivism. According to Powell, Progressivism is a philosophy
that is student-centered, and focuses on a curriculum of interest to students (Powell p.222). It
also focuses on student discovery and problem solving (Powell p.222). I believe that students
should not only learn what is written in the curriculum, but also be able to learn about and
explore topics outside of the curriculum that are of interest to them. I also believe that a teachers
role is not to tell students the answers to their questions, but to guide the students learning.
Essentialism, according to Powell, is the believe that there is a core curriculum that all students
should learn (Powell p.220). Although this curriculum may shift and change depending on the
societal changes, overall it should be ...basic, organized, and rigorous (Powell p. 220). I
believe that there are some core curriculum topics that all students should know. I also believe
that what is the core curriculum now may change within the next few years. Lastly, I believe in
Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligences. I believe that each child is gifted in a unique area.



Just because they struggle in one area does not mean that they struggle in another area (Powell p.
Student and Teacher Roles
The students and teacher both play important roles in the educational setting. I believe
that students are responsible for their own learning. The teacher cannot make a student learn;
learning is the students choice. I believe that every child has the right to an education. Although
every child does have a right to an education, the ability to wake up and go to school every day is
a privilege. I believe that every child has the capability to learn more than they know right now.
Although some students may struggle with learning, they are capable of growing their span of
knowledge beyond what they currently know.
My goal for my class is that by the end of the year, my students know more than they did
when they came in to my class. My students should be willing participants in their educational
experience. I want every child to realize that learning coming to school is a privilege that some
children dont have and they should be grateful for it. I want each student to love learning and
have a desire to come to school.
The teacher also plays an important role in education. Although a teacher cannot make
students learn, they should show the students the value in learning. This means connecting what
happens in the classroom to what is going on outside the classroom. Teachers provide a safe
learning environment for students to not only learn, but to feel valued as an individual. A
successful teacher recognizes each student as a unique individual and uses differentiation to cater
the lessons to reach as many students as possible. I believe that teachers need to come prepared
for the day. Even though lesson planning may seem trivial, having a solid plan and being



prepared for the school day allows the teacher to be able to focus on the students and their needs
both educationally and emotionally. Teachers should also focus on building a relationship with
their students. This will help the students have a desire to learn because no one wants to learn
from someone they dont like. Building a relationship with the students should be one of the top
priorities of a teacher.
My goal as a teacher is to have a positive relationship with my students and to always be
aware of their feelings and emotions as well as their physical and academic needs. I want each
student to feel loved, valued, and safe in my classroom. I desire to reach each student where they
are at and to help them to grow academically and as a global citizen. As a teacher my goal is to
be flexible in learning how to better teach in order to be able to effectively reach each student.

Classroom Management
Classroom management plays a key part in student learning. I believe a classroom
environment should be structured with clear expectations for the students. Classroom rules
should be carefully written, clearly communicated, and posted in the classroom. The schedule
should also be written and posted in the classroom for the students to be able to see and know
what is coming next.
One aspect of classroom management is classroom layout. Adequate space between
desks or tables is key to classroom management because it allows the teacher easy access to any
student at any desk. Not only should there be sufficient space, but each desk should be placed in
a way so that each student is able to see the teacher.



Another aspect of classroom management is behavior management. I believe it is

important to have a clearly defined and clearly communicated behavior management system. The
students must know the expectations in order to fulfill them. The students should have positive
consequences when they behave, and negative consequences when they knowingly disobey.
My main goal for classroom management is that I am able to find and apply behavior and
classroom management strategies that do not distract the students learning, but instead enhance
the learning environment. My goal is that every student is able to learn in a safe environment
without distractions.

As a Christian, my faith is integrated in to everything I do as a teacher. I believe that each
student is created uniquely by God to fulfill a purpose on Earth (Ps. 139:13, Jer. 1:5 NKJ). My
goal is to be able to help each student to fulfill their purpose. In the Bible, God consistently
called His followers to set a positive example for others (1 Tim. 4:12, Titus 2:3-7 NKJ). As the
teacher, I want to set a positive example for the students in my interactions with them, as well as
my interactions with my co-workers. I believe that everyone deserves to be honored and
respected. In my lessons and classroom management, I will choose to always respect my
students. As a Christian, I fully rely on God to help me make decisions in my life. In the
classroom it is no different. When I am unsure of what to do with a student who has behavior
challenges, I pray. If I dont know how to more effectively teach a lesson, I pray. I know that
God always holds the solutions to my problems. My ultimate goal as a Christian is to model



Christ. This goal applies to my classroom. I want the students to be able to see Christ through me
and my actions on a daily basis.

Evolution of Beliefs
Before beginning student teaching, I believed that everything that was set at the
beginning of the school year would work well throughout the year. For example, the classroom
management strategies, behavior management strategies, and even the differentiation strategies
that were set in place at the beginning of the school year would last until the end of the school
year. Now that I have experienced the beginning of the school year in a classroom, I realize that
what is established at the beginning may change! Strategies that worked for one class may not
work for another class. Strategies that work at the beginning of the year may not work after
Christmas break. The goal in all strategies is to do what is best for the students. As the students
grow and learn, the classroom dynamics may grow and change as well. As a teacher, my goal is
to be able to be flexible to grow and learn with my students.
Although my beliefs do align with specific philosophies, my ultimate goal is to do what is
best for my students. I believe that students have the responsibility to learn and that the teacher
has the responsibility to teach the students the value of learning. Classroom and Behavior
management play key roles in the educational experience. As a Christian, my faith impacts every
decision I make and action I take in the classroom. Although my beliefs have evolved over the
last few years, one thing has remained constant: I desire a relationship with my students and to
teach them to the best of my ability.



Powell, S. D. (2011). Your introduction to education: Explorations in teaching (2nd ed.). Boston,
MA: Pearson.

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