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2011 mjus

Dear Mr Spencer,
I am an eighteen year old student from Hungary. From September I will be spending a year in Cheshire as
an au-pair and I am interested in your courses.
Since the age of eight I have been learning the piano, and I would like to continue my lessons during my
stay in England. At present I am at Grade VII level.
I would be grateful if you could tell me where you are in Cheshire, whether you teach piano at this level
and whether you provide tuition in the evenings.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Vera Nagy

Hello Lisa,
Thanks for your email. I know that you are worried about Emma, but things are probably not so bad.
Youre probably right that she is sharing stuff with kids from school, but of course there is a danger that on
social networking sites she is meeting people pretending to be kids. Have you spoken to her about this?
Tell her to only chat with people she knows, and never to put up personal information on the net like her
address or mobile number.
The net is a great tool, but its not good to get addicted. Try to interest her in other things, like going out,
and get her to talk to you about what she does on the net.
Anyway let me know about how things turn out.

2012 mjus

I am currently in England on a two-week holiday with my parents, and I have found an excellent secondhand bookshop with a huge sci-fi section.
As I know you also enjoy these books, I would like you to recommend me a few titles. I have read all of
Asimovs books, but any other writer is possible. I would appreciate your advice.
Thank you for your help.
Yours sincerely,

Your post raises several important issues. You say there is always a fight over which TV programmes to watch.
Although I have nothing against children watching appropriate programmes, I think they should not watch TV
endlessly in their spare time. I note that the children, aged 5-8, watch programmes like House MD which carries a PG
certificate. The key word here is parental, which suggests that there are parts of the programme which parents
would consider unsuitable for their children. You need to choose carefully.
But, more importantly, you should involve the children in other activities. Why not take the children into the garden
to play ball games, or if the weather is bad, introduce them to board games, puzzles or chess.
I hope this advice is helpful.
2013 mjus

Thanks a lot for the invitation to the event at the Royal Observatory.
Ive always been fascinated by the night sky, and this looks like an excellent opportunity to find out more,
and I havent been to the Observatory yet. The earliest slot is the best for me, as I have to get up early
every day. Anyone else coming?
As you know, I dont have too much money, so I must ask you about the price of the event, and how
much it will cost to travel to Greenwich.
I hope all is well with you and your family,
Best wishes,

Many younger children in large families worry that they will not be able to do as well as their older
brothers and sisters. There is nothing strange about your situation.
I think you ought to discuss the problem with your family. They will try to help you, Im sure. Maybe your
parents faced similar difficulties when they were young. Obviously, your brother and sister can also help
Clearly, you should keep doing your best at school and everywhere, but in the end you should judge
yourself by what you want to do, what you can achieve, and not by comparing yourself to others. Just
focus on your own goals, then you will succeed and soon feel much more confident.
I hope all this could help.
Take care,

2014 mjus

I am writing because I am interested in the bicycle which you recently advertised for sale.
I would be grateful if I could have further details about the bike, in particular when it was made and its
condition. Also, I need to know the price you are asking.
If everything is OK, I would like to view and try out the bike, so please include your address and mobile
number in your reply.
Best wishes,
Edgar Wolf

I understand your worries about your piano examination. But I think the examiners are not nearly as
worried about what you wear as you are.
When choosing what to wear for an exam, by far the best advice is to turn up in clothes that you yourself
feel comfortable in. Doing a stressful task is only made worse if your clothing is unusual for you for
instance wearing a tie when you are not used to one.
Before I go into an exam, I try to behave as if I were relaxed, which has the reverse effect of relaxing me.
It is also not a good idea to go into an exam starving, so eat something, but dont overeat.
I hope all this helps you, and good luck.
Edgar Wolf

2015 mjus

Dear Mr Gabaine,
I have read your advertisement and I would like to take driving lessons with the Greenwich Driving
I have a Hungarian driving licence and have driven a great deal in my own country, but I think I need
to become familiar with the Highway Code in England and practise driving on the left.
Please let me know when the lessons start.
Yours sincerely,
Gbor Szab

Dear Tania,
Thanks for your email about your student council.
I, too, am a member of our schools student council. But my experience is different from
yours. We meet regularly every week, and two teachers come to the meetings and listen
carefully to everything that said.
I think your decision to list the important points before your first meeting is a sensible
thing to do.
In our school the main problem is the choice of subjects, which we feel is too narrow, and
of course the price and quality of food in the canteen is an issue that never goes away.


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