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Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Presented by Patty Tsang C N S

Dame Eadith Walker Home
Training Unit
Sydney South West Area Health (Eastern Zone)

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

D E W Home Training Team

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Button Hole Cannulation Method :

1. Disinfect the button hole and surrounding area
2. Remove the scab on the button hole with 18 G
drawing needle

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Button Hole Cannulation Method cont.:

3. Disinfect the button hole (again)
4. Insert the cannula in the same puncture site
(button hole) and same angle


Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Comparison of Blunt v.s. Normal cannula

. Use blunt needle when the track is formed
. Tip & edges of the cannula are less sharp Blunt edges
Blunt needle tip



Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Puncture Site
Correct Button Hole puncture

Incorrect puncture

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Dull (Blunt) B. H. AVF cannula

Benefits :

Specially designed for button hole insertion

Less damage at the button hole

Minimize the chance of damaging of blood vessel

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Example 1: Traditional Cannulation

different sites

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Example 1: continued

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Example 2: Traditional Cannulation

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Example 3 : Traditional Cannulation

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Example 4 : Traditional Cannulation

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Example 5 : Traditional Cannulation

Mr S S AVF 3 y
Cannulated different sites

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Example 6 : Traditional Cannulation

cannulated different sites for 7 y

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Button Hole Technique

Most of AVF can only cannulate at very

limited areas

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Example 1: Button Hole Technique

The 1st patient use B H technique in 2004

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Example 1: continued
B H technique for 2.5 y

Mrs K

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Example 1: continued
MRS K (limited cannulation sites)

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Example 2: Button Hole Technique

Mrs Y

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Example 3: Failed Traditional Method

Changed to B H Technique

2 weeks after MISSED cannulation

-resulted in large haematoma

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Example 3: Continued B H Technique

Managed self cannulate within 3 wk

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Example 3: Continued

Shows limited area available

for cannulation

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Example 3: Continued

Shows that different sites are more

easily cannulated by a nurse - even
then options are limited

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Example 4 : Continued
Button hole 18 months


Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Example 5 : Button Hole technique for 2 y

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Gortex graft 3 y, Cannulated different sites for 2 y

From the 3rd year cannulated the Gortex for the arterial
Upper arm native AVF for the venous (use B H technique)

Mr L Z

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Button hole v.s. cannulate different sites

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

B/H v.s. Puncture different sites

Ms N

B H technique 18 m

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

B/H Cannulation Offer :

Less haematoma
Less anxious during cannulation
Less missed cannulation
Less pain do not require L/A reduce cost
less scar formation
Reduce decannulation bleeding time
Shorter training time
B/H is Perfect for pts. with limited access sites for
Nocturnal Pt. no chance to Blow Fistula (Dull

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Button Hole Puncture Technique

The Button hole technique is currently supported

by all our Nephrologists at the Sydney South
West Area Health (Eastern Zone).

Since beginning of 2004, we have

increased to fifty patients using
button hole puncture technique

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Special Acknowledgements :

To Rhonda Pocknee (NIPRO Product Manager

Sutherland Medical)

To the nursing staff of Dame Eadith Walker

Dialysis Centre : K Grimley, L Haberecht, J
Lelek, J Moustakis, Y Park, F Siu, C Stevens, W
W Tsang, M Zuhair

To Doctor C George

To Rosie Simmonds (Barwon Health)

Copyright Renal Society of Australasia 2006. Reproduction without author permission prohibited.

Question & Discussion

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