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An Accepted Admissions Guide

By: Linda Abraham
2016 Accepted

2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

The best way to ace your application essays is to ANSWER THE ESSAY QUESTIONS. This
may sound like an easy feat, yet so often applicants go into the essay writing process with
ulterior motives: to write their preconceived essays based only loosely on the given essay topics.
Newsflash: No matter how compelling and well-written your essays are, if they dont answer the
questions as they are presented to you on the application, they will not impress the admissions
committeeor at least not in the way you want them to.
In this admissions guide you will receive the guidance you need to a) understand exactly what
each essay question is asking, and to b) answer the question in the most compelling and
impressive fashion. To make the most of this guide, I recommend you keep the following in

These questions were originally used in the 2015-2016 MBA application cycle.
Whenever you read this, dont assume they are unchanged. Check the schools websites
for the current version.

Each school asks different questions; therefore, each essay you draft should be unique to
each essay question and to each program. While it may be tempting to use the same essay
for a few different applications, adcoms can usually tell the difference between a recycled
essay and an essay that was written specifically to answer their question and they
certainly prefer the latter.

In our analyses below, youll find valuable tips on what to include in your answers, as
well as advice on what you should avoid at all costs. Dont stop reading after the dos;
the donts can be just as valuable, if not more so.

Since fit is so crucial to each of these schools, be sure to research each program you
apply to and envision yourself at that particular school on its campus, in its classrooms,
interacting with its professors, etc. while drafting your essay. If you want the adcoms to
believe you will be an irreplaceable fixture in their next class, then youll have to
convince them that your ideals and goals are one with theirs.

Finally, at the end of each section of this report, I provide additional tips and advice for
applicants, as well as how Accepted can further assist you with their application efforts. Our
editors and consultants are standing by, ready to be of service to you.
Enjoy the reportand answer those questions directly. Effectively.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
Disclaimer: Please double-check the original application on each individual b-schools website
to ensure accuracy. Accepted is not responsible for any discrepancies in the text or any changes
that may have been made to the original applications since the time of publishing.
Note: As you read through this report youll find that we formatted it as clearly as possible so
you can easily tell where Accepted commentary begins and ends. B-school directions and
questions are typed in standard font, while Accepted comments are all italicized.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Chicago Booth ................................................................................................................................ 4
Columbia Business School ............................................................................................................. 7
Dartmouth Tuck ............................................................................................................................ 11
Duke Fuqua ................................................................................................................................... 14
Emory Goizueta ............................................................................................................................ 19
Georgetown McDonough.............................................................................................................. 22
Harvard Business School .............................................................................................................. 25
IE ................................................................................................................................................... 30
IMD ............................................................................................................................................... 34
Indian School of Business (ISB) ................................................................................................... 38
Kellogg.......................................................................................................................................... 41
Michigan Ross .............................................................................................................................. 45
MIT Sloan ..................................................................................................................................... 47
NYU Stern .................................................................................................................................... 51
Stanford GSB ................................................................................................................................ 55
UC Berkeley Haas......................................................................................................................... 59
UVA Darden ................................................................................................................................. 63
Wharton......................................................................................................................................... 65
Yale SOM ..................................................................................................................................... 68
Epilogue ........................................................................................................................................ 71




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Chicago Booth
Chicago Booth has always prided itself on valuing
applicants who can handle ambiguity and lack of
structure. And its application reflects that principle. In
spades. This year's Booth application also mirrors
Chicago's pride in its distinctive culture. This
essay/presentation question, which is new for this year,
is about as open-ended and original as it gets.

Chicago Booth values individuality because of what we can learn from the diverse experiences
and perspectives of others. This mutual respect creates an open-minded community that supports
curiosity, inspires us to think more broadly, take risks, and challenge assumptions. At Booth,
community is about collaborative thinking and tapping into each other's different viewpoints to
cultivate new ideas and realize breakthrough moments every day.
Using one of the photos provided, tell us how it resonates with your own viewpoint on why the
Booth community is the right fit for you.
This is a really difficult question.
What do you want to tell Booth that reflects your adventurous and curious nature,
your distinctive perspective and experience which will contribute to the class' diversity and
your ability to contribute to a vigorous but still collaborative exchange of ideas? And yes it
should be genuinely you.
To start, make a list of the experiences and achievements that you are most proud of and that
best reflect who you are. Then review the Booth admissions criteria. Next to each item on your
list, add the qualities from Booth's criteria that this experience or achievement reveals.
Next, review Booth's website for insights into its community. If possible, talk to current students
and recent alumni. Here is Booth's succinct description of its community:
"Our community is intensely collaborative. At Booth, ideas compete and people
collaborate. We have a culture where we value people who are curious. Whether
presented by a classmate or a professor, every idea is examined with a belief in data over
dogma. We prefer to let arguments stand and fall on their own merit. Ideas are
authentically and rigorously tested and refined through honest and thoughtful discussion
and discourse. There are no wrong questions, except the ones that go unasked.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
This experience will take you deeper into an issue, broaden your perspective, and compel
you to challenge assumptions. You will uncover new realities and INSIGHTS, crack open
seemingly intractable challenges, and develop more valid and useful solutions."
Now that you have done your research, look at the pictures. Which one resonates with you?
Which one will allow you to show fit with Booth's community, especially the admissions criteria
related to community?

Essay Guidelines:

Choose the format that works for you. Feel free to submit a traditional essay, slide
presentation, or any format that you feel best captures your response. Please use the
format you are most comfortable with, the Admissions Committee has no preference.
Determine your own length. There is no prescribed minimum or maximum length. We
trust that you will use your best judgment in determining how long your submission
should be, but we recommend that you think strategically about how to best allocate the

Technical Guidelines:

File Size: Maximum file size is 16 MB.

Accepted Upload Formats: Acceptable formats are PDF, Word, and PowerPoint. We
strongly recommend converting your piece to a PDF file prior to submitting.

Multimedia Restrictions: We will be viewing your submission electronically and in full

color, but all submissions will be converted to PDF files, so animation, video, music, etc.
will not translate over.

A few thoughts:
Should you write an essay or use a visual presentation? That depends on you. If you are talented
visually and love graphics and PowerPoint, use a visual medium as long as it will translate to
PDF. If you are a "words person" who prefers expressing your thoughts in writing, write the
response. Do what will make it easiest for you to express your essence.
Don't take the lack of a word limit as a license to write the next great American novel or your
culture's equivalent of War and Peace. Don't use more words or take more of their time than
necessary. Don't mistake quantity for quality. This is a great place for you to show judgment
good or bad.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Reapplicant Essay:
Upon reflection, how has your perspective regarding your future, Chicago Booth, and/or getting
an MBA changed since the time of your last application? (300 words maximum)
This answer to this question is critical for MBA reapplicants. Remember, Chicago (and any
school you are reapplying to) wants to see growth. Same ol, same ol got you a ding last time
and probably will again this time.
Let this brief essay show a maturation and evolution of your goals and reasons for wanting to
attend Chicago Booth. Let it also reveal that you meet Chicago's criteria better this year than




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Columbia Business School

Columbia tweaked last years questions for this year. There
are relatively minor changes, specifically:

Columbias short-answer question about your

immediate post-MBA goal has gone from 75 to
50 characters. Yes, that was characters, not words.
Two years ago it was a generous 100 characters.
And those applicants thought they had it tough.

There are wording changes to all the questions. The central focus is the same as in
previous years; but nuances have changes.

While 25 characters have been cut from the goals question, CBS has not cut the length of its
other essays. Still, you will need to make every word, indeed every character, count to really
allow your essays to effectively and compellingly present your qualifications.
Applicants must complete one short answer question and three essays.

Short Answer Question:

What is your immediate post-MBA professional goal? (50 characters maximum)
Note the character limit. Your response must be less than a tweet. Actually it must be just about
one third of a tweet. What do you want to do professionally and in which industry immediately
after earning your MBA? Here are CBS examples of possible responses:
Work in business development for a media company.
Join a strategy consulting firm.
Launch a data-management start-up.
Warning: This question is not asking about intended area of study while in business school or a
non-professional goal or even a long-term goal. And the subject is assumed to be you. No need
to waste characters by including I.

1. Through your resume and recommendations, we have a clear sense of your professional path
to date. What are your career goals going forward, and how will the Columbia MBA help you
achieve them? (500 words maximum)
They already know whats in your resume. Dont repeat your career path to date here. Thats
a waste of essay real estate and means youre not telling them anything new or answering their




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
Do tell them what you want to do after your MBA and what aspects of the Columbia MBA
experience will prepare you to do it. Keep in mind that the MBA is a bridge between your past
and desired future. Show Columbia why its program is the right bridge for you and now is the
right time for you to be traverse this bridge.
To answer this question well, you will need to really know the Columbia program
thoroughly along with why you want a CBS MBA at this point in your career. The essay that
shines will do a great job of showing both fit and self-awareness.
2. Columbia Business Schools location enables us to bridge theory and practice in multiple
ways: through Master Classes, internships, the New York Immersion Seminars, and, most
importantly, through a combination of distinguished research faculty and accomplished
practitioners. How will you take advantage of being at the very center of business? (250 words
Please watch this video before attempting to answer the question and then keep it in mind as you

Really think about the points its making in terms what being at the center means: Access to an
infinite variety of opportunities. Proximity to thought leadership and executive leadership.
Convergence of theory and practice. NYC as an if not the international business center. Also
note the emphasis in the question on bridging theory (the classroom) and practice (the
opportunities that New York City provides).
After watching the video, think about how you intend to take advantage of the infinite
opportunities and energy that reside at Columbia University and in New York City. How will you
take advantage of the entrepreneurial eco-system in New York and Columbia University? The
ties to bio science and pharma? Madison Avenue? The cutting-edge research and thought
leadership? Not to mention the practitioners who lead Wall Street and teach at Columbia. Or
will you explore the cultural riches of NYC and take advantage of the incredible business
opportunities present in the arts and media?




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
Be careful not to speak of those opportunities in the generalities that I have. If you are interested
in luxury goods marketing, as stated in your short answer, then write here about how you will
take advantage of Madison and 5th Avenues as well as Columbias offerings. If you are
interested in finance or consulting, Manhattan and all the businesses in it are at your feet. How
will you benefit from this incredible location as well as the practitioners teaching at CBS?
Final point: you dont have to address all the points raised in the video, but you do have to write
persuasively about at least one.
3. CBS Matters, a key element of the Schools culture, allows the people in your Cluster to learn
more about you on a personal level. What will your Clustermates be pleasantly surprised to learn
about you? (250 words maximum)
Please watch this video to have an idea of what CBS Matters is about.

Make sure you understand Columbias Cluster System. And if you have any lingering doubts
whether this question is about professional achievement, watch the video again. Its not.
You can use this essay to bring out something fun that you like to do. Would you try to get your
cluster to train for a marathon? Set up a karaoke night? Plan a ski trip? Explore New Yorks
museums? Or you can reveal something non-professional that is important to you. How have you
contributed to social groups or causes in the past? Relate you plans to a past successful
initiative, and you will enhance your answer to this question.
Or you could take a more serious approach to this question and discuss a challenge to
overcome. Show that you are a survivor, not a victim and far stronger as a result of this
experience. If you take this approach, be careful to avoid TMI (too much information). You will
have barely met these people.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Optional Essay:
An optional fourth essay will allow you to discuss any issues that do not fall within the purview
of the required essays.
Clearly you can use this optional essay question to address a weakness in your profile or
qualifications, but in my mind, this question is also open-ended enough to allow you to discuss a
diversity element in your personal background or simply some unique area of interest. Also,
tucking a weakness explanation somewhere else would allow you to end the application with a
strength and not a flaw.
Dont use this essay as a grand finale or wrap up. And definitely dont use it to rehash your
reasons for wanting to attend Columbia; those reasons should be perfectly clear from the
required essays. If you decide to respond to this essay, use it to educate the reader about another
talent, interest, or commitment of yours. As always try to show leadership and impact. In short,
give them more reasons to admit you.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Dartmouth Tuck
The Dartmouth Tuck adcom is interested in learning about what
you as an individual, a businessperson, and a leader can
contribute to Tucks small, close-knit program. Use your essays
as a platform for expressing your earnest desire to enter the
world of management and to make a difference.
I strongly recommend Tuck applicants read The MBA
Gatekeeper To Dartmouths Tuck School of Business, Poets and
Quants interview with Dawna Clarke, Director of Admissions at
Tuck. The article is a couple of years old, but still worth reading
if you are applying to Tuck. I also recommend you review Dartmouth's six evaluation criteria for
Tuck tweaked its Essay #1 and #2, but the optional essay is unchanged.
Tuck provides length guidelines, not limits. That "encouragement" and gentle suggestion gives
you a little leeway. Please don't make the mistake of abusing that typical Tuck friendliness. It is
an opportunity for you to show judgment and consideration of your reader by still being

Please respond fully but concisely to the following essay questions. There are no right or wrong
answers. We encourage applicants to limit the length of their responses to 500 words for each
essay. Please double-space your responses.
1. What are your short- and long-term goals? Why do you need an MBA to achieve those goals?
Why are you interested in Tuck specifically?
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: The MBA is a means to an end, not an end in itself. That's
why Tuck (and many other schools) ask question like this one. Tuck wants to know that it can
help you achieve your goal. So clearly you have to have both short- and long-term goals to
respond to the question. And then you need to explain how an MBA will help you realize those
goals and finally, why Tuck is the best place to do so.
You have to know Tuck as well as your goals to respond effectively to this question. Why do you
want a small, tight-knit program in rural New Hampshire? Why do you want a program that
stresses the integration of business functions? Which of Tucks strengths appeal to you? How
will they help you achieve your goals?
2. Tell us about your most meaningful leadership experience and what role you played. How will
that experience contribute to the learning environment at Tuck?




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
This question reflects the importance Tuck, like many MBA programs, places on leadership, and
Tuck really wants to see you as a leader.
Have you chaired a fundraiser that raised a record amount of money? Have you been a board
member for a not-for-profit organization? Have you captained a sports team that led your
company league? Have you been a team lead on a project that came in early and under budget?
Are you the head of a sales team who empowered other members of your team in a way that
greatly contributed to the success of that initiative? These could all be examples of leadership.
How did you motivate your teammates? Tell the story of that event.
Then, how will your leadership style and the lessons learned through this experience enable you
to contribute? Tuck treasures its close-knit, collaborative culture and values teamwork. What
does this experience reveal about you and how you will interact with the MBA community at
Dartmouth? In answering the last question, don't fall into the trap of answering "What do they
want to hear?" What do you most want them to know?

Optional Essay:
Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere that
may be helpful in reviewing your application (e.g., unusual choice of evaluators, weaknesses in
academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes, etc.). Complete this question only if
you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application.
It is almost impossible for two (or even three) 500-word essays plus a bunch of boxes, a
transcript, and a GMAT score to represent fully the uniqueness and talents of a truly impressive
candidate. That comment has nothing to do with writing style and everything to do with the
complexity of accomplished human beings. In my opinion this optional essay is optional in
name only.
At the same time, dont waste the readers time by writing a meaningless, superficial grand
finale or summary. Dont repeat what can be found elsewhere.

Reapplicant Essay:
How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how you
have grown personally and professionally.
Straightforward MBA reapplication question. It is critical that every reapplicant be able to
answer it for every school they are reapplying to: What has changed that would compel Tuck to
admit you this year?




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Duke Fuqua
Leadership, teamwork, ethics, and a global approach to
business are essential elements of
the Duke Fuqua MBA, which is why youll need to make
sure you express your passion for these ideals in
your application essays. Impress the Fuqua adcom by
positioning yourself as an
innovative leader and team player, as someone who can
see the big picture, work collaboratively, and shape
global business.
Three short answer questions and two essays are
required from all applicants.

Responses should use 1.5 line spacing and a font size no smaller than 10-point.
Respond fully and concisely.
Responses must be completed before submitting your application.
Prepare your responses carefully. The Admissions Committee considers your
answers important in the selection process.
All essays are scanned using plagiarism detection software. Plagiarism is
considered a cheating violation within the Honor Code and will not be tolerated in
the admissions process.

Application Tip: Check out Fuqua's section criteria.

Short Essays:
Instructions: Answer all three of the following questions. For each short answer question,
respond in 500 characters only (the equivalent of about 100 words).
1. What are your short term goals, post-MBA?
State what you see yourself doing immediately after you earn your MBA in terms of function and
industry. If location or geography are important to your goal, include them. If you know the type
of companies you would like to work for, you can include that information too, but dont say you
want to work for Company X, unless Company X is sponsoring you. Without sponsorship, a
"Company X" answer is probably too narrow, but saying you would like to work for a firm like
Company X would work.
2. What are your long-term goals?
Your long-term goals should flow logically from your short-term goals. They can be fuzzier both
in terms of direction and timing. But you should have them. They can, but don't have to, include




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
larger aspirations and present a broader perspective on where you are headed. But please don't
go so general and say something like "I aspire to be a good person" or "I strive to leave a lasting
impact on my community." Nice sentiments, but way too vague.
3. Life is full of uncertainties, and plans and circumstances can change. As a result, navigating a
career requires you to be adaptable. Should the short-term goals that you provided above not
materialize what alternative directions have you considered?
Whats your Plan B? If you cant get a job at a leading strategy consulting firm your first
choice what do you want to do? If Plan A is investment banking, whats Plan B?

First Required Essay: 25 Random Things About Yourself

Instructions: Answer the following question present your response in list form, numbered 1 to
25. Some points may be only a few words, while others may be longer. Your complete list should
not exceed two pages.
The "Team Fuqua" spirit and community is one of the things that sets The Duke MBA
experience apart, and it is a concept that extends beyond the student body to include faculty,
staff, and administration. When a new person joins the Admissions team, we ask that person to
share with everyone in the office a list of "25 Random Things About Yourself." As an
Admissions team, we already know the new hire's professional and academic background, so
learning these "25 Random Things" helps us get to know someone's personality, background,
special talents, and more.
In this spirit, the Admissions Committee also wants to get to know youbeyond the professional
and academic achievements listed in your resume and transcript. You can share with us
important life experiences, your likes/dislikes, hobbies, achievements, fun facts, or anything that
helps us understand what makes you who you are. Share with us your list of "25 Random
Things" about YOU.
Have some fun with this list. It certainly allows a more creative approach than permitted by most
essay prompts. Note that the questions asks you to go beyond the professional and academic
achievements listed in your resume and transcript." So you can list your Pez collection or
perhaps your brief membership in a rock band or the fact that you took violin from age 6-18 or
your membership in a gospel choir or your volunteer work in a hospital, your needlepoint, your
favorite recipe or photo. The possibilities are endless! Just let your list reflect you. Think of this
list as an introduction to potential friends.
For more insight into this question and the motivation behind it, please read Megan Overbay's,
the former Director of Admissions, advice. I believe you will find it helpful. And very friendly.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Second Required Essay (choose 1 of 2):

Instructions: Choose only one of the following two essay questions to answer. Your
response should be no more than two pages in length, and should reflect your knowledge of the
Fuqua program and experience, and the types of activities and leadership you would engage in as
a Fuqua student.
Choose the prompt that will let you reveal something important to you and impressive about you.
Write the essay that you will be able to draft most enthusiastically and easily.
1. Why Duke: When asked by your family, friends, and colleagues why you want to go to Duke,
what do you tell them? Share the reasons that are most meaningful to you.
Remember youre not talking to the admissions committee, whom you just may be a tad less
than candid with. You are talking to your family, friends, and colleagues people you know and
like (at least I hope thats the case). The Fuqua admissions staff really wants to get to know
you. Authenticity is the goal. The admissions readers want to be able to imagine you as a part of
Team Fuqua their family as a friend or colleague. Will you be real stiff and formal? Of
course not. You will be friendly in a professional way. Dont take this as an invitation to be
inappropriate, coarse, or rude. Just friendly.
What appeals to you at Duke? What about its program, culture, and professional opportunities
attracts you and would compel you to accept an offer of admission? Maybe address a letter to a
close friend and tell her why you want to go to Duke. That letter may morph into this essay.
2. The Team Fuqua community is as unique as the individuals who comprise it. Underlying our
individuality are a number of shared ideas and principles that we live out in our own ways. Our
students have identified and defined 6 Team Fuqua Principles that we feel are the guiding
philosophies that make our community special. At the end of your two years at Fuqua, if you
were to receive an award for exemplifying one of the six Principles listed below, which one
would it be and why? Your response should reflect the research you have done, your knowledge
of Fuqua and the Daytime MBA program and experience, and the types of activities and
leadership you would engage in as a Fuqua student.


Authentic Engagement: We care and we take action. We each make a difference to

Team Fuqua by being ourselves and engaging in and supporting activities about which
we are passionate.
Supportive Ambition: We support each other to achieve great things, because your
success is my success. The success of each individual member of Team Fuqua makes the
whole of Team Fuqua better.
Collective Diversity: We embrace all of our classmates because our individuality is
better and stronger together.



2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Impactful Stewardship: We are leaders who focus on solutions to improve our

communities both now and in the future. We arent satisfied with just maintaining the
status quo.
Loyal Community: We are a family who looks out for each other. Team Fuqua supports
you when you need it the most.
Uncompromising Integrity: We internalize and live the honor code in the classroom and
beyond. We conduct ourselves with integrity within Fuqua, within Duke, and within all
communities of which we are a part.

Do your homework about Fuqua (and yourself) before responding to this question. What
activities and groups appeal to you? How do you see yourself participating? Making a
difference? Then look at the list of six principles above. Which do you most identify with?
Imagine how you would exemplify that principle in your activities. The story of that role and how
would see yourself earning an award is your essay. While you can reference similar activities in
the past, keep the focus of this essay on what you would do at Fuqua and why you would earn
recognition for exemplifying one of these six principles.

Optional Essay:
If you feel there are extenuating circumstances of which the Admissions Committee should be
aware, please explain them in an optional essay (e.g. unexplained gaps in work, choice of
recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, or any significant weakness
in your application).
Do NOT upload additional essays nor additional recommendations in this area of the
The Optional Essay is intended to provide the Admissions Committee with insight into your
extenuating circumstances only.
Limit your response to two pages.
Why isnt your current supervisor writing your rec? Why is there a six-month gap on your
resume? Why did your grades dip during the first semester of your senior year? What are your
responsibilities while working for a family business after having left a prestigious investment
bank, and why did you make the change? Answering any of those questions (but not all) could be
the topic of your optional essay.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Emory Goizueta
Taken together, these essay questions cover a lot of ground: your professional path and plans,
your alignment with the programs core values, and who you are as a
person. Moreover, this vast ground is covered in few words these
essays are short, requiring tough decisions about what key points and
anecdotes to include and what to leave out. Write simply and directly to
squeeze as much meaning and impact as possible out of each word.
Most important: the three key questions require thoughtful reflection.

1. Define your short-term post-MBA career goals. How are your
professional strengths, past experience and personal attributes aligned with these goals? (300
word maximum)
This question invites you to define your short-term goals in a 3D context: your past experience,
your skills, and your unique character. Yet, with only 300 words, you cant give a
comprehensive, detailed delineation of those elements. I suggest discussing one point from each
category that is relevant to your goals. The key to making this part of the essay work is
specificity, detail, anecdote e.g. dont just explain how you have a charismatic personality that
brings people together; present a brief anecdote showing how it lets you be the glue in a
rough-and-tumble team. Then discuss directly the relevance of this quality to your short-term
goal. The questions emphasis on short-term goals indicates practical and concrete: what (type
of) position and in what industry, to achieve what, and why (and, sometimes, where).
2. The business school is named for Roberto C. Goizueta, former Chairman and CEO of The
Coca-Cola Company, who led the organization for 16 years, extending its global reach,
quadrupling consumption, building brand responsibility, and creating unprecedented shareholder
wealth. Mr. Goizueta's core values guide us in educating Principled Leaders for Global
Enterprise. Provide an example of your leadership professional or personal and explain what
you learned about yourself through the experience. (300 word maximum)
I suggest addressing this question as a story (a very succinct story): describe a time you led in a
situation of some significance. Walk through it straightforwardly, focusing on your actions. In a
final, brief paragraph reflect on what this leadership experience taught you about yourself; dont
list ten things, but rather focus on the 1-2 most meaningful.
To select the best topic or experience to portray, look for something that is fairly recent and that
has a clear impact. While most people will want to grab this opportunity to showcase their
impact at work, it may make sense to select a non-work story if, for example, it reflects a
situation or experience that truly distinguishes you in a relevant way and illustrates substantial
leadership as well. Think strategically in selecting the topic and choose one that enhances your
overall application and adds to the information found elsewhere.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
3. Complete one of the following statements. (250 word maximum)

I am passionate about
The best piece of advice I've received is
The best day of my life was
A personal goal I want to accomplish is

First, which question should you respond to? The one you will find easiest to answer in an
engaging, enthusiastic, and authentic way. The one that will best complement the rest of your
application by illuminating something fresh about you. It wouldnt hurt to select something that
might surprise the reader a bit, e.g., youre a total tech nerd and your great-aunt urges you to
take up knitting. It would be nice if your answer to this question leaves the reader with a little
smile on her face.
4. Share with the committee and your future classmates a fun or noteworthy fact about you. (25
word maximum)
Align this short essay with essay 3 above its another opportunity to round out your profile.
This one can be work or non-work related.
Be natural in your tone dont strain to sound fun if it doesnt come naturally to you in
writing, and dont hold back if it does.

Optional Essay:
If you have additional information or feel there are extenuating circumstances which you would
like to share with the MBA Admissions Committee (i.e. unexplained gaps in work experience,
choice of recommenders, academic performance issues or areas of weakness in application). (250
words maximum)
You can of course use this essay solely to address an extenuating circumstance. If you dont need
it for that purpose, if there is something you believe would add to your case for admissions that
is not covered in the rest of the application, write about it here. Focus on one facet of your life or
an experience that is important to you, reveals the human being you are, and isnt described in
other parts of the application.

Reapplicant Essays:
Applicants who have applied to Goizueta Business School in the past are required to answer the
following questions:
1. Define your short-term post-MBA career goals. How are your professional strengths, past
experience and personal attributes aligned with these goals? (300 word maximum)
See tip for essay 1 above.



2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
2. Explain how you have improved your candidacy for Goizueta Business School's MBA
Program since your last application. (250 word maximum)
This is THE key question for all MBA reapplicants. Goizueta just asks it explicitly. Please
see MBA Reapplicant 101 for more advice.

* Preferred deadline for one-year MBA applicants, international applicants, and applicants interested in
consideration for top named scholarships
** Final deadline for general merit-based scholarships




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Georgetown McDonough
Georgetown McDonough, the top MBA program at the
intersection of business and government, takes advantage
of its Washington, D.C. location, its connections to the
greater Georgetown University community, and its Jesuit
roots while at the same time focusing on the global nature
of twenty-first century business. Your application should
show that you need the education provided
by McDonough to achieve your goals and that you
wholeheartedly embrace its values.

Create your essays in separate documents and upload them into the appropriate application
fields. Please adhere to word limits, and label each page with your name. Reapplicants will be
prompted to submit a specific essay question. Dual degree applicants and Georgetown MBA
reapplicants will be prompted to submit specific essay questions.
(Essays should be double-spaced using a 12-point font.)
1. Why You? (Hint: we are looking for an answer that cannot be found from research on our
website.) (750 words maximum)
This question is all about fit. It is an attempt by Georgetown to learn about you and why you
think you belong at Georgetown and why Georgetown should admit you. Georgetown wants to
see how you think and come to a major decision. It also wants you to make a coherent case for
your own acceptance to McDonough.
There are lots of different ways to approach this essay. Clearly you shouldn't spit back the
McDonough website. If you can, talk to current students about the culture and distinctive
elements of the program to gain a deeper understanding of it. You also need to reflect on the
reasons Georgetown should choose you? While your reasons for wanting to attend are a factor,
the big question will be what do you intend to contribute? What will you add?
You could start with a highly influential experience that molded your decision to pursue an MBA,
go into more depth about what you hope to achieve and why you believe Georgetown is the best
place for you to achieve it.
Alternatively, you could start with a day in the future where you attain your goal and then circle
back to discuss the development of that goal and McDonough's role in helping you achieve it.
You can also discuss how you intend to contribute to McDonough's community.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

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In short, why should McDonough accept you? How will you make the school proud that they

Optional Essays:
1. If you are not currently employed full-time, use this essay to provide information about your
current activities. (250 words maximum)
Show them that you are using this period of unemployment to acquire new skills, contribute to
your community, or grow in some way.
2. Please provide any information that you would like to add to your application that you have
not otherwise included. (500 words maximum)
Please see The Optional Essay: To Be or Not to Be.

Reapplicant Essay:
How have you strengthened your candidacy since your last application? We are particularly
interested in hearing about how you have grown professionally and personally. (500 words
This is a key question (whether asked explicitly or not) for all reapplicants to any MBA program.
What has changed? How are you "new and improved" since last year (or whenever it was that
you were rejected)? Georgetown does you the favor of providing this explicit prompt so you can
address this question while retaining the ability to address the main essay.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

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2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Harvard Business School

Change has once again come to the Harvard Business School
MBA application. For the upcoming 2015-16 application cycle,
there is now one required essay. For the last two years, it has
been optional. Also the prompt has changed.
As it did last year, Harvard does not suggest a word limit. It
leaves it to your judgment. The operative word is judgment.
Harvard has in the past requested a significant amount of
information in the boxes on its application and last year (this
year's app isn't live yet) there were significant word and
character limits.
Also, HBS has virtually the same deadlines this year as last. Its Round 1 deadline is so far the
earliest at September 9, 2015.

There is one question for the Harvard MBA Class of 2018. Here it is:
It's the first day of class at HBS. You are in Aldrich Hall meeting your "section." This is the
group of 90 classmates who will become your close companions in the first-year MBA
classroom. Our signature case method participant-based learning model ensures that you will get
to know each other very well. The bonds you collectively create throughout this shared
experience will be lasting.
Introduce yourself.
Note: Should you enroll at HBS, there will be an opportunity for you to share this with them.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
We suggest you view this video before beginning to write.

There is no word limit for this question. We think you know what guidance we're going to give
here. Don't overthink, overcraft, and overwrite. Just answer the question in clear language that
those of us who don't know your world can understand.
While the advice offered on the site is good, I also want to quote from additional
information Dee Leopold gave on her blog as to why they chose this question:
Its just about as straightforward and practical as we can make it. It gives you a chance to
tell your story however you choose. Imagine simply saying it out loud. This is what we
mean when weve been encouraging you to use your own voice when approaching this
part of the application. We have no pre-conceived ideas of what good looks like. We look
forward to lots of variance.
Its useful. You will actually be introducing yourself to classmates at HBS.
Tell us again what the essay is for?
For you: an opportunity to pause and reflect. Business school is a big experience - its
exciting, its an unknown, its a beginning, its an investment in your future. Stopping to
reflect and gather your thoughts in writing is a useful exercise. Thats not just our opinionits what we hear from students all the time.
For us: a chance to get to know you beyond the elements of the application that feel fixed
and stationary. Can also be a starting point for interview conversations.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
I think the last element that I quoted is critical. "The essay is a chance to get to know you beyond
the elements of the application that feel fixed and stationary. Can also be a starting point for
interview conversations"
That quote reminds me of last year's optional HBS question:
"We can see your resume, school transcripts, extracurricular activities, awards, post-MBA
career goals, test scores and what your recommenders have to say about you. What else would
you like us to know as we consider your candidacy?"
Finally, before you approach the question, watch the video about the HBS case method as
recommended by Harvard. We embedded it above.
Note the focus on conversation in both the video and Dee Leopold's advice. How will you start
the conversation with your section mates? What would you want them to know about you? Keep
in mind that the admissions committee is listening this time, and its members may want to use
what you write as a starting point for the "interview conversation."
Other important themes in the video: preparation, engagement, imagining yourself as the
protagonist the decision maker, and the use of the case method as practice in decision making,
among other ideas and concepts.
And realize that they want this conversation starter to go beyond what's in the rest of the
So what else really and truly do you want both the HBS admissions committee and your
future section mates to know about you? What do you want to share that will show you can
participate in the conversation that is the HBS classroom? The answer to that question is not
something I can give or even suggest to you in a report like this which is aimed at the many. (For
individual advice, please see Accepteds MBA Admissions Consulting.) It should be different for
each of you. Again, refer to the HBS criteria, as you contemplate possible topics, but the options
are infinite. A few possibilities:

Context for events described in the required elements that may be of interest to your
section mates.
Motivations for the decisions or commitments you have made.
Challenges you have faced.
Something you would like to do at HBS.
More depth on an activity or commitment that is particularly important to you.
A skill they may be useful to your section

Please dont limit yourself to these suggestions. I am offering them to stimulate your creativity,
not to shut it down.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
Since Ive been in MBA admissions consulting (over 20 years now), HBS has valued concision.
And, in todays tweet- and sound-bite-driven world, it is requiring even shorter responses, at
least in the required portion of the application. Dont take the absence of a word limit on the
essay as a license for verbosity. Make every word count. If you must pull a number out of me,
dont go over 800 words. And if you can say what you need to say in less than 800 words, do so.
A few caveats and warnings on the essay. It is not:

Stanfords what matters most to you and why? or Columbia's #3.

The kitchen sink in which you throw everything.
An autobiography.

Post Interview Reflections:




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

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2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

IE is a top-ranked international MBA program
in Madrid, Spain. The Financial Times ranks
the program 12th in the world and Bloomberg
Businessweek ranks it 2nd among non-US
programs. Graduates enjoy job placement
around the world with the help of IEs 50,000
global alumni and 27 representative offices
building relationships with companies on every
continent: 35% of the class accepted positions
in Europe, 28% in Latin America, 12% in Asia, 12% in North America, and 8% in the Middle
East and North Africa after graduation. Graduates enter diverse industries as well: the four
largest fields are consulting (19% of graduates), financial services (19% of graduates),
consumer products (14% of graduates), and technology (13% of graduates).
IE has three intakes (start dates) each year, so it truly has a rolling application review calendar.
At any time of year, you can apply to IE! When applying, applicants must choose which session
they are applying to (April, September, or January) and are accepted for the program date they
chose AND the one thereafter, a big advantage in case of an unexpected hurdle in the way of
attendance. (Ive had many clients who have had to reapply after receiving acceptances to other
programs when unexpected professional or personal changes have occurred because in most
cases, top MBA programs will not offer deferred admissions.)
IEs application offers a lot of choice, allowing applicants to shine the spotlight on what makes
them special in truly unique ways. For example, there are 12 prompts, and applicants must
respond to any three of them; however, only one of the applicants three responses must be
answered with an essay of 400-600 words. The other two responses may be either essays OR
photographs, drawings, videos, animations, or presentations a la Prezi or Slideshare hosted

Here are the 12 prompts to choose from:
1.If you had the opportunity, what actions would you demand of the United Nations Secretary
General and why?
IEs International MBA program aims to develop leaders who understand other perspectives and
challenge the status quo. This is a great question to answer if you have been politically active or
involved in a global issue that is important to you since it will provide you a platform to discuss
the issue, the efforts that you have made to shape it, and how the UN could play a role in
addressing it further.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
2. Describe the situation with the greatest ethical complexity that you have faced in your
professional or academic life, and how your input helped resolve it.
I like the phrasing of this question because it is clear where other programs sometimes
obfuscate: ethical complexity means that it was not simple to determine the right thing to do;
there was no one ideal path to follow. This is your chance to demonstrate the level of decisionmaking you have enjoyed in your career and how you have creatively navigated complicated
ethical waters.
3. Describe a time when you took a great risk. What was the outcome?
IE places a great emphasis on entrepreneurship and is seeking risk takers who think
unconventionally: people who are willing to leave a steady, low return behind to instead pursue
an uncertain but potentially high reward. A good essay or presentation here will show the
admissions office your analysis of the potential gain and what actions you took to improve your
chances of success.
4. Cite at least one example of when your leadership had an impact on or changed a certain
situation, and justify how an IE Masters Degree program would help you to strengthen or
improve this competence.
Leadership can turn situations around. A good answer to this question will explain or show what
the situation was and why you felt it needed to be changed. Then, it will demonstrate your
leadership how you wooed, cajoled, and earned the support of others above, parallel, and
below you in the organization to accept your ideas and how those ideas improved the situation.
Strong essays will end with insight into IEs Behavioral Fitness leadership training program and
the areas in which IE will help you further improve your leadership skills.
5. Describe the most outstanding leader you have worked with. Indicate some aspects of the way
you work that are similar to the way this leader works and others that are different.
A description of a role models leadership requires some insight into how he or she leads, makes
use of his/her talents to gather internal and external support to make an impact. If you have
enjoyed a front row seat to excellent management, then this essay will allow you to highlight
what youve learned and how youve borrowed from that example in your own leadership
6. You have just participated in an important meeting with your superior. How will you ensure
that every part of the instructions you received will properly reach all subordinates, suppliers and
clients, located in different parts of the world?
IEs International MBA program is comprised of students from 70 countries and myriad
industries. The answer to this question is not just about an email that you cc to everyone, but
rather must demonstrate that you understand the challenge and opportunity of connecting with
global teams. Good answers to this prompt will not remain in the theoretical but will instead



2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
draw upon similar global experiences from the applicants past to prove their international
leadership ability and cultural understanding.
7. Do you think that the lifestyle of the inhabitants of your town or city reflects behavior that is
in line with the concept of sustainable development? In your opinion, what should be improved?
If you have been involved in municipal or local community service, this is the ideal essay to shine
the spotlight on the issues in its sustainable development that matter to you most. IE seeks strong
critical thinking skills in its students: the ability to assess strengths and weaknesses in the status
quo, so good responses to this prompt will make use of that ability to discuss the ways in which
denizens are living sustainably (ethically, responsibly, amid diversity, and with consideration to
the environment) and could improve in doing so.
8. What do you believe are the greatest challenges facing the sector or industry you would like to
specialize in at IE? What role do you hope to be able to play in this sector or industry in the
medium term?
This essay or presentation offers you the opportunity to discuss the exciting advancements and
challenging obstacles that lie on the horizon for your target industry. Good answers to this
question will show your excitement for your chosen industry and your readiness for it.
9. Show us an activity you enjoy doing. Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal and
professional development.
Oh well, they couldnt all be phrased in interesting ways to make the applicant think, could they?
This is an opportunity to share some of your experiences from outside of work and how they have
helped you grow in the qualities and skills that IE is seeking: risk taking, innovation, cultural
awareness, and leadership are among the most important.
10. How do you imagine social interaction within 10 years, taking into consideration the impact
of technology on human relations?
Heres an opportunity to think creatively and use a bit of a crystal ball to predict how
communication and interaction will change by the year 2025. If you consider yourself
particularly creative or prescient, this essay will offer you a perfect canvas to paint your
prediction for the not-so-distant future.
11. If all of the worlds cultural heritage (sports, music, fashion, architecture, literature, painting,
etc.) was contained in a time capsule, what would you include to demonstrate the legacy of your
IEs student body is diverse for a reason: IE aims to expose its students to the sundry cultural
mindsets around the world. This prompt offers you the opportunity to demonstrate how you will
contribute to that discussion. What unique elements of your countrys culture do you feel embody




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
its nature and uniqueness? Personal essays that inspire an emotional or visceral connection to
that culture in the reader will be the most memorable.
12. How do you envision the city of the future?
Like option 10 above, this question allows you to share your vision of the future, albeit not
limited to just a small 10-year jump through time. What changes do you anticipate in
transportation, energy, industry, safety needs, education, population and/or family structure, and
how will they affect the structure and motion of future cities?




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

IMD, the International Institute for Management
Development, in Lausanne, Switzerland, offers a oneyear MBA program focused on general management and
leadership. While there are only 90 students in each
class, the diversity among that class is wide: students
hail from 45 countries: 43% from throughout Europe,
26% from Asia, 11% from the Middle East and Africa,
9% from North America, 8% from South America, and
3% from Oceania (Australia/New Zealand and the
surrounding islands). Unlike programs in the US, which tend to build the bulk of their classes
from students aged 26-28, IMDs average student age is 31.
Graduates of IMD tend do very well in their careers after the program: the three-year average
graduate salary is $131,800. 75% of the class join industry (including Consumer Products,
Industrial Products, Technology, Healthcare, and Energy) when they graduate, 20% enter
Consulting, and 5% pursue Financial Services careers. IMD enjoys a global reputation that
affords its graduates some flexibility in their career destinations: while 63% of the class remains
in Europe after graduating, 22% find employment in Asia, 6% in the Africa or the Middle East,
and 9% in North or South America. IMD is consistently ranked among the top programs in the
world: Businessweek ranks it #9 among international programs, the Financial Times ranks it
#12, and Forbes named it the best one-year international MBA program.
IMD scaled way back this year, trimming their application from seven essays to just three, but
there are other areas in the application form that will require additional short answers as well.
IMD was recently buffeted by major changes in administrative personnel and direction. For
details, please see 5 Key IMD Officials Resign.

1. Describe yourself in two hundred words or less:
I recommend covering just one or two major attributes in this short essay, sharing two separate
anecdotes or one example that demonstrates both traits. Some of the qualities that IMD values in
its students are an international outlook, desire to make a difference, commitment to learning
from others, a broad understanding and appreciation of moral issues, and effective leadership.
While you do not need to use these terms specifically, essays that reveal these qualities will
appeal to the admissions committee.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
2. Give an example of a time when you were confronted with an unrecoverable event. How did it
affect you and what were your greatest learnings? (300 words maximum)
Unrecoverable event is a euphemism for failure. You need to choose an event in which you
could have done better. I often see applicants implicitly or explicitly blame others in their essays
for what went wrong. Unfortunately, not accepting responsibility for the failure will indicate to
the admissions committee that you are emotionally immature and incapable of owning your role
in the failure. Focus instead on what personal and professional insights would have been helpful
to you and how you have worked to gain and apply those since this event.
3. On your 75th birthday someone close to you presents your laudatio (tribute). It can be a
friend, colleague, family member etc. Please describe in detail what this person would say about
you and your life. (300 words maximum)
This is your chance to share some of the accomplishments you have achieved in your life so far
and others that you aspire to achieve before you turn 75. Instead of dreaming of enormous
accomplishments in the future that have no grounding in what you have been doing so far, go
ahead and talk about some of your achievements to date and how they set you on the path to the
accomplishments you intend to talk about on your 75th birthday. Applicants may also use this
essay to describe their long-term career and life goals describing those goals as if they have
come to fruition.

Short Answer Questions:

1. What is your career goal post IMD? (200 characters maximum)
200 characters is typically just a bit more than two lines of text, so you dont have much
room here to explain the role you would like to secure after graduating from IMD. While onethird of the class changes their function, industry, and geography after graduating from IMD,
93% change only one of these areas and 74% change only two: your short-term goal needs to
connect in some way to what youve been doing until now to be a credible transition. It should
include the function you want to perform, the industry in which you want to perform it, and
geographic location if relevant.
2. What are the skills you need to develop in order to achieve your goal? (200 characters
Again, this allows only a short response. Successful applicants will research their intended
short-term goal to understand the business skills and knowledge they need to succeed and
discuss those that the IMD MBA education focuses on.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Optional Essay:
Is there any additional information that is critical for the Admissions Committee to know which
has not been covered elsewhere in this application? If you would like to comment on career gaps,
education, GMAT/GRE, a disability or illness, please use this space. (300 words maximum)
Now that the IMD application is so short, it seems inevitable that critical experiences have been
left out. Even if you have to write about a career/education gap or test score issue, I recommend
doing so briefly to allow you to cover another success story in this essay. The goal of using this
space is to share another facet of your background and to convince the admissions team that you
have a wealth of interesting experiences to share with the class.

Administrative Questions:
Your responses to these questions will not be taken into consideration in the admissions process.
1. How do you intend to finance your MBA at IMD? What would your budget be? (300 words
Funding the MBA is expensive, and IMD wants to know that you have considered this before you
embark. 300 words is ample space to elaborate on your financial resources.
2. Why are you applying to IMD? What other programs have you considered /are you
considering? (300 words maximum)
While the header for this section informs applicants that their responses will not be taken into
consideration in the admissions process, I highly recommend going into detail about what makes
IMD an ideal program for you. Go ahead and share the insight that you have gained from
current students and alumni about what makes IMD special. The second element of the question
is useful for IMD to know who their peers are, which helps them tweak their own marketing and
recruiting efforts.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Application deadlines are at 23:59 pm CET (Switzerland) time.

Within a maximum of six weeks, you will be informed whether you have been selected to be
interviewed for further evaluation or if your application has been unsuccessful.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Indian School of Business (ISB)

The Indian School of Business is an excellent
program for those interested in advancing to
management roles in a broad spectrum of industries
and those seeking positions in the consulting
industry (20% of graduates earn consulting
placements) and technology field (28% of graduates
choose this industry upon graduation). Interestingly,
while median salaries for graduates of a top US
program like Stanford and Harvard only exceed the
US national average by 240%, graduates of ISB can expect to earn 522% of the Indian national
average wage upon graduation.
ISB has overhauled its essay questions this year, only maintaining their standard of three
required essays and one optional while changing the phrasing of all of the essay prompts and
increasing the total word limit by 200 words (ISB is one of the few schools that actually require
the strict adherence to its word limits).

1. If we were to admit just one more student, make a compelling argument as to why that student
should be you by describing an (only one) achievement in your personal/professional life that
you are most proud of. What did you do that sets you apart from others? What did you learn?
(400 words maximum)
This is a great question because it allows you to shine the spotlight on whatever aspect of your
candidacy you feel makes you exceptional. Look at your career and extracurricular activities
and identify the area in which you have achieved the greatest impact, ideally reaching a level
that few other applicants can match. This is not just about a title or award you earned; the essay
needs to highlight the obstacles you navigated and the challenges you overcame to reach that
pinnacle. Dont forget to discuss some of what you learned about yourself, leadership, and
2. Describe a (only one) defining moment in your personal/professional life when you had to
make a risky decision, and explain what you did, why and the outcome. (300 words maximum)
Choose one of the following 2 options:
A) A risky decision means there was a lot to lose and there was no clear path forward. This
essay offers applicants an opportunity to demonstrate their appetite for risk and their
decision making process was it based on data, market research, networking with
experienced mentors in the field, gut instinct, or some other technique? A good essay will
be able to point to significant results and impact from the risk.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
B) Describe a (only one) situation in your personal/professional life when you had to interact
with people from diverse backgrounds. How did it affect you and what did you learn?
Similar to option 1 above, this potential topic includes an element of the unknown: when faced
with a diverse team, a leader must analyze how the cultural and/or professional backgrounds of
the people involved may affect the project and take action to smooth the interactions. This is a
great opportunity for applicants with international work experience to share the cultural insight
they have gained.
3. What are your post ISB career plans and how will your past experiences and the Post Graduate
Programme in Management (PGP) contribute to taking you there? (300 words maximum)
This question is similar to last years essay prompt about career goals but is much more focused
on what you have done (compared with last years emphasis on why you chose those paths). This
essay demands a clear definition of what field and role you hope to enter upon graduation, the
business skills and insight you have gained that will be essential to succeeding in that role, and
how ISB will complement that knowledge.

Optional Essay:
Please use this space to explain any career breaks/provide any other information not covered
elsewhere in the application that could significantly impact your candidature at ISB.
Note: It is not necessary to write this essay. Please use this space only if there is something really
significant that you would like us to know. (200 words maximum)
Use this space to explain any gaps in your career but also take advantage of this opportunity to
grant deeper insight into any leadership role or impact you have gained, emphasizing how this
experience has prepared you for ISB and your future career.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

In September 2014, Kellogg "rebranded" itself and adopted a more concrete (and in my opinion
better) mission statement: "Inspiring growth." The video below explores and clarifies this
mission as well as the values Kellogg holds dear. I highly recommend that you watch it to grasp
Kellogg's fundamental principles.
A couple of key takeaways from the video: Kellogg seeks individuals who:

Have a growth mindset (for details, please see Caroline Dweck's Mindset: The New
Psychology of Success, one of my favorite books).
Work well in a collaborative environment while striving to grow individually and at the
same time inspiring growth in individuals, organizations, and markets.

Kellogg also changed both its questions this year and #2 certainly reflects the new emphasis on

1. Leadership and teamwork are integral parts of the Kellogg experience. Describe a recent and
meaningful time you were a leader. What challenges did you face, and what did you learn? (450
First things first: Kellogg is asking for ONE experience. Not more. It also reflects Kellogg's
belief that teamwork and leadership go hand-in-hand. Unlike last year's similar essay question,
Kellogg is not limiting your professional settings. You do have the option to use a nonprofessional leadership experience.
You can use a STAR framework for this response (Situation, Task, Action, Results). Start with
the situation and simply describe what was situation/problem/opportunity you were asked to




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
respond to. Then relate your group's task and your responsibility. How did you motivate the
others to move in one direction? How did you influence and persuade? Finally what were the
results for the group? And what did you learn about leadership, collaboration, and influence?
While it isn't a requirement, and I can imagine instances where this may not be true, examples
where you led by virtue of your stature and others' respect for you will be more compelling than
those where you led by virtue of station and title.
2. Pursuing an MBA is a catalyst for personal and professional growth. How have you grown in
the past? How do you intend to grow at Kellogg? (450 characters)
This is a difficult question that should provide Kellogg with real insight into the
individuals applying to its MBA program. Before responding do your homework on the Kellogg
program and what you want to do after you leave Kellogg. The latter will tell you how you want
to grow and the former will tell you how you will do so at Kellogg.
First think about the times you have grown either professionally or personally. Which of those
instances would you like Kellogg to know about? Ideally the event you choose to focus on will
relate in some way to the growth you want to have at Kellogg.
Then reflect on how you intend to grow while at Kellogg. I think this the strong answer to this
question will really go beyond mere skill acquisition, although that can be part of your response.
How are you going to take advantage of what Kellogg offers to become more like the people in
the video: able to see opportunity when faced with challenge, to envision a beautiful finished
structure when staring at a bare shell, and to harness your emotional intelligence and acquired
skills to lead collaboratively and with clarity of purpose?
Certain applicants will respond to additional questions:

Dual-degree applicants: For applicants to the MMM or JD-MBA dual degree programs,
please explain why that program is right for you. (250 word limit)
A straight-forward response is required here. What do you want to do that requires both
degrees? Why is this joint program the right one to fill in the gaps in your education and take
you to a point where you can go down your desired professional path.

Re-applicants: Since your previous application, what steps have you taken to strengthen your
candidacy? (250 word limit)
No trick questions here. How are you a better candidate today than when Kellogg rejected you?
Have you addressed weaknesses in your previous application? Check out MBA Reapplicant
101 a lot of (free) resources.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
All applicants have the opportunity to provide explanations or clarification in Additional
If needed, use this section to briefly describe any extenuating circumstances (e.g. unexplained
gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic
performance, etc.) (no word count)
This is a true optional question. If necessary, use it to provide context for possible negatives.
Take responsibility for mistakes if necessary and discuss what you have changed so that you
don't err in the same way again.
Keep this section short and to-the-point. Dont be fooled by No word count.

Video Essay:
The Video Essays provide applicants with an additional opportunity to demonstrate what they
will bring to our vibrant Kellogg community in an interactive way. Each applicant will
complete two short video essay questions. The questions are designed to bring to life the person
we have learned about on paper.
After submitting a completed application, each applicant will be asked to complete two Video
Essay Questions. One will be about the candidates interest in Kellogg and the other will be a
getting to know you type of question.
There are 10 practice questions which candidates can complete as many times as they like to get
comfortable with the format and technology. The practice questions and experience will simulate
the actual video essay experience, so this is meant to be a useful tool and help applicants feel
There is not an opportunity to re-do the answer to the official video essay questions. We
encourage applicants to practice so they are comfortable with the format once it is time to
complete the official questions.
Candidates will have 20 seconds to think about their question and up to 1 minute to give their
We estimate the Video Essays will take 15-20 minutes to complete which includes time for setup and answering all the practice questions.
To prepare for your webcam session, you need to practice for the experience of talking to a video
camera with no responses from another human being. For tips on how to prepare and behave
during the webcam session, please see Kellogg's "Video Essay" on its Application
Components page as well as my Tips for Video MBA Essay Questions.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

*Your application must be received by Kellogg no later than 5p.m. CT on the deadline for the
round in which you are applying.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Michigan Ross
Michigan Ross essentially condensed last year's two
required questions into one and added a goals essay
Review Ross' Evaluation Criteria and Admissions
Director Soojin Kwon's excellent blog post on the new
questions before you sit down to write the essays. Most
importantly remember: your essays should reveal the
qualities Ross seeks not just mouth them. Show that
you walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

1. What are you most proud of and why? How does it shape who you are today? (400 words
The first part of the question is fairly straightforward. What are you truly proud of? The reasons
for your pride and the influence of this experience require thought and soul-searching. And of
course, you only have 400 words.
Possible examples: Contributed significantly to your team, department, company, or club.
Raised money for a favorite charity. Organized a political event. Engaged in interfaith dialogue
that broke down communications barriers. Led a sports team to victory. Or perhaps, overcoming
a significant personal challenge.
If possible, quantify this part of your answer. Numbers are a great way to show both contribution
and impact. However, if your #1 achievement is qualitative or difficult to quantify, dont let lack
of numbers stop you from using it.
Your response to "why?" is extremely important. As Soojin Kwon writes on her blog "We want to
understand what makes something important to you. It gives us a glimpse into how you think
about and process things, and what your priorities and values are." Choose the reasons that
genuinely reflect who you are and also show fit with Ross and its values.
For the third part of the question (how did it shape who you are today?), think and then focus.
Choose one or two lessons from this accomplishment that changed how you think or behave and
describe those changes. You dont have room for many lessons learned, so select the most
Please dont write that you learned you can do anything you put your mind to. That response is
clichd and not really true. There are limits to what you can do. A good response will show how
this crucial experience has molded you.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
2. What is your desired career path and why? (400 words maximum)
What do you want to do after you earn your MBA? This question doesn't limit itself to your first
job. It ask for the "path" and is asking how you would like to see your career progress. Why is
this path appealing to you?
You can point to 1-3 experiences (don't focus on the same one used in your response to #1) that
convinced you that the desired one is right for you. Analyze the impact of these events.
Highlight 1-3 aspects of these experiences that you enjoyed that will also be part of your desired
future direction.
Write genuinely about your future career, but realize as Soojin Kwon says that Ross uses the
answers to see if business school makes sense. Ross doesn't want to admit you if its MBA won't
help you go where you want to go professionally. Show that a Ross MBA in the missing link
between what you have done in the past and what you want to do in the future.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

MIT Sloan
This year's MIT MBA application is significantly different from last
year's and those that preceded it. No cover letter, which was part of
MIT's application for years, and no letter of recommendation from you
about you. That was last year's twist.
This year's application has one required essay and another shortanswer question that applicants invited to interview will need to
address. Both these questions are new. Plus the request for additional
written information from those invited to interview is not only new, but
unique. To my knowledge, MIT is the only school with this requirement. HBS has its postinterview reflections, but that again is post-interview and is not a response to a specific question.
Finally, MIT Sloan for years had only two rounds. The second round deadline last year
was January 8th. This year MIT is adding a third round which extends its application season to
April 11th. There may be many reasons for this change, but one result: it increases total
application volume and reduces the acceptance rate while giving MIT Sloan a chance to admit
excellent applicants who may just decide to apply late in the application cycle.

Please prepare a business resume that includes your employment history in reverse chronological
order, with titles, dates, and whether you worked part-time or full-time. Your educational record
should also be in reverse chronological order and should indicate dates of attendance and
degree(s) earned. Other information appropriate to a business resume is welcomed and
encouraged. The resume should not be more than one page in length (up to 50 lines). We
encourage you to use the rsum template provided in the online application.
Go beyond mere job descriptions to highlight achievement. If your title is consultant. Saying
that you consulted on projects is redundant and uninformative at best. Writing that you Led
a 6-member team working on a biotech outsourcing project to Singapore with a budget of $X; it
came in on time and under budget. conveys infinitely more. Quantify impact as much as
possible. You want the reader to come away with a picture of you as an above average performer
on a steep trajectory

Tell us about a recent success you had: How did you accomplish this? Who else was involved?
What hurdles did you encounter? What type of impact did this have? (500 words maximum)
The really effective response will tell a story about a success. Yes that means one success.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
The story can start with the moment of success or a moment of challenge, maybe even of failure
or tension. Then describe your role in turning that situation or challenge into an
accomplishment. To provide context and indicate the magnitude of your accomplishment, as well
as fully answer the question, talk about impact. What were the results or benefits of your
success? Quantify as much as possible.
If you are lucky enough to have several accomplishments to choose from, review "What We Look
For," and choose an experience that presents what MIT seeks.
A second, short-answer question will be asked only of those invited to interview:
The mission of the MIT Sloan School of Management is to develop principled, innovative
leaders who improve the world and to generate ideas that advance management practice. Please
share with us something about your past that aligns with this mission. (250 words maximum)
Congrats! If you're reading this after you applied, then it means you've been invited to interview
at MIT Sloan! Of course now you need to respond to this question. Get ready. Get set. Think!
When have you had an innovative idea that in some small way improved the world? When have
you taken your idea and led the implementation of it or persuaded others to go in with you on
this project or initiative? You only have 250 words so you can't write a long story here. Focus
on the elements of your achievement that show you as an innovative leader who has improved
the world and has the ability to advance management practice.
Some of you may think "I already wrote about my best example in the required essay. What am I
supposed to do know now?" Choose your second best example. Or choose an impressive example
from a different arena of your life, perhaps sports, religion, politics, the arts, community service,
or a hobby.
I'm sure you're not a one-trick pony. Don't leave them thinking that you have only one
achievement that you feel is worthy to share with MIT Sloan's admissions committee.

Optional Essay:
The Admissions Committee invites you to share anything else you would like us to know about
you, in any format. If you choose to use a multimedia format, please host the information on a
website and provide us the URL.
I discussed this question a few years ago with someone in MIT Sloans admissions office. First of
all realize that you can choose an essay or multimedia presentation. The media option is there so
you can express yourself in the way you find easiest and most revealing. MIT does not want a
recycled essay from another school. The person I spoke to was explicit about that. If you choose
the multimedia format, realize it should be something viewable in about a minute not 20-




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
minute videos or 100-slide expositions or lengthy orations. Keep it short. Its also fine to link to
something you have created for a club, event, or cause thats important to you.
Whats behind the option? A deep and sincere desire to meet you as a human being. A genuine,
animated, real live human being. So dont regurgitate your resume or spew stuff found in the
required elements of your application. Have the confidence to share a special interest or deep
commitment. Im not suggesting Mommy Dearest or True Confessions; use judgment. I am
suggesting that you allow the reader to see a good side of you not revealed elsewhere in the
application. Let them see what makes you smile, motivates you to jump out of bed with joy, and
gives you a feeling of satisfaction when you turn out the light at the end of the day.
MIT Sloan has an excellent video with advice on its optional essay. Here it is:

I think the key phrase in the video is "We really want to get to know you guys as people." What
else would you like MIT Sloan to know about you? Share it here.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

NYU Stern
Last year Stern gave you a choice for its second question.
This year all three questions are required and what I call
Stern's "signature question" (#2) is once again required.
Your essays will need to highlight your qualities as a
successful, leadership-driven, creative thinker and
businessperson. For NYU Stern, youll want to reveal that
you are a perfect fit with the program, the Stern
community, and the global business world at large. Keep in
mind that Stern is a place that values EQ as much as IQ.
Our Stern essay questions give you the opportunity to more fully present yourself to the
Admissions Committee and to provide insight into your experiences, goals and thought
Please note the following details when completing your essays.

All written essays must be typed and submitted using the standard U.S. 8 1/2 x 11
format, double-spaced, in 12-point font.
Word limits apply to the total question. For example, your response to Essay 1 should
answer all parts of the question with a total maximum of 750 words.
Label the top of each essay with the following: Name, Date of Birth (month, day, year),
Essay Number and Page Number (e.g.: Joe Applicant, January 1, 1988, Essay 1, Page 1).
Your essays should be written entirely by you. An offer of admission will be revoked if
you did not write your essays.

1. Professional Aspirations (750 words maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)
A. Why pursue an MBA (or dual degree) at this point in your life?
B. What actions have you taken to determine that Stern is the best fit for your MBA
C. What do you see yourself doing professionally upon graduation?
Stern states explicitly that it seeks students with a well-articulated plan to achieve their career
aspirations. You should be able to answer Stern's #1, or you shouldnt be applying.
This three-part question is an MBA goals question with a couple of small twists. The heart of this
question asks what you want to do after you graduate that requires an MBA. A asks why now is
the right time to get it. B asks if you have done your homework about Stern if youve




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
researched the program, its curriculum, career opportunities, and student life, and if you can
explain which aspects of the program will help you achieve the goals you provide in C.
The part of the question asking about your career goal upon graduation (thats C above) is
critical. Are you realistic about where your past experience plus a Stern MBA can take you?
Stern doesnt want people in la-la-land who will be impossible to place.
Finally make sure you answer all elements of the question while staying within the word limits
(not suggestions). No adcom member sits there and counts words, but the readers can tell when
you are significantly over. Significantly in my book is more than 10%. Write succinctly.
2. Personal Expression
Please describe yourself to your MBA classmates. You may use almost any method to convey
your message (e.g. words, illustrations). Feel free to be creative.
If you submit a non-written piece for this essay (i.e., artwork or multimedia) or if you submit this
essay via mail, please upload a brief description of your submission with your online application.
Please note the following guidelines and restrictions:

Your submission becomes the property of NYU Stern and cannot be returned for
any reason.
If you submit a written essay, it should be 500 words maximum, double-spaced, 12-point
If you submit a video or audio file, it should be five minutes maximum. NYU Stern
accepts most common video formats.
The Admissions Committee reserves the right to request an alternate essay if we are
unable to view your submission.
Do not submit anything perishable (e.g. food), or any item that has been worn (e.g.
Mailed materials must be postmarked by the application deadline date. Please follow
our mail and labeling instructions.

Please note that mailed packages are subject to size restrictions. Submissions that exceed the
stated size restrictions will not be accepted for review by the Admissions Committee. Please
see the table below for the maximum package size guidelines:

Packaging Type
Cylindrical tube

Dimensions: Metric
36cm x 31cm x 8cm
8cm x 91cm

Triangular tube

97cm x 16cm x 16 cm x 16 cm 38 x 6 x 6 x 6



Dimensions: Non-metric
14 x 12 x 3
3 x 36


2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
Candidates can get very creative with this essay and use different media (other than edibles and
worn attire), but many of you will convey your ideas in words. Think of how you describe
yourself in a social setting when meeting people for the first time.
If its the first day of class or a mixer early in the pre-term, how would you break the ice? Would
you try to set up a tennis game or golf match? Would you find someone to explore NYCs
museums? Or do you hate museums and prefer hiking through the woods? What would you say if
you were in the campus coffee shop and sat down with some new classmates? Could you create a
dialogue? A short skit?
NYU Stern also permits the use of multimedia in response to this question. While the media may
vary, the point again is to introduce yourself to friends. Given the other questions, this can be a
great venue for hobbies, extracurricular interests, and community service.
When I visited NYU Stern a few years ago, the admissions officer I met with proudly showed me
several "personal expressions." Her faves. They were incredibly creative, but much less slick
than you might imagine. A year ago, Stern hosted AIGAC (Association of International Graduate
Admissions Consultants) for a day and again presented two of the videos filmed in response to
this question. They were thoughtful introductions to the applicants who created them. But neither
one was super-slick or professional. Just revealing, creative, and clever.
If you want to submit something three-dimensional or multimedia, dont worry if you arent
ready for the Louvre or the Academy Awards as long as your creation is authentically yours,
introduces you, and sticks to the above requirements. It will be taken seriously and appreciated.
If you are considering video, download Audio/Video in Admissions: Get Ready for Prime Time, a
free special report.
Optional Essay:
Please provide any additional information that you would like to bring to the attention of the
Admissions Committee. This may include current or past gaps in employment, further
explanation of your undergraduate record or self-reported academic transcript(s), plans to retake
the GMAT, GRE and/or TOEFL or any other relevant information.
If you are unable to submit a recommendation from your current supervisor, you must explain
your reason, even if you are a reapplicant.
If you are a reapplicant from last year, please explain how your candidacy has improved since
your last application.
Obviously if you fit into one of the categories described in the three points above, you need to
write this essay. If you dont fit into the above categories and have something you want the
admissions committee to know that isnt part of the required essays, then you still should write
this optional essay.



2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
If you are an MBA reapplicant, please realize that the question posed here by NYU Stern is THE
key question you need to answer as a reapplicant. What have you done to improve your
candidacy that should change the outcome?




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Stanford GSB
There is very little change between this year's and last year's
Stanford GSB MBA essay questions. One minor change to note:
you get an entire 50 extra words for your two essays. Last year
the total word count was 1100 words. This year the maximum
length is 1150. This is noteworthy only because it represents one
of the few times in recent years that schools are allowing you to
provide a little more information about yourselves than they
allowed previously. Stanford is bucking the trend here.
Stanford gives a lot of advice and guidance on its website as to what its looking for in the
essays. You should access that advice.
Stanford moved its Round 1 deadline up about a week (from October 1st to this year's September
22nd). It moved its Round 2 deadline to January 12th from last year's January 7th. Round 3's
deadline for 2016 is April 5th; last year's final deadline was April 1st. As I said in a recent
podcast, the MBA application cycle like some sports' seasons and certain individuals'
waistlines is expanding.

Essays help us learn about who you are rather than solely what you have done. Other parts of the
application give insight to your academic and professional accomplishments; the essays reveal
the person behind those achievements.
When writing your essays, resist the urge to package yourself into what you think Stanford
wants to see. Doing so will only prevent us from understanding who you really are and what you
hope to accomplish. The most impressive essays are the most authentic.
We request that you write two personal essays. The personal essays give us glimpses of your
character and hopes. In each essay, we want to hear your genuine voice. Think carefully about
your values, passions, aims, and dreams prior to writing them.
1. What matters most to you, and why?
For this essay, we would like you to:


Focus on the why rather than the what.

Do some deep self-examination, so you can genuinely illustrate who you are and how
you came to be the person you are.
Share the insights, experiences, and lessons that shaped your perspectives, rather than
focusing merely on what youve done or accomplished.



2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Write from the heart, and illustrate how a person, situation, or event has influenced

When I reflect on our many successful Stanford clients, initiative in the face of need is the
common thread among them. They are always the ones who revealed, especially in this first
essay, that they do not turn away when they see a problem or need for action. They grab the
initiative when faced with an opportunity to contribute. They are comfortable expressing emotion
and their values, and their actions reflect both, but particularly the latter. Think purpose-driven,
principle-driven lives.
More than anything else, initiative and self-awareness characterize the successful Stanford
applicant. Implication: you have to know your values and those times you have acted upon
them. Climbing Mt. Everest or suffering from terrible social ills is not a requirement of
admission, but you do have to know the person occupying your skin.
2. Why Stanford?
Enlighten us on how earning your MBA at Stanford will enable you to realize your ambitions.
A strong response to this essay question will:

Explain your decision to pursue graduate education in management.

Explain the distinctive opportunities you will pursue at Stanford.

Now that question is succinct, and really says what they want to know.
Similar to questions that have occupied this Stanford application slot for years, this question is a
variation of a standard MBA goals question as revealed in the two bullet points after it. For this
forward-looking question, you need to explain why you want an MBA. The best way to do this is
to frame it in terms of your desired post-MBA professional direction. Then explain how
Stanfords program specifically will help you travel down that path.
Understand the flexibility inherent in Stanfords curriculum, its integrated approach to
management, its entrepreneurial culture, and how both will help you learn what you need to
know to achieve your career goals. Realize that the curriculum allows for personalization based
on your goal and your past experience, specifically your previous business education. Two
pieces of information are required to answer this question: a clear MBA goal and an in-depth
understanding of Stanford GSBs curriculum.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Essay Length:
Your answers for both essay questions combined may not exceed 1,150 words. Below are
suggested word counts per essay, but you should allocate the maximum word count in the way
that is most effective for you.

Essay A: 750 words

Essay B: 400 words


12-pt. font size

Recommended font types: Arial, Courier, or Times New Roman
Indicate the question you are answering at the beginning of each essay (does not
count toward the word limit)
Number all pages
Upload one document that includes both essays

Be sure to save a copy of your essays, and preview the uploaded document to ensure that the
formatting is preserved.

Optional Essay:
If there is any information that is critical for us to know and is not captured elsewhere, include it
in the Additional Information section of the application. Pertinent examples include:

Extenuating circumstances affecting academic or work performance

Explanation of why you do not have a letter of reference from your current direct
Work experience that did not fit into the space provided
Academic experience (e.g., independent research) not noted elsewhere

This is optional. Respond if you have something to explain or need the additional space because
you cant fit in your work experience or all academic info. Responses should be succinct and tothe-point and should provide the context necessary for Stanford to understand the circumstances
surrounding whatever difficulty you are writing about.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Applications and Letters of Reference are due by 5:00 PM Pacific Time




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

UC Berkeley Haas
The supplemental information that Haas requests is almost
unchanged. The essays are different from last years. For #1
they have an essay question very similar to one from two
years ago. And for #2, they give you a choice of prompts.

At Berkeley-Haas, we seek candidates from a broad range
of cultures, backgrounds, and industries who demonstrate a strong cultural fit with our program
and defining principles. Our distinctive culture is defined by four key principles Question the
Status Quo, Confidence Without Attitude, Students Always, and Beyond Yourself. Please use the
following essays as an opportunity to reflect on and share with us the values, experiences, and
accomplishments that have helped shape who you are.
(Learn more about Berkeley-Haas' Defining Principles)
Please use the following essays as opportunities to reflect on and share with us the values,
experiences, and accomplishments that have helped shape who you are.
As you are answering the following four questions really think about Haas' defining principles
and when possible tie your answer and experiences to those principles. As I frequently do, I want
to warn you against simply repeating the principles or stuffing them into your essays. That's a
waste of time and space. Use your essays to reveal that you share those values and have those
1. If you could choose one song that expresses who you are, what is it and why? (250 word
If it's heavy metal, go for it. And if it's a Beethoven Sonata, let it sing forth. And if it's a classic
folk song that you learned as a child in a non-Western country, don't hesitate to share that
information too. The "what" isn't nearly as important as the "why." Be authentic and tell them
which song best expresses your essence, whatever it is. And then tell them why you believe it
reflects the true you.
2. Please respond to one of the following prompts: (250 word max)


Describe an experience that has fundamentally changed the way you see the world and
how it transformed you.
Describe a significant accomplishment and why it makes you proud.
Describe a difficult decision you have made and why it was challenging.



2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
First question: Which to choose? Select the one that you can answer most easily and
enthusiastically and that complements the other essays and information found elsewhere.
Please note that each option is asking for one experience or one accomplishment, or one difficult
decision. Haas seeks an example that you find meaningful and illustrative of how you approach
situations and events. they want a window into how you act and think. Whatever option you
choose, don't omit answering what comes after the "and."
Try to choose an event that illustrates you identifying with at least one of Haas' 4 Principles.
3. Tell us about your path to business school and your future plans. How will the Berkeley-Haas
experience help you along this journey? (500 words max)
This is a connect-the-dots goals question. What do you want to do after you earn your MBA?
How has what you have done in the past convinced you this is the right path for you? How will
the Haas MBA experience prepare you to achieve your goals for your MBA?
You don't have to answer the questions I posed in the order I posed them, but the strong answer
to this question will answer all three questions if you want to answer Haas' question. And to
answer the about the Berkeley-Haas experience, you must thoroughly understand Haas program
and culture. How will take advantage of its strengths?

Supplemental Information:
1. If you have not provided a letter of recommendation from your current supervisor, please
explain. If not applicable, enter N/A.
Keep it short and sweet. This is primarily for those of you who dont want to tell your boss yet
that you plan to leave.
2. List in order of importance all community and professional organizations and extracurricular
activities in which you have been involved during or after university studies. Include the
following information for each organization or activity using the format below:

Name of organization or activity

Nature of organization or activity
Size of organization
Dates of involvement
Offices held
Average number of hours spent per month

Whenever possible, quantify your impact or contribution. Please note that Haas is not interested
in high school grades or activities. Note also that they want the list not in chronological order,
but in order of importance -- however you define "importance."




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
3. List full-time and part-time jobs held during undergraduate or graduate studies, indicating the
employer, job title, employment dates, location, and the number of hours worked per week for
each position held prior to the completion of your degree.
Again, quantify as much as possible your responsibilities and impact. Focus on achievements.
Avoid job descriptions that are obvious from your job title.
4. If you have ever been subject to academic discipline, placed on probation, suspended, or
required to withdraw from any college or university, please explain. If not, please enter N/A. (An
affirmative response to this question does not automatically disqualify you from admission.)
Please, please, please dont forget to answer this question if it applies to you. Its far worse to
ignore it than to answer it.

Optional Essay:
Is there any other information you would like to share that is not presented elsewhere in the
application? You may also use this essay to provide further explanation of employment gaps or
your quantitative abilities. (500 word maximum)
A bonus! If there is an element in your background, be it personal, academic or professional,
that you have not revealed elsewhere and would like the adcom to know about, this is the spot.
Give them another reason to admit you, but dont submit the grand summary, appeal, or closing
statement. Keep it succinct and focused.
Obviously, you could use this essay to explain a weakness, but that would leave your application
ending on a weakness, which is less than optimal. Try to fit the explanation in somewhere else in
the app or if necessary tuck the weakness into this essay, but have the main focus of this essay be
something positive. For example: Your pride in working your way through undergrad, the
challenges, and the ultimate satisfaction of learning to manage your time.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

UVA Darden
Darden led the way with a one-essay application. Some may feel
that fewer essays indicate that essays are losing importance. My
suspicion is that the remaining essays and short-answers are as
important or even more important than they ever were. Especially
at a program emphasizing the case method and experiential
learning, evidence that you can communicate, analyze a problem
from multiple perspectives, and handle the rigorous program that
Darden is famous for are all critical.

Describe the most important professional feedback you have received and how you responded to
this feedback. (500 words maximum)
First of all, I strongly encourage you to watch the video with Darden's Assistant Dean of MBA
Admissions Sarah Neher where she lays out what they're looking for in this essay:

As Sara Neher says in the video, they want to see how you respond to feedback in the work place.
It could be interpersonal or technical feedback, but how did it change your behavior on the job?
How did it transform your approach or attitude?
You could start with the feedback or the event that prompted the evaluation. Then discuss your
initial reaction to it and how it influenced your professional performance.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
Alternatively, you can start with an event or interaction that reflects you successfully
incorporating that feedback into your work. Then flash back to the feedback, perhaps the event
the prompted it, and reflection on the importance of that feedback.
Final tidbit: Make sure you answer all elements of the question.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

After several years of change and shrinkage,
Wharton is keeping its essays unchanged this year.
Tips for completing the Wharton application essays
are below.
The Admissions Committee wants to get to know
you on both a professional and personal level. We
encourage you to be introspective, candid, and
succinct. Most importantly, we suggest you be
First-time applicants and reapplicants are required to complete the same set of essay questions.

What do you hope to gain both personally and professionally from the Wharton MBA? (500
words maximum)
What do you want to do personally and professionally that you can't do now and that a Wharton
MBA will help you do? What do you hope to learn? Note the question is not just asking what you
want to do after you graduate, and it's not asking for exclusively professional aspirations. It is
giving you the option to dream a bit and tell Wharton those dreams.
As with most MBA goals questions, Wharton still wants to see how you connect your Wharton
education to your future. Keep in mind that Wharton has an incredibly rich curriculum. How will
you take advantage of its premier offerings to prepare yourself to achieve your vision for the

Optional Essay:
Please use the space below to highlight any additional information that you would like the
Admissions Committee to know about your candidacy. (400 words maximum)
You can use the optional essay to explain or provide context for decision you have made or
events in your life. For example:


Why isnt your current boss writing your recommendation?

Why is there an eight-month gap between your first and second job?
Why did your grades dip during the last semester of your junior year?



2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

What are your responsibilities while working for a family business after having
left a prestigious consulting firm, and why did you decide to go into the family

Your optional essay can respond to any of those questions (but not all).
Or you can use your optional essay to highlight something in your experiences, background,
personal or professional life that didn't fit into the required essay and that you want the
admissions committee to know about. You can discuss a diversity element, a unique area of
interest or an accomplishment that you don't feel is adequately described elsewhere.
Don't use it as a grand summary of you application or reasons for wanting Wharton. Make sure
it adds value.

Reapplicant Essay:
All reapplicants to Wharton are required to complete this essay. Explain how you have reflected
on the previous decision about your application, and discuss any updates to your candidacy (e.g.,
changes in your professional life, additional coursework, extracurricular/volunteer engagements).
(250 words maximum)
All applicants, including reapplicants can also use this section to address any extenuating
circumstances. (250 words maximum)
The key part of this question is the update part. Dont ignore reflection on your previous
decision, but focus on the new and improved you. For more suggestions for your reapplication,
please see MBA Reapplication 101.




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!

Yale SOM
Yale has retained its one essay from last year with no
change. As Bruce DelMonico explained in a blog post,
"this question really gets to the core of what Yale SOM
is about and embodies our founding mission of
educating leaders for business and society. So we
decided that we would keep this essay question in place
for another year."
As you did last year, you need to make the most of that
single essay, but you also need to take the time to make
every box in the application a home run. They are not after-thoughts. Your job descriptions and
activity history are very important. Write and edit them carefully. Focus on achievements.
Quantify when possible and keep in mind Yale's commitment to "educating leaders for business
and society."

The Yale School of Management educates individuals who will have deep and lasting impact on
the organizations they lead. Describe how you have positively influenced an organization as an
employee, a member, or an outside constituent.
This essay would do really well with an anecdotal response telling the story of how you
positively affected your department, team, club, company, client or any entity that benefited from
your contribution. You can start with a moment of challenge or triumph. Then go back, provide
context, and tell your story of contribution, hurdles overcome, and complexity handled. If your
impact has lasted, say so.

Video Questions:
As part of your application, you will be asked to answer three video questions. These questions
are intended to give you another opportunity to tell us about yourself. These questions are not
meant to be difficult and should not require extensive preparation or special knowledge to
answer. After hearing each video question, you will have 20 seconds to formulate a response,
followed by up to 60 seconds to respond.
After August 15th, you will see a link in your applicant status page checklist that will allow you
to complete the video questions once you have submitted your application and fee. To answer the
questions, you simply need an internet connection and a webcam. These questions will take
roughly 15 minutes to complete, and you will have the opportunity to test your connection and
respond to a sample question before answering the questions. Once you have completed the
questions, your responses will be added to your application and we will begin the review




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!
To prepare for your webcam session, you need to practice for the experience of talking to a video
camera with no responses from another human being. It is a weird experience. For tips on how
to prepare and behave during the webcam session, please see Tips for Video MBA Essay
Questions and listen to this interview with Yale's Bruce DelMonico, Assistant Dean and Director
of Admissions at Yale SOM.

Optional Essay:
If any aspect of your candidacy needs further explanation (unexplained gaps in work experience,
choice of recommenders, academic performance, promotions or recognitions, etc.), please
provide a brief description here. (200 words maximum)
You can use the optional essay to explain or provide context as Yale SOM suggests, or you can
use your optional essay to highlight something in your experiences, background, personal or
professional life that didnt fit into the required essay and that you want the admissions
committee to know about. Consider relating a diversity element, a unique area of interest, or an
accomplishment that you dont feel is adequately described elsewhere.
Dont use this optional essay as a grand summary of your application or reasons for wanting to
attend Yale. Make sure the optional adds value.

Reapplicant Essay:
Since your last application, please discuss any updates to your candidacy, including changes in
your personal or professional life, additional coursework, or extracurricular/volunteer
activities. (200 words maximum)
This is the key question that every reapplicant has to answer. Why should Yale SOM admit you
this time around? What's changed? What's improved?




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!




2016 Top MBA Essay Questions:

How to Answer them Right!


Youve just read a full report on how to best answer top business school application questions
you are clearly very serious about getting your MBA. You have big plans and high-ranking
dream schools.
But its not easy to get accepted. In fact its pretty hard: There are the academic stats, the essays,
the resume, the boxes, the forms, the letters of recommendation, the interview, and sometimes
even more. You need to show fit, and you also need to show you stand outpositively.
Its an intensely competitive process. Who couldnt benefit from expert help?
Since 1994, weve helped thousands of MBA applicants get accepted to top MBA programs
around the world. Wed love to help you choose the right schools, present your qualifications in
your essays and resume, prep for interviews, and celebrate acceptances.




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