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An agtverh is a word which modifies the meaning of a werb, an adjective or an avert For escompe Rama furs quickly. Govinda reads quille ciearty. Hinds. of Advert fa} According jo meaning 1) Adverbs of Thm: > They are fhe adverts which tel us when an ocion takes place. For example, i shal meet you tomorow. Rude = Time adverts camo be used in fhe present perfect, instead fhe post InGetinde is used for fhern. froorect! - § hawe seen a 30) move ast night Correct : i saw a 30 movie inst night. 2) Agverbts of Place : They are the adverbs which tellus where an action takes place. For exampe, He left his bag there. 3) Adverts of Manner: They are the adverbs which fel us how an action tomes place of in whal manner. For exampie, Gautam Buicha lett his family sipaknily. 4) Adverbs of Frequency : They ave fhe acverts which tel us how offen an accion lakes place Forexamole, The Delhi Polos is always with you . 9) Advesbs of Degree of Guaniity : They are the adwerbs. which tefl us how Tuch or in wher degese of fo whal extent. For emampie. | have pleaded enough and now | ge un Flee: > The achrert “so? as an ached of degree must nof be used absauiety. Proomect : Hee bs so: fich. (Gorpet : He bs very rich. Pluie > That “should nof be used instead of "so “as an adverb” PACorent - Hee WEE oniy (hint far, Gorect - He arent onl so far. Rule = The acer toot shoud mot be used instead of “very” or much? and ice VERE. froormedd - She ts foo intedigent. (Comect 2 she is very intelligent. Rude > Much & used with past parbcipies used 25. adjiecfves not with present participles. docorecd > The matoh became much inieresdng. Gorect : The match became wery interesiing. Pade > Advert of degree comes just befoee ihe adjective it qualifies. fnoormecd : Hie foo bs weak fo oun. (Gorect : Hat bs foo weak 10 nan They are so honest that they cannot fed ia te OG) Adverts of AM maton and Negaiion > They are ine adverbs wich bed us whether an action is done or nol. For camps, He has not left the place. 7) AGvERDS Of Reason ° They are the avers which teil os why an action tates place. For examoie, She thansfore decided to be a nich woman. ib) According to use 1) Simple Advert : tt only modifies some words (vert, adjective onan BOVerDL All the above exumiptes betong to this: category. 2) Interrogative Advert : it mot onty modifies come words bul ao formation. This 2s Hot BH oOtfticial one. rate: Some SM aft AE nae DGF Bene tr whitch is the same a adjective. For examoie, loud, quick, high, hard, near, late, pretty. focorect He fought handy forthe No 1 spot (Gorect. He fought nad for the Peo. 1 sant. Sifady, Incooect: | would hand main foday. Gorect : @ would hardy rain tocay Comparison of adverts = Rage : If the atverh 6 of one sylabie, the comparative formed Dy addinger End Ine SUuDerative by Gocingest to the positive. foarect 2 The hare can more fast than the dog. Gorect : The hare can faster than the dog. Rude > Adverts ending in y tom fhe comoarative by adding mor and the Supetatres by adding mosi focomecd = The pein price nlite jesus has been debated hotiier than ihe ures ECam. (Gorect : The pein poce ite sue has Dem debgied mor hotty han the Urea Som. Posteon of atwertes : Rude : Adverts of manner, place and fime are geneity placed afer the werb of after the object iMihere is one. Pnnorent He wrote ist year 2 bo Gorect: He wrote a book last year Rude > When there ace hwo or more adverts after a verd Gand fs object), ihe nomial order ts, adverb of manner, adverb of pace, adver of time. feoorent | read the proof! pestenay meticulously at home. Gorect | read fz proof meticulously ai home yesterday. Rude > Adverts of frequency and most of fhe adverts of quantity ae Fhnormaliy pub between fhe subject and the vee if the verb consists: of oniy One word: 6} pul after the first word if there is more than one ward in the ver, f} put ofier the verb @ the verb is anew wer, Some more rules : Rue > Two negatives should not be used in the same sentence unless we wish fo made an affirrustion. froorent she did not despise mene of ther icvers. Gorect She did not despiee any of her lovers. Rial: : Ever should not be used for never, fnoorect She seldom on ever has sweet talks win her son Gaorect She seicom of newer has sweet talks with her son. Rute > Bigs should be foboweed by Sut dncorect If is nothing ete than taiigue. Correct: & is nothing stse bul fatigue. Rute > Newer should not be used for na. focomect: She met her fiend after a long time and her friend never recognised her (Gorect: She met her'triend after a long time and her tend did not recognise her. Ovecions. Find out fe error in cach of the following sentences, if any. W there is no ervor, ihe aeswer fs ‘ol. AL She behaved in a cowarndy manner fay belore the headmaster (by and hesBated to do fhe work. (c¥ No enor ff) 2 The off refuses fay not toby netum the articies. (cv Moeror fo) 8. The real important thing (ay of cor bf i our Bvelihoces (bw which dcrimingtes: us. from animals. (oy So enor dd) formar icon. Inhis 1s not an Official one, 1 Ae enor 2.6; Oot fhe werd “not” 2a: Replace “real with “reat” 4a Replace “too much” with “very” 2c; Replace Twenfy French" with “French Guerity™ Go: Replece “whee fearted™ with “wholeeeanediy™ Foc: Replace “nice” with “nice” a; Replece Tasiy” with “fai & by Aepface “hardly” with “hard™ 70. D; Replace “carefully” wiih “caretal™ formation. This is not an official one.

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