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70, What is the respective ratio between the numberof females {company P and number of les it company L? (8-25 28:8 ware ajie:s (9) Nane of these ‘Tae mumaber of female employ working in company O what per cent of taal ermploy. ‘Se nung that eotapary tua fiz a8 wis 5) ane of these What is the average numberof enuployees st all companies together ? 1800 bas (39700 (ny600 (9) None of these ‘The number of female employ es in company Mis tnya50 (ay 180 (3)250 (a)350 (1 None of these ‘The total number of male een- playees working in euompantes ail P legtlier i (Hy ia4a (2) 1380 (91340 (ay 1200 [5] Nome of these Directions (75-79) : What approximate value should Ue falar questions at Use ween a od 75. (13,001 =™, 73. a4, 50,001%01 90.09 + 49.90 => wt @ioa (goon tayo (3) None af these 78, S9.0001 + 899-999 - 349.88 (uy t6t9 11560 (a) 1489 (a 1460 (5) None ofthese 7, 2.0001) (1.5991*4 e390 wa 164 siz Directions (90-84) ¢ In the following table the mumber of units manufactured and sold byfirecom= panies PQ. R. Sand T has been ‘ven. Study the gwen data careful: a8 (4) 256 80, What is the a» {in thousand) of factured by al, together ? yar on oe 15) 46 a _ oe ibe ahora company =n tht Cees campy 0? je bu76 wee Biss Wid: {5} None of these ots comcary sll eink pereeniage a ats Sn olenencceayat a IR oP ait os Wal a the wera une of tims fn trowel att bal the Ganparics eer? p87 {a)30 fz? jaa {Gite of bese What ft the respec ratio Tseoen ie ise snag tured by comparty P and com- pany 8? 7 (28:7 (33:5, (5:3 {SiN of hese 85. From a wel-suilied pack: 52 plusng cords, one card Ube ws aveater than Nil xg ye. xt lee than orequal iow Ui) fare gst ates than y {5} x= yor no elation can be sestabiehed between cand Page 9 WE rai BB. Lv r5e+6=0 I ye Tye 1220 1 xt4202 Sr Th peda= by OL. |. are dye ts axes ay 15 xe GS Lye Joe 1 trder ded Th Pa By 1600 ‘Directions (94-98) ‘comme at the. place of 9 (7) en the followin nu: 84, 317317 9233 15, (yaan (9373 G)None of x 10 18.34 7 100. The compound interest earned fon a sum m 3 years at 15% peranium compuunded ana ally 5 %-6500.52. What ts the an? (nz 124sa (ay 10500 (ag 14800 (apg 13620 (51 None of these | _ENGLISH LANGUAGE Directions (101-110) : Each onbelow has twoblanks, ech iain that something has ommited: Choose the set of for each blank that best fits 4 sheanng of the sentence ax a A plethora of euttural talent the spectators busy ata (lent tant prograsnirie where students fom variaus colleg 3 get tagether to their ‘mettle n various contests (2) red, show (2) kept, prowe (3) caught, paz (4) se, tearm (5) hetped. merwion The of Chin thread should be b 102. her pri SESS 6 Ses on 5410 75985 Sd 0) 78 oe (hamparted, try cs se’ e. ° (4) fits, rechearses 99. ‘sever (5) shares, practise: Be iin mera ear es ini Sees” | Go fer junits (2) 132 units caution was not ___ by hos. ag aoa Shei an ae ae ooce (2) fix, advancement (9) shaw, proceeded | lobserve, considered | __ (S)inateate, taken | 105-Siucenis from the Middle East and the African countries have __been__coniributors to ihe poal of foreign students in the university. S ()tradimonatly, mayor (2hcomeervatively. cructal {(G)ouprisingy. most (lintutvely, sakent (Glanmually, tecid 106. "The nulnister_ abl various —— being provided Gals for the pilgrians ng direction wine fe passenger en (Meeased, funy (are (aie ete eran. ty 107,f0ia™ todewe inthe eeting right when dhe —— of fers ors latge dae sewn sacetlahs Thee arming, (ahem. ri htrsinctve ome tmaiett, threat (Shnalural feature 104, An overcast shy made Sunday eos than = ret vet denis, who gaing by weather pent en: (atic, tae (2iperet sore (3) boltday, sky (devon en {@steay, fare 109. ttanyteovhere, —_ the ack tl eternal dor no fer ang the eet. rasan Cahexplmed, force (2 claimed, understanding, (9) argue. cup (peters, ground 110. Shapuce wouldnt _ shat the cath actly Tie et Secihece rete ae {1 perm, bia (sare revaes Cheaper banoume, went (change, spins Directions (101 ~ 125) :Read sean oamee ta al er there i ary grammatial efor or (ao ae are tng, wll bn one pt Page 10, tence: The nummer of that part is | 122.1 parents are able to (1/ set Uheanswer {therein ‘NoErrur'the | thetrehldren nto schooksf21? that are far away, the ()/ next challenge #8 transportation, TEL The couples werk 0) up: | Noor 5) ‘grading rayal technicians (2 | 129+The perception of others. (00/ has act a benchmarking (1/ particularly family members for ature gereratens. (317 No| F2N/ changed when the {31/ Error 5) Spates 59 ernment job, 122, [thas taking almost (1)/ ayesr ()/ Ne Exror (5) oe ida fi) to Tet tts peas. | 324, Every house should (t}/ have ‘maism (3}/ translate into fewer ‘the device as it (2)/ protects: jobs. [4] No Error 15) people frow. a (3}/ cormmon 13th oly needs an apport (}/ | Reuseholé disaster, (4)/ No that ean efficiently manage | | Emer (5) By a olay tera (9 | 18-Aumaed oe teding Dpascengere and fights (/ No | systems arc (If cnau Error (5) i ‘oni the time passengers (2}/ are 4124. Thia goupetiay/ rata achiev-| utc plane thelr [5 bag ‘ers ts very (2)/ different than gage is already waiting for the (7 ones tn the past. (a)/ | hem. (4l/ No Error ft No Eror (5) Direetions (126 - 140): Read Anite markets have to shrink Analy alter ating level of al Agence! And thats great (oF the sword Because earth needs sustain 3e development. doesnot need imonsirous consumers whe Keep ansuing at be cost of the ent Fanment and the earth. There Should be lita to growth so that consumers are not convered inte material dsb fa th PR handful of corporat ‘Owing to the mgesstic cut ture claewhereplt Wa possible to cep seling neerproducts to the ee canes ugar quay wel. They wore fared through advertising and ik techniques of risalion' of he eustomersand: stomens. they were gen leans and a5.he government has an- | foowing rectal oe once they became eae E ren eer iy paar reating | answer iequestons Oven belly aoe a eer Bl wat | C=ai Wonds have een pan ine places (4)/ No Error @) | Bold to elp you locate Bh 16.The argument assamca that | rece seme of a LUM earhy detectiae of the dis- | Intec she wrest os ace Gy fed won imine | T62BY the beginning good ews Sine drop (the marta. | 0F Hn Bug rsa a ‘gyrating trom this esse | elihe tple of western ‘essing. to the Japanese reces- 117.The two most important sur pt oe the Japanese style ‘bers (1}/ which the manda i has been admired. reer , Japanese management styke Is 3% 6 se, | wonderful as described then. why ee young’s2@"s | has Japan been in a recession or balls ee af Rake | ee ie The arse fo this ueston fx ing. See, ‘him | very simple, Culture plays a very GY toga A pata patna pene aie re mics, ee ‘icin ancien are bos ino pipe en th (| ee inaremr ‘Atop are generally fara | ch they become. unlike others. SB La se ks | ey eno on kept cepessona OH hat cour | teary eecieesy Red once they inglaughter all toad, (4)/ 80 | jaye everything they need: there is Bor 6) soluraibn ola twarenty when 120. The evening bree (11/ wor | amps ke epee eal el Carrying the poctey (2)/ of| they cannol keep selling cars end peace beyond [3}/ the school | jesaiy to their home mazket that ‘building. (4)/ No Error (5h they went really aggressive tthe 21, We arcing he yen tht | weaiern markets sand the reat {iy/ Guropenn rehubditaton | hasory, Japanese compares Rr faelaced 1) on a ult det | blgserby entering the word tar Pinay spproath 21/ tomands | kets when thet home markets Siro pon) No Ero | shaun edits to help them buy more and more. When all the ereditworthy peopie were even. loans io a logis limi, they ceancd tobe a part of the market, Even this woud have been tenderstandable if could work as an eye opener Insiead of taking the “Rog Step as Teyota di. they re ferred totake a shiortewt, Now barks wea tothe non eredtuorthy people fand gave them loans. The people expectedly defaulted and the entire sistemellapsed ‘Now like Teyoia western compa tes wil ez to find pew markets ‘They wll now lean towards India because of lis coeman shan! The bailion plus population i the nest ‘25 years will become, aeonsuming middle-class. Finally, the world’s attention wll shift to the develop ing woeld. Finally, there wil be = ‘eal #unge in income ofthese people ‘and imthenest iy edd years. one tan realy hope to See an equal work in terms of material plenty. with poverty being almost nenesistemt ‘And this will happen not by seling mare ears to Americans and Euro | peans. 1 wall happen by ereating markets in India, China. Lat America and Aisi, by gang tet: ppeeple purchasing power and ty taka products for ther. Page 11 Cah oeeai The recession has made us re: (8) The unlimited growth of the: ‘(Only A (2) Only B jae that it is not because of worse Japanese markets has come 13) Only © Management techniques. bu. De: at the cost of the western {4} Only A and C eause of iis to gras. Aree marl {enrol eve {15} None of these 128.Why does the author foresee the markets being created in | the developing countries an ‘stead of America and Europe ? wall reali that its ere arth. Alter all, ow: sr houses must the rc® calling 1 encugs 181.Aceording Lo the passage; which of the following was NOT an effect of providiny Toatis arid credits to the cus: tole at ates sedate!) tts, ee have materialistic culture. ‘ itu rieweron = tl Devcon coins a “ inet ‘willing 10. make an effort to Ta Ron red Heder ehierelobaloation use which fot hed (3) American and European markets have had a large smumber of credit defauers, 4) Recession has not hit the markets of developing ‘countries yet. (91 None of these ‘Wohy is recession the began ng, cof good news for India im the author's view ? (A) India ease provide an attrac- live market to the western, ‘cormpanses. (Inca hase remained Largely lunalfected by reocssion ow ig to its huge population. (C) indians keep purchasing products despite owning equally good products. (4) Japanese do net purchase (WOnlye @yGnly B: tndessly and thus when | (Only products had been said (6 | (b) Only Band & reece temas | (5) None of these - _ 133, What does the author mean by aie ee "Dustbimisatton’ of the eus- the future balizatin a an | (1) Conincing the esstomer to shag ten Fortserme | "spots he does tk need. (Al Car companies would start | 2) Denying thenon credtwor- | caauw iy prope of ry loam: (8 Deng reams to peo- (8) By paying the developing ple whrhaxe already taken frould Incenee ty ovn |, Nant 8 lg Rt vot intarenmgng ee | A Moving rom od customers [deck te blmesnker at the home market to fr Tears (a neo se Because Japanese markets | (C} To eam profit, the compa: ae ee LaG UR 4 tes in Goveloping coum. | 134. Why according tothe author Peoleritenees eek tricswould moresoforcign |b the eurrent recession great “sion since the last decade. land, Fon Hien aes? ees Page 12 44) 1 il make people non maevlalntic bee the Japa nee (8) The unlimited market growin which caused has fds to the environnicat = umd be eiceRed toa er tain extent {€) Banks well now provide learnt to dacereinar Any people. (o) Devedopine counties wil also be henelited by ahilted 140. SURGE : (1) Decrease: (2) Deleriorating (3) Weakening (a) Atrophy (5) Crumble Directions (141-150) ln ihe fortowing passage there are blanks ‘each of which has been numbered | These numbers are printed below the passage ard against each, ve words are suggested, one of which best fits the blankc appropriately. Fud out the appropriate word in each vase oe “Twenty years (L4H) nox, nea (0) Oniy a om of tic werk population wil (2) Only Band D lve Us urban areas. The impact of (3) Only and B tbanization ht not all be post (a) only B tie on nda ay urban expan Is {5) Rone of these happening at a much (a) rate {9 Rano egy schouse | an watastrocture pansion. ‘a used in the passage, 135. CATERING (0) Considering (2) Lending (S)Supplying (4) Wocking Gi ndulping 198.KEY (1) Foundation) Sonstion 13) Requisite (4) Dacuit 15) feportame 197. AGGRESSIVE 1) Violent 12) Determined £0) Demanding ‘the word whteh 1g most similar in ‘Sustainability issues weed ‘esmary athe ward pened inboi| Pe (243) 10 that eccnomic develo ment is aot ab the (144) Ienlth, Some urbar ser ‘ought to be im (148) ike water: electrety, tra need bi transports arn for the proliferatian o vehicles on the road. Fes ory ilIness in childrens living i han areas Ison the (148) with more eases of Asthma being (148) {4 Ofemsve Se reaver of pation, The hur of rons “a 33. (2) Helpless (3) Worse (4) Worthless (6) Underprvileged 1199, CONSUMING (1) Destroyang (2) Exhousting, (3) Greedy (4) Cortating (5) Spenaing ‘cites of Indian dreams depends on {GEOL -ve can build better cities tw ‘ay, a3. (1) (2 since (8) fom (4) after (on 142, (1) ster (2) slower (lohanged (a) speed {5} quick 143. (1) speculated (2) believes! (3) tmagined (4) considered (6) understand 144. (1) payment 2) rate Gieosts (a) charge (8) expense “TER as pa eer deat | report that Eh Sst | the ‘arta servi to me } 3 6) 11) | caireg 147. (11 Grod 148.1) abundance (2) large 63] funciona! (4) ssc (5! oration 46.1) nine epriizen 2) postulates ae. aoe (0 inadequase (8 Sutheent 148, (1) nyt | el expanse laces! FZ) develop cmpasedt (4) rewulted {Spreporiee 2) whether (Shunless — ¢¢) provided off eur [we | Page 13, ae _ ghar weees No erop fs 3e= ArE= Eppes “No bean is a see Al pulses are c= No erop ts a seed A+B + E-wpe of Conclusion "No pullte tsa seed.” | a an 13) All beans are pulses, (8) Some apples are traits [No fit ts vegetable 1+ B0-type of Conatuston “Some apples are not vegetables. [All potatoes are vegetabtes. — [No vegetalie is fruit, As E+ E-type of Conclusion “No potao is fruit” Neither Conclusion 1 nor It follows. & G1 Alaancoarejournals. ¢f the above diagram it clear that "Some diares being Doolts is a possibly". All potatoes are vegetables. No vege fs fruit As B= Batype of Conclusion “No: potato 1s fruit ‘Conclusion I's Converse of tt. Conclusion Il is Converse-of the third Preenise, all pulses are crops. As Aso Actype of Conetusion “all beans are crops.” All beans are crops, No crap a seed. A+ B= Estype of Conchusion *No bean isa seed.” Conclusian £48 Converse oft. No seed isa bean, Alben are pulses. “anausion 9¢ road ts going on = is true. } Mae) Option (2) strengthens the D “statement. 8. (1) Obviously eption (1) can be Inferred fom the given ior ‘maton. (oan: oo-s-o0 ODes-tor Either Por Q is of 158 cm. 9. (9)1U8 clear that T 8 shorter than S, 10. (5) 1s ether 158m high or snore than 138 em |. (4) Either three or four persons are shorter than . P>Q>S>ToR or. Q>P>S>T>R 12, (51 From the gren information ‘we cannot iaicr option (5) As A= Artype of Conclusion 13, (4) Obviously option (4) 18 corre. Page 14 WE 201 (16-20): AQ» @uiay= ‘eae 1G) Aly 1 olen edt + 16.9) Me cate for“hy may be" or T on, 17. (2) The-gede for ‘thou Is 8’ 118, |S Tie code for ‘how is 19. = 8: good <2 5: ‘The code fr ‘no! may be 20, (2) how =» 2: good = 5: thous: 8; art== 9. 21. (1) Clearty option (1) is the ccuse, 22: (0 Clearly option 4 8 the ef- 23. (9) Clearly option (3) is the (28-30) : I Step V: youwake 81437234 up 24. (5) Obviously: option (5) is an ‘assumption. 25. (5) Obviewsly aption (5) Is the ‘effect, 26,5) EcPs Conclusion 1: G> S$: True Coneluston I: F s Hs Tra 27,1) PsQ P: True Conclusion fl: Q-<: Not True After careful analysis of the siven inpul-and various steps of rearrangement it is event that words and numbers are rearranged from right ta let. In the first step one word is Fearranged and in the second step ane numbers rearrange, ‘The words are rearranged stpbabeial onder ani frambers are fin ‘ening order from righ Wet. Input: 23 you Ta%wake B1 me 443 before 72634 up Step: 23 ke BY me up before Step 1 4.28F¥bu woke 81 me 43 (Gp 7 0 34 up 13 eore S460 N28 you wake 81 me 43 7234 up eo 13 before (SEB IV +: you wake 81 me 43.72 up 29 go 18 before ‘me 29 go 19 belore Step VI: you wake 81.43 72 up 34 me 23 go 19 before Step VI : you wake St 72 43 up 34 ‘me 23 go 13 before Step VIlL: you 81 72wake 43 up 94 ‘me 23 g0 13 before ‘Step UX 5 61 you 72 wake 43 up Ie me 23 go 19 before 28. (1) me 29. (4) Lis step ¥. 30, (4) Option (4) is step It 81. (8 It is mentioned in the pas ‘Saige that 50 - 80 per cent of people eho sulfer a heart at tack are able to return ta work, ‘Therefore. the inference is def- Anitely false. ras fe 32. (2) 1s mentoned tthe pas sage thatthe persons whahaee suilered heart attack shout void high pressure, stressful swore. Therefore. ay becon- fluded that the Inference ts probably true. ‘33. (3) There is no information out this inference ‘34, (4) The use of term itely” th the Inference it outst, Therefacethie tnfer= ence is probable ‘35. (1) Constdef the Wery frst line of the, paste i lea fro the meat the passage Oa ch gretce ts deity tre. (26-40) Ysttting arrangement 96. (4) Ps to the immediate left of s. ‘97,11 J 8 third fo the left af 98. 12} Tis the wile of V. ‘98. (3) Wives of @ and ¥ are imme: diate neighbours. 40. (3] Except in UTV. tn all others the third person is sitting be: tween the fist anid the second persons. In UTV, the second person is sitting between the first and the @sird persons, (an-4a1: ey yer er Lt ttt tf) i 4 i 4. 2 inh we ed cw 4 (Vs wandnterahct 48 Ghtscep Val oer first person is to the immedi- ate night of the second persian. Page 15 WE rai 43. (1) SOO CO0Om 7 rveawt. Hite it 48. (1 Obsiousiy option 48. (31 Obviously option (3) cause, 47. (81 Option (4) may be an effect 48: (1) Option (2) wou é weaken the ‘argument put forward by the ‘cammutiee to the sports min- ssuy. 49.(510ption (5) would strenigh- fen the argument, 80. (2) Opticn (3) would strength en the argument of govern- ment. SL. (4) Speed of train 320 = 2-64 mysee. a fs 82, (2) f the number of al sweats bea: then see 280325 e- 2x a0 reo “ fs Required ans 189. [51 Required (15420) =35:38 54. (2) sobwious fborr che tale 86. (1) Required numb of persons intertewed = 101 87. (9) Percentage increase . = 858 ‘88. (1) The word VISITING has 8 betters in which i comes thrice. Number of arrangements, “st =8x716x 544-6720 (2) Number of students weho opted for dancing 1800x132 +7) xO 100 125, 64. fi) equired rato = 48: 32 28:2 ys22_ Nt Tas x ald 7, (8)7=902-48 +996-72- 12347 = 698.18 12947 =574.71 68. (5) 99 .VaGoE - YEE = VEOx16 Vad =16s4 24 2 7a$ nde (0) Number of students wh & 5 wrt ret ona a. remain envy =150 74, (9)Males tn company N and spar P 4 7 = Asoo +1200% 2 800 +1200 = 610+ 700=:1340 7B. (2)? = (13.0019 »(13)2 2197 =2200 (ai? =55455+5 = 902545 «1000. 100%.50 10:80 «59 78. (1) ?=989 4800-390 71500 78. (5)? = 25x (apt + art 77. (1)? “ar 80, (1) Required average 85+ 45635 440450 2 Eee 2x2 = 2 = 512 200 densa 61. (1) Required rauo = 35-: 30 7: Page 16 WE 201 2, 5) Percentage ae: company Po 2100287 2% Company Qm $5 canpary n> SSxico~7i4 35 company Sm x10 = 875 40 1002 company 7-5 $2100 = 80 83, (2) Required average 150 = FP = BO thowsands: 184, (1) Required ratio =.35 40 8 £85. (1) Total possible outcomes Farah’s present age = (x ¢ 8) years re aaa wie = Firemen age=28+8 ‘= 36. years Hier daughter's age'3 years ago | swxletyan | 85. (9}C.P. of AO Kg of mnxware 28 [25 « 32) + (15 30 = 1600+ 543) 81090 SP. of 40 kg of mexture (40 = 40.2) = 1608 Profit=@ (1608 1940)= 2268 258 100 = 2006 Proiit % = T5a5 88. (11.22 + Ser a0 Si etredre6=0 ex(es a3 (4 2)20 be 3) b+ 2) 60 ox-tr2 4 O Lyetyeaa ~ weet cay oS i sulu+4) ° 4420-0 Gav a-sansieo 4) x= 8) =O C gents H P- 18944220 sf =Ty=6y4 42 =0 uly 7-8 y= 7-0 3 y-8ly-71=0 seysbor7 1, (A)2e4 SYR 1 at AEH BYH 1G sonal By equation f) 22 ~ equation 1 At Gy-Ax-2y= 28-16 Say=12-ye3 From equation 1. ee Oug= 1s 92. (5) L. xc = O25 = 225, 1. y= 1676 = 226 08, (NE Herd 0 (e+ 2F 20 me x02 i Psy 140 =-4PF +0 suet “04. (2)Me pattern 6s re ay ba os 2a aaa 98 (By 12. 17a. Fok = 122 aoe @ = 2=20-2=18 eS 2-2=96-2-9 Hx2-2=68-2= [66 despaets ta os youlpelae es pea 196 5+ 5«680+5 = [685 197. (3)"The pattem is 4000 + 5 = 800 to? 80042) 400 +5 = 80 804 4055=8 98. (3) The pattern ts : axteltea 4n2e228+8216 1649499 =48 427-75 75x 9043= 9004 64296 35445 653 = 18206 125 1a (Bi aR2 eT 2eR = Rela Circumference of circle 8 22 eanpe 2x 2ata R= 2x = 88 units Page 17 WE rai 100. (1) Let the pu then aed 2 { OL, (3) Keep bape = ez sveaget 12103. (5) Share “Verb) » 9 people a= -: your ideas, ‘experience: 202 26nis, 104, (5) Indicate (Nerd) « ro show that exists ouale mah ate na oo 106.02) Enquire abou F. os ‘some oS tori Threat = “ ae se sia Benchmart which an > used as a things earn LAB.( Structure Present Peries Subject + hase Particple) Hepee, lt as taxen almost should be used (Past 118.18) An edjective gualiniés a oun. Henee. a constant ‘Adjective ew (Nun) should be used (8) There ts a preposition related error. Hence, different from the. should be used. Look at the sentence : American English is significantly different from British English. (2) Infintive = To « ¥, (Plural Verb) Hence, to create... should be used here. 116, (4) Here. rmortalty fate from this disease .... should be used, Rate wa measurement of number of time som happens or ests miner ae meade of ape poront things. 14. 118, the young soldier's should be ised. | 1ieaPricre, Preseet Simple Le. 4 © ‘Thatcause taughier all around v- should be used as the Sete ti the Present 196. pain thot ov wouldet/shouldn' 121, (1) Here, weare bringing in the idea. sw shar be se 123.(a) Theres preposition related ‘error, Hence. qualified for a goverment job. should be used. 124,02) Here, havethe devtee which {Pronoun} ww should be sed, 125. (2) There is preposition seated error, Hence, ensuring that at the ume passengers... should be used. 195.(9) The meaning of the word Cater (Verb) as used in the passage Is : to provide the things that a particular type of person wants ‘Look at the sentence : ‘They only publiskt novels whieh cater ta the massmar: et Hence. the words catering av! ‘supplying are synonym0cs, 136. (5} The meaning of the word Key (Adjective) as esr the passage ak = most im pura: essential: critica 1 Look at the sent Me played aleey pte. Hence; the dis: ey arti pneryanaus. ming of the worst ive (Adjective) as Inthe passage Es: acting Force and determination rder to suceed Look at the sentence : ‘Agood sales person has tobe aaggreasive in today's compet: tive market Hence. the words aggressive ard determined are syn.00%" 138. (6) The meaning of the word Prosperous (Adjective) a= ‘used in the passage is «Hilt and sucerastul: affluent, ‘The word Underprivileged (Ad- Jective) means : having fess ‘mnney and fener opportunities than others: disadvantaged Hence, the Words prosperous and underprivileged are ant- conymous, 188, (1) The meaning of the word Consume (Verb) as wed sn he passage 1: to use some thing Hence. the words consuming and destroying are antony- 140, {1} The meaning of the word Sarge (Noun) as vse! in the passages a sudden increane of feeling: asudden inerease in the amount ‘Look at the sentenc Weare having trouble keeping up with the recent surge in demand, Hence, the words Surge and decrease are anlonyanons. 197. (2) a Page 18 re Downloaded from www-ibps-news. Page 20 WE 201 3.Statements (3}0nly Conclusion | follows REASONING All books are journals. (@ Either Conclusion! or Con: a (8) fn each of| -Alldtaries are journals slusion IT follows the following questions two/three | Conclusions {8} Only Conehusion 1 follows statements are gvenfolioxed by two | 1, All yourmals are books, Read the given statements Conclusions numbered !andIl You | 1, Some diaries beingbooks is | earefully and answe: ‘have to take the given statements to a ppeel question given beiow : be true even if they seem to be at = The project of the Youd variance ftom commonly known | (1) Either Conclusion lorCon- | os truction fork! has facts. Read both the conclusions and cchasion 11 follows ‘crossed its first@eagline as far ‘hen decide which of the gwven con | (2) Only Conclusion 1 follows | as pre-monsoari=toad wrorks stone legally and dette "| (a) oth Coneluston 1 and | are ganeeried! tn the majer lows rom the even statements dis- Movies WEE caty the,road works are gen i Known facts af regarding commonly bay estas preemphasis and these are re ee (4) Neither Conelusion I nor ee Conelusson If fellows CAE compieed, All beans are pulses. in (5) Only Conclusion 1 follows |=. “Which of the following can be Al pulses are erops. Sal celts 4, Statements ‘concluded from the statements cou. No frutt is a vegetable. ‘ven above ? 1. Allerops are pulses. Al potatoes are vejtablles. Se emis te coupe at bors me has to go throug I Allbbeans are crops. ‘Some fruits areapples. alotof tiresome paperwork (1) Only Conclusion fl follows Conclusions before starting the repair {2)Netther Conclusion 1 nor |» Ne ulti) potato. work which delays the ‘Conclusion I fellows UL. Atleast, some apples are whole work ofthe road. (3) Bither Conclusion Lor Con- fg te (2) it takes several hours while luston It follows (ifBith Conclusion 1 and travelling via these roads (8 Onty Conclusion 1 ftlons Conclusion 1 fallow (8) The work of the road is go (@1Both Conclusion | amé. (2) Bither Concluston | or Con- ing on Conch clusion Hl follows (0) They wi-start the road sion It follow 2, Statements {3} Only Concluston If follows. works well in advance ‘No drut s vegetable (4iNelther Conelusion 1 nor | {5)None ofthese All potatoes are vegetabies, ‘Conchision II follows Directions (7-8) : Read the Some ing ples. (8)Onip Concise fotows_| fH information carey and coe ‘CE bisieneats answer te questions which follow L.eSanie apples are potatoes All beans are pulses. wa avelrcinchnsiatmanty ager pitas) Atpdemarcnm, |i transis > (a poomtaliyy. Nocrop isa seed. ‘customer go to purchase their ne (I)Both Conclusion | and} Cgnetgsions : eae pat Oe Res faocyCocanen ites | Meseteabom, She hen ol i ng oun ike Gorckuskndactac) Le pemnien nee: ‘that customers’ requirements are @ ar Con req ‘lusion If follows bea heap 4 and | jooked after by trained staff, It has ‘nelson It follow ‘been found that food products are f (aro Conetuston | GENS | aNeiher Conclusion 1 nor | low hfe prodts which are man (fy Neti Conese sect faetured fom local manufacturers. Conclsion ff Conclusion I follows meiuxion folows ‘These products are typically pur- chased by the customer on the a- ‘surance. "The market is appealing to supermarles and reall oudet own. fers are setting up their business in other areas where there are less Kirana stores. 7. Which of the following can be ‘4 good argument i favour of ‘shopping from Kirana stores ‘instead of supermarkets ? ‘1 People prefer supermarkets because they offer a Targer range of product, prod tects other than FMCG and they ean buy everything tender one root {2} People end-up buying oth or relevant things along ‘with those on their shop: Ping ists in Supermarkets and then they have to stand in long queues at the bil ingomanters. (@)Most iirana stores are “closed atleast one day ina swe whereas spesmaphets are pen 65 days a year (4) Yorana store do not accept ‘debit and credit ards. (6)-Very few Kiana stores sel ‘products at a bargained ‘price. £8. Which of the following can Inferred from the tornation® lan ink something that ‘adil fated but can t the geen ior ge (1 Most su phets and re ‘ail oulletoimers choose to ‘set upbusinesses 1 areas et very few Kirana {GrPpopte tend to trust retail outlets and supermarkets ‘when it comes to buying high value products as op- passed to buying ther om local shops. ISIE there are two or more Karana stores ia typical residential aea the compe tition armong them is very hig (4) Kirana stores owners are vying te acquire franchsce fof supermarkets as the lo- cal shops have lost their charm and business, (5) Kirana stores donotsel the [products which consumers Ihave on their regular shop. [ping Iists, 50 they have to depend an supermarkets Directions (9-11) : Read the following information earefully and answer the questions given below = ‘Among five persons ~ PQ. ‘SandT—each has different height. Only two persons are shorter than ‘5. Tis shorter than § but taller than R. The ane who is the second tall cenumetre, ¢ @.Which of the fal siaiements fs definitely with respect to information (UDR ts desinat em (2None Ging ten state: tats wer than S [ay eve hs ony 5 sbivhie ere tatewng 6 Possibly the height of @ 7 (1148 em (2) 136em (9)152em (4) 1506 (5), 411 How many persons are shorter than Q ? (aT. (2) Taree (3) Four (4) Canmot toe determined (5)0ne Directions (12-15) : Read the following statements carefully and answer the questions given below : Mobile technology has played great rote in growth and develop: ‘ment of soctety. Earlier cellphone was used as a medium of conversa tors only. Now mobile phones also ‘Support a wide vartety af other ser~ vices, such as. texting. email. internet access ele. The price of mobile phones i also decreasing wtb ncomgr sormhapiatauratee smartphones have the capabilities of handling video calls, sharing mE tae sae faite ger era. Therefore. th 10 eed te Seeman eer ee Tings alhckione ame Se videos via mobile phones Provided that the other per: ‘son hiss a stenilar device cat among them te oF P cemetol (2)Meny features are being added to mobile phones now-a-days (9) The other features of mo- bile phones are not as use: ful as the builtin camera (a) Mobde phones can be usec for purposes other thar. making calls (5)‘Technological advances are taking place in fields othe= than cellphones as well 13, Which of the following ean be concluded from the giver Information ? (1) Buying a phone with a car: cra is more convenient tha: buying twa different devic Ss (2) Mobile phones that are ba- stclast longer than the one= with added features (3) Not many people are inter feted im clicking pictures with molaie phones (4) 1 possible to share ture with someone avis a similar camera (5)No one will buy cameras ow onwands Page 3 Directions (14 = 18) : Study the following information to answer the given questions : “TRAVEL! ts related to “UD. KUSB! and “CORNER’ is related te MDQDPS, 14. “SURVEY Is related to__. tyupxsrv (2) UxDTSV, i TVSUDX, (a) UDxTvs (9) UDxvTs: 15. "GROUPS te related to __ (yToRNSP (2) TORRSP ()\TORPHS (aROTHSP ()ROTPHS Directions (1620) Study the following information to answer the lgven questions Ina certamoode 2 9 means how art thou, "95 means "thou art good andl 58 7.8 means thy ood and thous bad’. 16. What may be the possible-cade for thy” ? Wor? HT ws as (8 lerzora ‘What Is the code for ‘thou" ? we 8 a2 ws (5) None of these 18, What #8 the eode for how ? as as ea ag, (5) None of usese: 19. Which of the folding may possibly be th\code for thow WW, no good? ()508 Si 780 (50%) (4780 (5) Nofelot these 20., Wlimts the code for ‘thaw goad thon ari’? (N7588 (ajs295 (7183 (418795 (5) Cannot be determined 21. Bifeet : The wmple at the religious site wears a deserted look with the number of devotees trickling down, Which of the following can be | posatble eamge of the above efleet? (0) stroeturat engineer hae ‘Visited the temple a month back and had declared the structure unsafe. 2) The temples facing das: tie depletion of is funds ‘which had accumulated ‘over the years duc to offer ‘ng made by devotees, {81-The local corporation de cided ta doviete a huge amount of aisey to the temple for ts renovation. (41-The vilage housing the re Tigious stte has qualiied priests to perform religious Seremonies. (91 famousactor recent vs: ited the temple and pald is respects tathe deity. Statements : The incom Tak aauthortes carried aut rds at three diferent busines houses fm the eit last re Which of the fotlomng ean be a possible effect of the above statement 2 (1) The three Biisiness houses aresregtlar defaulters in Payment of their income oa ae {ime income Tax department hhad received a ip off about the mega activities going on in the three business houses. (9) Te Government decided to look into the matter and hhas appointed an inquiry ‘commities. (4) Other business houses took immediate action to clear ‘ff all ete ancome tax dies {nm order to avovd a rate! on their establishments. (5) The authorities intend to conduet raids in several other business houses in the vicinity. et 1A ose sete f¢ hospitals, the state Eoaith department framing rales ta ensure all such hos pitals are registered with i Which of the folowing can be a possible eause of the above statement ? (1) THe department realised the private hospitals charge ‘much loss for treatment as ‘compared to government hospitals 2} Government run hospitals -éo not maintain the kame Sstandsres as privat asp tals, {91The department ealised that several hospitals were rejecting aes Sang Eack of ifrasifuettere. (9) Apaih from the number of sioctoFs nurses and beds, Ric ind of precedurea hos Spitalcancarry out based on As infrastructure wall also bberegistered an Setated (8) Prwvate hospitals nor regs: tering with the department ‘hall be forced to-do soand ‘all have to pay hey pen: allies Statement : The constable has ben recommended Fora ut able reward by fis superior in recognition of his sincere duty ‘and busting of aeveral gangs of ‘eiauinals actively involved in the loot and incidents f plek- pocketing Which of the following eam be 4 possible assumption of the above statement ? (1) The superior is certain daat the recommendatien weld be denied. (2) The number Cerrina ap- prehered by this partict- lar constable waa excep tioaally high (8) Theeonscable desires to be monetarily compensated far ins efforts (4)'The superior wants to eet an example for his other juniors by recommending the reward, (8) Rewards recognising the sinceriy and accomplish- ments of policemen are sen. Statement : The college has finally received accreditation and fas gained the status of a deemed university, Page 4 Which ofthe following ean be | Input + 16today'92 waiting 21 are 4 possible effeet of the above IL people 46 tas 66. tong ‘subternent ? Step! > 16today 82 watung:21 11 0) The peincipal af te caldege people 46 bus 63 long are will naw have tabea retired | Step 11 : 16 today 32 waiting 21 ‘government official. people 46 bus 66 long 11 (2) Rumer of sacenis seeking are ‘admission to (his college tn | Step HE 16 today 32 wavting 21 the nest academic year people 46 66 long burs 11 would drop sagniicanily. ae (3) Thecollegevnll change lesser | Step WV: today 32 waiting 21 fees from all its students | people 46 66 long 16 bus despite not geiting 2 grant | Tare fram the government. | Step: taday'32 waiting people 46 (4) The college will reduce the 6621 long 1Gbus 11 are number of courses that it | SiepVI + today 82 waiting 48 68 fun by a significant mar people 21 long 16 bus 11 wn. are (5) The reputation of the enl- | SiepVUls today waiting 48 66 3: lege amongst the student people 21 long 16 bus population tn general has ane improved. Step VII: walling 48 68 Directions (26-27): In these prope ucla lta between dt hee ferent cements is shown an the | StepIX : aillg lay 92 slaicmenis. These statements are Se bus 11 {cltowed by we conciusions. Mark answer If sup « enilfAe 46 tocay 92 (1) Only conctusion 1 Jé-21 long 16 bus follows. (2) Only conclusion th a ‘is the last Step of the follows. eq Sastngement of the above in ©) ther concn 1 |G St as the intended arrange: orn flows i r er conch How, sewer the seta Oe cd on te allowing 6 Input #23 yon 18 wake 81 me on 43 before 72 90.94.07 Sencar = rs ore 0) me Bias er este (Sone te Ft in bi spotieaigecat es-sosny | Eyrwee7 ene teommirimicnacns| Selah the gven questions "A word and number arrange.| S/SHEPVI (@StepV 28 satment <8 Joti | 26. which of these words /nun- are 13) None of these Tie of mcr sd vera P| 0, Which of the folowing would rarkges them follawing a particular ‘be Step Il for the above input ? Tanatocng eta eee | (1138 you waka at me $99 Atmnandeaeaiet 2p ge Id beer TAN mumbwra these ques: | (129 you Ld wake 81 me 4: ‘ions are rue digit ram bers) ‘72 go 34 up before (9)23 you wake 81 me 43 72 ‘80H up before 1 1023 you wake SI me 43 72 A034 up 13 before (1 None of these Directions (91 - 95): Below ie siven a passase followed by several passage. You have inference separatcl Of the passage degyee off truth answer (2) If the inler robably trae” though not fefinitety true* in the light he 8 gveT, Mark answer (9) Ifthe data is inadequate tc. leom the facts gw fn, you cannot say whether the in | ference likely 10 be tre or false, Mark answer (4) If the infer ence is "probably false” though not {Seta Seu the Baht of the facts given. Mark answer (5) if the tier ‘noe in “definitely false™ te. tear ‘ot posatbly be drawn rom the facts given or 1 contradicts the given facts, Glote : Each of the five gues tions has only ane distinct answer Le: na two questions can have th ‘samme answer. if you get the same answer for more thansnequestian, ‘eonsider both again and deeide ‘which one of the two would mare definitely be that answer ard tn the sameway review the others alsa.) Cardiovascular disease is s0 Deevalert! Unat virtually all business ‘are likely io have-emplayees who suffer from, or may develop, this ‘condition. Research shows that be {tween 50-80 per cent of all people ‘who suffer a heart attack are able to returm to work. However, this ‘may not be possible i they have pee: viously been involved in heavy py. fal work, In such eases. it may be possible to mow the employee to lighter duties. wath appropriate re (raining where necessary, Siralar Ip. high-pressure, stressful werk Page 5 aN: ven where it does not involve phys: | veal activity, should also be avoid ed. Human Resource mariagers | should be avareof the seaplicattons af jab rales for employers with cardiac condtian | BL. Employees whine: Ghovaseniar disese tt ste by unable to ceturn to work. 82, Employees suffering roan Car- iouaseular diseases are fable to handle stressful situa Employees above the age of 80 are found ta suller from car diovascular disease Physical and stressful work definitely leads to a heart at | tack. 5. Heart disease enn affect em lovers in any tae of busi | hess. Directions 96 ~ 40} | Siucle the following infarrastio to anise the given questions : J.P. @. RS. T. U and ¥ are four married couples siting in ae Ge facing the centre, The profeasicn of the males within the gioup ate | lecturer, lawyer, doctar and seien lust. Among the males. only R lawyer) and V (the Friday and Saci2< and that of carc:da ied by ir 3 days? 1)35-38 (9945244 (9935238, ‘The number of == terviewed Wednesday total numbe> Interviewed the same day > as 2 (a138 * (5INone of these creased consis:<~ Monday to Sa: es (3]98 BY what per cent the number of candidates intervicwed by | 68. firm E on Tuesday increased with respect to that of inter si. viewed on the preceding day # 6 (2)26 eat (956 138 in how many ways the letters of the word VISITING can be earranged? (smo @sr=0 i370 13) 7620 (5) None of these Directions (59-64) : In the (ollowing ple-ehart per een of sa- ents enrolled in diflerent cultural activities of a school has been shown. Yousare required to study the pic-chart carefully and answer the ‘questions given below: ‘Number of students = 1900 the respective the nutber of ts who opted for panting ‘und that who opted for Karate? ty. (25:18 is:s (ais 17 (81 None of these By whal per cent i the num- berofeandidates who opted for ‘music mare than those who opted for sports ? (90 (256 (as we (5} None of these How many students have opted for cricket and painting to- jem (aes (5) None of these By what percents the rum Der of students who opted for cricket and dancing together fre than those who opted Int painting and music together? us gas mies zis (5) Nome of these to ©4, What is he eapecuve ratio be- tween thenumber of students who opted foe dancingand ka- rate to those who opted for painting ? 2:3 mis taas1 ae 18) None of these Directions (65-68) : \What value shoul come in ‘questions mark (7 t ng questions? 65, 1854214 138 to117. 16 < @ (a) 172 09 =? (a)294 (iae ‘302.46 6 395.72= 123.477 376.77 (a) 947.7 wyser77 (4574.71 ensremt YAS + YER =F ne ae (6s wt isis ‘60, 79.0800 +293 22% 0750 tia 18 2 16 i Directions (70-74): In th fo lowtng table, the number of empley- ces working in ive andthe comesponding ratio of male and fe- ‘male employees have been gwen. You fare requited to study the table care fully and ansuer the questions: ‘Company | Number of Employees L 40, ci co § 00 o Tosi a a0 Company | Male Female Lk a 8 Me Bw: 8 N 4 1 ° mw P 718 Page 8

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