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Because learning never stops!

Q.1 Draw a neat diagram of Heart and label it precisely. [3M]
Q.2 Differentiate between the RBC and WBC on the basis of structure and life span.
Q.3 What are the main steps of coagulation of blood? [3M]
Q.4 Explain the terms ultrafiltration and selective absorption. [3M]
Q.5 What are the abnormal constituents in urine.[2M]
Q.6 Differentiate between Bowmans capsule and malphigian tubules.[2M]
Q.7 which blood group is universal donor and which is universal acceptor. Explain.
Q.8 Draw a neat diagram of kidney and label it properly.[3M]
Q.1 Explain why molecules of hydrogen and chlorine have one covalent bond
between them but oxygen has two and nitrogen has three covalent bond between
its molecules. [2M]
Q.2 Define the terms electrovalency and covalency. [2M]
Q.3 What is neutralization? [2M]
Q.4 Show the equation when- [2M]
a. Zinc reacts with sulphuric acid
b. lead nitrate reacts with sodium sulphate
Q.5 Differentiate between Deliquescence and efflorescence. Give exampleas also.
Q.6 State the reason why ammonia is evolved when an ammonium salt and and
alkali are heated. [2M]

Q.7Show the atomic or orbit structural diagram of-[3M]

a.sodium chloride
b.magnesium chloride
d. carbon tetrachloride
Q.8 What is difference between polar covalent compound and non-polar covalent
compound. Give examples.[2M]
Q.9Define coordinate bond. Give example[2M]

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