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Dear all,

We have a problem of code after activating 14.4Mbps on some sites. The problem apears
only for 14.4 sites.
What can be the exact reason of this pb? How we can resolve it?
NB. vendor NSN
Thank you very much for your help.
Here are the COCO parameters and IUB size for 14.4 Mbps:
Is it OK?

For HS 14.4 Mbits 15 codes with SF16 are used.Do you use fixed code allocation for HS
or dynamic?
Dear bro,
we are using dynamic allocation on all the network. 15 codes feature is also activated.

waiting for your answer

Its strange!Because code congestion is connected with code tree usage.Check min max
codes parameters per cell.Also check some kind priorities.
After activating 14.4 Mbps we hava a hudge increase of :
Nb of times SF8 unavailable
Nb of times SF16 unavailable
Nb of times SF32 unavailable
Nb of times SF64 unavailable
Nb of times SF128 unavailable
but SF16 is most impacted
which parameters are related to this?
Thanks in advance
Dear Josef,
Thanks for your task,
Experts, can you explain what does it means congestion in 3G syst?
Plz Share some nice docs about this part of Live optimization?
Can you tell us what's the relationship between the SP and the troughput?
if we have HSDPA 14.4 what does it mean for the final user? can he reach this troughput
during the downloads ....
What's about HSUPA?
In case of dynamic allocation you should point min codes with SF16(e.g. 1 HS-PDSCH)
and maximum (in your case 15).If R99 traffic increases you have more codes for R99
services and one guarantee code for HS.If no R99 traffic according to this feature more
codes to the HS.As you said you have a lot of blocking.It means incorrect working of
dynamic allocation or you guarantee a lot of codes for HS.
you are right man.

We change HSPDSCHMarginSF128 from 0 to 8 and now we don't have congestion but.

We don't have also 15 codes !!! but we have 14 codes for hsdpa. But I think that isn't
normal. No?
Please can someone give me more explanation about HS-PDSCH code upgrade
margin for SF 128 codes and MaxNbrOfHSSCCHCodes
Thank you in advance
Do you have HSUPA?
MaxNbrOfHSSCCHCodes This parameter is responsible for code multiplexing of
HSDPA users.If you want to schedule more than 1 user per TTI you should define more
HS-SCCH channels.According to the spec max allowed - 4.
Yes we have hsupa. So?
gogotchiya83: if we have HSDPA 14.4 what does it mean for the final user?
For NSN RU10:
The maximum user bit rate allowed by the system for the HS-DSCH MAC-d flow
depends on the active licences in the following way:
If there is no licence for HSDPA 15 Codes feature, then the maximum user bit
rate is 3.36 Mbit/s (corresponds to 3.6 Mbit/s air interface bit rate)
If there is licence for HSDPA 15 Codes feature, then the maximum user bit
rate is 6.72 Mbit/s (corresponds to 7.2 Mbit/s air interface bit rate)
If there is licence for HSDPA 15 Codes feature with maximum number of codes
15 and HSDPA 10 Mbps per User feature, then the maximum user bit rate is 9.60
Mbit/s (corresponds to 10 Mbit/s air interface bit rate).
If there is licence for HSDPA 15 Codes feature with maximum number of codes
15 and HSDPA 14 Mbps per User feature, then the maximum user bit rate is
13.44 Mbit/s (corresponds to 14 Mbit/s air interface bit rate).

es we have hsupa. So?

And it is answer on your question:
Originally Posted by josef
We don't have also 15 codes !!! but we have 14 codes for hsdpa. But I think that isn't
normal. No?
It's normal,because downlink HSUPA signalling channels(E-AGCH,E-RGCH,E-HICH)
consume codes from code tree and maximum HS available codes are only 14.
Originally Posted by Mctest
And it is answer on your question:
It's normal,because downlink HSUPA signalling channels(E-AGCH,E-RGCH,E-HICH)
consume codes from code tree and maximum HS available codes are only 14.
It is not what we can see in our network (hsupa activated) !!!
When we put:
- MaxNbrofHSSCHCodes : Number of users multiplexed during TTI ==> 2
- HSPDSCHMarginSF128 : Number of free SF128 codes reserved ===> 0
We reach 15 codes but we increase code congestion
After we change to:
- MaxNbrofHSSCHCodes : Number of users multiplexed during TTI ==> 2
- HSPDSCHMarginSF128 : Number of free SF128 codes reserved ===> 7
We resolve the pb of code congestion but we cannot see anymore 15 codes
Thanks Josef to your reply,
but what's does means "HSDPA 15 Codes feature", have you a doc about this part of live
Have you an analysis of the congestion of 3G syst?
The user reach the these Troughput if he is alone in the cell?
What about the number of CE dedicated for the cell?
PLZ help me in this task

Originally Posted by josef

It is not what we can see in our network (hsupa activated) !!!
When we put:
- MaxNbrofHSSCHCodes : Number of users multiplexed during TTI ==> 2
- HSPDSCHMarginSF128 : Number of free SF128 codes reserved ===> 0
We reach 15 codes but we increase code congestion
After we change to:
- MaxNbrofHSSCHCodes : Number of users multiplexed during TTI ==> 2
- HSPDSCHMarginSF128 : Number of free SF128 codes reserved ===> 7
We resolve the pb of code congestion but we cannot see anymore 15 codes
Could you give me description on HSPDSCHMarginSF128 parameter?
Originally Posted by Mctest
Could you give me description on HSPDSCHMarginSF128 parameter?
The DL Channelization code tree is shared by the HSDPA traffic, DCH
traffic and CCCHs. When HSDPA is activated in the cell it reserves a
minimum reservation of 5 codes out of 16 SF16 codes. The code
reservation for HSDPA and R99 traffic is controlled by following
principles and monitored by the KPIs and counters.
The HSDPA code reservation is increased when the first HSDPA
connection is setup to the cell or periodically while the HSDPA is active
in the cell, if the cell is configured with higher number of codes than 5
(up to 15) and the UE support that also. HSDPA code reservation can
be increased until the number of free SF16 codes is less that
HSPDSCHMarginSF128 parameter. This parameter tells how much
margin is reserved in the code tree.
This parameter could be set even to zero, because RT calls will preempt or downgrade HSDPA codes if SF16 codes are fully used.
HS-PDSCH code upgrade margin for SF 128 codes = Zero means youll
allocate 15 codes for HSDPA only.

If the feature HSDPA 15codes is being used, we need to use a value

less than the default value of 8.
Originally Posted by josef
The DL Channelization code tree is shared by the HSDPA traffic, DCH
traffic and CCCHs. When HSDPA is activated in the cell it reserves a
minimum reservation of 5 codes out of 16 SF16 codes. The code
reservation for HSDPA and R99 traffic is controlled by following
principles and monitored by the KPIs and counters.
The HSDPA code reservation is increased when the first HSDPA
connection is setup to the cell or periodically while the HSDPA is active
in the cell, if the cell is configured with higher number of codes than 5
(up to 15) and the UE support that also. HSDPA code reservation can
be increased until the number of free SF16 codes is less that
HSPDSCHMarginSF128 parameter. This parameter tells how much
margin is reserved in the code tree.
This parameter could be set even to zero, because RT calls will preempt or downgrade HSDPA codes if SF16 codes are fully used.
HS-PDSCH code upgrade margin for SF 128 codes = Zero means youll
allocate 15 codes for HSDPA only.
If the feature HSDPA 15codes is being used, we need to use a value
less than the default value of 8.
Hmm...but as I told it's strange(about blocking),because as mentioned in your description
RT services pre-emt HS. But Max 14 codes for HS it is due to HSUPA and HS-SCCH
code multiplexing.
Originally Posted by Mctest
Hmm...but as I told it's strange(about blocking),because as mentioned in your description

RT services pre-emt HS. But Max 14 codes for HS it is due to HSUPA and HS-SCCH code
In this case, how we got 15 codes??????????
Originally Posted by josef
In this case, how we got 15 codes??????????
This is code tree limitation. If you look at the code tree you will see that hsupa and
additional hs-scch channel consume codes from code tree and lower codes block usage of
upper codes.
Originally Posted by Mctest
This is code tree limitation. If you look at the code tree you will see that hsupa and
additional hs-scch channel consume codes from code tree and lower codes block usage of
upper codes.
Mr Mctest says true.
Because you had HSUPA and HS-SCCH = 2, it mean you can't reach the maximun 15
codes for HSDPA.
If you want to test, you can disable HSUPA and number of HS-SCCH channel = 1, you
can reach 15 codes for 1 user
Originally Posted by dk2000
Mr Mctest says true.
Because you had HSUPA and HS-SCCH = 2, it mean you can't reach the maximun 15
codes for HSDPA.

If you want to test, you can disable HSUPA and number of HS-SCCH channel = 1, you
can reach 15 codes for 1 user
I told you that we reach 15 codes with hsupa enabled + HS-SCCH = 3 +
HSPDSCHMarginSF128 = 0
But when we change HSPDSCHMarginSF128 = 8 or 7 we reach maximum 14 codes but
without code congestion (we didn't change the code set: 15, 14, 12, 10, 5)
So, base on this can someone explain me how we reach this 15 codes ????????
After finalizing all tests to get 14.4 per nodeB in our network (1 sahred
carrier + mainly 1shared BB scheduler), this is our conclusions:
In our network, we have mainly UEs category 7-8 which can support up
to 10 codes. So, in order to use 15 codes we have to use code
multiplexing feature by putting MaxNbrOfHSSCCHCodes (Maximum
number of HS-SCCH codes) more than 1. We decide to put 2 as
maximum number of HS-SCCH codes, because to multiplex 3 users on
one TTI you need to share 15 codes between those users and this is
possible only if we have mainly UEs category 1-6 (with full buffers) in
our network.
Decided value for MaxNbrOfHSSCCHCodes is 2
Impossible to get 15 codes (main prerequisite to get 14.4 Mbps per
nodeB) without putting HSPDSCHMarginSF128 = 0 : NO codes left for
Rel 99 Code congestion
With this limitation we can go up to 14 codes only. So, now we need to
know how many codes (SF128) can we keep for DPCH channels (RT &
According to our test, we lost the 14th code after
HSPDSCHMarginSF128 = 8
Decided value for HSPDSCHMarginSF128 is 8

1. We cannot have 14.4 Mbps per nodeBwith one shared

carrier: We need HSDPA dedicated carrier in order to have 15
codes 14.4 Mbps per nodeB
2. For actual situation, this is the best parameter set:
MaxNbrOfHSSCCHCodes = 2
HSPDSCHMarginSF128 = 8
3. NSN must provide explanations about their
recommendations to reach 15 Codes (14.4 Mbps per nodeB)
HSPDSCHMarginSF128 less than 8 !!!
I'm waiting for your expertise guys
Your comments & suggestions are welcome.

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