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STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. C-1.3.2 (continued) Example No. 6: Single Expansion Joint, attached to vessel nozzle, subjected to axial and lateral movement. FIGURE C12 i Problem: A large vertical vessel which operates at 150 psig at 500° F is equipped with a 24 in. diameter outlet line as shown in Figure C12. The outlet line contains a single bellows Expansion Joint which is designed to absorb the thermal growth of the vessel and pipe line. ‘The lengths and calculated thermal growths for the all-carbon steel system are as follows: L, =15ft. 1,26 L,=14 it. SECTION C/ PAGE 96 9 ao STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. C-1.3.2 (continued) Determine the forces and moments acting on the nozzle flange Data provided by the Expansion Joint manufacturer: D, = 25.50 in. D, = 23.25 in. Ff, = 36840 Ibs,/in. per convolution N-l2 SOLUTION: Calculate the equivalent movements per convolution: x where: x= AL, +AL, +L, : = 217 +.036+.507 =.760 in, ye Al, =.543 1, =12in. _ BY25.50)(.543) 2)02=.76) =.308 in. SECTION C/ PAGE 97 C-1.3.2 (continued) Calculate F,, F,, F, and V Fi- GME.) = (36840)(.063) = 2321 Ibs. Fee AXP) = (510.7)(150) = 76605 Ibs. F, = (AMP) = (424,6)(150) = 63690 Ibs. vpn Lats 2L, _ 66840)(25.50)(.308) z a2 = 12056 Ibs. Forces and moments acting on vessel anchor "A" F, =F, +R, = 2321476605" = 78926 Ibs. F, = -V; = 12056 Ibs. F, = 0 (no forces exist in 2 direction) SECTION C/ PAGE 98 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. C-1.3.2 (continued) where: X =-(L, +1,/2)=~65 ft. YeL=15 ft M,-E,X-EY z-0 = (-12056)(-6.5) - (78926)(45) =1,105,526 ft. Ibs. Forces and moments acting on nozzle flange face "B' P= F,+8-F, = 15236 Ibs. F, = +12056 Ibs. F=0 = 2321+ 76605 ~ 63690 Roe (anil Fem (fa + Fad TERE EEE FIGURE C13, M,-FY-FZ=0 | where: ¥ =L,/2 M, = FZ-FX=0 ¥-Z=0 M,=BX-FY = (-12056)(-0.5)~0 = 6028 ft. Ibs. Forces and moments acting on main anchor "C* F,=~F,- F, =-2321- 76605 = ~78926 Ibs. F, =12056 lbs. F-0 : M,=FY-FZ=0 where: X= 1, +1,/2=145 ft Yez M, = PX - FY =(12056)(4.5)-0 =174812 fi Ibs. SECTION C/ PAGE 99 STANDARDS OF THE EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, INC. C-1.3.2 (continued) EXPANSION JOINT FLANGE LOADING CONSIDERATIONS ‘Typioally a flange connection is required to withstand the axial thrust that is produced during operation of a piping system as shown in Figure C13.1. The axial force that results from the pressure being applied against the elbow is restrained by the flange bolts, thus creating a force and moment on the flange at the flange connection attempting to unseat the gasket. | However, when an unrestrained expansion joint is employed as shown in Figure C13.2, the | flange loading conditions change dramatically. In order to keep the expansion joint from freely extending, 2 main anchor is normally utilized to restrain the elbow. This main anchor will also carry the pressure thrust that results from the pressurization of the system and release this load from the flange bolts. In this instance, the loading on the flange due to pressure is a compressive load that is equal to the (F,-F,) as shown in Figure C13.2. This compressive load is in addition to tha: normally applied due to gasket seating. Bn a ‘THRUST a FORCEDUETO SSS AKIALLOADING tne FIGURE C13.1 (VESSEL WALL i se ERENTIA ‘ANCHOR FIGURE C13.2 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE | | | | | | SECTION C/ PAGE 100

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