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Stuff to study for the exam...

what is photography, what is the role of a photographer, the differences

between photography and other mediums (the replacement of painting in
some fields, the impact on pop culture and the mass media, etc)

the most important and influential photos in our history

history and types of photography (documentary, fine art, street, travel,

portrait, fashion, commercial, landscape, wildlife, macro, ...)

how to use a camera (exposure, aperture, shutter speed, iso, etc)

reading light and lighting types, focus and depth of field, different creative
uses and approaches (bokeh, HDR photography, playing with shadows and
writing with light, etc)

learning to see, aw areness and observation exercises

motion, shutter speed and action photography

colors and perceptive psychology vs black and w hite photos

discussion on the untruth character of photography, different vantage

points and other approaches to express a subjective interpretation instead
of an absolute realistic version of the world

editing photos (e.g. adjusting brightness, contrast, levels, cropping,

temperature and saturation) and some notes on photo manipulation
(history, creative uses, ethics, finding your style, etc)

composition (rule of thirds, foreground vs background relationship,

simplification vs different layers of meaning or action, etc)

lines (leading the eye, diagonals for dramatic effect, horizontals for
harmony, curves and shapes, etc)

framing of subjects, relationship between objects and scenery, etc

examples of photographers to study: Larry Fink, Sebastiao Salgado, Alex

Webb, Lee Friedlander, Cartier-Bresson, Brassai, Rupert Vandervell, Andr

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