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Shipment of Audio Recordings

1. How to create the table
a. Open the Microsoft Office Excel then insert your data.

b. Hold left click and drag to select your whole data. Then, click
borders>all borders.

c. Done

2. Give example for mathematics formula using Excel :-

a. Microsoft Excel have mathematics formula that can be use. For

example, plus, minus, multiply and divide. First, open Excel.

b. Insert some number to use sum formula to total it.

c. Then, use excel that can calculate manually by using this (+),
(-), (*), (/). Start the
calculation by using (=).

3. How to insert symbol RM with 2 decimal.

a. Micro soft Excel can also insert symbol `RM with 2 decimal
places. First, open Excel.

b. Insert the number.

c. Select the number.(hold click & drag to select)

d. Click accounting number forma and choose RM.

e. Done

Conclusion :
He conclusion is that I have learn how to use Excel especially create
a table, use mathematc formula , and apply accounting number format.

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