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Masthead Designs

These were three initial

ideas I had for my
masthead. They represent
different things, but I based
them all so that they would
suit my genre of magazine.
I am doing an all genre,
general music magazine. I
didnt want to create a
masthead that conveyed a
specific meaning or genre.

The first design I feel is the most appropriate for my magazine. This is
because it is both bold and thin text, so it will catch the eye of the
audience without it being too big. When thinking about the design I
wanted the masthead to convey a sense of professionalism. I wanted an
audience to get the impression that the magazine was professional.
However I didnt want to make the masthead threatening or aggressive
with its size. Hence why I made it neat and formatted. I believe that the
straight lines of the design represent a cutting new age in the music
industry. Which conveys the idea that the magazine is well seasoned on
music knowledge, and can distribute new information about the music in

For the second

design, I was
experimenting with
how I could
represent my
magazine in a
slightly different
approach. I decided
to create a design
that was blocky and a more modern edgy design. I decided to
incorporate squares as part of the letters for the V and the S. This
portrays the younger audience I feel, as the design has a modern edged
trendy appearance which is appreciated by my target audience. Therefore
it would be appropriate for my music magazine, and my target audience.
Also, the blue colours in the design convey tranquillity. This I thought
would contribute to the boldness of the typography, and make it seem
less threatening and more friendly and inviting foe the audience. Because
I want the audience to realise the magazine of a calm, chilled vibes
On the third design I experimented with less formality and more creativity.
I implemented italic writing, and took on a more ancient style of writing.
Which perhaps challenges the stereotypes of the magazine and my target
audience, hence why I experimented with what it could convey. I believed
that the use of these would ease the formality and seriousness the other
designs represent. I wanted my audience to see the masthead and think
that the magazine would have a sense of freedom, because the
typography is unconventional of the music magazine industry. The text is
elegant and doesnt have any connotations of formality, other than the
black colour which represents the formal connotations. Furthermore, I
used lowercase letters to reinforce the friendly appeal, because it is not in
block capitals. This connotes a sense of serenity for the magazine.

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