Lessonplan TP

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Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Trainee:Ayesha Ahmad AlBastaki


Student Number: 24
Subject/Grade: KG 2.



Arabic learning.
Letter ().

Data show.

Learning Objectives:
Student will be able to know the letter ( )and how write it, and words that begin
this letter.

Key Questions: (List key questions you want students to be able to answer at the end of
the lesson)
Give word begins with the letter ?
How the way of writing the letter?

Lesson Introduction:

Listen to teacher when she tell story about the letter.

Ask what they understand and students guess what letter the story contain more.

Teaching Activities/Learning Strategies (If it is new skills or concepts remember to utilize

Gradual Release of Responsibility)


Learning Activity

The teacher
prepare the sand,
paper and glue to
paint with sand.

How (Teacher says and

Explain to each
group what they should do.
And tell when they finished
as well they will get give.

Student says and does

Student will prepare
to draw with glue and put
the sand.
- Discuss to each
others to think about that.

Lesson Closing:
Ask to students to bring all papers and give gifts,and ask some review questions
about the lesson.

Assessment of Understanding: (how do you know the students understand? When

and how will you check their understanding?)
Ask each student to come out to the board and write the letter with himself in
front of his friends, in the event of a student is not able to write the letter go to
him and learn him individually.

Lesson Plan Template

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