Alpha Lubricator Manual-Check Timing

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Cylinder Lubrication


Check of Injection Timing

Cylinder Lubrication
Check of Injection Timing


Injection timing
1. Adjust the shaft encoder in accordance with
Procedure 905-8.3.

3. Turn the engine to BDC Cyl. 1. Check that

the timing hole is clean. Turn the engine
ahead until the upper edge of the top piston
ring becomes visible.

S903-20 02

2. Remove the lubricator timing hole plug from

the exhaust side of cylinder liner No. 1. If
there is no timing hole, remove one cylinder
oil lubricating point non-return valve from
cylinder liner No. 1.

Compressed air is coming out of the timing hole when the piston is turned
upwards. Use eye protection.
4. Note the crank angle on the turning wheel.

S903-20 03

5. Compare the angle obtained with the angle

stated on the test sheet in the lubricator
control unit. If the reading is not within the
tolerance stated on the test sheet, correct
all angles in the test sheet with the observed difference.

Piston ring


Alpha Lub. test doc.

Injection angle:
Cyl. 1:



Cyl. 2:

S903-20 04

Cyl. 3:

When referring to this page, please quote Procedure S903-20

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