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Subject:Political Science


: 1hr

1) Match the following:


Features Borrowed

(1) UK

(a) Directive Principles of State Policy

(2) USA

(b) Residuary Powers


(c) Concept of Rule of Law


(d) Fundamental Rights

2) Define First Past The Post System(FPTP) and PR system ?


3) Which Fundamental Right is considered as the basic stone of all Fundamental rights? Discuss


4) Explain the any two powers and functions of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha?


5) From the list given below identify the state which has a bi-cameral legislature.
a) Orissa, b) Maharashtra , 3).Tamil nadu, 4) Kereala.
6) Article 370 is to provide special status to the state of :
a) Uttaranchal b) Gujarat c) Jammu & Kashmir
7) Explain the various Fundamental Rights enshrined in our Constitution?


8) Dr.Ambedkar considered one of the fundamental rights as heart and soul of the constitution.
Which right is considered so
(Right to freedom,Right to equality,Right to constitutional remedies ).
9) The election commission of India has the power to take decisions to ensure a free and fair election. Discuss the
functions of election commission?
10) Explain briefly the important functions of the constitution?
11) Discuss the relations and differences between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles


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