Topic Proposal

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Abigail Freeman
Professor Malcolm Campbell
UWRT 1103
04 October 2016
Assisted Suicide: Is it Murder?
The topic that I chose for my EIP that interests me is assisted suicide. Merriam-Webster
defines assisted suicide as suicide with help from another person (such as a doctor) to end
suffering from a terminal illness. Assisted suicide involves terminally ill patients, doctors, and
family members. It can happen anywhere and at any time so long as it is legal and consent is
given. In an article written by Jason Breslow in 2012, assisted suicide was only legal in two of
our fifty states, those being Washington and Oregon. However the assisted suicide website states
that assisted suicide is now also legal in Montana, Vermont, and California. Also, this website
mentions assisted suicide is legal in Switzerland, Columbia, the Netherlands, Belgium,
Luxembourg, England, Wales, Quebec, and is currently pending legalization in Canada.
The reason assisted suicide has not been legalized everywhere because it is a
controversial topic. The controversy of this topic is part of why this is a complex topic. The
controversy makes it complex because during my research Ill find many differing opinions on
this topic, and some will be biased. Differing opinions include things such as its religiously
wrong to commit suicide, not all terminally ill will be able to give consent, and legalizing helps
those in need. Another reason this is a complex topic is because there are many contributing
factors to it. Contributing factors include mental state of the terminally ill, can that person
consent, and what qualifies someone for assisted suicide.

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While doing this research I asked my fellow classmates about this issue, their opinions on
it, and if they thought it would be a complex enough issue to write about. I also talked it over
with my mom, whom Ive discussed the issue with before. Talking to my peers and parent really
helped me focus on this topic and invest in how interesting it is going to be. I was originally on
the fence about it then I realized that not only is this topic relevant to todays society, but I also
have a personal experience with wanting it legalized so its relatable to me.
Initial Inquiry Question(s)
Who should qualify for assisted suicide and why should it be legal?
My Interest in this Topic
Im interested in assisted suicide because its a topic my mom and I have discussed
before and Ive always been curious as to why it hasnt been legalized everywhere. Also, my
great-grandfather was in hospice care before he died, and his quality of life had deteriorated quite
a lot. He could no longer remember who we were, who he was, why he was there, what was
wrong with him and refused to eat. He had become a twig, the ghost of a man I once knew and I
wanted his suffering to end. Had assisted suicide been an option five years ago, it probably
wouldve been the choice my family would have made, just so he was no longer in pain and
suffering. The things I already know about assisted suicide are that in most places and countries
assisted suicide is illegal. I already know that part of the controversy stems from the issue of
getting consent from the patients. I hope to learn about the opinions and beliefs of other people
on this topic. I hope to learn why assisted suicide hasnt been legalized everywhere yet. I hope to
learn the pros and cons of assisted suicide, and why its so controversial. I also hope to learn
more about why certain places have chosen to legalize it, and how that has affected their country

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Next Steps
To find more information on my topic I will be going to our schools online research
database that provides major academic journals, newspapers, and book chapters on my topic. Ill
also be going to the library in my free time to seek out help from a librarian who can help me
find references. Ill go onto google scholar to find scholarly works on assisted suicide. Ill try to
find articles, and websites that include the perspective of doctors and how they feel about this
issue. Ill also make sure I look into websites and articles that support the opposing argument on
why assisted suicide should not be allowed.

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