Reflection 4

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How long do the children spend on one task?

What kind of tasks do they do individually? In pairs? In groups? As a class?
How does the teacher introduce the task? How are the instructions checked?
Work with a child. Ask him/her about what they enjoy doing at school. The
activities/subjects and why.
5. Ask a child about the things they are good at and also about what they want to learn
more about.

The time that one child spend it at one task are different to other because each child has different
Capabilities .However the MST tries to put specific time for each activity, and each activity take different
time. For example, attendance activity takes 1min however Self-education takes 5 min for each.
Overall, it depended on how the child will response with the activity and the kind of task. For example
they did Building blocks, Helping hand and Self-education individually. But they did Play-dough
In groups. Attendance and Corners activity are whole class activities. First the teacher explains and tells
them the way to do then she asks them to start as Self-education. However there are some activities
that the teacher didnt explain such as attendance. When the child enters the class they know that they
should take the attendance, because the activity they do it every day as a routine and Piaget believed
that children at this age could follow the rules when playing a game because their cognitive is well
developed. When they are finished, the teacher checkes if they applied the rules. For example, in the
corners, she checkes for the neatness.
The kids like the kg because they like to play there with other friend and as Freud believes, children
express their emotion through play. Moreover, it creates the Childs character, by making the child more
confident while playing with others and develop their social skills.
I asked one child in what are you good she said in drawing however she want to know more how to
color in the lines.

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