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Reflective Statement

Write your reflective statement based on the suggested format.

The following question may guide your response: (If appropriate)

What have you noticed about learners from this observation?

Think about your child development studies. Did you notice anything interesting that relates to
the theories we have been discussing?
What interested or surprised you?

I noticed that the children need more time to adapt to some things also they lack in speed, for example,
doing the activity for the first time. However, with the passage of time, they adapt to do it at the time or
before. Mahra is a too quiet girl she doesnt talk to anyone in the class. I tried hard to talk to her but she
was just moving her head, I didnt hear her voice since I come to the kg. However, I was surprised in the
corner when I saw her focus in play and talk to Wadima. She grew socially as Vygotsky believed. I try to
talk to her when she is playing to decrease her worries as Freud said. She became opens and able and
started to tell incomprehensible things about herself. That means that games tell us about a childs inner
life as Freud believed. And related to the Piaget, she couldnt understand the shape names when it was
taught to her yet she recognized them when she was playing with them. So that, the KG starlets focus on
play more than teaching such as corners and playgrounds. Especially, for the kg 1 student.

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