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Write a summary of what you believe the main roles and responsibilities of a
teacher are.

What surprised you?

What shocked you?
What delighted you?

I believe that primary responsibilities that teacher has to do are like what MST did when she tries to
focus on the moral teachings more than the academics. For example, if the child used a wrong word to
go to the bathroom she is mindful them to say the right word. Moreover, if any kids talk to her while
eating she stopped them until they finish their food, and then she asks them to tell. She talks and plays
with them and As Freud believe she was able to listen to their unbelievable wishes .I surprised more of
her ways and how she treats them as they are a big student. For example take the food by themselves
and she Applied Erikson theory when he said that the children in this period prefers to do everything by
them self without any help. However, I shocked when the kid called Maryam has poured milk on her
clothes the MST asked her to clean it by herself. She had to explain to her how to clean her clothes and
didnt get angry, because the child needs some sympathy in this status to understand and as Erikson say
children will feel shy and they dont do anything. However, I was euphoric since the director came to the
class and told us that this was the quietest and tidy class she visited. It was evidence that the MST is a
good teacher.

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