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PRESIDENT FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE VICE PRESIDENT Dave Mutchler RIVER CITY LODGE NO. 614 Jason Schweitzer (6204 Price Lane Road Louisville, KY 40229 November 15, 2016 Dear Mayor Fischer, The members of RCFOP Lodge 614 are very concemed and alarmed about the LMPD’s pattem of poor decisions that ignore not only the basic principles of leadership and policing, but that are also in conflict with the basic principles of 21% Century Policing. Members lack confidence in the leadership of the LMPD and these members continue to be disappointed over and over again. We are bringing these concems to you at this time because it is no longer just about us as police officers. We and our families are citizens too and this issue is of grave concern for all in our community and is a matter of public safety. Crime in Louisville has risen over the last four years and now we have reached a tipping point in our city. Louisville is experiencing a record number of homicides (triple digits) and violent crime is on the rise with no sign of slowing down, especially in our vulnerable neighborhoods, There are many issues that have led to this lack of confidence in leadership, including but definitely not limited to two fundamental facts: 1. The FOP has consistently stated that we need more officers. Our Chief and a majority of his command staff refuse to publicly acknowledge this and as recently as September refused to elaborate of say just how many officers we do need to effectively address crime in our city. 2. Our neighborhoods are continually stripped of officers and detectives who are routinely pulled from their regular assignments protecting our citizens and investigating crimes so they can provide security at special events that provide profits to private organizations. This is inherently unfair to the citizens and neighborhoods who “go without” so others can enjoy festivals and events. ‘The most recent example of this lack of support for our officers and detectives to do the basic and fundamental work of protecting and working with our community was the decision to completely disband our Flex Platoons. ‘This decision was put into motion with absolutely no input from the commanders in the affected divisions, the officers and detectives in those divisions, members of the community and their elected representatives or the FOP. Your administration and the LMPD are very publicly endorsing and standing behind the pillars of 21" Century Policing. But it appears the chief only believes in 21 Century Policing when it is convenient. ‘Apparently listening to and receiving input from members in the community, elected representatives in the community, law enforcement employees and law enforcement labor organizations (The FOP) went out the window on this matter. This decision was made with zero transparency ~ while you tout transparency as a staple of your administration. This decision outraged officers and community leaders alike and did not include any facts, information or evidence based research to explain how disbanding these units would help to reduce violent crime. These Flex Office: (502) 968-0117 Fax: (502 968-5210) Platoons were staffed with very effective and dedicated detectives who became stakeholders in the communities they served. Our city should have been celebrating the fact that we had units that were not only effective, but enjoyed the support of the community, the Metro Council, and the rank and file of the LMPD. These Flex Platoons were a shining example of bringing the police and the community together. Flex detectives developed trust and strong working relationships in our most vulnerable communities. Building this type of trust takes time and is not easily replicated. Elected leaders, neighborhood leaders and members of the LMPD begged Chief Conrad not to disband these units but he refused to listen. The police manpower issue in this city has been ignored for so long that our department is no longer able to falfill its mission and pledge to our citizens. We no longer are able to adequately staff our patrol divisions, investigative units, special events and specialty teams. It is amazing what our officers are able to still accomplish ~ but this cannot go on indefinitely. Based on current LMPD management practices and the way in which personnel and resources are distributed and allocated, we must operate our patrol divisions with skeleton crews, gut our violent crime and other investigative units on a weekly basis, and disband trusted and effective units just to keep up! For example, our members struggle to understand the absurdity of our homicide detectives being detailed to direct traffic at privately sponsored events when our homicide rate is at a record high and many homicides are still unsolved. Mr. Mayor, we have phenomenal officers and detectives on the LMPD and we have the potential to be a phenomenal crime fighting police department. However, we don’t feel like we can effectively do our jobs. Years of high level decisions have brought us into this manpower shortage from which it’s unclear if we can ever recover. Ineffective distribution of the officers we do have, unmanageable caseloads, patrol constantly at minimum staffing and the inability to retain officers who work at the LMPD has taken a horrible toll on this, police department. We understand that several years’ worth of issues cannot possible be resolved in a day or a week, but a great start in the right direction would be to listen to the community, the Couneil and the officers that work for you and reinstate the flex platoons so they can continue their outstanding work. You lead this city, sir. You have the ability to provide the police officers that protect this city the leadership they crave and deserve. You have the power to give our community the police department they so need and deserve ~ a department full of confident, empowered and supported officers who are excited to work with and for our citizens to combat the crime that has overtaken our city. Certainly we cannot continue down the current path. The best and most effective way to combat homicides and violent crime may be elusive but keeping and putting more officers in our neighborhoods and on our streets is surely part of the solution. Disbanding or reducing units that have proven to be effective at fighting crime is a step in the wrong direction. Land two members of the RCFOP Executive Board met with Chief Conrad and a member of his selected staff last week. We discussed at length not only the fundamental issues I listed above, but many other issues and concems that are driving a wedge between the rank and file officers and the Chief, including many of his appointed staff. The members’ confidence in our leaders is at an all-time low. ‘The members of RCFOP Lodge 614 are asking for your help, sir. On behalf of my members I am always available to meet with you to discuss and/or address these issues. Please help us help the community. On behalf of the RCHOP Lodge 614 Executive Board, Dave Mutchler President, RCFOP Lodge 614 Office: (502) 968-0117 Fax: (502 968-5210)

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